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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    I know I did a list a while back but I seriously can't remember how I ranked each ep so I'm gonna do a new one...I probably screwed it up but tastes change with my moods!
    1. Requiem
    2. Revelations pt1
    3. Revelations pt2
    4. Kush
    5. Nubbins
    6. Edward
    7. The Five
    8. Instinct
    9. Sanctuary for All pt 1
    10. Sanctuary for All pt2
    11. Folding Man
    12. Fata Morgana
    13 Warriors

    It's hard with some eps as I loved them equally...but for Warriors it was easy...
    I'm sorry but the fight scene just turned me right off.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Here's mine but like EhT I'm watching them again so could be subject to change

      1. Requiem
      2. The Five
      3. Revelations pt2
      4. Revelations pt1
      5. Kush
      6. Nubbins
      7. Sanctuary for All pt2
      8. Instinct
      9. Edward
      10. Sanctuary for All pt 1
      11. Folding Man
      12. Fata Morgana
      13 Warriors


        I kinda hate this listing stuff, because it was such an amazing season and it's difficult to choose. But I haven't posted in a while, so here we go.

        1) Requiem
        2) The Five
        3) Revelations
        4) Kush/Nubbins/Folding Man
        5) Sanctuary For All
        6) Edward
        7) Instinct/Warriors/Fata Morgana

        My top three are really the only clear cut ones to me. Requiem was bar far the best of the season, for obvious reasons.

        I felt I had to choose between The Five and Revelations and not leave them tied like the others. I thought that with three story lines happening at once, The Five flowed perfectly, got out a lot of information, and still had time for some nice action sequences in only 44 minutes.

        I may change my mind when the dvds come out, but commercials and a week's time always kill two parters for me (most certainly Atlantis'). I thought part 1 was awesome, but I was kind of taken out of part 2. It was likely due to multiple factors (watched in a different room than the rest of the season, found out that ****** bites it (but wasn't shocked really), and totally saw a certain aspect of the plot coming (but not the twist at the very end)).

        Kush and Folding Man were fantastic stand alone eps. Kush did some great character development for both Helen and Will. Folding Man also developed Will more, and was another episode where I didn't expect the conclusion. Then there's Nubbins. Dude, c'mon.

        The pilot was amazing, don't get me wrong. It was understandably slow at the beginning, but was a little more so for me I felt because I had already seen the webisodes a billion times. However, the second half was really amazing (Druitt saying that the five will come has me scratching my head looking back though), and that roof scene was just......... *guh*

        Edward, again, another great episode, but I just didn't find it as awesome as the others.

        I don't really want to relegate one episode at the bottom of the list, nor do I want to make it seem said episode is the worst of the season (in reality, it would just be the least awesome of the most awesome). Instinct was an unexpected, and very welcome change of pace. Not that I was getting bored at all, but the first person perspective shaky cam was done very well and essentially made the episode what it was. Otherwise it would have just been rather boring. The only reason this is down here and not up with Edward is because of that stupid reporter. I hate her as an actor.....

        I had other issues with Warriors than with most on here. I thought the fighting stuff was great, and Will muscles were so bad they were awesome. I just hated how Will recovered complete from the super uber dosing the Cabal gave him by the end of the episode. A bit of a let down for me.

        Fata Morgana was good, but it suffered from A LOT being reused from the webisodes (and thereby making me totally confused by Amanda's hair (did she wear a wig for the ep, or just straighten it?)). Also, the fact that it was supposed to air later in the season. My guess is that they got the post done on it literally right around the airing of the premiere, and SciFi execs decided to get the other webisode story out of the way, even though it kinda screwed with the most coolest, awesome, magnificent powers that be plans for the season and made me a little peeved with the continuity (Ashley's scars from being attacked in the pilot).

        Wow, that was way more than I ever intended on writing.
        Last edited by Falcon 304; 17 January 2009, 07:15 AM.


          For those of you so inclined, the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards are now accepting nominations. Some of you may feel it's still a small fandom, but there is enough work out there on various sites to warrant recognising the hard work that writers are putting in.


