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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

    From what I can remember of that scene, Helen said that if she injected herself with Bigfoot's blood, her immune system would produce a spike in antigens because of the Source blood. She could then inject those antigens into Bigfoot, which should theoretically cure him.

    I think Helen did this after she stunned Bigfoot with that gun, but they probably didn't show it for the sake of keeping the story moving.
    Too bad they just left that bit all dangly at the end and we have to wait until S2 to find out what the heck happened. Bigfoot could be dead by then.


      i read someone (from another sanct thread) saying about seeing helen's more vulnerable side, and it got me thinking...

      i wonder if helen slowly became who she is, or was there maybe an event that turned her a bit darker? not that i really think helen's dark, just... i guess i'm wondering if one single event (something bad or horrid) psychologically matured helen quickly. does that make sense?



        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        i read someone (from another sanct thread) saying about seeing helen's more vulnerable side, and it got me thinking...

        i wonder if helen slowly became who she is, or was there maybe an event that turned her a bit darker? not that i really think helen's dark, just... i guess i'm wondering if one single event (something bad or horrid) psychologically matured helen quickly. does that make sense?
        Yes, yes it does .


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i read someone (from another sanct thread) saying about seeing helen's more vulnerable side, and it got me thinking...i wonder if helen slowly became who she is, or was there maybe an event that turned her a bit darker? not that i really think helen's dark, just... i guess i'm wondering if one single event (something bad or horrid) psychologically matured helen quickly. does that make sense?
          Does Druitt count?
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            I figured it was the whole thing with Druitt, as well as the stress of the loss that goes along with her lifespan. Both those things would be pretty awful to live with...


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Does Druitt count?
              Originally posted by amconway View Post
              I figured it was the whole thing with Druitt, as well as the stress of the loss that goes along with her lifespan. Both those things would be pretty awful to live with...
              those make sense.

              i remember helen mentioning about not being able to bear the loneliness any longer, so that's why she finally brought ashley to term. we can prob add this to the list of turning helen a bit darker.



                what's the thread where we all listed, in order, our fave eps of this season? since we've now seen the season finale, we might need to change our answers.



                  I see no reason why you couldn't do it here

                  12. Warriors
                  11. Sanctuary for All
                  10. Kush
                  9. Instinct
                  8. Folding Man
                  7. Nubbins
                  6. Requiem
                  5. Edward
                  4. Fate Morgana
                  3. Revelations part 2
                  2.Revelations part 1

                  And the winner of best episode of Season 1 goes to:
                  The Five
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    yeah, but i can't remember my list.

                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    I see no reason why you couldn't do it here

                    12. Warriors
                    11. Sanctuary for All
                    10. Kush
                    9. Instinct
                    8. Folding Man
                    7. Nubbins
                    6. Requiem
                    5. Edward
                    4. Fate Morgana
                    3. Revelations part 2
                    2.Revelations part 1

                    And the winner of best episode of Season 1 goes to:
                    The Five



                      Then make a new one
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        i found my list.

                        now i'm going to adjust it to fit in the season finale...

                        1- requiem
                        2- the five
                        3- kush
                        4/5- sanctuary for all pts 1&2
                        6 - revelations pt 2
                        7 - instinct
                        8 - revelations pt 1
                        9 - fata morgana
                        10 - nubbins
                        11 - edward
                        12 - folding man
                        13 - warriors




                          Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
                          Too bad they just left that bit all dangly at the end and we have to wait until S2 to find out what the heck happened. Bigfoot could be dead by then.

                          Yeah, I wish there had been a brief scene with Bigfoot in Revelations part 2 to let the audience know his condition before the cliffhanger ending. I guess we're just meant to assume that perhaps Helen's treatment did not work and Bigfoot (as well as all other abnormals) are wholly dependent on the Source blood to cure them.

                          But I hope Bigfoot won't be killed off, he's been a very nice addition to the Sanctuary, and I've love to see more backstory about how he came to work for Helen.



                            1. Warriors
                            2. The Five
                            3. Kush
                            4. Revelations pt 2
                            5. Folding Man
                            6. Nubbins
                            7. Edward
                            8. Requiem
                            9. Fata Morgana
                            10. Revelations pt 1
                            11/12 Sanctuary for All 1/2
                            13. Instinct.

                            And I've realised, from doing this list, how poorly a 1-13 countdown actually reflects my feelings. Explanation under spoiler tags

                            1. Warriors - Every time I watch the final scene between Helen and Gregory, I blub. I love this sort of "little girl" aspect of Helen we see... the absolute childlike look of wonder on her face when she says "I'm your daughter".

                            2. The Five - Don't think I need to explain why I like this one. It'll be a popular choice

                            3. Kush - It was full of twists and turns and was the episode I really went "Yeah, this is a good show". I didn't see the end coming, which was a nice surprise. I'm too good at spotting endings. lol

                            4. Revelations pt 2 - This one I did spot the ending to. Over a year ago. But I still liked it because it was well executed, despite the predictable nature of the plot.

                            5. Folding Man - Again, lots of twists and turns and was a clever and well executed plot. So it comes high up.

                            6. Nubbins - I like a nice, funny, don't-need-to-think episode, and this delivered. I wish it was higher on the list, but too many good quality episodes.

                            7. Edward - Solid episode with a great premise.

                            8. Requiem - So-so episode. It was enjoyable enough, and Amanda was very good, but I think having this episode in a first series was a brave choice. Is the audience really emotionally invested enough to spend a whole 45 minutes on a sub with just two characters? I personally found the family ties of the following week far more engaging.

                            9. Fata Morgana - Almost came above requiem, but I did like crazy Helen. First viewing I was disappointed, perhaps because I had my hopes up after the webisodes? But, I watched it for a second time with an ex-work colleague last week and it really held its own as a solid episode. In fact, it worked a lot better than the webisode versions when scrutinised.

                            10. Revelations pt 1 - it was inevitable that this would come low on my list. It was a sound episode, but there was a lot of talk and set up. The payback came in the second ep, but if we're classing them as separate entities, it comes way down.

                            11/12 Sanctuary for All 1/2 - Much better on a second viewing, I must admit, but I still think that comparitavely speaking, it's a weaker episode. I felt they really took a one hour story and made it into two (Which is exactly what it was, I suppose). Added to this was the clumsy editing by itv4. We lost several scenes in the Uk (at least on the second showing) including my favourite Helen/Ashley scene with the Facebook comment.

                            13. Instinct - Again, I wish this wasn't so low. It had a good premise and I could see exactly what they were intending to do, but the camera work, for me, was just distracting. It worked for a one off, I guess, but I wouldn't want it again.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Well, one thing's for sure, I'm not including Requiem in my list, BIGGEST let down ever! I feel like Amanda poured salt into my wounds .
                              Last edited by Rocky89; 15 January 2009, 09:20 PM.


                                Just kidding again . Seriously here's my list-- again .

                                1. Requiem
                                2. Sanctuary for all 1 & 2
                                3. Kush
                                4. The Five
                                5. Folding Man
                                6. Nubbins
                                7. Fata Morgana
                                8. Instinct
                                9. Edward
                                10. Revelations Pt. 2
                                11. Revelations Pt. 1
                                12. Warriors

