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    Hillary was about the worst they could have offered, but they didn't have a choice.
    I firmly believe that she cut a deal with the DNC in 2008 to allow Obama to run in '08, with the understanding that she would get the nomination in 2016.
    I'm sure many in the DNC would have wanted to back out of that deal, but the Clintons have been high up in the Democratic party for about 30 years or more, and therefore know where the bodies are buried (in addition to the ones she and Bill buried themselves).
    They couldn't afford to back out of the deal.


      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Also, as a reminder --- there are some members of the Islamic State is stationed south of the Texas border (just across within visual range, too).
      A claim, by the way, which has been ruled as FALSE.
      Is ISIS on the U.S.-Mexican Border? -- in 2014 and again in 2015, and again in 2016 cause the rumour persisted.

      Is ISIS crossing the U.S.-Mexico border?

      "A June 2015 State Department terrorism report makes this clear too:

      "There were no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, despite several erroneous press reports to the contrary during 2014. There was no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory."

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Plus, I saw another you-tube video about some crazy lady who (apparently is a PAID protester/rioter) who wants to continue causing destruction with deliberate disobedience and violent behavior. The lady's name is Yvette Felarca. She supports the political left and the use of violence and claims she has "no regrets" for the protesting that has already occurred. Not sure if this is from the you-tube video or just a passing quote---"SHE ORGANIZES PROTESTS AND RIOTS ACROSS AMERICA FOR ANTIFA 'BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY'" and says that "this is just the beginning"...
      I see you quoted, fairly literally, from here:

      Anyhoodle -- it was friggin' hard to find anything relevant that didn't lean to extreme right or left of the spectrum. Nothing on Felarca getting paid for what she does, other than that she's a teacher who punched a couple of white supremacists at a rally in Sacramento. Got her suspended (rightfully so, even if it was white supremacists), then reinstated, and beyond that I found mentions of a lawsuit against her for the previously mentioned punches (rightfully so).

      By Any Means Necessary, I did find. They are an anti-fascist, extreme left youth organization who protested at the Berkeley UC where that stupid boy Milo was going to speak. Dresscode: white T-shirt and blue jeans.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      So, it sounds like if various events or situations get out of control, Martial Law is to be expected.
      Martial law will curtail your rights as well, you do know that right?

      If you even think, it will be for the good of the people (whichever you may refer to), you are severely mistaken:

      "Under a declaration of martial law, Constitutional freedoms and liberties are suspended, and civilians are no longer entitled to their civil rights. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the Constitution and impose its will through military force."

      Depending on the reasons behind the declaration you may see:

      * The suspension of the Constitution, probably starting with the first and second amendment.
      * Confiscation of firearms; it has happened and it will happen again.
      * Suspension of Habeas corpus: Imprisonment without due process and without a trial.
      * Travel Restrictions, including road closures and possibly, even quarantine zones.
      * Mandatory Curfews and Mandatory Identification.
      * Automatic search and seizures without a warrant.

      I hear Trump and Erdogan are becoming good friends these days. He could ask for tips with Tayyip. I'm sure he'd be eager to share.

      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      so you say you can't have fascism without sexism?
      I have feeling it would be tricky -- but who knows... Hey, I didn't make the list. It's at the US Holocaust Museum.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Hillary was about the worst they could have offered, but they didn't have a choice.
        I firmly believe that she cut a deal with the DNC in 2008 to allow Obama to run in '08, with the understanding that she would get the nomination in 2016.
        I'm sure many in the DNC would have wanted to back out of that deal, but the Clintons have been high up in the Democratic party for about 30 years or more, and therefore know where the bodies are buried (in addition to the ones she and Bill buried themselves).
        They couldn't afford to back out of the deal.
        I also believe the government is breeding super penguins that can throw atomic snowballs at us if question them. The only defense is tin foil. It blocks their targeting system
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          I have feeling it would be tricky
          so there can be no female dictator?

          what say you of Marine Lepen the leader of the french nazi party then? the ***** is a woman (sort of) and she's basically the "führerin" - or do you think she's a libertarian?

          come to think of it even that one's questionable:
          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          7. Religion and government intertwined
          I didn't know Kim Jong was a democrat +_-


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            That's easy. They thought she was a lock so people didn't vote. Trump barely won as it was
            And who was it that was making all the polls that was SHOWING HEr having the lock on things.. Oh yea, the LSM!

