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    OK adding in my two cents:

    First off, I do not believe this is Earth. At the end of season 3 they CLEARLY gave us an identifiable Earth, this time they didn't, and that was for a reason folks.

    For those who argue that the constellations matched, I would point out two things. One, stellar fixes based on stars of varying distances are tricky things to calculate. Even with detailed scans, given the sheer distances involved, even a tiny discrepancy in measuring here or there could mean a HUGE change in the result, and yes, we are talking light years here guys.

    Second, for those who argue that not all the zodiac stars are that far away from earth, I would point out what Gaeta said when they arrived was that the 'visible' constellations appeared to match. Now, while this seems to be definite, you have to consider that he said visible for a reason. The constellations they are referring to are the zodiac constellations, which lie on the horizon (when projected into space that is) of our view on the heavens. This means that at any given time of year, we can only see part of the zodiac, (with one being most prominent at any given date... which is how we determine what starsign we belong to). What this means is that, from orbit, any observer would only be able to see part of the zodiac at a time. This is why Gaeta said visible constellations, its also one possible explanation for how they could have been wrong. He could not see the full set of constellations when he gave his report, so he based his reading on what he saw. Crucially, we do not know which zodiac constellations he was looking at, so we cannot know. (Actually, the idea of using constellations as navigation points is a subject on which i could talk at length - it makes no sense really, if you think about what constellations are... but thats not really relevant to this discussion).

    Now there are those that will argue that they would have taken more readings before going down and yes, logic would dictate that they would. But does logic jump up and down at the end of three years of struggle? Does logic jump up and cheer on a dradis console? You have to look at the human aspect here (which is what BS is all about really). They have suffered, they have lost, and now they are here. None of them, not human, not cylon, wants to find out that actually they are not there yet, so they take a reading, it looks good, they land, only to have their hopes dashed. Logical? No. Smart? No. Human, most certainly YES!

    So, why don't I think this is Earth? Well, I come back to my original point. Since we know, from what we have been shown so far, that BSG's Earth is OUR Earth (at least visually), then there is no reason for them not so show the outline of the landmasses other than to hide the fact that this planet is NOT Earth. I would also point out that from a storytelling point of view, there is one major reason for this not being Earth - the final Cylon. Think about it. BSG has become a search for a new home, not just for the human race, but for the Cylons as well. The Cylons are searching for the lost part of themselves, just as the humans are. Their final Cylon is no different from the human 13th tribe. RDM has gone to a lot of trouble to bring us to this point, with both races tied together at last. The only way forward for this is for the final Cylon and earth to be tied together in some way. One cannot exist within the story now without the other. We haven't found the last Cylon, so we haven't found Earth... its that simple.

    There you go, my opinion on this episode and this discussion.


    PS: Sorry, but one more thing. Has anyone else thought that the whole journey to Earth thing is a little backwards? I mean think about it. 13 tribes on Kobol. They leave. 12 go one way, 1 goes another (for whatever reason) and this is the end of contact. Yet, for no reason that makes any sense, the 13th colony leave these markers to show their cousins where they went. And there are prophecies on the colonies to point the way to the 13th tribe (which, from the stated history, would be impossible as there was no way that the 12 tribes knew where the 13th went). Could it be that this is backwards? I mean, what if a bunch of humans (or all the humans, from every tribe) have left Kobol as was recorded and, as one, traveled to a new home planet (the planet they have just found, destroyed), and then some catastrophe happened (a war between the 12 tribes and the 13th), causing them to split yet again. 12 tribes head off and found the colonies, (in much the same way as the Cylons did), while the 13th has to abandon their home to find a new one (due to fallout), founding Earth.

    It would then follow that the markers that the BSG crew have followed have then been left by their own ancestors on their journey away from the 13th tribe, perhaps as a way back for some future reconciliation. Could the prophecies be nothing more than the remnants of ancient and forgotten history? Could the final five Cylons be some form of envoy from the 13th tribe to their lost cousins?

    I dont know, its just a theory. What do you think?


      i have to say i saw the nuked earth coming i thought it would either be that or a cylon populated planet
      the prophecies appear to have been very misleading the whole final five will lead us to earth thing all they did was go to the viper and unless starbuck is a cylon then that whole thing is a load of rubbish
      i think the final cylon is kat or cally but when she said final four perhaps she wants the one to find out for themselves as they need to for some purpose who knows

      key members of parliament, key. The minds behind every military, diplomatic and covert operation in the galaxy and you put them in a room with a psychic.


      thanks to stef for making this banner


        1. Tory didn't take long to switch to the Cylons but she was already losing it anyway.

        2. I never have liked Tigh but I do respect his friendship with the "old man"...and his losing the plot looked ugly, for all the right reasons!

