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    Yeah, I read that article. They could be the next Goodyear. If that actually delivers as promised.

    A few sidebar links on that site gave me a good feeling.


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      Now this is interesting...a new innovation to benefit us lovers of bike-riding:

      Too many holes....... What if stuff gets in?
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        yup...half the aggravation in owning and riding a bike for me was all the money I'd have to throw down to get a flat either fixed or, more expensive yet, replaced every time I picked up a fragment of glass or nail which unfortunately was more often than I liked...the other half of the aggravation is the fact that my manual gear shifting mechanisms would wear out's a dream bike would probably be one of those auto-shifting bikes with these airless tires installed

        Not to mention the chain always popping out...
        By Nolamom


          I've seen some bikes with carbon polymor type chains that are claimed never to be able to pop off, they fit on in a similar way to a timing belt on a car, the only way to change them is to dismantle the entire mechanism.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Racist, bigoted school, or what?
            None of the above, considering they are apparently trying to work on becoming more diverse.

            Offering free tuition to one group of kids is a bit narrowminded, but it does open the floor to discussion.

            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            What would be the reaction if some pack of idiots proposed the same thing, but for white students?
            For one, you wouldn't even have noticed the title cause it wouldn't have popped up on your favorite news site.

            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            Too many holes....... What if stuff gets in?
            It'll fall out again.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
              Like a stick? Imagine that getting caught in the bike frame..

              Then someone has a rather nasty oopsie.

              And sues
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                None of the above, considering they are apparently trying to work on becoming more diverse.

                Offering free tuition to one group of kids is a bit narrowminded, but it does open the floor to discussion.
                Tells me that they are bigoted racists, and I don't want to have any sort of discussion with such. Having the discussion legitimizes their racist worldview. They're wrong and that's the end of it.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Tells me that they are bigoted racists, and I don't want to have any sort of discussion with such. Having the discussion legitimizes their racist worldview. They're wrong and that's the end of it.

                  Is this what irony looks like?


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                    Like a stick? Imagine that getting caught in the bike frame..
                    That would have to be one hell of a stick to even slow the wheel down. Consider the mechanics of it; roughly 200Lbs mass rolling forward, and a stick protruding from the tire. It rotates around to pass the frame at a distance of around an inch.
                    A stick with a diameter small enough to fit through those holes in the tire would have to be made of some pretty hard material or it would be simply sheared off by the impact with the frame, or bend to pass without breaking. I highly doubt it would be able to stop the wheel's rotation.


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Racist, bigoted school, or what?
                      Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students

                      What a bunch of bigots. They want to give free tuition, room & board, as well as expenses on a racially defined basis, as well as lowering admission standards, again on a racially motivated basis.
                      did they propose the same thing for native americans?


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Tells me that they are bigoted racists, and I don't want to have any sort of discussion with such. Having the discussion legitimizes their racist worldview. They're wrong and that's the end of it.
                        Actually, the discussion which is currently the topic of that university, is that their student body is not diverse, and rather on the very white side of the color spectrum.

                        However, the idea to give free tuition to African-Americans for the reason that they were once slaves is, in my opinion, rather odd. Yes, they were once denied the right to education, but so were a lot of other groups of people of all colors.

                        Perhaps, a better way of bringing diversity into the university is set up scholarships and grants for less fortunate students -- no matter their background as long as they live up to the standards set for entrance.

                        Throw out something extreme, in this case free tuition for AA's, and go from there. You have to admit, it got your attention.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Actually, the discussion which is currently the topic of that university, is that their student body is not diverse, and rather on the very white side of the color spectrum.

                          However, the idea to give free tuition to African-Americans for the reason that they were once slaves is, in my opinion, rather odd. Yes, they were once denied the right to education, but so were a lot of other groups of people of all colors.

                          Perhaps, a better way of bringing diversity into the university is set up scholarships and grants for less fortunate students -- no matter their background as long as they live up to the standards set for entrance.

                          Throw out something extreme, in this case free tuition for AA's, and go from there. You have to admit, it got your attention.
                          If you want equality, it's really, really simple. Treat everyone equally. It's that simple. By providing set asides, special access, programs and such, you destroy any chance of achieving it.


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                            So, no more wheelchair ramps?

                            Everyone must use the stairs! The wise one has spoken!!
                            An entirely different situation, and you know it.
                            *triggers the shock collar to jolt some sense into PH*


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep
                              Disabled access means installing a ramp, altering the entrances to buildings, it means altering the internal layout of the building, wider doorways, elevators, moving the furniture around to make sure there's enough room to fit the chairs.

                              It potentially costs tens of thousands of the local currency and is considered "special access" because it is only required by a minority. It is entirely within the realm of what you're complaining about.
                              And how does that compare with the school we're discussing, where they want to offer special consideration because of something that stopped 150 years ago?
                              The handicapped person is there today, with his handicap. No one now alive has ever been a slave in this country. It is blatantly illegal for a school to restrict admission on racial grounds, as long as the prospective student is black. I'm quite sure that discrimination against whites is still permitted. As I said, totally different.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Racist, bigoted school, or what?
                                Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students

                                What a bunch of bigots. They want to give free tuition, room & board, as well as expenses on a racially defined basis, as well as lowering admission standards, again on a racially motivated basis.
                                I had to clean my screen after reading that..
                                {and university remains out of reach for black students today.}

                                WHAT THE FARK are they on about, with "universities are still out of reach for black students..
                                ARE THEY FORGETTING ABOUT the almost a HUNDRED "Predominently black colleges and unis" in the south?

                                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                                Not to mention the chain always popping out...
                                Funny, i rarely have had that happen to me other than when i was switching gears to a gear it wouldn't work in...

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                None of the above, considering they are apparently trying to work on becoming more diverse.
                                True, only 2% or so of their student body are black according to 3 separate links i found when searching for demographic statistics.. BUT is that cause of blacks being priced out, or cause they can't meet the SAT/ACT scores needed??
                                AND WITH how damn many SCHOLARSHIP opportunities there are for blacks out there, i can't see how COST is a limiting factor..

                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post

                                Is this what irony looks like?
                                I was thinking the same thing. WHIle i understand annoyed's frustration, i don't agree with his manerisms.

                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                did they propose the same thing for native americans?
                                Good question, especially when less than .5% of the student body are Native Americans.. (or class themselves that way)..

                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                                It means giving help to those who need it, so they're not held back by circumstances beyond their control.
                                And if they dropped out, so don't have a HS diploma, or are not meeting the grades is that NOT a circumstance that IS in their control>>