            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Plus, I saw another you-tube video about some crazy lady who (apparently is a PAID protester/rioter) who wants to continue causing destruction with deliberate disobedience and violent behavior. The lady's name is
            Yvette Felarca. She supports the political left and the use of violence and claims she has "no regrets" for the protesting that has already occurred. Not sure if this is from the you-tube video or just a passing quote---
            "SHE ORGANIZES PROTESTS AND RIOTS ACROSS AMERICA FOR ANTIFA 'BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY'" and says that "this is just the beginning"...

            So, it sounds like if various events or situations get out of control, Martial Law is to be expected.
            So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested for that admission yet?


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested
              then how about applying the same standard to the SS who infiltrate peaceful demonstrations & start violence to give their colleagues an excuse to crack down on the whole march?
              or does the GOP hold Government to a lower standard?


                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                oh? so there can be no female dictator?
                That doesn't necessary exclude rampant sexism. Women can be sexist too.

                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                what say you of Marine Lepen the leader of the french nazi party then? the ***** is a woman (sort of) and she's basically the "führerin" - or do you think she's a libertarian?
                Marine Le Pen is a danger to herself and France.
                She's a nutjob -- even her father agrees she should never be in charge of the country.

                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                I didn't know Kim Jong was a democrat +_-
                He's a totalitarion dictator.
                And North Korea is an atheist state where religion is discouraged.
                There are no official statistics available on riligions being practiced in what sort of capacity.
                Freedom of religion and the right to religious ceremonies are constitutionally guaranteed, but religions are formally restricted by the government.

                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested for that admission yet?
                Where does it say she's being paid? I must have missed that -- I'm serious about the "must have missed that", just to be clear.

                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                then how about applying the same standard to the SS who infiltrate peaceful demonstrations & start violence to give their colleagues an excuse to crack down on the whole march?
                Does that really happen?

                Oh, nevermind, it does... Quebec police even admitted to it.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  And who was it that was making all the polls that was SHOWING HEr having the lock on things.. Oh yea, the LSM!

                  So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested for that admission yet?
                  Completely different subject
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    then how about applying the same standard to the SS who infiltrate peaceful demonstrations & start violence to give their colleagues an excuse to crack down on the whole march?
                    or does the GOP hold Government to a lower standard?
                    Got any proof that trump instigated some of his fans to join in these demonstrations to cause violence just so he could crack down on them? Heck if that was the case WHY THEN have we seen riot after riot just being LET allowed to continue??

                    And so far, it seems the ONLY anything S that's doing that happens to be GEORGE Soros!

                    Where does it say she's being paid? I must have missed that -- I'm serious about the "must have missed that", just to be clear.
                    It was in Sgallias's first line..


                      where did I say "his fans"? you imply civilians
                      (though the SS are also his fans but they don't need instigation from him)


                        Lesson for the day-- Open a can of worms and get more worms in the process.. *sigh*

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I see you quoted, fairly literally, from here:

                        Anyhoodle -- it was friggin' hard to find anything relevant that didn't lean to extreme right or left of the spectrum. Nothing on Felarca getting paid for what she does, other than that she's a teacher who punched a couple of white supremacists at a rally in Sacramento. Got her suspended (rightfully so, even if it was white supremacists), then reinstated, and beyond that I found mentions of a lawsuit against her for the previously mentioned punches (rightfully so).
                        Never heard of that web site til you(FH) mentioned it.
                        Quote came from a reader's comment on a private site elsewhere (which the topic and comments have since been moved to a hidden archived mode) that may have quoted from that countdowntozerotime website. It was part of an embedded video.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested for that admission yet?