        3. Very nice save from Kara.

        4. Which leads on to the celebrations at finding Earth which I liked...but something didn't quite feel right...

        5. ...which leads to the question "who fracked up the Earth"? No one should be surprised at this result, let's face it, there have never been any hints as to where Earth is at while the Colonials have been wondering the stars. And if it's been a few centuries after Earth got toasted, there may no longer be any survivors.


          i think the idea of the dying leader is gone ...i believe laura is going to live and recover and the thing that she is going to burn is the scroll of pythia" due to it leading the fleet to a nuked earth

          she will lose faith in the books she's been following and maybe turn to baltars teaches


            Originally posted by GateDragon View Post
            i think the idea of the dying leader is gone ...i believe laura is going to live and recover and the thing that she is going to burn is the scroll of pythia" due to it leading the fleet to a nuked earth

            she will lose faith in the books she's been following and maybe turn to baltars teaches
            Regarding the Dying Leader, HUGE HUGE HUGE spoiler for the second half of the season.
            Seriously. You really might not want to see this.
            Apparently Starbuck is going to find her dead body in her Viper on Earth- dying leader who didn't live to see the promised land?


              well for the past few days iv been rewatching Season 2 and I was thinking

              where was head Six in this episode? she has been sorely under used this season and I would think she would you know show up this episode because they found earth but nope...

              Caprica 6 has also been sorely under used but im betting we will see alot more of her in the coming episodes but unlike Head Six she atleast made a brief appearance at the very end(or atleast I think it was her going up to Saul)


                so... NY gets it right up the wazoo in a thermo-nuclear war . any ideas on what happened: maybe a human thermo-nuclear war, destroying everything, or did the other Cylons beat Galactica to it + are hiding on the dark side of the moon, building another Ressurection Hub, waiting?

                question: if the 13th Tribe had space travel tech., why don't we, I mean Earth + couldn't we have used it to escape the nuke holocaust that had a brief relationship with the Brooklyn Bridge?

                Pi to 16 decimal places: 3.1415926535897932


                  BTW...I am pretty sure that the place where they landed was not NY. It was Sydney Australia


                    Originally posted by GateMan2000 View Post
                    BTW...I am pretty sure that the place where they landed was not NY. It was Sydney Australia
                    having read through this entire topic and seen all the comparison shots I would agree
                    plus of coarse it helps Sydney has a certain famous Opera House~


                      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                      Regarding the Dying Leader, HUGE HUGE HUGE spoiler for the second half of the season.
                      Seriously. You really might not want to see this.
                      Apparently Starbuck is going to find her dead body in her Viper on Earth- dying leader who didn't live to see the promised land?
                      but she's not a leader for say


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                        Regarding the Dying Leader, HUGE HUGE HUGE spoiler for the second half of the season.
                        Seriously. You really might not want to see this.
                        Apparently Starbuck is going to find her dead body in her Viper on Earth- dying leader who didn't live to see the promised land?
                        Where did you get this intel from?
                        Tis quite interesting information! (And also a bit alarming!)

                        Stars with gates are cool...
                        "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                          Originally posted by Starbuck View Post
                          Where did you get this intel from?
                          Tis quite interesting information! (And also a bit alarming!)
                          it's been going around bsg rumor mills for months


                            Originally posted by kharn the betrayer View Post
                            having read through this entire topic and seen all the comparison shots I would agree
                            plus of coarse it helps Sydney has a certain famous Opera House~
                            Grins *giggles with glee*

                            Yeah, I can't get over how much I love that.
                            Originally posted by GateDragon View Post
                            but she's not a leader for say
                            Sure she is, she led the Demetrius mission, she's the leader of the pilots, Starbuck is definitely a leader, and if her viper gave off the signal that brought them to earth, yup. Leader.

                            Originally posted by Starbuck View Post
                            Where did you get this intel from?
                            Tis quite interesting information! (And also a bit alarming!)
                            Originally, on LJ and the SCI-FI forums, but it's pretty much everywhere now, and if you start freeze-framing the 4.5 preview it fits perfectly (Starbuck IS burning a viper, it would be Adama crying over her body, the dog tags and the ring, etc.). Pretty frakking disturbing.


                              Originally posted by GateDragon View Post
                              it's been going around bsg rumor mills for months
                              Wow. Shows how out of the loop I am! Been avoiding fandom like the plauge this year as I didn't want to be spoilered. Now that we've reached midway however...I just cant seem to help myself!

                              Stars with gates are cool...
                              "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                                Originally, on LJ and the SCI-FI forums, but it's pretty much everywhere now, and if you start freeze-framing the 4.5 preview it fits perfectly (Starbuck IS burning a viper, it would be Adama crying over her body, the dog tags and the ring, etc.). Pretty frakking disturbing.
                                I'm slightly confused. So if the real starbuck is dead. Who is the starbuck that came back?

                                Oh and yes, I agree...frakking disturbing indeed!

                                Stars with gates are cool...
                                "Somewhere, somebody's blog just blew up."

