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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    @Annoyed why do you prefer Bennett over Kavanaugh?
    Primarily, she's younger; odd are it will be longer before retirement.


      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      @Annoyed why do you prefer Bennett over Kavanaugh?
      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Primarily, she's younger; odd are it will be longer before retirement.
      The answer is greed.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Do the parallels *need* to be spelled out ANY clearer...??? Not reading too much into this... not when the Clinton's are involved. Not sure who in TV/radio land has stated this, but it's probably already been mentioned elsewhere on the internet.
        And yes, appointing Kavanaugh is a BIG deal ... but if the Clinton's are involved in some personal vendetta, that makes this an even BIGGER deal than could ever be imagined. It makes the amount of volatile anger make more sense, now.
        Why is every individual on the right pro-Trump so quick to jump to conspiracies? Is it something needed to adhere to the Republican party? Do you need to undergo an interview with Giorgio to finalize the subscription process?

        And we all know where your conspiracies lead, as you mentioned the investigation on Bill turned out quite conclusive... OMG a blowjob! Such a waste of public funds. And to be perfectly honest, do you blame the man? He was married to Hillary, I surely don't. I'd rather kiss a snake and hug a cactus instead.

        Kavanaugh brought this on himself.
        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Spoiler quote below for space. The rest is for what obviously follows...

          A "Scheme" by the Democrats...? or would that be just a few, certain ones in particular?
          Here is an interesting *detail* of info from Judge Kavanaugh's (*trial* with Dr. Ford) hearing/"job" interview.
          (bold font for emphasis is mine)

          Say what???! When I heard that on "live" (as it was happening) radio, my sensitive *radar* antenna just went sky high upward! That little tidbit of info ended up being a possible connection of information I wasn't expecting to hear at all, but it was there ---- for the entire world to hear. Is it significant? hmmmm....

          When I heard Kavanaugh's connection to Ken Starr and the investigations into Bill Clinton's Presidential work ethics with Clinton's female interns, I felt a strong (vibe) agreement with Kavanaugh's own comment vibes. Suddenly, the murky waters became crystal clear.
          The Question there would be if there really is *any* connection in this entire appointment process that would lead back to Bill and Hillary Clinton's influence(s) and that whole Ken Starr investigation process.

          Thus, some background----For those who do NOT know or have forgotten...

          Ken Starr investigated (former) President Bill Clinton's "sexcapades", while Bill Clinton was actively working and operating as USA President. Based on past news, Brett Kavanaugh was the special counsel in the case *against* President Bill Clinton at that time.
          For those of you who are completely oblivious.
          Starr was appointed to investigate whitewater, and in years he found nothing, continued investigation lead to Monica, which was STILL NOTHING criminal as a blowjob, no matter where is not illegal.
          What WAS illegal was Bill LYING about it under oath.
          Your party used to impeach liars, even their own, how far you have fallen to protect them.
          BINGO...!!! So, one of these side-trails also leads over to Hillary Clinton...?! and thus, another (perhaps personal) take-down against --oh jeeze-- Donald Trump AND whoah, now newbie appointee Judge Kavanaugh... Weird coincidence there... eh...? Anyone who knew the stories surrounding Ken Starr and Bill Clinton, and now with Brett Kavanaugh in the middle or near the top of this list, would seriously start seeing some RED FLAGs pointing either directly or indirectly back to Hillary (and Bill) Clinton.
          What are you rambling about?
          The resistance towards Kavenaugh is based on the Clintons?
          If anything, such info ... is simply just Not really there? ---- Afterall, that is just a mighty interesting coincidence. Especially, in the area of why there is so much vicious behavioral attitudes against Brett Kavanaugh.
          Learn a thing or two about his role in the Clinton investigation. Kavanaugh was the one pushing for the Lewinski investigation, and framing questions in the crudest form possible in order to catch Bill lying under oath.
          He is the progenitor of the "perjury trap", and to claim it's somehow not fair now is moral and ethical cowardice.
          Bill got a blowjob, and a House that voted for impeachment from it. (even though it was 6 years later and had nothing to do with whitewater, it was a moral judgement)
          If Kavanaugh lies under oath, on anything, let him burn.
          Now, when one particular Kool-Aid drinking nut here will argue about Bork, Republicans still got their SCOTUS judge, and probably a more effective one in Scalia.
          The right can still nominate, that power has not been denied, they just don't get this one, cause he is questionable.

