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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i think, eventually, the webisodes will be released on the season 1 dvd's, at least that's a rumor i've heard
    That was confirmed by one of the three ptb. Don't have the interview on hand, sorry.


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      This is my vid, a remix of the webisode promos.

      3 1/2 hours!
      Sweetie, your link didn't work for me. I would love to see the vid.

      Less then 1 1/2 hours to go.... WOOHOO

      Originally posted by Mousie View Post
      MAybe you should hold off on the popcorn though.....and the crisps, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit don't want anything crunchy getting in the way of your audio and viewing pleasure.
      Mousie, Hm???? You are right... I'm heating up the oven now. Brownies will be quiet. right? hehe YUMMY

      Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
      That was confirmed by one of the three ptb. Don't have the interview on hand, sorry.
      Hey Falcon and Sky, that would be so great to have them on the DVD's. I'm going to try checking out the webisodes that everyone linked me to here later on tonight or this weekend. Maybe I'll find the other ones too. If not it will give me a special treat when I purchase the 1st season DVD. Goes to hug my DVD's of Stargate. Pretties!!!!

      Edit: I don't know everyone's names here. I go by Susan. I see Skydiver is Sky. I love blue. Mousie is Mousie. hehe

      Edit 2: OH,oh, oh.... I can't believe there is a video to my new favorite song by Natalie Merchant. Wow, I love this song. This was made in March of 2008. Are these scenes from the Webisodes? The flashbacks are one of my favorite parts of the show. Don't you all love the darkness of the scenes? The city shots? Helen's dark hair in the night?

      My Skin
      Last edited by SundaySusans; 02 January 2009, 04:56 PM.
      Sig by Toomi


        That was gooooooooooooooooooooooood =)
        (Yes, Canada has finished our viewing -- at least those of us watching on TMN ) more week.... *bounces in anticipation*
        And I so called it with Griffith! Hehehe (I know, I amuse easily -- moving on)...
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          The Sanctuary webisodes should still be available from Vuze


            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            This is my vid, a remix of the webisode promos.

            3 1/2 hours!
            Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
            Sweetie, your link didn't work for me. I would love to see the vid.

            Less then 1 1/2 hours to go.... WOOHOO
            *Jumps in with assist for rderoch*

            Welcome and try this one Susan...

            One hour to go



              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
              The Sanctuary webisodes should still be available from Vuze
              Thanks so much, I'm watching the first one now. The quality is amazing here. Thanks, thanks, thanks. *hug*

              Originally posted by JanSam View Post
              *Jumps in with assist for rderoch*

              Welcome and try this one Susan...

              One hour to go

              Jan, thanks..... I'll watch right after this first webisode. Woohoo. This is such a fun Sanctuary night for me.
              Sig by Toomi


                Watching Webisode.... hey... there is Mckay and Marks.

                I love Helen's hair. Little boy Will.... so adorable. David is such a great actor.

                That was too short. I see why they are in Episode form now.
                Last edited by SundaySusans; 02 January 2009, 05:27 PM.
                Sig by Toomi


                  Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                  Watching Webisode.... hey... there is Mckay and Marks.

                  I love Helen's hair. Little boy Will.... so adorable. David is such a great actor.

                  That was too short. I see why they are in Episode form now.
                  Marks? I think you mean Lorne (Kavan Smith)
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    Marks? I think you mean Lorne (Kavan Smith)
                    Oh yeah. you are right. Marks is the one that drives the ship right? Lorne is the hunky warrior guy. oops
                    Sig by Toomi


                      OK, I just saw Revelations, Part 1 and WOW things are getting serious .
                      I thought this was a cool episode, it told some good stories and it was good to see more Druitt with . The episode starts with a "Previously on Sanctuary" with Helen saying the words again, and we see clips from The Five and Warriors, after that we find a plane flying over a mountain in a forest, it drops a bomb and it blows and all this gas is released into the air. Then we find an abnormal chopping wood, then he gets infected with the gas, he then finds a camper and his wife (I think she was his wife) and they acted like they all knew each other. But then the abnormal came at they guy with an axe and killed him while the lady screamed .

                      After the opening credits we find the team investing what's happening with the abnormals, I can't remember a little bit , so I skip a bit , we later find Bigfoot opening the front door, when he does, he finds Druitt outside, after he tells Bigfoot he has info that can help Helen, he lets him in. In the lab, Ashely isn't too happy to see John (No surprise there ) and he shows them them something he recovered from ground zero, Henry goes to work on finding out what it is, and Helen warns John that he'll be in a cell with a shield to prevent him from teleporting away. Later Helen gets a letter from an old friend.

                      Later in the Cabal building, we find the boss lady from Warriors talking with a scientist about their plan with the drug against abnormals, then back at the Sanctuary Helen opens the door (in a very nice dress btw ) and she finds he friend James (played by Peter Wingfield). They discuss what's happening and I like how when he met Will they started probing/profiling each other . Helen tells Will that James is the actual Sherlock Homes. Afterwards she explains to him what she meant and how she's worried about what will happen if they become affected as well. And I liked the little reference to Requiem, Will says Helen and Will say they don't want to go through that again but I do . I really liked the scene with John and James, because according to history they were big enemies at some point in time, and yet they were able to sit there together like gentleman .

                      I'm not going to bore with one of my big reviews, so I'll give you the short version starting now .I thought this episode was very well act, and I liked how it had to do a lot with The Five and how they cure could be in their blood (according to Helen ) It was good seeing everyone working together to find the solution, and I liked the scene where Will and John find the invisible girl (But not for the reason you think ). After Bigfoot got infected, I thought the scenes with him and Helen were really wicked, I love Helen's looks on her face, you could tell she was scared . And later when she went in there with him, I was scared for her . I liked the Helen and Ashley moment before Ashley and Henry went on their mission, and now I'm worried for them too after seeing them being caught. Helen's "Suck it up" line was so funny, and I thought the ending was so wicked, seeing that place in India destroyed.

                      I still want to see how they can get the five keys without Tesla, and I can't wait to see next week-- the season finale , but thankfully not the series finale . I'm also looking forward to seeing the webisodes on TV, I've never seen them, so it should be cool seeing them on TV .


                        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                        *Jumps in with assist for rderoch*

                        Welcome and try this one Susan...

                        One hour to go

                        You beat me to it. Thanks Jan!
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                          You beat me to it. Thanks Jan!
                          Just watched it. The music was perfect for the vid. I loved the flow and you were able to use those fantastic city shots I love. Great job. Now I have to watch the rest of the webisodes. I have seen 2 now.
                          Sig by Toomi


                            Well, I'll be a broken record again--Helen was the highlight for me. Though I did quite like
                            Watson and his interactions with Helen. My favorite line was his comment about her jumping off a cliff and then hoping to sprout wings.
                            I thought it was kind of dumb for Helen to let Ashley and Henry go on the raid, but then could she have really stopped Ashley? I think not.


                              There was a lot about this episode that made it just the most enjoyable show to watch.
                              I'm still totally enthralled in in love with Requiem but this one is awfully close...I just loved it. From beginning to end it doesn't disappoint.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                I love how everyone "loves" Magnus, man-wise. Heh. She's charmed them all.

