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X-Men Origins: Wolverine Series of Movies

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    Well, I finally saw Wolverine, it was alright, not bad but not great either. It was a little poorly put together IMO, but I enjoyed it. X-men and X2 are still the best!


      The three major things about Wolverine that I enjoyed were

      A: Liev Scribble (I still can't remember how to spell his name) as Sabertooth. I did hope Tyler Mane would have returned for continuity sake, but I enjoyed his performance a lot, especially the whole brutal killer yet loving brother aspect of his character.

      B: Deadpool. Short and sweet. Shame Weapon XI sucked (yay for retcon)

      C: Getting the explanation behind what happened to him.

      Other than that, rest I could have cared less about although seeing Cyclops being saved by Xavier was cool.



        Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
        The three major things about Wolverine that I enjoyed were

        A: Liev Scribble (I still can't remember how to spell his name) as Sabertooth. I did hope Tyler Mane would have returned for continuity sake, but I enjoyed his performance a lot, especially the whole brutal killer yet loving brother aspect of his character.

        B: Deadpool. Short and sweet. Shame Weapon XI sucked (yay for retcon)

        C: Getting the explanation behind what happened to him.

        Other than that, rest I could have cared less about although seeing Cyclops being saved by Xavier was cool.
        I agree, I loved Cyclops and Xavier appearing briefly, i'm glad that were not in it more. Ryan Reynolds was fantastic in the short time that he was around. I loved the after-credits sequence when he grabs his head(or Weapon XI's head) and tells the audience to "shhh"....I think that is what he was doing. I loved the opening credits sequence with the wars. Leiv Schrieber was great as Sabertooth, I liked Gambit as well, Blob was funny, Agent Zero and Wraith were great as well IMO. I wish they used the same actor for Stryker that was in X2 though, I lived Stryker in Wolverine but I like the X2 (Brian Cox) version of the character much better...more mysterious.

        But IMO some of the writing and special effects were a little when Wolverine was chopping up the staircase when fighting Gambit. Weapon XI was interesting but because it was Wade Wilson and made me . I'd give it a 7 out of 10.


          I never saw the head scene at the end. When I saw it in theatres, I got Wolverine at a bar. I want to see that scene though.

          I would have liked Brian Cox to appear in the film as well, reprising his role as Stryker but considering how much time he had on screen, I couldn't see them being able to do that age trick on him as they did on Xavier and Magneto in X3. I would like if they kept the voice though, I think Brian Cox has a great voice while the Wolverine version just seemed too.. wimpy and scheming.

          I forgot about Gambit, he was good too. I was a bit disappointed that he was added pretty much as a character just to advance the plot rather than being a major player. Blob was cool. Interesting seeing Zipacna done up to look 500 pounds (if not more) and I thought the role was funny. It was cool seeing Blob thin, that surprised me.

          As for Zero and Wraith, meh. I think Zero was good because he got to play the character who was just brutal, didn't care, just wanted to get the job done anyway possible. Wraith, I think they really added him just to make Weapon XI more dangerous by giving him teleporting powers.



            'Wolverine' sequel to film in January 2011

            Production on the sequel to X-Men Origins: Wolverine is reportedly scheduled to start next January.

            According to Showbiz 411, screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie has finished penning the script and filming will start in early 2011. No director has been attached to the project as yet, but star Hugh Jackman is expected to return.

            The follow-up will apparently be a love story featuring a Japanese actress. "It's a beautiful story and will be very different than the first film," said an insider.



              Tony Scott & Matt Reeves Final Contendors To Direct Wolverine Origin Sequel?

              Coming from "very" reliable source of The Playlist, apparently FOX has quietly been searching for a director for their followup to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And while Matthew Vaugh's X-Men: First Class is in the casting stage, several directors who were considered to direct that, have talked to the studio about the gig. The Playlist says..."Kathryn Bigelow, Timur Bekmambetov, and Daniel Espinosa have talked to FOX about directing WOLVERINE 2, but apparently Fox has narrowed it down to two choices: Matt Reeves and Tony Scott.

