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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by Lilith View Post
    you should switch to chamomile tea.... it's a natural relaxant and antibiotic, and tea's always a good choice no matter what.... cinnamon is also good for headaches, as well as acid-reflux and being a natural sweetener....
    Tried those and all they do is increase the number of times I have away from my desk. If you get my drift.

    I have acid reflux too. And a few other things that are troublesome.


      Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
      Tried those and all they do is increase the number of times I have away from my desk. If you get my drift.

      I have acid reflux too. And a few other things that are troublesome.
      hm... i'll see what else i can find then... most otc meds don't work on me... hell, most prescription meds don't work either.... i've had to turn to auvedic and homeopathic remedies out of self preservation.... plus i like the idea of not polluting my body with man-made chemicals....
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        okay, this is really off-topic (acid reflux)
        I suffered miserably for years, then, I had stomach surgery - had a tumor, removed half my stomach. I have NEVER had heartburn, acid reflux, or any of that since - 10 years now. Okay, i realize that surgery isn't an option in 99.9% of cases, but I love not having to take Prilosec all the time, gobbling Tums, and all that stuff


          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          okay, this is really off-topic (acid reflux)
          I suffered miserably for years, then, I had stomach surgery - had a tumor, removed half my stomach. I have NEVER had heartburn, acid reflux, or any of that since - 10 years now. Okay, i realize that surgery isn't an option in 99.9% of cases, but I love not having to take Prilosec all the time, gobbling Tums, and all that stuff
          Glad you're okay, Nola.

          It is a bother, but I don't take the meds. Now and then I take something for my stomach, but I had surgery last year and its actually not as bad.


            FYI, the sig I'm wearing had a different beginning though I rather like this one. It's different.

            Here's how it started out...


              And for the Superhero icon WP thing, I made these...


                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                i'm doing an icon set based on LGBTSAP, but i'm having a hard time finding a bisexual character.... any fandom will do.... it'll be a mixed fandom set.... so far, i've decided on: (L) Charlie Bradbury, (G) Dumbledore, (T) Ms. Hudson from Elementray, (A) Sherlock, Cumberbatch version, and (P) Capt. Jack Harkness
                Pardon me for being ignorant, but what does LGBTSAP mean?


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  oh yeah, that's my drug of choice - black medicine water! I will have to remember that.

                  Cutting out hair in Photoshop - basic tutorial
                  First, make a rough selection of the head.

                  Second, after clicking on the Refine Edge button, (see above) paint the area for masking. You don't have to be careful with PS - it does all the fine hairs based on color difference from the background. Terrific for hair, not much good for a lot of other things, since it relies on color differences and the image and it's background could be too close in color range to distinguish.

                  You can have the image output in a new file, a new layer, to the selection itself, and so forth. In any case, it will put it on a transparent background that you can save as a png or just put it immediately into your art.

                  Which version are you using again? I have CS2 but my icon sets look different. What's the name of the icon you clicked first?

                  Awesome arties everyone!


                    Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                    Pardon me for being ignorant, but what does LGBTSAP mean?
                    Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans* Straight Ally Asexual Pansexual

                    it's for an alphabet icon challenge... the challenger stated we could use our own alphabet if we didn't want to do the full 26... so i chose an alphabet that means a great deal to me, and applying famous/well loved characters from big fandoms into the roles.... but i'm still having trouble finding a bisexual character.... that's why i said any fandom would do.... also, i haven't really decided who to use for my straight ally, but i've got a few ideas bouncing around....
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5? She said she thought she loved Talia Winters. She also had a relationship that ended badly with Malcolm Biggs (off screen, set before the show). Marcus Cole had a crush on her and I think she liked him too, but was scared to get involved because all her previous relationships had ended badly.


                        I tried Nolamom's method of cutting out hair in a colourisation piece. It sort of worked, but there's really no shortcut to selection I guess.

                        Fics | Art | Tumblr


                          Made this because I couldn't get the scene out of my head. Warning: Don't look at it if you're not the zombie type and don't like the tv series Walking Dead.