          Above was reinforced from WPIX, channel 11, NYC,NY.
          Please see below quote (bold font emphasis mine).

          Do the parallels *need* to be spelled out ANY clearer...??? Not reading too much into this... not when the Clinton's are involved. Not sure who in TV/radio land has stated this, but it's probably already been mentioned elsewhere on the internet.
          And yes, appointing Kavanaugh is a BIG deal ... but if the Clinton's are involved in some personal vendetta, that makes this an even BIGGER deal than could ever be imagined. It makes the amount of volatile anger make more sense, now.
          I have more anger over Merrick Garland, a middle of the road jurist who was flat out denied anything.
          Guess you forgot him.
          And everyone just thought this was about upholding the abortion laws...
          If any Democrat is pro-abortion and had wild partying days in high school or college to the degree that Brett Kavanaugh is being accused of, none of this would matter --at least from the Democrat POV of Diane Feinstein & cohorts... That *chosen* Democrat should go thru the same wringer Kavanaugh has been put thru. If the Democrat comes out appointed regardless, then the question should be even moreso, why? *Why* the favoritism?

          It is a simple question with an answer that should NOT be so complex.
          You are an idiot.
          You WANT the free thinking people to be held to YOUR STANDARDS, rather than their own.
          I had sex with my wife in the US, therefore that child MUST be a US citizen no matter where it was born. Life begins at conception, so all the Mexicans rapists and communist Canadians need to do is have sex in America, and their kids are American.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Womble View Post
            If the accusation fundamentally cannot be proven by the accuser, how do you suggest it might be investigated? "She seems trustworthy, therefore he is guilty"?
            I don't think you have been following what I've been saying. Annoyed is taking it as a forgone conclusion that Ford isn't telling the truth because she has no proof. My position isn't a forgone conclusion one way or another. As for how to prove guilt?

            Well, there are things such as corroborating evidence, criminal profiling, and probabilities. In the end, nothing is 100% provable to be honest. Kavanaugh's life is nowhere near ruined no matter the outcome, to even suggest that would be ludicrous. I am simply asking for high standards for a government position that has such amazingly massive level of impact on everyone for an untold amount of time.

            A party boy, going to what are nothing more than rapey drunken orgies being accused by multiple individuals to have been assaulted in this rapey drunken orgy isn't exactly a far fetched accusation. A friend of said boy stating that he lied about his drinking problem adds credence to his untrustworthiness. The statistics that show that in this case a lower class woman accusing a man that is such a higher level than herself to be lying with no real tangible benefit for herself is very low.

            Unlike Annoyed, I just don't know one way or another but it sure doesn't look good for Kavanaugh.

            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Without proof, is it fair to derail someone's career? Or can any woman destroy someone's career and reputation with simple vague accusations?
            If this was an average Joe, no. But this isn't an average joe. This is a rich guy, at the zenith of his career who participate din rapey drunken orgies being called out by more than one individual for doing something that we all know happens in rapey drunken orgies.

            Suppose I go to PA and accuse you of sexually molesting me 35 years ago, with no memory of the details, where, when, etc. and no corroboration, which is what Ford is doing.
            Isn't that the point of having the FBI investigate? To see if there is corroboration? Like say similar accusations? Attestations to the type of behavior that a rapist would show?