                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        then how about applying the same standard to the SS who infiltrate peaceful demonstrations & start violence to give their colleagues an excuse to crack down on the whole march?
                        or does the GOP hold Government to a lower standard?

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        Got any proof that trump instigated some of his fans to join in these demonstrations to cause violence just so he could crack down on them? Heck if that was the case WHY THEN have we seen riot after riot just being LET allowed to continue??

                        And so far, it seems the ONLY anything S that's doing that happens to be GEORGE Soros!
                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Where does it say she's being paid? I must have missed that -- I'm serious about the "must have missed that", just to be clear.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        It was in Sgallias's first line..
                        Actually, I didn't state she was definitely "officially" being PAID -- *apparently is a PAID protester/rioter* is the term I used (which was based on the running string of comments from where I read it).
                        I wrote it this way---bold font & highlight is the *possible* PAID reference--

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Plus, I saw another you-tube video about some crazy lady who (apparently is a PAID protester/rioter) who wants to continue causing destruction with deliberate disobedience and violent behavior. The lady's name is
                        Yvette Felarca. She supports the political left and the use of violence and claims she has "no regrets" for the protesting that has already occurred. Not sure if this is from the you-tube video or just a passing quote---
                        "SHE ORGANIZES PROTESTS AND RIOTS ACROSS AMERICA FOR ANTIFA 'BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY'" and says that "this is just the beginning"...
                        Try looking at the direct you-tube link within the below spoiler quote. Lots of comments below it. It is (commented about and) *implied* that Soros supports her actions financially.. thus, she is a "paid" pawn *possibly* in Soros' long list in intervention of *manipulating* world events.
                        If is not Soros supporting her, then perhaps some other elite persona(s) capable of funding these destructive events are.. (which includes providing pre-written protest signs and possibly other objects for whacking at things and/or at people who disagree with them). And do those "elites" have paper/electronic trails of how their minions doing their (dirty) work get paid? or are there other 3rd/4th and so-on persona parties also involved that makes the links more complex in locating the original source(s)..?

                        "No Regrets" Organizer calls for more militant protests

                        (by KTVU, Published on Feb 3, 2017)

                        Yvette Felarca with the group "By Any Means Necessary" defends violence at UC Berkeley protest - says it should be the model for how the movement needs to take things in the future.

                        {--end of quote}
                        (NOTE: total # of Comments so far = 1,602 at 2:45 p.m. on 02/11/2017)

                        Other folks at another website saw the video and believed from seeing her other works, that she is (perhaps) funded by George Soros -- that his financial hands are all over her protesting with riots and violence.

                        There's lots of other videos on the sidebar of that same u-tube web page.


                          What about when Trump said "2nd amendment people" to take care of Hillary?

                          What possible thing could he have meant?
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Got any proof that trump instigated some of his fans to join in these demonstrations to cause violence just so he could crack down on them? Heck if that was the case WHY THEN have we seen riot after riot just being LET allowed to continue??

                            And so far, it seems the ONLY anything S that's doing that happens to be GEORGE Soros!
                            Here's an interesting twist on behind-the-scenes to various protests----

                            "How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency"
                            By Paul Sperry
                            February 11, 2017, 12:52pm

                            ("Opinion" section, in the NY Post)

                            When former President Barack Obama said he was "heartened" by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.
                            . . .
                            He's doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you'd expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama's OFA. Rather, it's gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.
                            . . .
                            Yes, well, "disheartened" means discouraged; whereas "heartened" means inspired and encouraged. So, Obama is approving in a round-about way of these anti-Trump protests. Since the above article mentions that there are already over 250 branch OFA offices across the USA (or elsewhere?), that means these places are already active/working operation centers. Also, whether this OFA group is entirely peaceful from start to finish (and no elements of supporting riots or violence is included under the proverbial rug, so to speak) is unknown at the moment, as well as *WHO* around the world is financially supporting it.