          Sanctuary Fiction Awards 2009

          It is almost two years since we were first introduced to the world of Helen Magnus, her talented but arrogant daughter Ashley and her naïve and bewildered protégé, Will Zimmerman.

          In those two years we have seen eight webisodes, thirteen television episodes and over one hundred pieces of fan fiction. Here at, we want to celebrate the talented individuals who contribute so much to our fandom.

          Today we are opening nominations for the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards 2009, which will culminate in the announcement of winners on 14th May 2009 - exactly two years since the release of Webisode One.

          Nominations will be accepted for the following categories:

          Recurring Character
          Best Original Abnormal
          Webverse Award

          With the exception of the Webverse Award (which applies to fan fiction written prior to October 2008), all English language Sanctuary stories on all websites and journals are eligible for entry in the awards. However, we may ask you to upload your fiction to in time for the voting process.

          To nominate a story for an award, please submit the title, author, category, link to the story and the author’s contact details to [email protected] .

          The provisional timescale for the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards is as follows:

          February 22nd - Nominations Close
          March 1st - Nominations Announced
          March 16th - Voting Opens
          April 19th - Voting Closes
          May 14th - Winners Announced

          Please nominate your favourite stories and support the authors who give up so much of their time to entertain us all.

          Best Wishes,
          The Sanctuary Fiction Team
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            My list combines the two-parters because I find it hard to grade the first part separately since it is all set up for the pay off in the second part.

            1. Requiem
            2. Revelations
            3. The Five
            4. Kush
            5. Sanctuary For All
            6. Edward
            7. Fata Morgana
            8. Nubbins
            9. Folding Man
            10. Instinct
            11. Warriors

            A few comments. The more Helen, the higher on my list. For example, I liked Folding man but not much Helen so it ends up nearer the bottom.

            I liked Instinct and good on them for trying something different but the camera work makes it hard to watch over and over (which I tend to do with the few shows I watch).

            If it has any of the Five in it (John, Tesla, Watson) it gets a higher rating.
            Last edited by EH-T; 18 January 2009, 01:44 PM.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              It's odd - the bottom of the list was by far the easiest to do, but it became much more difficult the closer to the top I ranked... I just liked so many of the episodes for different reasons that it's hard to determine a linear order of preference! But here goes anyway... (Oh, and I put the 2-parters together as a single entity for the same reason as Eh-T above!

              1. Revelations
              2. The Five
              3. Nubbins
              4. Requiem
              5. Sanctuary For All
              6. Instinct
              7. Edward
              8. Folding Man
              9. Kush
              10. Fata Morgana
              11. Warriors

              Wow - actually that was an interesting little exercise ... I sat here weighing character development versus infusions of humour and trying to evaluate which made for a 'better' episode - I definitely agree that this list will alter based on whatever my mood is for a given day! I found that my list was really done in groupings - 1/2, 3/4/5, 6/7/8, 9/10, 11. Within each grouping, you could move the eps around, but I think I'm going to prob stick with those basic tiers, roughly. *shakes head* - that called for a bit more explanation than I thought I'd give! LOL
              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
              ames on facebook
              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                Originally posted by ames View Post
                It's odd - the bottom of the list was by far the easiest to do, but it became much more difficult the closer to the top I ranked... I just liked so many of the episodes for different reasons that it's hard to determine a linear order of preference! But here goes anyway... (Oh, and I put the 2-parters together as a single entity for the same reason as Eh-T above!
                That's exactly the problem I had when making my list, so I decided to just avoid a linear order of preference altogether because I didn't really have one, aside from liking Warriors the least but even that one had some scenes I really enjoyed.

                I had trouble even putting my top 5 in order because I liked each for different reasons, Requiem as a great character piece for Helen and Will, Revelations and The Five for the arc development, and Edward for being my favorite stand-alone story.



