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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I still want to know how the British got ahead of us. I thought we were weeks ahead of them because Sancutary keep on getting intereputed for darts.

    We'll see about Revelations II. If its anything like Part 1, I'll be pleased.
    the us took two weeks off for christmas and new years, the brits took one
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      the us took two weeks off for christmas and new years, the brits took one
      Actually, they only took one week off for Sanctuary. R1 aired on Jan. 2. SGA took two off so they could synchronize the finales.


        Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
        He's not. It's a hologram I made to fool Pandora. He's actually at my house doing my gardening, and I'm watching and sipping strawberry daquiris (in winter... ).

        And SunKruz is also with a hologram, but a rather more solid one. It seems she cannot be fooled as well as Pandora. And that "Helen" was actually me in disguise! Mwahahaha!
        Gee, whoever this SunKruZ is will be disappointed she's got a hologram. But sorry sweetie, I have the one and only ORIGINAL Henry. I slipped Helen enough cash to help with utilities and the like that she's made a few clones. And I KNOW for a fact it was the original Helen. So you did not get any cash. Beside, Henry isn't all why would she be against cloning him?

        So your hologram making has all been from a clone.
        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          Their viewing is interrupted for darts and ours for turkey. Seriously, is either one a good enough reason to keep us from Amanda?
          She wins hands down over darts but I am pretty fond of turkey

          So, looking forward to tonight's episode for the most part. Every episode since Requiem has had sound problems on the initial viewing. I watch it (or tape it if I'm out) and try not to be too frustrated by the lack of audio. Then I tape the middle of the night repeat and hope the sound has improved (it hasn't). Finally, I watch it again on the Monday repeat when, if not completely fixed, the sound is a least a bit better. There should be some kind of recognition for the perseverance of Canadian fans in my neck of the woods! Unfortunately, I think that it may instead lose potential fans of the show.

          The problem for me in particular this time is that the Monday episode next week will be on at the same time as the finale of SGA which will include Sam.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
            Gee, whoever this SunKruZ is will be disappointed she's got a hologram. But sorry sweetie, I have the one and only ORIGINAL Henry. I slipped Helen enough cash to help with utilities and the like that she's made a few clones. And I KNOW for a fact it was the original Helen. So you did not get any cash. Beside, Henry isn't all why would she be against cloning him?

            So your hologram making has all been from a clone.
            How can you be sure it was Helen? Surely the real Helen wouldn't be bribed into making clones, however much cash you offered her. And whether or not Henry is human is besides the point - Helen values everyone the same, abnormals and humans, and would be against cloning all simply for someone's amusement. Therefore: it was ME, and I fooled you and Henry lives with me, when on leave from the Sanctuary. Of his own choice.
            ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              She wins hands down over darts but I am pretty fond of turkey

              So, looking forward to tonight's episode for the most part. Every episode since Requiem has had sound problems on the initial viewing. I watch it (or tape it if I'm out) and try not to be too frustrated by the lack of audio. Then I tape the middle of the night repeat and hope the sound has improved (it hasn't). Finally, I watch it again on the Monday repeat when, if not completely fixed, the sound is a least a bit better. There should be some kind of recognition for the perseverance of Canadian fans in my neck of the woods! Unfortunately, I think that it may instead lose potential fans of the show.

              The problem for me in particular this time is that the Monday episode next week will be on at the same time as the finale of SGA which will include Sam.
              I was watching ITV4's Sanctuary marathon tonight (I caught the first 4 hours, don't know if there's any more) and there were dodgy sound problems on that as well. The network was having serious issues.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                I really enjoyed this episode and I'm so looking forward to Season 2.

                I do have one question though....
                what happened to Bigfoot??? They seemed to have dropped that part of the story and we got nothing on what's going on with him. Did the injection of Helen's blood act as the serum she thinks will be?

                Oh and it was
                an OMFG moment at the end. The wait now is going to be so unbearable.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  OK guys, sorry it took so long for me to reply, I saw the show last night, and

                  11 episodes Later...

                  Before I talk about the last episode of Sanctuary, I got to tell y'all, I was so excited to see the Lost Webisodes on TMN, I've never seen them before, so it was awesome to see them on the first time on the big screen. But the best part of the whole webisode premiere, it was that extra special treat we got, Amanda appeared on screen and gave the intro to part 1 and 2 of the webisodes . I was so happy to see her face , she was in a good looking white house, and she gave the intro to the Lost Webisodes . I really wasn't expecting that, that was a big bonus . And to think I could have been working tonight, I had to call in sick to see the finale, and if I hadn't I'd have missed Amanda.