              Matt Reeves directed Cloverfield 2008 & the upcoming Let Me In, so hes familiar with action and visual effects, which will obviously come to play in a "Wolverine" film. Plus Reeves would probably be the less expensive choice. And as for Tony Scott, hes had his share of action films, directing "Deja Vu" & "Man On Fire". And while Scott would probably be a bit pricier to bring aboard, The Playlist points out that there is no doubt he would bring his energetic style & make explosions look good.

              Regarding the story to the sequel, it was said that the script is very different "based on a story cycle by Frank Miller and Chris Claremont. And Wolverine’s adventures in martial arts will be a love story featuring a Japanese actress."

              The sequel was tentatively scheduled earlier this year for a January 2011 start, but rumors have been knocking around that the production start will be pushed back



                I must say, I do like the idea of Tony Scott directing. I've enjoyed a lot of his movies over the years and I think he'd do a great job.



                  Tony Scott would be a great choice. I am glad they want someone experienced this time. Scott can handle both, dramatic and action scenes, so I hope he can be the one who will direct Wolverine 2.

                  "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                    Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                    Tony Scott would be a great choice. I am glad they want someone experienced this time. Scott can handle both, dramatic and action scenes, so I hope he can be the one who will direct Wolverine 2.
                    I could definitely live with Tony Scott making this.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      Wolverine Bulks Up

                      Sounds like Hugh Jackman is gearing up to brandish those adamantium claws again, with the star apparently bulking up this autumn in preparation for Wolverine 2.

                      According to Deadline Hollywood, Jackman has dropped out of comedy Avon Man so he can get in shape for an X-Men sequel shoot in 2011.

                      The Japanese-set samurai story is being scripted by Chris McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects), although the film is yet to find a director.



                        'Wolverine 2' targets 'Twilight' director

                        Fox has targeted the director of Twilight: Eclipse for Wolverine 2.

                        Vulture reports that David Slade is competing with Flightplan and The Time Traveler's Wife helmer Robert Schwentke for the movie.

                        An insider has indicated that Slade is the favourite to direct the sequel.

                        Wolverine 2 will reportedly be set in Japan, following on from the conclusion of the first film.



                          Well Wolverine 2 is doomed if they want either one of these guys to do it. What the hell happened with Tony Scott?



                            Why should it be doomed? Yeah, I know, the "Twilight" doesn´t make a good impression but Slade´s other movies are good and I think he could handle topic like this. And he could push the PG-13 to its limits.
                            I think Tony Scott is busy right now with something else.

                            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                              Characters and Plot Info for Wolverine 2

                              BleedingCool recently reported on a few leaked plot details in Wolverine 2. If you read all the info, then you pretty much know the whole plot, if you know at least a bit about Wolverine.

                              "Zen: A Japanese man “who arranges for Logan’s release” from a Canadian prison and “offers to answer questions about his origin if he’ll accompany him to Tokyo”.

                              Shingen: Shingen’s father was the master of The Hand, an order of ninja. Instead of allowing his son to take leadership of the order, Shingen’s father killed himself and left the Hand without a master. This pretty much defines Shingen now. That’s how it works in these kinds of stories.

                              Kenuichio: Shingen’s illegitimate son, but not recognised as an heir. An expert Samurai, he will adopt his “Silver Samurai” guise in the movie and attack Logan “several times”.

                              Mariko: Shingen’s daughter, and Logan’s chief love interest.

                              Yukio: Logan’s bodyguard and lust interest.

                              Frank Sinatra: “Japan’s answer to Frank Sinatra. A Yakuza higher-up who provides Logan with information”."



                                Darren Aronofsky Reveals the Official Title of the Wolverine Sequel!

                                Chatting with Drew McWeeny from HitFix, Darren Aronofsky, who's been tapped to direct FOX's follow-up to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, reveals that a number won't be attached to the official title of the sequel, dismissing the idea of the film being a sequel at all. Here's what McWeeny said verbatim:

                                "The film that he's directing is officially called "The Wolverine," and there won't be a number attached to it. In our interview, he referred to the movie as a "one-off," and he emphasized that the film isn't a sequel in any conventional sense."