                          Not snurchable.
                          On the edge of breaking down
                          Banner made by me


                            Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                            Made this because I couldn't get the scene out of my head. Warning: Don't look at it if you're not the zombie type and don't like the tv series Walking Dead.


                            Not snurchable.
                            I like it even though I'm not the zombie type What does "Not snurchable" mean?


                              @PH I don't know what you are complaining about: she looks so great already.

                              Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                              Yay me! I went to a website that actually tells you how to say coffee in a bunch of languages. I just picked a bunch. Was going to use this one, but didn't: Ojibwe (language of the Anishinabek Native Americans): muckadaymashkikiwabu (literally, "black medicine water").

                              Sounds about right!

                              Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                              Love the coffee one, FG! "Black medicine water". . . .If they only knew!
                              and good to hear from you.

                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              oh yeah, that's my drug of choice - black medicine water! I will have to remember that.

                              Cutting out hair in Photoshop - basic tutorial
                              Bookmarked. I really need to try that.

                              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                              i've never had the stuff.... but since taste is half smell and i can't stand the smell of coffee, i'm not likely to try.... besides which, i've been off caffeine for a decade now.....
                              That's is true, smell does influence taste a lot. I love the smell of coffee, we couldn't be more different. It's aromatic, reassuring, it's the smell of home in a cup.

                              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                              you should switch to chamomile tea.... it's a natural relaxant and antibiotic, and tea's always a good choice no matter what.... cinnamon is also good for headaches, as well as acid-reflux and being a natural sweetener....
                              Coffee is also good to prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. It has a terrible reputation that is not deserved. But Chamomile and lemon balm teas are my favourites. and careful, caffeine is hidden in many processed foods ( no, not only sodas...) and medicines, so I don't know how off caffeine you really are. Decaf versions are not as healthy as one might think, because traces of the solvent used to remove the caffeine are toxic. I'd stick with the caffeined versions and just try to reduce it ,as you did,
                              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                              i'm doing an icon set based on LGBTSAP, but i'm having a hard time finding a bisexual character.... any fandom will do.... it'll be a mixed fandom set.... so far, i've decided on: (L) Charlie Bradbury, (G) Dumbledore, (T) Ms. Hudson from Elementray, (A) Sherlock, Cumberbatch version, and (P) Capt. Jack Harkness
                              Uh, I'm not sure if they're bisexual or it's just a case of the writers can't make up their mind concerning their sexuality

                              Nolan Ross in Revenge and my favourite, Kalinda Sharma, in The Good wife.

                              @Ikorni Wow, the hair looks amazing and so does her skin tone. I think you gave her better skin then all her make-up artists ever did. I think skin tone is very hard to adjust.
                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                good contrast is actually easier to cut our (or extract) an image from, because you can usually "see" the edges more apparently. However, if you want to use a strongly colored or highly contrasted image to make something like your current sig Major Ryan (which is very soft despite strong color values), you can always try adjusting the saturation of the image to bring it into compatibility with the other images you are using to make your composition. Also, masking can be done on a gradient to make a seamless transition. To do this, just use your gradient tool (black to transparent) on the layer mask. Another simple but important blending technique is to use the blur tool - set it at about 50% strength and run around the edge of the image after you place it in your composition. You can also create a sense of depth by using the filter>blur>gaussain blur at an increasingly higher pixel size the "deeper" you go on each layer. For example, on this composition, I did progressively higher levels of blur the further "back" into the image, creating a sense of depth.
                                Using coloring techniques is also a terrific way to meld together quite different images and making a pleasing manipulation. After adjusting the hue and/or color of each element to make them harmonize, use adjustment layers to further pull together the piece and create the over-all feel you want.
                                Okay I can't find any of this so I did a screenshot of my program. This mask layers stuff is confusing. It doesn't seem to do anything but put a white box as a mask and a duplicate raster of the image. I can't find anything...LOL I guess I'm not sure what you do with them...excuse spelling errors in my shot.


