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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    When its all i am hearing about, all the violence from the left, none from the right, then YES to me it is a one-way street.
    And yes PROTESTORS have a legal right to be out there protesting. BUT they don't have a right to throw bricks, molotov cocktails, rocks, overturn cars etc...
    Once it gets to that stage, it is NO LONGER a peaceful protest.
    So one person using a protest as cover to cause some trouble for their own ends invalidates the entire message of the protest?


      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
      that's vague - aside from the judges/courts (judiciary) who exactly has the power to decide that a citizen is nuts?
      Generally, that's the task of a psychiatrist.

      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      When its all i am hearing about, all the violence from the left, none from the right, then YES to me it is a one-way street.
      And where did it say left on those hooligans thrashing Starbucks?

      Because I found a youtube video of protesters in much the same attire, protesting at Obama's inauguration.

      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      Funny, when i google for "Riots after obama's 08 win' most of the sites i get hit on the first page, actually PROVE what i have been saying, while there may have been the occasional protest here and there, there were NO Large scale riots like we are seeing this year and after Nov 8th last. OR if there were there was no (or little if any) media representation of it..
      I used your search, just now, and I found a website (2nd, right underneath tigerdroppings) that came up in my own search, where you could say the death threats are of a somewhat racist nature: Here's how America 'peacefully' responded to Obama's first election

      There's even a riot at a university: University Of Mississippi Students ‘Riot’ Over Obama Reelection (VIDEO)

      And a noose at another university: Baylor University Baptist School Hangs Noose on Tree For Obama

      Just a few examples I could find, with yours and my own search.

      However, the point of this is quite clear, people have more reason to protest now, than they had during the Obama reign. Obama won both popular and EC, which gives him a bit of an advantage over Trump. Obama is eloquent, knows what he's talking about and has a good set of brains. Trump has the vocabulary of a 6yo. Has no clue what he's talking about and his brain... I fear, it's a ball on a stick like Stimpy's brain, in which case Bannon is Ren. And Stimpy knows cartoons are bad for his brains.

      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      And look at how often the 9th circus court has been overturned..
      IIRC they have a 90% and higher strike rate..
      THEY ARE the the most OVERTURNED appelate court.
      THAT should tell you right there that just cause they don't agree with trump/judge Piro, does NOT mean they are right.
      Which means there's a still a 10% of not overturned cases.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Generally, that's the task of a psychiatrist.
        not a person of authority though (the psy only gives his expert opinion, authority decides - but who exactly can decide?)


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          * Allow mentally unstable people to purchase firearms

          above * is incorrect on the unstable folks.. thought I heard from the MSM (on radio) that Congress wanted
          to establish some major bill to BAN all unstable folks from being able to purchase firearms. That would apply to all states, and especially schitzophrenic (and bi-polar -- implied) personas of whom I know of a *bi-polar* diagnosed, former classmate who used to (years ago) practice shooting snakes and spiders (tarantulas, black widows, and scorpions).. ewwwwwwww!
          What you're forgetting is that those on the left would label anyone who disagrees with them as "mentally unstable" if they could.


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            not a person of authority though (the psy only gives his expert opinion, authority decides - but who exactly can decide?)
            Actually, a psychiatrist is a medical doctor, unlike psychologists. Psychiatrists are also the only ones who can write prescriptions and treatments. Psychologists are therapists only.

            A trist has more authority than a gist.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              What's DACA?
              Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

              That's the one that said that it wasn't a priority to deport undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children (before they had any say in the decision) if they hadn't broken any other laws.


                Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                So one person using a protest as cover to cause some trouble for their own ends invalidates the entire message of the protest?
                No, but when the entity with enforcement jurisdiction fails to prosecute them, that is the government itself siding with the protesters.
                People have the right to peacefully protest. No question. But they do NOT have the right to loot, destroy, block traffic and whatnot, and those that do partake in these activities under the guise of protesting ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows, no exceptions. Make an example out of them so that others don't diminish the value of peaceful protest in order to enrich themselves.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  No, but when the entity with enforcement jurisdiction fails to prosecute them, that is the government itself siding with the protesters.
                  People have the right to peacefully protest. No question. But they do NOT have the right to loot, destroy, block traffic and whatnot, and those that do partake in these activities under the guise of protesting ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows, no exceptions. Make an example out of them so that others don't diminish the value of peaceful protest in order to enrich themselves.
                  If you had been in Boston you would have saved the tea.. Destruction of property is not an acceptable form of protest...


                    That is a valid point.


                      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                      We have agreed more often than you think..
                      Not really, I think besides a few key issues we agree on -most- things.
                      Then why didn't those same leftist sites grill obama and his admin when they were leaving and saying "I am happy to leave the white house scandal free"??
                      Some did, not as much as more centrist or right leaning reporters sure, but it did happen. Take TYT, they are always considered "leftie" but they hammered Obama -a lot- in his presidency. Bill Maher gave the guy a million bucks, and was none to kind to him at times either.

                      In that case, i will stand corrected..
                      Who was peddling that load of BS anyway?