                            Doubtful if Obama's total salary is financing everything, because that would mean he is obviously getting the money from somewhere.. and not previously squirreling away from the 8 years he spent in USA office.. So, the financial aspects must be coming from other folks treating this place as charity support, or some *elite* persona(s) even higher up.

                            And altho the term "Action" can mean numerous other items, considering the amount of (anti-Trump) protests going on and how Obama worked more against Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaign process, it should seem fairly obvious which side Obama favors.. odds are that does NOT include Donald Trump or anyone/anything on Trump's team. Greater certainty would support this the moment after Trump transitioned into the presidential power and began the process of administering E.O.'s with Obama's ACA/AHCA being revamped big time.

                            Obama was NOT happy then, and doubt if he is happy now. Of course, Obama also had a bad start to his California vacation when the relentless rains would not stop, and the now former president Obama and his wife changed their vacation and headed off to the Caribbean, at Richard Branson's (of the Virgin Group brand) warm and sunny estate there. So, it would not be surprising if former president Obama *is* working behind the scenes somewhere, summoning up or supporting the various protests popping up against Donald Trump's presidency, Admin team and tactics.


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              And who was it that was making all the polls that was SHOWING HEr having the lock on things.. Oh yea, the LSM!

                              So she ADMITS to being a PAID FOR Rabble rosuer who is going out rioting, and she hasn't been arrested for that admission yet?

                              You don't know how the polling works, do you?
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Also, as a reminder --- there are some members of the Islamic State is stationed south of the Texas border (just across within visual range, too).

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                A claim, by the way, which has been ruled as FALSE.
                                Is ISIS on the U.S.-Mexican Border? -- in 2014 and again in 2015, and again in 2016 cause the rumour persisted.

                                Is ISIS crossing the U.S.-Mexico border?

                                "A June 2015 State Department terrorism report makes this clear too:

                                "There were no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, despite several erroneous press reports to the contrary during 2014. There was no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory."
                                2015... What happened to 2016? Besides, that's what the Obama Admin wanted people to believe. So, the MSM & Snopes was/is obviously going to be slanted to read that way. Obama did put a *block* on some of the MSM news and how it was presented, etc... This stuff has been discussed before, if not in this "hot topic" thread, then in the political GW topic.

                                I've read/heard comments from people who actually LIVE down in those areas (and not just from one {private} website or discussion forum). The people living nearby towns -- armed themselves with whatever ammo weapons they could to protect themselves, their families, and their property. Some USA residents have already had run-ins with a few more "dangerous" folks, but didn't state which groups, cartels or from where those people originated from on the Mexican side into Texas and Arizona. Problems continued in January 2017, too. Probably still on-going, since the Courts won't allow a "pause" in Trump's stance on extreme vetting before letting non-green card folks/"refugees" enter the USA.

                                Back to the continuing details about some of the protests across the USA..
                                All of these articles are interconnected indirectly..

                                (below has a video on auto-play, so might take a few moments to properly load)

                                "Protesters block DeVos from entering DC school"
                                By Paulina Firozi - 02/10/17 11:10 AM EST
                                (The Hill)
                                Then, there is this headline--
                                "Why is it okay to silence Betsy DeVos but not Elizabeth Warren?"
                                By Philip Wegmann, 2/10/17 5:05 PM
                                (Washington Examiner)
                                Easy answer -- Betsy DeVos is supported by Trump Admin, and Elizabeth Warren is DEMOCRAT. Democrats are trying to silence Betsy DeVos and ANYTHING Trump connected, unless it goes along with the Democratic *agenda*.