                  It was really neat watching the series again with people who hadn't seen the eps yet, b/c I was noticing things - and having to answer questions to aspects I hadn't necessarily noticed the first or second times through. Not to mention it's a great way to pass time during a snowstorm at the cottage

                  Some eps, such as Kush, I ended up appreciating more the more I watched them (for some reason I really did not enjoy that ep the first time around at all). Others I loved the first time and they got even better watching them with mates (Nubbins and Requiem, for examples).
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    The Geek Syndicate interview with Amanda, part 1


                    Amanda: Hello
                    Dave: Hello, Amanda
                    Amanda: Hi
                    Dave: Hi, my name is David
                    Amanda: Hello David
                    Dave: Hello Amanda and with me is Barry. Are you there Barry?
                    Barry: Yeah, I'm here, hello Amanda
                    Amanda: Hi Barry
                    Dave: Well thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us, we really appreciate it
                    Amanda: My pleasure, thank you guys
                    Dave: So welcome to Geek Syndicate which is a UK based podcast that looks at all things of this nature. And my first question to you actually was going to be is what a fantastic English accent you have.
                    [Amanda: laughs]
                    Dave: I was going to say where did that come from but I'm looking at your profile and you're an Essex girl
                    Amanda: Oh dear God, yes. My Dad actually cringes at that because he's South London and my Mum is Finchley and my Dad's Burmandy but my
                    Dave: I was born just round the corner from Finchley actually
                    Amanda: Oh were you really? Oh OK that's where my Mum is from and Dad is a Burmandy boy but when I was born we were living in Essex so I am by rights an Essex girl except I do not have white stilettos and I've never danced around my handbag
                    Dave: Good for you
                    Amanda: but I have been tempted on numerous occasions
                    Dave: You knew exactly what I was going to ask next didn't you
                    Amanda: Yes [laughter]
                    Barry: I have to be careful what I say because my girlfriend is actually from Essex
                    Amanda: ??? Lucky man
                    Dave: My next question then is because as far as I can tell you went to Canada when you were three so where has the English accent come from? How come it's not.. I thought it was really, really, really good accent, how come?
                    Amanda: Oh thank you. Well I mean I grew up in a very British household and all my Mum and Dad's friends were British. We come back to England a fair bit, I try to come at least once a year to see my family. The accent with Helen is kind of interesting because she's so much a product of Victorian era England and clings very seriously to certain traditions and a certain way of speaking but the fact of the matter is she is 157 and has lived all over the world. So I kinda had to try to temper the British accent and pull it down a little in places. Like my Dad has been living in California now for gosh almost 20 years and he instead of saying Bath (long A) now says Bath (short A). It's really weird, he sounds completely British and then he says something very American and you go Ah! But I figured Helen would do that too. There are certain things, although she clings more furiously to the British, but what is funny is the Brits, bless you all have embraced the accent and the Americans don't like it, so.
                    Dave: Oh Really?
                    Barry: Really?
                    Amanda: The American fans are like Oh this is the worst British accent ever and the British fans are saying No actually it's pretty good
                    Dave: I was impressed by the episode that took place in the submarine
                    Amanda: Mmmmm
                    Dave: and you spent a lot of time getting angry and getting a bit paranoid and so on and I thought if there is any point that she is gonna lose the accent it is there but you didn't. You just played with it more but you played with it accurately as far as I could tell and I was really impressed with that
                    Amanda: Oh thank you. Yeah, the only time that I think she loses it and it was a conscious choice was when she sort of mimics Will and falls back into a little bit of an American accent when she is making fun of Will at one point but it's really quick and I did that on purpose. But otherwise I think yeah when she gets really emotional. It used to happen to me when I was growing up when I'd get really upset about things and I would come this British accent and so yes.. i don't know what that means necessarily
                    Dave: Yes, I was thinking about that. Give me a tip then because I'm an actor myself and I've just been asked to play a part in a film and I've been asked to do a New York accent and I've done it before. What should I do to get that perfect New York accent with the British tongue that I've got.
                    Amanda: Oh, wow, yeah. It's funny because it's from a different place in the mouth isn't it? The accent comes from a different sort of place. For me it was that I listened to everything that I could and I have a pretty good ear. But it is also an attitude. You have to go to New York, get an attitude
                    Dave: OK I'll sort that out somehow
                    Amanda: Just hop on a plane and go to New York. No problem, right?
                    Dave: Here I come. Here I come
                    Barry: He's only just got back from Jamaica so
                    Dave: Yeah. Let's start at the beginning. What's the big difference for you between Stargate and Sanctuary as an actor?
                    Amanda: Wow, just two completely different characters. Sam Carter is very much sort of Amanda's comfort zone. She's, because I played her for so long there was such a symbiotic relationship between myself and Sam Carter that the line between when I stepped offstage was very blurry. Whereas with Helen it's a completely, you know I dive into this character, and it's a completely different animal. Sam Carter was much more subordinate and comfortable in that environment, understood military hierarchy, understood her place in the pecking order and was really comfortable with that. Both incredibly intelligent women but Sam wouldn't necessarily do anything outside of the box because she respected the military too much. Whereas Helen always thinks outside the box. So Helen is a much more forward thinking character in some ways and much more adventurous in some ways. I mean Sam had this strength and this power of this incredible intelligence but it was all within her comfort zone and when she was outside of her comfort zone, that was when it was really fun to dive into Sam you know when she had to think outside the box. Whereas Helen is constantly thinking outside the box so