                      So you can come in, beat me up, but cause you didn't seize a federal building by arms, its NOT as bad to you as those who did seize the building but didn't injure a single person??
                      I am sorry, but i find someone who's violent and causes lots of injuries is more of a threat than someone who took over a building armed, then went PEACEFULLY when it was all over..
                      How many times have we seen these violent rioters and protestors KICK AND try to bite the cops arresting them??
                      Nono, two separate issues. One is an act of open rebellion against the government (Oregon), Protesting is by it's nature protected under the law. However, as I have said many times, rioting is not protesting, and the law has every right to detain and charge people that do. Everything the Bundy's did was illegal -period-
                      When its all i am hearing about, all the violence from the left, none from the right, then YES to me it is a one-way street.
                      And yes PROTESTORS have a legal right to be out there protesting. BUT they don't have a right to throw bricks, molotov cocktails, rocks, overturn cars etc...
                      Once it gets to that stage, it is NO LONGER a peaceful protest.
                      What does the right have to protest -right now-?

                      Funny, when i google for "Riots after obama's 08 win' most of the sites i get hit on the first page, actually PROVE what i have been saying, while there may have been the occasional protest here and there, there were NO Large scale riots like we are seeing this year and after Nov 8th last. OR if there were there was no (or little if any) media representation of it..
                      See FH's response to this.

                      And look at how often the 9th circus court has been overturned..
                      IIRC they have a 90% and higher strike rate..
                      THEY ARE the the most OVERTURNED appelate court.
                      THAT should tell you right there that just cause they don't agree with trump/judge Piro, does NOT mean they are right.
                      We will see how it shakes out. I -believe- both sides have a case to make from a legal perspective.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                        So one person using a protest as cover to cause some trouble for their own ends invalidates the entire message of the protest?
                        It hasn't just been 1 person though DOING all this violence we have seen.

                        Trump has the vocabulary of a 6yo. Has no clue what he's talking about and his brain...
                        Falcon, if trump was as Dumb as you make him out to be, HOW THE HELL has he become such a mogul in the business industry?

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        Who was peddling that load of BS anyway?
                        No damn clue myself..

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        However, as I have said many times, rioting is not protesting, and the law has every right to detain and charge people that do
                        Then why does it SEEM (perception here) that when me, SGalia and Annoyed bring UP the riots, you seem to be defensive, in your view of them?

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        What does the right have to protest -right now-?

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        We will see how it shakes out. I -believe- both sides have a case to make from a legal perspective.
                        And what is the legal precedent/rule of law the left is going to be trying to showcase for their 'perspective"??


                          I'm not even going to quote what you (GF/FH) were spouting off about. For one thing, the EO was supposed to be an enforcement of existing LAW/previous EO by Obama. Adlibbed (personal commentary) nonsense doesn't count. THEREFORE, Judge Jeanine Pirro *IS* correct in what she said. Judge Robart is wrong. The Justice department supports Trump's EO, thus is opposed to Judge Robart's *ruling*. He cannot make a rule across the board nationwide, because he does NOT have the "clear" authoritative power to do so--only the President of the USA has that authoritative power.

                          Not going to debate this any further.

                          If Washington State continues to disagree and wants to bury its head in the ground or break off with California, go ahead. Join Canada or Mexico. Washington State is already (and HAS been) a weak link in the system of regulatory matters. It's in sync with California, like two peas in a pod. Toss some of Oregon in there too, because portions of that entire west coastline are pure BLUE democrat. It's their way or no way.

                          If people want Trump ousted, then learn to live with Pence.

                          BTW, Jeff Sessions needs to be appointed or confirmed (as the next attorney general), but was waiting for the Educational Secretary to be confirmed, first. ...too much delaying and distractions going on to get anything constructive done...


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            It hasn't just been 1 person though DOING all this violence we have seen.
                            No, but there are tens of thousands (in some cases hundreds of thousands) of people doing the right thing

                            Falcon, if trump was as Dumb as you make him out to be, HOW THE HELL has he become such a mogul in the business industry?
                            A small, million dollar loan and a dad who bailed him out when he was alive and left him 100 million when he died?
                            Trumps biggest businesses were his casino's -that he tanked-. Most of his money is made from licencing his name, or in his golf courses.

                            No damn clue myself..
                            Must have read it somewhere.

                            Then why does it SEEM (perception here) that when me, SGalia and Annoyed bring UP the riots, you seem to be defensive, in your view of them?
                            Probably because I am on the protesters side.
                            But besides that, there is always this narrative that you and SG and Annoyed push that "republicans did not do this", and they did. You can go back and check, but I have never supported -rioters-. The closest I have come is suggesting that the police might go easy on some of them in order to diffuse or scale back the continued violence.

                            Which is why you hear less about them rioting as a group.

                            And what is the legal precedent/rule of law the left is going to be trying to showcase for their 'perspective"??
                            At a guess, I would say breaches of the constitution.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              I thought the Constitution didn't apply to foreign nationals?


                                Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                                I thought the Constitution didn't apply to foreign nationals?
                                Most of it doesn't but due process -does-
                                This is what my google search spat out:

                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