                  HOLY COW I saw the final episode of Sanctuary, Revelations, Part 2 and WOW, talk about a whopper of a season finale, and cliffhanger . The twists and turns and surprise were brilliant.
                  It starts "Previously on Sanctuary" with Helen saying the words yet again , and it showed clips of Revelations, Part 1, and after the clips, we find the team in where the city was destroyed, they start talking about what could have happened to the city and they come up with that (I think) that what happened to the city happened 100 years ago, and I liked the little tension between John and Watson, and I loved how Helen how to put them in their place . She's the boss . We go back to the Cabal building and find Henry and Ashely still captive, and the evil boss lady tells Ashely how she's going to help them. Then it cuts to the opening credits.

                  After the credits, we find the team still looking for a way in, and Druitt appears to Helen and tells her that he can't find another way in, Helen thinks they should go and come back tomorrow, but Watson believes there has to be way into the labyrinth. I love how Will and Watson were able to put their brilliant minds to work to try and discover how to get in, I was particularly impressed with how they were able to reconstructed the old city using their minds, and I like how it was the same image. Great minds think alike . We get back to Henry, and the doctors are poking him with needles, trying to get him to change, they start asking him questions, and explain what their intentions are with him, I thought Ryan was very good in those torture scenes very well. We find Ashely talking to the boss lady and she offers Ashely a drink, she checks to see if it's bottle is rigged or something, than she talks with Ashely about how there is a war going on with humans and abnormals, and her mom is on the wrong side.

                  We get back to the team and we find them moving rocks that lead to a secret underground stairway. They start to climb down and we they get down, they find Nikola Tesla down there waiting for them, he begins to tell them of how he got down there and how he needs their help to find the source blood for his own reasons, but he decides to put their needs ahead first. He lights a bunch of lamps simply by touching one and from there he joins the group. They find a round table and Helen realizes her farther made it and that each of them need to be there to find there source blood because one alone couldn't find it without the other four. They spilt off into specified teams, Helen and Nikola, he thought it was because Helen's farther thought they'd make a good couple, John and Watson and Will and Clara. I really liked how worried John was about Helen going with him, and I liked how he warned Nikola what would happen if he let anything happen to her, and I love Helen's adolescent line. I forget the order they get to their tests, so bare with me, Helen and Nikola get to a room hall with-- I forget what they're called, and he's scared to go in to get the key because he knows he'll get zapped, but he does it anyway and gets zapped. John and Watson find their tests, and it's two rooms that are sealed, and one door says "Lies truth" the other says "Truth lies" they begin to decide which is the right door, because if John teleports through the wrong one, he could end up in solid rock. And Will and Clara find a room with the key at the other end, but they can't get across because the floor starts to collapse.

                  At the Cabal building, Ashely refuses to tell them anything, and demands to know what's going on with Henry, she boss lady shows him on a screen, and that he's safe, but when we cut to "real time" Henry is screaming in pain and his face begins to change into a wolfs, be he's able to fight the transformation, the doctor explains to him that he's been off the pills for a day now and that he can't keep fighting it, and he tells him that he just wants Henry to change so he can be studied. Nikola finally gets through the test and is able to get the key, and says to Helen that her farther really didn't like him , then he starts walking back to her, with Will and Clara, Will realizes that she needs to become invisible to get the key, but she's scared, so of course she makes Will take off his clothes too. John and Watson are still trying to figure it out, and as they try, they start arguing about what happened between them in the past, and that's when Watson figures out which door is the right one, so John teleports them both inside, and that's where they find the key. John doesn't teleports them both back outside and the second door opens to give them the other key. I loved Johns joke, I thought these two did their scenes very well. Once Nikola gets to Helen he almost collapses from exhaustion, and he tells that he saw that she was really concerned about him, and that she likes him, but she reminds him that he tried to kill her, but he explains that everyone hurts the people they love.

                  Back with the Cabal, I can't remember a bit, but Ashely starts to get dizzy and and she eventually faints, then Helen and Nikola find Helen's test and when she walks into the room, Nikola gets locked out, leaving her in there alone. She looks at a description on a table and it's like a math puzzle, we quickly cut back to Henry, who's locked in a room, but he's able to break out using his strength, we cut back to Helen and using her smarts, she's able to figure out the riddle and get they key . She gets out and her and Nikola head back to the entrance, and after some trouble, Clara is finally able to get the key, but the floor starts to collapse even more, which causes a cave in, and I loved Helen's bloody hell line. Once their all safe and back together, they put all 5 keys in the proper locks, and a wall opens to reveal the source blood. They start to smile and such, but poor Watson collapses and when they go to him, he's an old man, he tells them that the machine keeping him alive has failed and that he knew it would happen. He tells everyone how he feels about them and he tells Will that there's something they've missed, and that he must figure it out. We find Ashely waking up on a moving stretcher and Henry is moving her, she gets up and Henry gives her a gun, and they had to a room and Ashely calls Helen, while Henry downloads a copy of the info they need, after he does, the bad guys come in with guns, Henry doesn't know what to do, but Ashely tells him to wait another second, then bang, John teleports in, grabs them and teleports them all back to the Sanctuary with all the others. But soon after Ashely faints, and Helen quickly tells John to get her to the infirmary, he teleports there, and Helen asks Henry what happened, but he tells them they were apart most of the time.