            How is this scenario comparable? Fine. But use the entire thing. You randomly accuse me of having assaulted you in a rapey drunken orgy 35 years ago. Well, there's just one problem. I don't go to rapey drunken orgies. Never have and never will. That right there ends the case. Sure, maybe someone ought to look into whether or not I attend or have attended rapy drunken orgies.

            Remember "Innocent until proven guilty"?
            Do you pretend to read my posts but just glide over them or something?

            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            More likely, in the age of "MeToo", she's a woman, so she must be telling the truth. Some people have pretty much said this in the media; "if it weren't true, she wouldn't subject herself to the process".

            My first choice would have been Amy Comey-Bennett. I wonder what the Democrats would have tried to tear her down with.
            Strawman. Sure some people take their word for it as a forgone conclusion. But then would you like me judging trump for everything his craziest supporters do and say? But then again, you are okay with double standards and hypocrisy when it suits you as we have seen here many many times.
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              Why is every individual on the right pro-Trump so quick to jump to conspiracies? Is it something needed to adhere to the Republican party? Do you need to undergo an interview with Giorgio to finalize the subscription process?

              And we all know where your conspiracies lead, as you mentioned the investigation on Bill turned out quite conclusive... OMG a blowjob! Such a waste of public funds. And to be perfectly honest, do you blame the man? He was married to Hillary, I surely don't. I'd rather kiss a snake and hug a cactus instead.

              Kavanaugh brought this on himself.

              But but doing that is bad.. You can't investigate the Repubs because that's bad

              But wasn't this the same people that went on about Bill Clinton and Cosby and such and were fine with doing the same thing to them, although in the case of Cosby well that was pretty nasty what he did. But yeah that was fine but these allegations are not OK and I see a double standard and lots of goalpost moving.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                I don't think you have been following what I've been saying. Annoyed is taking it as a forgone conclusion that Ford isn't telling the truth because she has no proof. My position isn't a forgone conclusion one way or another. As for how to prove guilt?

                Well, there are things such as corroborating evidence, criminal profiling, and probabilities. In the end, nothing is 100% provable to be honest. Kavanaugh's life is nowhere near ruined no matter the outcome, to even suggest that would be ludicrous. I am simply asking for high standards for a government position that has such amazingly massive level of impact on everyone for an untold amount of time.
                My reason for coming to the conclusion that Ford is either a liar or falsely remembers things is not simply that she has no proof. It is combining what we do know.
                1: The timing of the accusations, after 30+ years.
                2: The timing of the accusations being made public; Feinstein had her accusations 2 months ago.
                3: And as long as we're talking about Feinstein, why did she she tell Feinstein about this? Why not a police officer? The only possible answer is a political motivation.
                4: Her memories of the event; when, where, how she got there, how she got home are all non-existent.
                5: Her supposed corroborating witnesses deny it ever happened.

                There are more details, but add it all together and it spells bullfeathers.

                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                A party boy, going to what are nothing more than rapey drunken orgies being accused by multiple individuals to have been assaulted in this rapey drunken orgy isn't exactly a far fetched accusation. A friend of said boy stating that he lied about his drinking problem adds credence to his untrustworthiness. The statistics that show that in this case a lower class woman accusing a man that is such a higher level than herself to be lying with no real tangible benefit for herself is very low.

                Unlike Annoyed, I just don't know one way or another but it sure doesn't look good for Kavanaugh.
                More unsubstantiated accusations, totally in character with the Democrats attempt to do a smear job to block his confirmation. Sad to say, to be expected.

                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                How is this scenario comparable? Fine. But use the entire thing. You randomly accuse me of having assaulted you in a rapey drunken orgy 35 years ago. Well, there's just one problem. I don't go to rapey drunken orgies. Never have and never will. That right there ends the case. Sure, maybe someone ought to look into whether or not I attend or have attended rapy drunken orgies.
                Can you prove that you didn't? Remember, we're changing the standard here from the burden of proof being on the accuser to the opposite; the burden of proof in this case has been placed upon Kavanaugh; he is being "convicted" based upon the totally unstubstatiated accusations of Ford alone. And as far as the new accusations, being a rowdy drunk back in the day, this is unexpected? The Democrats are going to do anything they can to pull such accusations out of thin air this week. I predicted that from the day Flake said to let the FBI look into it.

