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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Challenge 55

    Black & White

    Your challenge this week is simple. Black & white only - no colours allowed, not even a tint!





    Madness Reigns


    Last edited by Jumble; 07 December 2012, 02:19 PM.


      Banner by Yamiinsane

      Tutorial Week 16

      This week is a Tutorial Week. For the first week every month, we don’t issue a challenge, but instead want to encourage thread participants to share their expertise and try something new, using tutorials.

      This is how it works:

      1. Share a tutorial: Write a tutorial for a piece of art you have made recently, or post a piece of art you have made with the link to the tutorial you followed when you made it.

      2. Follow a tutorial: Use one (or more) of the tutorials that other thread members have shared during the week to make a piece of art of your own.

      The idea is that we should both teach something and learn something throughout the week

      It’s not obligatory to do both, if you’re limited for time, but we’d like to encourage you to please both share and follow at least one tutorial if at all possible.

      At the end of the week we will post all the tutorials along with any art made following each tutorial, so that we can see all the different interpretations all together.

      Please PM your entries, including a link to the tut, to Sarai
      Last edited by Jumble; 08 December 2012, 05:17 AM. Reason: D'oh!


        by LadyGalaxyJ


          Lovely challenge entries everyone! Estrela, I vote for naughty, definitely
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


              Cool shep! Great coloring.


                thanks mane
                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                  Tut for this wallpaper, as requested by lg:


                  This isn't really anything complicated at all!

                  1. Open a new blank canvas, with a plain white background.

                  2. Add a new layer and fill half of it with black. I did this using the rectangle select tool, set to fixed size at half the width and the full height of the canvas, to make sure I got the dividing line in the right place.

                  3. Add a new layer, and use the circular select tool, with a fixed ratio of 1:1 to draw a circle right in the middle of one half of the canvas. Fill this selected area with the opposite colour to the background (ie, white if you're doing it on the black half, and vice versa).

                  4. Duplicate this layer, move it to the other side of the canvas and fill it with the opposite colour. The reason for duplicating and not drawing another circle is just because then I know for sure that the circles are the same size!

                  5. Add the picture of Castle - he goes on the white circle because he's wearing black Use a layer mask to erase the background. I left some of the lines from the panelling of the wall behind him in the picture, initially because I was lazy (I was using the magic wand/quick select tool to erase the panels neatly) but then I decided I actually liked the effect.

                  6. Add the picture of Beckett on the black circle and do the same erasing of the background.

                  7. Make a stamp of the Castle & Beckett layers (hide all the other layers, then Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E) and use image > adjustments to increase the brightness and contrast. Because we're about to make them black & white, push the brightness contrast a bit more than you might normally - they look a bit overexposed in colour, but it's fine once you do the next step.

                  8. Add a new layer and fill with grey. Set this to color at 100% - hey presto, black & White! I tend to use this technique in preference to desaturating as I'm all about the non-destructive and it's much easier to change your mind later on if you've done this rather than actually desaturating your original. I wasn't ever going to change my mind with this piece, but habits are hard to break

                  9. Add a new layer, fill with #ebebeb and set to color burn, just to really bring out the contrast.

                  10. Make a stamp of the whole thing and sharpen using filter > artistic > paint daubs.

                  11. Now the text. The font is Carbon. Obviously make it white on the black and black on the white half! To get the effect of the split '&', duplicate the text layer, change the colour of the & on the top layer, and then use a layer mask to erase half of it on that layer so the lower layer shows through.

                  Simple as that
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    *nabs Josi's tut*


                      Next weekend it's the Hobbit/Middle-Earth theme weekend. I hope some of you will be making art for it. I'll try.


                        Amazing artwork everyone


                          Awesome work for the last challenge! LCJS, love the art and Josi, thanks for the tut.

                          Here is a little something that I made awhile ago...

                          Icon and Sig by me.


                            Lovely Black and White entries everyone.

                            Very pretty Yamii - is the glow around her hands part of a texture or is it something you added?

                            Had a quick go at JOSI'S tut.

                            Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                              Thanks MR, it's a Lens Flare that I used. And awesome take on Josi's tut
                              Icon and Sig by me.


                                I love the flair as well... very nice work Yamii

                                Awesome take on Josi's tut MR