                    Dave: What do you like or dislike about Helen?
                    Amanda: It's funny because it's the same thing. I like the fact that she doesn't care what people think but it's so not me.
                    Amanda: That's a difficult thing. I mean she's not without a social conscience obviously and she does things with a very pure heart. She really believes what she's doing is the right thing even when it seems like it may not necessarily be the right thing. But she, that's me, that's the duality of that. I like the fact that she doesn't care what people think because there is a part of me that goes, Hey wait a sec. So, I like the fact that she... I like the unapologetic nature because it allows her to push the envelope and it allows her to do things that most people wouldn't even try.
                    Dave: Would you invite her to a dinner party? Is the big question
                    Amanda: Oh God, absolutely. Are you kidding? She'd be one of the people I would invite because she knows so many people
                    Dave: Yeah, yeah
                    Amanda: I mean she's lived 157 years, she has seen the best and the worst of humanity and I think she's the type of person, partly because of the social circles that she's moved in and partly because of the nature of who she is, she's known some of the most interesting politicians of our time and interesting artists and writers. And she's had them as friends and as lovers and she just had these incredible relationships with really powerful and interesting people. So she would be a very cool person to have at a dinner party. Whether she'd tell you much, I don't know.
                    Amanda: get Helen drunk and then see what happens
                    Dave: I like that idea
                    Barry: Back with that. One of the questions I wanted to ask you was you do reference a lot of literary characters in Sanctuary. Especially towards the end of the season, I don't want to give away too many spoilers for people who haven't seen it, but especially the identities of The Five
                    Amanda: Right
                    Barry: I have to say that that is what I really, really enjoy. I mean I enjoyed the whole series anyway
                    Amanda: Thank you
                    Barry: but that aspect of it I really enjoyed. It kind of had that touch of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to it actually
                    Amanda: Exactly
                    Barry: which I quite liked it
                    Amanda: And that's exactly right. When people say describe your show, what sort of graphic novel and you know and I will say League of Extraordinary Gentleman
                    Barry: Ah, OK
                    Amanda: That twist on it
                    Barry: Hmmm. That's one of the questions I wanted to ask. Did you have any problems getting the rights to use characters that you referenced in Sanctuary?
                    Amanda: You know the only time we had to get rights was for one of the pictures of Albert Einstein. We had to make sure that we had the legal right to use the picture and pay for the usage of it but otherwise, no. I mean so far anyway. ????? I mean like interesting things like making Tesla the way that we made him. I love that, I love that we've taken historic characters and sort of turned them on their ear and what you see as normal isn't necessarily normal. Like you said in the submarine show, in Requiem we referenced politicians and the fact that they weren't necessarily normal. I love that, I love that we're taking history and turning it on it's ear. And we plan to do a lot more of that in the second season and perhaps even do episodes where you see we go back more in time and take a look at how we've gotten to where we are
                    Barry: Oh, that's great because that is something that Dave and I were talking about before and I was sort of saying I hope we get to see more episodes of The Five sort of in their Hey Day because I think what you've done which I thought is very clever was you dropped little hints, because you dropped a really good hint about Watson in one of the earlier episodes and I remember thinking to myself Nah, it can't be the same Watson I'm thinking of Nah It can't be him. And then you got to the season finale and I was like Hang on a minute it is him but he's not quite the way I thought he would be and it was nicely done I thought
                    Amanda: Thank you
                    Barry: You've already answered the question I was going to ask you know can we expect to see more of this stuff in Season 2 and you're saying we can
                    Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. We definitely want to do that. Because we were, we really lucked out in the casting with Chris Heyerdahl playing Druitt, he brings this quality
                    Dave: He's great!
                    Amanda: Isn't he awesome? And then when we hired Jonathan Young to play Tesla, he had actually done a one woman sh.. ah one woman
                    Dave: That would have been interesting
                    Barry: He's versatile isn't he?
                    Amanda: ah a one man show as Tesla. So he knows this character inside out
                    Dave: Really?
                    Amanda: He took what he knew about Tesla and he even did a twist on that because Tesla was a really eccentric man. And so we had Jonathan come in and then he was so great that we just keep waning to use him. And then we got Peter Wingfield when we were looking at Watson, Peter's name came across the desk and I said Oh my God I know him, yes, absolutely he's perfect and you put the three of them in a room together and it's just brilliant.
                    Dave: There is such a good chemistry going on between you all
                    Amanda: Yeah
                    Dave: It's so nice
                    Amanda: It's very fun
                    Dave: While we're talking about Chris. How much time does he have to spend in makeup to go for the Big Foot character?
                    Amanda: Hours and hours and hours.
                    Amanda: Actually that is what he looks like, it's what it takes to get him to look like Druitt that takes a long time
                    Dave: I'm going to tell him you said that

