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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    And do you think that is more cause people are getting pushed into 'accepting it or else'?
    Look, I won't argue with you on that point, there -is- a degree of accept it or get vilified, but To be honest with you dude, I am yet to hear a convincing argument from anyone on why it is an issue worth the fuss.
    If a guy dressed as a woman goes into a bathroom with the express purpose of getting their rocks off or raping someone, they are -not- transgender in the first place.
    People don't go into public restrooms and "check out" people, they go to the urinal, or the toilet (where you can close and lock the door anyway).
    It's get in, do what you have to and get out, usually because the place is small, dirty, and stinks anyway!!
    I have a better idea. PUT it to a public vote!.. Or do you think the left wouldn't like that, as it might mean the majority says "NO way in hell"?
    Oh that's right, they already did especially in CA, where it got a no vote, TWICE and leftists sued to get the will of the people overturned..
    Sure, put it to a public vote, a public, nationwide vote.
    While we are at it, do one on guns (where the masses disagree with the law), do it on religion in politics (where the masses disagree with the law), do it with climate change (where the masses disagree with the law), do it for money in politics (where the masses disagree with the law), Abortion (where the masses agree with the law) Legalization of pot (where the masses disagree with the law).
    Oh, and make voting mandatory for this single event.
    Or, do you think the right won't like that?

    Then why the hell has it taken so damn long just to get 1 friggen percent paid off??
    That does not matter.
    Your entire argument is predicated on her not paying it, and she is, and that means your entire argument means two things, and Jack just left town.
    Damn skippy i would like the CHANCE to have one.. BUT as it stands if i tried, i would get sued in a heartbeat for sexism..
    You realise you had them for generations, right?
    Look, you want a male only gym, why not try to start one, and instead of making arguments like "we deserve one", or "it's only fair", try an argument like "I don't feel safe with men because they may harm or rape me" When you get laughed out of court because "women can't rape men because men are just biologically stronger, that's just the way things are", don't complain, because that's the position "the right" has held for ages.
    You cannot complain about the system you support when it backfires on you.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by pookey View Post
      I used to go to a mixed gym, and i was ok with it, what i didnt like was the mixed sauna, so i never used it, i looked around and found a womens only night at a sauna and also on the same night a few miles away was a womens only night at the baths, that i chose to use. People make to much fuss about trivial stuff, its give and take, just go with the flow
      While you yourself state that you were uncomfortable with mixed gender saunas, you it's "give and take"

      That's the point of the discussion; those who are uncomfortable with mixed gender facilities aren't presented with a choice. They are being told they have to accept it.


        Yes i was, but instead of making a fuss, i looked for single sex ones, and i add, the single sex ones were for only one specific night of the week, i chose to join that gym for the services, i knew it was mixed sex sauna, i knew i wouldnt use it, so i looked elsewhere for what i wanted, it was no biggy


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          While you yourself state that you were uncomfortable with mixed gender saunas, you it's "give and take"

          That's the point of the discussion; those who are uncomfortable with mixed gender facilities aren't presented with a choice. They are being told they have to accept it.
          A sauna is nothing like a toilet. You sit in a sauna for an hour, you sweat, and you generally wear nothing more than a towel.
          If you are in the toilet for an hour, sweating, and only wearing a towel, you have bigger issues than who may see what in there.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            I wonder how the men would feel if a transgender woman would be peeing at their side?

            Cause they are probably the loudest to yell "Protect the women and children" but what about the women and children who will be forced to pee in your toilet space because they are not allowed to use the ladies' room due to not being anatomically female? Has anybody given any thought on that?
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              mmm il fuoco del l'amore


                Yea, a sauna is different to a toilet, there are not individual stalls available in saunas
                And as i said before, i dont care who uses the toilets, but i am wary of the perverts who say they are the other sex when they are not.

                Edit: meaning not the genuine ones, the ones who ARE perverts


                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  mmm il fuoco del l'amore

                  Meh... babe it is. Hey babe!

                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Meh... babe it is. Hey babe!

                    no matter - me still like



                      awwwwww cute.

                      Do not let Jel see it


                        Originally posted by pookey View Post
                        Yea, a sauna is different to a toilet, there are not individual stalls available in saunas
                        And as i said before, i dont care who uses the toilets, but i am wary of the perverts who say they are the other sex when they are not.

                        Edit: meaning not the genuine ones, the ones who ARE perverts
                        Which is the basis for many people's opposition to this. Myself, I don't care. I've been in enough facilities at crowded public events where the women use the men's room to avoid the waiting line in theirs (that's an entirely separate discussion) so that it doesn't bother me. I've had women try to use the "male style" stand up urinal next to the one I'm using. It doesn't bother me. She wants to ogle me while I'm doing my business, I don't care.

                        But I can certainly understand and sympathize with people who are not comfortable in situations like that.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          She wants to ogle me while I'm doing my business, I don't care.
                          I doubt she has time to ogle anything. I would think that a woman with no man-parts (yet) would need a little skill to pee standing up. I'm guessing here as I haven't tried it. I know it's possible though.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Ive never tried it either, and would prolly miss entirely, men can barely do it

                            (runs off before da males get here)


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              But I can certainly understand and sympathize with people who are not comfortable in situations like that.
                              I remembered an article I read in the New York Times this morning:

                              Separate Bathrooms by Religion? Oklahoma Opens New Front in Transgender Debate

                              "Oklahoma lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow students to request on religious grounds that their public schools provide a bathroom or other facility that bars transgender people."
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                ermmm, not fair on so many levels