                                Article below is about Mitch McConnell stopping Elizabeth Warren from about reading the letter Coretta Scott King wrote about now Attorney General Jeff Sessions (which, the letter was also read by two other guys)
                                at the Blaze (was having internet / script problems, so, please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                                http : // www .theblaze. com/news/2017/02/10/breaking-a-mob-has-gathered-outside-of-mitch-mcconnells-kentucky-home/
                                "A mob has gathered outside of Mitch McConnell's Kentucky home"
                                Brandon Morse Feb 10, 2017 9:31 pm
                                Here are some notable reader comments from the above blaze article about Mitch McConnell----
                                "Elizabeth Warren is going to push till the violence really gets going. The Marxists believe that their time has come. Until the government gets serious with the protesters committing crimes, things will only get worse. All the left has is the calls of bigotry, misogynist, homophobe, and whatever else they can make up..."
                                (___ on Feb 11, 2017 10:00 am)

                                "...the paid anarchists threatening his life and property!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
                                (___ on Feb 11, 2017 9:30 am)

                                "This is the work of the puppet master, George Soros, spreading anarchy in his attempt to collapse the system."
                                (___ on Feb 11, 2017 8:11 am)

                                So, now the protesting gangs are going to surround the homes of the politicians (whether at home or elsewhere abroad), and scare-monger the families inside those homes? The Occupy Wallstreet protesters did the same thing in NY. It may not be an actual threat, but seems to be bully tactics whether it is against the person making the law/regulatory changes or just showing up at some family member of that individual persona, just because the protesting crowd doesn't like or approve of such a person? That's almost as bad as a lynch mob!

                                Problem with these lefty protesters is that the very item(s) or behaviors they complain about being against, they themselves proceed to do.. and then get all uppity upset and protest all that much more when they hear some opposing POV make a complaint against them.

                                Thus, seeing *Hypocrisy* at its peak. This nonsense behavior is getting out of control..! The world / nation (etc) is going to turn against itself and the future is NOT going to be pretty. The lefty side can blame Trump all they want/choose to, but seems the lefty side(s) are the ones causing the most disruptions so far. When Obama made rules, the opposing side didn't like what they were being dealt with, BUT they didn't go over and beyond in EXCESS rioting as the riled up Democrats/extreme right-wing Republicans are.. and the opposing *left* (etc) against Trump are now blaming the "right" sides for stirring up the trouble / doing the actual rioting.

                                BTW, before the news came out about the "alt-right" group being led by Milo Yiannopoulos, I and many others on other discussion websites I regularly read had *never* heard of the "alt-right" .. Strangely, that also includes Sean Hannity, Mark Simone (heard on 710 WOR-AM-radio), Michael Savage (on 770 WABC-AM), and a bunch of other talk-radio hosts from WABC-AM.

                                In other words, to those devout *lefties* on the political spectrum, stop blaming the conservative - right leaning political side for the extremist "alt-right / Supremists" going off on their rants about certain issues. Not everyone accepts the KKK or their methods in dealing with problems in our USA.. Same with the alt-right and anyone else leaning in such a direction --just because some of them support Donald Trump-- doesn't mean the whole rest of the "right-leaning" lot is part and parcel of these fringe groups.

                                Here's another article --food for thought-- which, I don't agree with some of the article titles in this site, the following article did have some semblance of common sense.

                                "This Is What Milo Yiannopoulos Wants"
                                February 2, 2017, 3:35 p.m.
                                By Jesse Singal

                                A lot of people fail to recognize this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, the Breitbart senior editor and right-wing provocateur, is much closer to being Sean Hannity than to being Adolf Hitler...
                                . . .
                                ..."The Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down," said Yiannopoulos on Facebook.
                                . . .
                                Interesting comments about the Berkley campus rioting also on--

                                "A group of antifa are shooting fireworks at the building where Milo is set to speak at Berkeley"
                                — Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) February 2, 2017

                                And for reinforcement, here is a *possible* clue as to who or which group was really behind the Berkley rioting--

                                "Look Who Funded The Group Behind The Riots And Call To Arms At Milo's Berkeley Event"
                                FEATURED, POLITICAL NEWS, THE CONSTITUTION
                                By Lauren Richardson
                                3:13 PM February 5, 2017

                                Refuse Fascism, the left-wing group that helped organize the violent protest and riots that shut down Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos' event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday, received $50,000 from a group backed by George Soros, according to the Daily Caller.
                                . . .
                                hmmmm. . . is this true?