                    To be continued in Part 2


                      I usually just lurk about, but I thought I'd share my latest sig:

                      /goes back to lurking


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        I usually just lurk about, but I thought I'd share my latest sig:


                        /goes back to lurking
                        Delurk more often

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          I usually just lurk about, but I thought I'd share my latest sig:


                          /goes back to lurking
                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Delurk more often
                          I second that motion! Nicely done
                          ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                          SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                          ames on facebook
                          ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                            Great sig, Jen!

                            Thnx, RoX! Listening to it now!


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              The Geek Syndicate interview with Amanda, part 1


                              Amanda: Hello
                              Dave: Hello, Amanda
                              Amanda: Hi
                              Dave: Hi, my name is David
                              Amanda: Hello David
                              Dave: Hello Amanda and with me is Barry. Are you there Barry?
                              Barry: Yeah, I'm here, hello Amanda
                              Amanda: Hi Barry
                              Dave: Well thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us, we really appreciate it
                              Amanda: My pleasure, thank you guys
                              Dave: So welcome to Geek Syndicate which is a UK based podcast that looks at all things of this nature. And my first question to you actually was going to be is what a fantastic English accent you have.
                              [Amanda: laughs]
                              Dave: I was going to say where did that come from but I'm looking at your profile and you're an Essex girl
                              Amanda: Oh dear God, yes. My Dad actually cringes at that because he's South London and my Mum is Finchley and my Dad's Burmandy but my
                              Dave: I was born just round the corner from Finchley actually
                              Amanda: Oh were you really? Oh OK that's where my Mum is from and Dad is a Burmandy boy but when I was born we were living in Essex so I am by rights an Essex girl except I do not have white stilettos and I've never danced around my handbag
                              Dave: Good for you
                              Amanda: but I have been tempted on numerous occasions
                              Dave: You knew exactly what I was going to ask next didn't you
                              Amanda: Yes [laughter]
                              Barry: I have to be careful what I say because my girlfriend is actually from Essex
                              Amanda: ??? Lucky man
                              Dave: My next question then is because as far as I can tell you went to Canada when you were three so where has the English accent come from? How come it's not.. I thought it was really, really, really good accent, how come?
                              Amanda: Oh thank you. Well I mean I grew up in a very British household and all my Mum and Dad's friends were British. We come back to England a fair bit, I try to come at least once a year to see my family. The accent with Helen is kind of interesting because she's so much a product of Victorian era England and clings very seriously to certain traditions and a certain way of speaking but the fact of the matter is she is 157 and has lived all over the world. So I kinda had to try to temper the British accent and pull it down a little in places. Like my Dad has been living in California now for gosh almost 20 years and he instead of saying Bath (long A) now says Bath (short A). It's really weird, he sounds completely British and then he says something very American and you go Ah! But I figured Helen would do that too. There are certain things, although she clings more furiously to the British, but what is funny is the Brits, bless you all have embraced the accent and the Americans don't like it, so.
                              Dave: Oh Really?
                              Barry: Really?
                              Amanda: The American fans are like Oh this is the worst British accent ever and the British fans are saying No actually it's pretty good
                              Dave: I was impressed by the episode that took place in the submarine
                              Amanda: Mmmmm
