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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Here is the tutorial that lg asked for.

    Here is how I made this in Photoshop:


    Create a new document. I chose mine, 1280x800, because that is the size of my screen resolution. Fill with Black.

    Take this texture:
    Move around until you are happy with it.

    Take this texture:
    Set to Screen, 25%. Move around until you are happy with it.

    Take this texture:
    Set to Screen, 100%. Make sure that the left side is lined up with the left side of your document.

    Take this texture:
    Set to Multiply, 100%. Move around until you are happy with it.

    Take this image of Stana and scale down just a little bit. I think I scaled down to 75%. Set to Screen, 100%. Do not erase anything unless it is in the way of the textures and make sure she is on the left side to middle of the document.

    Create a new blank layer and move underneath the pic of Stana. With a black brush bring Stana and some of the chair she is sitting in back to the forefront. You don't have to be perfect, just make sure you can see all of her. Then with your favorite blending brush and the eraser opacity at about 50%, begin blending in the black, along with Stana, with the background. However much or little blending is your choice.


    Make sure you're on the top most layer, which should be Stana (Or whomever you chose).

    Black and White: Auto, set to Soft Light, 100%.
    Hue/Saturation: 0, -35, 0
    Curves: Point 1: 191, 209. Point 2: 100, 106
    Gradient Map: Washed Away Art #15, Set to Soft Light, 100%.

    Create a stamp. Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Just Blur enough that you can still tell what the art is. I think I set mine at 4.3 or possibly lower. Set this layer to Soft Light, 100%.

    Create another Stamp. Filters>Sharpen>Sharpen. (Or whatever you use to sharpen your art.)


    Stana Katic: The Last Font I'm wasting On You set at 60 pt with a color of #828bab. Duplicate the layer. Bring the pt up to 61 and change the color to #18203b. Move below the original.
    Beauty can never compare.: Respective Slanted set at 61 pt with a color of #b1c1ce. Duplicate this layer. Bring the pt up to 62 and change the color to #142d41. Move below the original.

    Color Fill: ebebeb set to Color Burn, 50%. (Thanks Jumble, I think I saw you mention this...)

    Watermark your art if you do, and your done

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Icon and Sig by me.


      Nice tut Yami

      Yep, you've seen me mention the ebebeb layer - copied from Josi, who I believe got it from Jasmina. See how we all keep learning from each other?


        Awesome challenge entries everyone! Sha love your take on it!

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Nice tut Yami

        Yep, you've seen me mention the ebebeb layer - copied from Josi, who I believe got it from Jasmina. See how we all keep learning from each other?
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Great entries, everyone!
          Hope you all enjoy the Tut-week, I'm out till next Friday *waves*

          Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
          Sig & Avi by Josi
          LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
          I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


            Great entries, everyone!

            I so love tut weeks. My first entry, using this tut by josiane/Jumble.


              That's really lovely lg! Fabulous take on the tut!
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                That's really lovely lg! Fabulous take on the tut!
                Thank you.

                Honestly, that's one of my favorite tuts even if I don't use it very often. It's still a brilliant piece of work. (Yours is, hence why I copy it so often.)


                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Beautiful arties last week people! *claps*

                    I was looking forward to tut week! Hopefully something will picked the mojo's interest enough to make me open PS!
                    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                    My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                      The tut I was waiting for!

                      My take on yami's tut:

                      I've also been waiting for just the right time to use that pic!


                        Lovely tut week entries! I hope to find some time this week for it...


                          Love the arts!

                          Here is another digital painting that I made and this time is of Oswin Oswald:

                          Icon and Sig by me.


                            Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                              Hey artlers!

                              Made a new set but ... don't know something is bothering me with that.
                              Maybe you can help me out:

                              Last edited by Hyndara71; 09 September 2012, 03:28 PM.

                              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                              Sig & Avi by Josi
                              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                                Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                                Hey artlers!

                                Made a new set but ... don't know something is bothering me with that.
                                Maybe you can help me out:

                                I like them, Hyn. But the text could stand out a touch more, maybe with a drop shadow?