                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                Do you pretend to read my posts but just glide over them or something?
                No, but you seem to be ignoring a great deal of the information that we do know about this. I'd start with items 1 through 5 above.


                  Posting this quote for background only.

                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  They can't let it run amuck. If the investigation is not limited in scope, the Democrats will simply keep coming up with new unprovable accusations, the sole purpose of which would be to delay the confirmation vote.

                  If you ask me, Flake made a huge mistake agreeing to even a limited investigation. He should have voted yes, and sent it to the full senate Monday.
                  . . .
                  President Trump gave a limited extension to the FBI's investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. Therefore-- if this holds true, it means...

                  Translation = this is a LIMITED extension. END of WEEK means it's DONE. Final.
                  VOTE...! *NO* MORE delaying.

                  The Democrats don't seem to understand what the word NO means, as in NO MORE extensions. They had the entire 2 months of summer, and then some to investigate, interview, whatever.
                  STOP DRAGGING this OUT. It is a *Waste of TAXPAYERs (IRS) money!*

                  Republicans need to remind the DEADLINE times, and NOT deviate from it. Stop letting other people make excuses to DELAY, DELAY, DELAY... If it is going to be likely that Brett Kavanaugh won't be appointed, then STOP the freakin process PRONTO. This is wasting TAXPAYERs money! Move on to the next item--and don't let endless excuses impede the process... Isn't that "obstruction" of (the legal) progress?

                  What is boggling is that somewhere I heard that Brett Kavanaugh was one of the DEM recommendations. Now, he's on their hit squad list to be vanquished completely... with potentially facing jail time? And now with new accusations of being labeled a pedophile? There is a blurry line between college aged and High school kids going out partying. People in those age groups relate together that way...and have done it for decades! Plus, they party hardy... NO RESPONSIBILITY... til years later, like now?

                  Of course this whole investigation scene will continue into November, just as Annoyed noted.
                  DELAY tactics, to gain DEMocratic control of the "House". Then, they said they plan to (destroy) cream President Trump as well after that, working to impeach him and immediately reverse everything Trump passed into amended regulations or law.
                  (That also spells TAX hikes... massive TAX increases...especially since the DEMs would have complete control of the purse $$$ strings.) It may also translate being forced into some global world war... a continued promise from the previous Admin.

                  (Generic) *You* people here have noted that the Republicans want total control? Yet, the Republicans seem to be the more restrained and submissive ones (they do relinquish their career positions), while the DEMs have stated in various ways over the past year that once they regain control, they ain't lettin' go of it EVER again... That's a totalitarian ruling party. Doesn't matter what "name" they put it under, it is still TOTAL domination over the entire USA classes, etc.

                  Life would be fantastic if all turned into goodness and joy, but (generic) *you* folks got a long way to get there. There are deceits being planted all around, so many ---that IF it were possible--- people will believe in the LIE(s), and many already do ...but from whom are these lies truly originating from? That's the simple question. WHO can be trusted any more?

                  After last week's BK "hearing" fiasco, I --along with many other people-- have certainly lost any hope of putting *faith* into our USA Democratic leadership / Representatives. Those involved who orchestrated the Flake/elevator encounter and pulled 3 "witnesses" to speak against Brett Kavanaugh have shown their tactics as disgraceful and disgusting.

                  Approximately 35 days breathing room remaining... go VOTE for USA elections...


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    For those of you who are completely oblivious.
                    Starr was appointed to investigate whitewater, and in years he found nothing, continued investigation lead to Monica, which was STILL NOTHING criminal as a blowjob, no matter where is not illegal.
                    What WAS illegal was Bill LYING about it under oath.
                    Your party used to impeach liars, even their own, how far you have fallen to protect them.