                              Dave: and you spent a lot of time getting angry and getting a bit paranoid and so on and I thought if there is any point that she is gonna lose the accent it is there but you didn't. You just played with it more but you played with it accurately as far as I could tell and I was really impressed with that
                              Amanda: Oh thank you. Yeah, the only time that I think she loses it and it was a conscious choice was when she sort of mimics Will and falls back into a little bit of an American accent when she is making fun of Will at one point but it's really quick and I did that on purpose. But otherwise I think yeah when she gets really emotional. It used to happen to me when I was growing up when I'd get really upset about things and I would come this British accent and so yes.. i don't know what that means necessarily
                              Dave: Yes, I was thinking about that. Give me a tip then because I'm an actor myself and I've just been asked to play a part in a film and I've been asked to do a New York accent and I've done it before. What should I do to get that perfect New York accent with the British tongue that I've got.
                              Amanda: Oh, wow, yeah. It's funny because it's from a different place in the mouth isn't it? The accent comes from a different sort of place. For me it was that I listened to everything that I could and I have a pretty good ear. But it is also an attitude. You have to go to New York, get an attitude
                              Dave: OK I'll sort that out somehow
                              Amanda: Just hop on a plane and go to New York. No problem, right?
                              Dave: Here I come. Here I come
                              Barry: He's only just got back from Jamaica so
                              Dave: Yeah. Let's start at the beginning. What's the big difference for you between Stargate and Sanctuary as an actor?
                              Amanda: Wow, just two completely different characters. Sam Carter is very much sort of Amanda's comfort zone. She's, because I played her for so long there was such a symbiotic relationship between myself and Sam Carter that the line between when I stepped offstage was very blurry. Whereas with Helen it's a completely, you know I dive into this character, and it's a completely different animal. Sam Carter was much more subordinate and comfortable in that environment, understood military hierarchy, understood her place in the pecking order and was really comfortable with that. Both incredibly intelligent women but Sam wouldn't necessarily do anything outside of the box because she respected the military too much. Whereas Helen always thinks outside the box. So Helen is a much more forward thinking character in some ways and much more adventurous in some ways. I mean Sam had this strength and this power of this incredible intelligence but it was all within her comfort zone and when she was outside of her comfort zone, that was when it was really fun to dive into Sam you know when she had to think outside the box. Whereas Helen is constantly thinking outside the box so
                              Dave: What do you like or dislike about Helen?
                              Amanda: It's funny because it's the same thing. I like the fact that she doesn't care what people think but it's so not me.
                              Amanda: That's a difficult thing. I mean she's not without a social conscience obviously and she does things with a very pure heart. She really believes what she's doing is the right thing even when it seems like it may not necessarily be the right thing. But she, that's me, that's the duality of that. I like the fact that she doesn't care what people think because there is a part of me that goes, Hey wait a sec. So, I like the fact that she... I like the unapologetic nature because it allows her to push the envelope and it allows her to do things that most people wouldn't even try.
                              Dave: Would you invite her to a dinner party? Is the big question
                              Amanda: Oh God, absolutely. Are you kidding? She'd be one of the people I would invite because she knows so many people
                              Dave: Yeah, yeah
                              Amanda: I mean she's lived 157 years, she has seen the best and the worst of humanity and I think she's the type of person, partly because of the social circles that she's moved in and partly because of the nature of who she is, she's known some of the most interesting politicians of our time and interesting artists and writers. And she's had them as friends and as lovers and she just had these incredible relationships with really powerful and interesting people. So she would be a very cool person to have at a dinner party. Whether she'd tell you much, I don't know.
                              Amanda: get Helen drunk and then see what happens
                              Dave: I like that idea