                  It's night now, and Clara finds will on the roof overlooking the city, and he talks to her and asks her stay, but she tells them that she doesn't think she can, meanwhile, we find Helen checking on Ashely, and John is there also watching too, he asks to stay, and Helen says it's OK, and she also thanks him, they close the door on in a wicked way, Ashely opens her eyes. On the roof, Will keeps think about what Watson said, and he gets freaked out and goes to look for Helen, meanwhile, Helen and Nikola are in the lab, and the source blood disappears, Helen gets nervous, and we find Henry trying to download the data, but it's all fake. Helen runs up to John with a gun and she accuses of taking the blood, that's when Will runs in and say somethings not right, then she gets a call from Henry about the data and then she checks on Ashely via computer screen, then BOOM I love this shot, they all look out a window and the camera quickly pans from them, from the Sanctuary, and around the earth, where we find Ashely and that boss lady together. The music was so tense, it was perfect with what was going on, and the look on Ashely's face was wicked, I wasn't at the edge of my seat, I was standing up . The BOOM the screen goes blank and those freaky words come up: "To Be Continued". I watched the ending credits, and I couldn't believe it, that was the end of Sanctuary season 1.

                  WOW, WOW, WOW! This has been a phenomenal season, and an even more phenomenal journey for the cast and crew. The effects, the stories, and most of all, the acting was all outstanding. The pilot surpassed my expectations, and so did Requiem. There were some ups and downs, but more ups than downs. I'd like to thank everyone involved for all their long and hard work, it wasn't easy, but they stuck to it, and something truly amazing and unique came out of it. Let's hear it for them.

                  Of course I have to thank Amanda, because she's largely responsible for it all. I honest to God can't thank of anything new to say, so I'm gonna have to repeat myself-- a lot .

                  Thank you Amanda for taking a massive leap of faith, and moving on into her new venture. Sanctuary would have died before it even started. And like I've said many times, I'm glad and proud Amanda choose Sanctuary, IMO it was the right move. Atlantis was done, and if Amanda had stayed, she would, like she's said "killed" Sanctuary right there and then, she'd be out of work along with the other Atlantis cast, and she'd have missed out on the spot light for Sanctuary, none of all the those trips and what not to promote show would have happened, and like she said, she would have killed a potentially great franchise, and put those people out of work too.

                  She made a decision, it was very hard, and everything that followed afterwards was hard, but it was the right decision, it all worked out for her, all her long and hard work paid off, the shows getting a second season, and it's because she was determined, dedicated, she wasn't lazy, and didn't give up. Amanda took control of herself, stepped away from her safety net and moved on into the unknown, and now thanks herself, she has the opportunity to make something of Helen, and whatever that something is, it'll be up to Amanda. But it was harder, she moved into her own show, her own studio, she took on the roles of lead actress, and Ex. Producer and much more, and no matter how hard it got, she got through, and she did it for all the right reasons. Not money, not fame, not the goal of most celebs, but she did it because she knew it was right, and it was the most beneficial for a lot of people. And that's the Amanda we all know and love and that's what makes her a winner . Thank you Amanda for all that, and thank you for the best gift of all, for being you . Let's hear it for her.

                  Here's to an amazing first season, and here's to season 2

                  (((((SEASON 2)))))
                  Last edited by Rocky89; 10 January 2009, 02:57 PM.


                    Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
                    I really enjoyed this episode and I'm so looking forward to Season 2.

                    I do have one question though....
                    what happened to Bigfoot??? They seemed to have dropped that part of the story and we got nothing on what's going on with him. Did the injection of Helen's blood act as the serum she thinks will be?

                    Oh and it was
                    an OMFG moment at the end. The wait now is going to be so unbearable.
                    Hey Ambermoon, always good to see you (and that lovely sig of yours ).

                    I was wondering about Bigfoot too. I assume it was not dealt with because a)there was so much other stuff going on and b) Chris was occupied playing Druitt.

                    Loved the final episode and was pleasantly surprised (got to check the tv guide more often) to see the "lost" webisodes shown beforehand. How cool was that? Especially since I hadn't seen all of them before. The intro by Amanda was also a nice touch. Was that something others got to see or just the Canucks?

