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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    That is wonderful Sha, and the quote is quite appropriate.


      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
      That is wonderful Sha, and the quote is quite appropriate.
      Thanks Bay - I made the curtain effect to hide the edges because the image was too short and then I thought duh, how does that go with the pic?! Luckily those words occurred to me!! Now I'm worried someone will try the tut and it'll make no sense at all LOL


        Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
        Thanks Bay - I made the curtain effect to hide the edges because the image was too short and then I thought duh, how does that go with the pic?! Luckily those words occurred to me!! Now I'm worried someone will try the tut and it'll make no sense at all LOL
        I know from following other tuts you've made that they are good. Will have to give it a go myself when I think of something that would be perfect with animation.


          Lovely work everyone!

          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
          Hey, everyone!

          I originally started out wanting to use this tut from Jumble. But it was so technical, and my poor little brain didn't want to translate from PS to GIMP. So, I used the wallies provided as an example and came up with my own, adding a few different textures just 'cause I can't get enough of this scratched look.

          Congrats on translating it! Since I wrote the original one, if there's anything that you (or anyone else) can't figure out do let me know and I'll break it down further It's always difficult to know when writing a tutorial how much you need to explain!
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Lovely work everyone!

            Congrats on translating it! Since I wrote the original one, if there's anything that you (or anyone else) can't figure out do let me know and I'll break it down further It's always difficult to know when writing a tutorial how much you need to explain!
            Will do. When I was looking at the tut, though, I'd just finished a five-hour long deep clean in my kitchen. Odds are good that the inability to translate was directly related to that! It's a great concept, and I have plans to make a third one for another thread.


              Josiane... your inbox is full... Hopefully with lots of goodies from everyone.


                Oops, sorry! Cleared it out now
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Josi, I'll likely send you a rather large PM at the end of the week as I don't know what art I'll be making with which tuts.

                  Is there a limit and then we give you links to our posts or what?


                    Thank you


                      Okay, I gave this This one a try by Ladygris, (just so you know it was easy enough to follow )

                      I fiddled with the colouring a bit and added an extra texture, also changed the layout of the 'filmstrip' and made it 'value' instead of 'normal' in the drop down bar.

                      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                        Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                        Okay, I gave this This one a try by Ladygris, (just so you know it was easy enough to follow )

                        I fiddled with the colouring a bit and added an extra texture, also changed the layout of the 'filmstrip' and made it 'value' instead of 'normal' in the drop down bar.
                        Oh how nice!!!

                        What is that extra texture, if you don't mind me asking. 'Cause it's great!


                          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                          Oh how nice!!!

                          What is that extra texture, if you don't mind me asking. 'Cause it's great!
                          Thanks.... that texture is one I've picked up here somewhere from one of the other tuts it's this one. Thanks for your tut, I had fun doing it

                          Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                            Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                            Thanks.... that texture is one I've picked up here somewhere from one of the other tuts it's this one. Thanks for your tut, I had fun doing it
                            You are most welcome.


                              Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                              Hey everyone!

                              Okay, I decided to come up with a tutorial for a wallie based on Jumble's "filmstrip" Martin wallies, but for GIMP rather than PS. I made this:



                              You will need:

                              Open up your canvas (I use 1366x768, but you can use whatever your screen resolution is.) Bucket fill with black.

                              Add in your three pics of Lorne (the first three pics shown). I personally chose pics that I liked AND that were the same size. Then, I arranged them somewhat staggered so that the images of Lorne lined up rather than the background taking up room. I merged the three together once they were scaled down to the right size and arranged the way I wanted them, cropped them so they were all the same size, and fit them into a new canvas (sized appropriate for my wallie) with black background.

                              Add in the first pic of clouds and scale up to fit the canvas. If necessary, duplicate the image, arrange and erase to get the look you want. Set to Lighten Only, opacity 100%.

                              Add in second pic of clouds with the pier and scale to size. Set to Screen, opacity 100%.

                              Add in first texture. First of all, desaturate this image to remove the red but keep the scratchy look. Scale up to cover entire canvas. Set to Overlay, opacity 100%. Make sure your “filmstrip” is ABOVE this texture.

                              Add large image of Lorne, erase away the background, scale to size, and set to Overlay, opacity 100%. Duplicate this image and set the copy to Screen, opacity 55%.

                              Duplicate your first texture. Set to Lighten Only, opacity 100%. Move this one so it's
                              on top of everything.

                              Open up your second texture (the smoke one). Rotate 90 degrees, scale up as needed, and set to Lighten Only, opacity 46.7%. Place over the filmstrip. This texture may obscure one of your pics in the filmstrip, so erase away as needed for the effect you want, using your fuzzy round brush.

                              Add in your character's name, in this case “Evan Lorne.” I used Rage Italic in Color #9894ab at a size you like for the wallie.

                              I hope it's understandable. If need be, ask any questions you'd like.
                              Thanks for putting that together! It looks great.
                              Originally posted by ShaViva View Post

                              I wrote a tutorial for making the above banner - see the third document here. I used lots of screen dumps so apologies it turned out so long. I wanted to make sure I included all the steps for anyone wanting to try animation for the first time. I also made it a hopefully simple animation - I am nowhere near an expert at animation so some of this is just the way I worked out to do this. If any real animators are out there I'd be happy to be corrected on any steps that can be done better!! If you have any questions or anything isn't clear please let me know

                              Once I was done with this I decided I actually preferred the non-animated version better!!

                              Love them both, Sha!
                              Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                              Okay, I gave this This one a try by Ladygris, (just so you know it was easy enough to follow )

                              I fiddled with the colouring a bit and added an extra texture, also changed the layout of the 'filmstrip' and made it 'value' instead of 'normal' in the drop down bar.

                              That's great, MR!
                              Sig and avi by yamiinsane


                                Originally posted by maneth View Post
                                Good to know. I just started working again after two and a half years at home with my son so I'm a bit short on time until we all adjust... But I'll be back with the challenges when I can.
                                Miss you, maneth . But it's good to know where I can find you

                                Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                                Sig & Avi by Josi
                                LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                                I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3