                              Barry: Back with that. One of the questions I wanted to ask you was you do reference a lot of literary characters in Sanctuary. Especially towards the end of the season, I don't want to give away too many spoilers for people who haven't seen it, but especially the identities of The Five
                              Amanda: Right
                              Barry: I have to say that that is what I really, really enjoy. I mean I enjoyed the whole series anyway
                              Amanda: Thank you
                              Barry: but that aspect of it I really enjoyed. It kind of had that touch of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen to it actually
                              Amanda: Exactly
                              Barry: which I quite liked it
                              Amanda: And that's exactly right. When people say describe your show, what sort of graphic novel and you know and I will say League of Extraordinary Gentleman
                              Barry: Ah, OK
                              Amanda: That twist on it
                              Barry: Hmmm. That's one of the questions I wanted to ask. Did you have any problems getting the rights to use characters that you referenced in Sanctuary?
                              Amanda: You know the only time we had to get rights was for one of the pictures of Albert Einstein. We had to make sure that we had the legal right to use the picture and pay for the usage of it but otherwise, no. I mean so far anyway. ????? I mean like interesting things like making Tesla the way that we made him. I love that, I love that we've taken historic characters and sort of turned them on their ear and what you see as normal isn't necessarily normal. Like you said in the submarine show, in Requiem we referenced politicians and the fact that they weren't necessarily normal. I love that, I love that we're taking history and turning it on it's ear. And we plan to do a lot more of that in the second season and perhaps even do episodes where you see we go back more in time and take a look at how we've gotten to where we are
                              Barry: Oh, that's great because that is something that Dave and I were talking about before and I was sort of saying I hope we get to see more episodes of The Five sort of in their Hey Day because I think what you've done which I thought is very clever was you dropped little hints, because you dropped a really good hint about Watson in one of the earlier episodes and I remember thinking to myself Nah, it can't be the same Watson I'm thinking of Nah It can't be him. And then you got to the season finale and I was like Hang on a minute it is him but he's not quite the way I thought he would be and it was nicely done I thought
                              Amanda: Thank you
                              Barry: You've already answered the question I was going to ask you know can we expect to see more of this stuff in Season 2 and you're saying we can
                              Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. We definitely want to do that. Because we were, we really lucked out in the casting with Chris Heyerdahl playing Druitt, he brings this quality
                              Dave: He's great!
                              Amanda: Isn't he awesome? And then when we hired Jonathan Young to play Tesla, he had actually done a one woman sh.. ah one woman
                              Dave: That would have been interesting
                              Barry: He's versatile isn't he?
                              Amanda: ah a one man show as Tesla. So he knows this character inside out
                              Dave: Really?
                              Amanda: He took what he knew about Tesla and he even did a twist on that because Tesla was a really eccentric man. And so we had Jonathan come in and then he was so great that we just keep waning to use him. And then we got Peter Wingfield when we were looking at Watson, Peter's name came across the desk and I said Oh my God I know him, yes, absolutely he's perfect and you put the three of them in a room together and it's just brilliant.
                              Dave: There is such a good chemistry going on between you all
                              Amanda: Yeah
                              Dave: It's so nice
                              Amanda: It's very fun
                              Dave: While we're talking about Chris. How much time does he have to spend in makeup to go for the Big Foot character?
                              Amanda: Hours and hours and hours.
                              Amanda: Actually that is what he looks like, it's what it takes to get him to look like Druitt that takes a long time
                              Dave: I'm going to tell him you said that

                              To be continued in Part 2
                              Thanks for sharing this! Can't wait to read the rest!


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