                    What are you rambling about?
                    The resistance towards Kavenaugh is based on the Clintons?
                    THEY HAVE NO POWER.

                    Learn a thing or two about his role in the Clinton investigation. Kavanaugh was the one pushing for the Lewinski investigation, and framing questions in the crudest form possible in order to catch Bill lying under oath.
                    He is the progenitor of the "perjury trap", and to claim it's somehow not fair now is moral and ethical cowardice.
                    Bill got a blowjob, and a House that voted for impeachment from it. (even though it was 6 years later and had nothing to do with whitewater, it was a moral judgement)
                    If Kavanaugh lies under oath, on anything, let him burn.
                    Now, when one particular Kool-Aid drinking nut here will argue about Bork, Republicans still got their SCOTUS judge, and probably a more effective one in Scalia.
                    The right can still nominate, that power has not been denied, they just don't get this one, cause he is questionable.

                    I have more anger over Merrick Garland, a middle of the road jurist who was flat out denied anything.
                    Guess you forgot him.

                    You are an idiot.
                    You WANT the free thinking people to be held to YOUR STANDARDS, rather than their own.
                    I had sex with my wife in the US, therefore that child MUST be a US citizen no matter where it was born. Life begins at conception, so all the Mexicans rapists and communist Canadians need to do is have sex in America, and their kids are American.
                    Whitewater... yeah, I know but forgot to add that.

                    As for Merrick Garland, I never heard of him, until you (GF) brought his name up. I didn't pay much attention to who President Obama appointed for what. It was the same with most of the previous Presidents, too (let them do what they did... the Enquirer & etc. would fill in the scoops, while waiting on line at the grocery store). And no, I don't read or listen much to the political news, unless there is a reason to do so (such as -- like my future retirement is in jeopardy!?).

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    You WANT the free thinking people to be held to YOUR STANDARDS, rather than their own.
                    What is so difficult to understand this game that the DEMs have against the Republicans? If the DEMs can't go thru the same wringer process, investigations on the same subjects and issues from their own life, as they put the Republicans thru, and face the SAME consequences which the DEMs&Company set forth against the Republicans or Conservatives or any other "party", then they shouldn't have started this approach in the first place.

                    Otherwise, there exists a DOUBLE STANDARD. Seems the DEMs plan on keeping it that way, in their favor, of course.


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Posting this quote for background only.

                      President Trump gave a limited extension to the FBI's investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. Therefore-- if this holds true, it means...

                      Translation = this is a LIMITED extension. END of WEEK means it's DONE. Final.
                      VOTE...! *NO* MORE delaying.

                      The Democrats don't seem to understand what the word NO means, as in NO MORE extensions. They had the entire 2 months of summer, and then some to investigate, interview, whatever.
                      STOP DRAGGING this OUT. It is a *Waste of TAXPAYERs (IRS) money!*

                      Republicans need to remind the DEADLINE times, and NOT deviate from it. Stop letting other people make excuses to DELAY, DELAY, DELAY... If it is going to be likely that Brett Kavanaugh won't be appointed, then STOP the freakin process PRONTO. This is wasting TAXPAYERs money! Move on to the next item--and don't let endless excuses impede the process... Isn't that "obstruction" of (the legal) progress?
                      This is a big problem with the Republicans, and it goes back decades. They continually underestimate just how far the Democrats will go to get what they want. This has applied to many issues; threats to shut down the govt. over budget and other bills comes to mind, but there are others.