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Robin Dunne in NEW TV Movie Robin Hood: Beyond Sherwood:

                      At IMDB:

                      Peter DeLuise (SG1/SGA) is directing 'Robin Hood: Beyond Sherwood,' a 2009 made-for-Canadian-TV movie, starring: Sanctuary's Robin Dunne (AS ROBIN HOOD), Erica Durance (SG1 Affinity), Julian Sands (SG1 as Ori Doci), Cainan Wiebe (Sanctuary), Paul Lazenby (SG1 Dominion & Avenger 2.0, SGA Common Ground), Richard de Klerk (SG1 One False Step and Rite of Passage), Lauro Chartrand (SGA The Storm), Brad Kelly (SG1 The Fifth Man, Heroes Part 2 and Affinity), Dario Delacio (SG1 The Fifth Man), and David Richmond-Peck (SG1 Orpheus, SGA Harmony and Sanctuary).

                      Filmed in British Columbia, Canada.

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Hey Ambermoon, always good to see you (and that lovely sig of yours ).

                        I was wondering about Bigfoot too. I assume it was not dealt with because a)there was so much other stuff going on and b) Chris was occupied playing Druitt.

                        Loved the final episode and was pleasantly surprised (got to check the tv guide more often) to see the "lost" webisodes shown beforehand. How cool was that? Especially since I hadn't seen all of them before. The intro by Amanda was also a nice touch. Was that something others got to see or just the Canucks?
                        There was an intro by Amanda? Did any of our Canadian friends happen to record it????


                          My analysis of the last episode (heavy spoilers):

                          Well, I wasn't surprised that Ashley went darkside. I'm guessing that in bringing out her father's 'gift', they also brought out his evil part. They've been hinting that it was in her since the beginning. This will make her a much more interesting character, I think, and I hope they keep her that way, at least for a while.

                          I'm less excited about the apparant addition of the invisible girl. While I have no problem with the skills of the actress, I find her character very annoying. I hate whining. I suspect that she will become a more confident character quickly, however. You don't cast an actress that exudes strength and then make her play a shrinking violet forever. Hopefully, the poor girl won't end up crouching on the floor, semi-nude, in every episode.

                          Am I the only one that wanted to tell her to go wash that ridiculous blue eyeshadow off her face?

                          It's clear that Will (a). likes girls and (b.) isn't very picky. Are they going to trot a new one out every four episodes? I'm finding the constant search for ever more silly ways to get his shirt off to be almost as annoying as the invisible girl. The 'you get naked, too' was almost as juvenille as 'Nubbins'. And, OMG, how awkward and contrived was the 'romantic' moment? While I really enjoy the characters and staging of Sanctuary, some of the writing is very heavy handed.

                          On the 'plus' side, they are setting up a very interesting storyline and expanding the skills of the characters. Ashley can now do the things her father can. How deeply ingrained is the evil? Henry gained more control over his wolf-self, and can now be more useful in the field, especially after saving the day here. Tesla-friend or foe? Both? Is being Jack the Ripper something that Druitt can recover from, or for which he can be truly be forgiven? He sure is trying... The casualness of Will's acceptance of this is a little weird. Maybe they should explain that a bit. Will's skills of analysis are clearly about to grow and become more integral to the stories, giving him greater usefulness. There was lots of interesting character interaction.
                          And, of course, Helen is always awesome. : )
                          Last edited by amconway; 10 January 2009, 12:45 PM.


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            There was an intro by Amanda? Did any of our Canadian friends happen to record it????
                            I did but only on VHS I'm sorry to say (I'm a Luddite as you may recall) so I'm no help to you unless you happen to be travelling through Canada in the near future, then you can stop by my house and I'd be happy to show it to you.

                            Hopefully someone else can post it.

                            By the by, I see SciFi has season 2 listed as starting July, 2009.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              By the by, I see SciFi has season 2 listed as starting July, 2009.
                              Where at? I'm over there now...


                              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Hey Ambermoon, always good to see you (and that lovely sig of yours ).

                                I was wondering about Bigfoot too. I assume it was not dealt with because a)there was so much other stuff going on and b) Chris was occupied playing Druitt.

                                Loved the final episode and was pleasantly surprised (got to check the tv guide more often) to see the "lost" webisodes shown beforehand. How cool was that? Especially since I hadn't seen all of them before. The intro by Amanda was also a nice touch. Was that something others got to see or just the Canucks?
                                Thanks EH-T. I think you Canucks were the only ones to get the "lost" webisodes cause we had nothing special air with our episode last night.

                                I hope they address Bigfoot's condition in the first ep for S2. I love the big guy and I would hate for him to just disappear from the show.