                      After last Friday's hearings, Flake & the Republicans never should have granted another minute for any reason. It wasn't hard to predict that the Democrats would use that week to throw all sorts of new false accusations against Kavanaugh, demanding FBI investigations on all of them. They don't care about the results, their goal is to delay, hoping to win the Senate next month. Which is a flawed strategy to begin with; If Kavanagh is forced out, there is still time for Trump to nominate Comey-Bennett and confirm before January.(if the Dems do take the Senate this fall, they don't get control till January)

                      You watch. This Friday will come, and the Dems will be screaming "the FBI needs more time!". And I rather expect the Republicans will accede to their demands.

                      What they ought to do is use their 51-49 majority, tell the Democrats to go do something physically impossible with themselves and vote to confirm.

                      At this point, if Kavanaugh is shot down, it's on the Republicans. They don't understand that you can't give the Democrats an inch, they'll take a mile every time.


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        If this was an average Joe, no. But this isn't an average joe. This is a rich guy, at the zenith of his career who participate din rapey drunken orgies being called out by more than one individual for doing something that we all know happens in rapey drunken orgies.
                        So let me get this straight, you said that you've never been in a *drunken rapy orgies* yet you know what happens there? I don't think you do. I've been to hundreds, if not thousands of parties in my youth, small or big. It was pretty much my life, I was a signer in a death metal band so I'm talking from experience when I say this: not once have I seen *rapy orgies* and those that become violent / belligerent under the influence are usually kicked out of the party, unless its hosted by players and douchebags. I've seen quite a few idiots get their ass kicked if they dared touch a woman without consent. Sorry but the way you talk about it clearly indicates you have no clue what you're talking about.

                        It's no wonder Kavanaugh didn't elaborate on that and diminished his consumption profile, Republicans and are known to be stuck-up about that. I'm not defending the guy, I personally think he's full of dong, but you're quick to jump to conclusion on this particular topic.
                        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                          Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                          It's no wonder Kavanaugh didn't elaborate on that and diminished his consumption profile
                          a euphemistic way of saying he committed perjury


                            It really doesn't matter what he did or didn't say. His past really isn't the issue here, it's that he's going to tip SCOTUS 5-4 to the right.
                            Trump could nominate Mother Teresa and if she was conservative, the Dems would still tear her down.


                              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                              So let me get this straight, you said that you've never been in a *drunken rapy orgies* yet you know what happens there? I don't think you do. I've been to hundreds, if not thousands of parties in my youth, small or big. It was pretty much my life, I was a signer in a death metal band so I'm talking from experience when I say this: not once have I seen *rapy orgies* and those that become violent / belligerent under the influence are usually kicked out of the party, unless its hosted by players and douchebags. I've seen quite a few idiots get their ass kicked if they dared touch a woman without consent. Sorry but the way you talk about it clearly indicates you have no clue what you're talking about.
                              Metal is a strange land where songs can talk about the most egregious things and the Fans, and the artists themselves generally have some pretty noble souls. Think of Slayer. Over their discography, they talk about some pretty bad stuff, but as they once said themselves, the idea of their music is not to glorify the horrific, but put it in your face so you are aware of just how bad humanity can be and learn from it.
                              If 30 odd years in the metal scene has taught me anything, going to concerts etc, it's that Metal is really, really not what it's detractors make it out to be.
                              Simply, metalheads are not a good baseline for bad behaviour.
                              It's no wonder Kavanaugh didn't elaborate on that and diminished his consumption profile, Republicans and are known to be stuck-up about that. I'm not defending the guy, I personally think he's full of dong, but you're quick to jump to conclusion on this particular topic.
                              No, he isn't.
                              You get drunken rapey behaviour at drunken rapey events, and Metal gigs are not drunken rapey events.
                              Bacchus events however...………….
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                It really doesn't matter what he did or didn't say. His past really isn't the issue here, it's that he's going to tip SCOTUS 5-4 to the right.
                                Trump could nominate Mother Teresa and if she was conservative, the Dems would still tear her down.
                                No, they wouldn't that's just the same pathetic projectionist lie you tell yourself because it is what YOU (not the party) YOU would do.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

