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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    The model isn't finished.. but it has an outline now


      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
      yeah... i came in as the challenge was ending.... i need to challenge myself with that... of course first order of business is finding a subject matter that would benefit a light colour scheme.... just about everything i like has dark, gritty element to it... even when it's being fun and happy
      I have the same problem with softness or doing very feminine or romantic elements. I like them but I'm unsure if I can make one of those. I have one piece that seems very soft and it's actually about anger and dealing with it, so I can understand you.
      Your animé pieces had very happy elements. and some softer colours.

      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post

      The model isn't finished.. but it has an outline now
      Looks like something the Pauls ( Senior and junior) would make. Even unfinished I can picture it zoooming around.
      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


        Originally posted by Lilith View Post
        to clarify what Nola was saying as i understood it, the Dean image you want to use, open it in PS, do what you want to do with it, and then save it as a .png file.... this will make any transparency effects you've done to the pic save in a way, so that when you open it in GIMP and use it for your WP, you'll still get the effect you were going for....


        and that's what i was thinking... something s4-ish would work for that particular pic... i found it on tumblr and will be posting the bigger version in the bible camp, so keep your eyes out for it

        edit: okay, i finished it
        OMG! EPIC!!!

        I'm gonna go see if GW will let me green you for this is AWESOME!!

        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
        No, You completely missunderstood me. I have four/three challenge entries of experimenting with tutorials just this week, and I've been seriously studying yours. If you back read, there's a post where I wrote I prefer GIMP tuts, even if the blending modes don't always work quite the same way. I just don't have the time to do yours for the challenge deadline. Getting a life means: Jaded get out of Photoshop an get some RL work done!!!!
        Sorry. It was late and I was tired. And...I didn't feel that great last night when I read your post.

        Speaking of the challenge post...when will that be happening? Thought it was at 5pm UK time/12pm US (my) time and it's after 2pm. I was so excited to see what the next challenge is only it's not here yet.

        Oh, and I just noticed your current tut, well, the one I used and posted. Awesome sig!

        In a worst case scenario, you can PM me your file and I can try to erase it myself and send it in some form you can use in Gimp.
        Thank you, but, Nola beat you to it.

        Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
        Artlers, I proudly present my first shirt with a painting of David G. :
        Sorry, it's a little blurry. My back is killing me today and I'm shivering the whole time .
        This is so cool!

        Anyone interested in a Tut how to make this WP? I think there was some interest when I showed it ...
        I wouldn't mind trying my hand at this one. Even if it's PS...I'll see what I can do.
        Sig by ME.


          Sorry. It was late and I was tired. And...I didn't feel that great last night when I read your post.
          No worries. I never meant to say I wouldn't try it, I studied the resources and steps to figure out how to do it in PS. It's a direct translation and the colouring is gorgeous. Unfortunately, I had to rush for the challenge dealine and there is a couple of things I'd like to tweak. I always want to tweak things. Just as curiousity;: the original was made for Chris Evans, captain America and I made a version for Captain america's first foe Heinz Kruger. What goes around...

          Speaking of the challenge post...when will that be happening? Thought it was at 5pm UK time/12pm US (my) time and it's after 2pm. I was so excited to see what the next challenge is only it's not here yet.
          5 pm GMT is the dealine for the entries. Whoever is in charge has to collect them afterwards and organize them by tuts, while taking care of RL. There were many entries this week, I'm sure it won't be easy or quick to do it all

          Oh, and I just noticed your current tut, well, the one I used and posted. Awesome sig!
          ehehe. Thanks! I really like the blending of the forest and the piano scene. The first texture is gorgeous. And the text is from a song...I get a lot of inspiration from songs.

          Thank you, but, Nola beat you to it.
          No problem. If you ever need something out of PS again, don't hesitate to ask, although Nola is a gazillion times better than I am. I had once one function in gIMP that is not available ( as far as I know) in PS and I can appreciate how frustrating that is.
          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Speaking of the challenge post...when will that be happening? Thought it was at 5pm UK time/12pm US (my) time and it's after 2pm. I was so excited to see what the next challenge is only it's not here yet.
            Sorry, I'm just putting it together now

            For info for everyone, the 5pm deadline is so that we know that when we get home from work on a Friday all the art will be there and there won't be new pieces dripping in while we're getting the post together. How long it then takes for us to actually get the post up depends on what time we actually get home and how long it takes to put the post together. On which subject, and following on from my little moan about it yesterday, the more art we have received earlier in the week, the less there is for us to do on Friday evening and the quicker the post gets done

            I'll be back shortly with the posts
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              Sorry, I'm just putting it together now

              For info for everyone, the 5pm deadline is so that we know that when we get home from work on a Friday all the art will be there and there won't be new pieces dripping in while we're getting the post together. How long it then takes for us to actually get the post up depends on what time we actually get home and how long it takes to put the post together. On which subject, and following on from my little moan about it yesterday, the more art we have received earlier in the week, the less there is for us to do on Friday evening and the quicker the post gets done

              I'll be back shortly with the posts
              No worries. I realise is not that simple.
              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                Banner by yamiinsane

                Tutorial Week 22

                Tut by JadedWraith



                Tut by Ikorni


                Tut by Rocket_Scientist


                Tut by yamiinsane




                Tut by phantomphan-92 on LiveJournal



                Tut by ladygris


                Tut by Astra on Shadowplay


                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Banner by Meredith

                  Challenge 76


                  This week your challenge is to make art using and inspired by the following quote:

                  "We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy"
                  Harry Potter

                  To qualify for this challenge, the quote must be on your artwork somewhere.

                  And just in case, I should clarify that the fact that the quote is from Harry Potter does not mean you have to make Harry Potter art (though of course, as with anything, you are very welcome to do so!). Take the quote and see what you can apply it to

                  PM your entries to Jumble
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Great entries this week!

                    Originally posted by josiane View Post

                    Banner by Meredith

                    Challenge 76


                    This week your challenge is to make art using and inspired by the following quote:

                    "We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy"
                    Harry Potter

                    To qualify for this challenge, the quote must be on your artwork somewhere.

                    And just in case, I should clarify that the fact that the quote is from Harry Potter does not mean you have to make Harry Potter art (though of course, as with anything, you are very welcome to do so!). Take the quote and see what you can apply it to

                    PM your entries to Jumble
                    Oh, does this ever work soooo well with the idea for art I had this morning!


                      Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                      Great entries this week!

                      Oh, does this ever work soooo well with the idea for art I had this morning!
                      Always fun when that happens
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                        Great entries this week!

                        Oh, does this ever work soooo well with the idea for art I had this morning!

                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Always fun when that happens
                        Cool. I'm still a bit lost but something will come up, I'm sure.
                        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                          Winchesters.... that's the first thing that popped into my head was Winchesters, followed closely by Avengers.... looks like i'll be capping tonight....
                          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                            Winchesters.... that's the first thing that popped into my head was Winchesters, followed closely by Avengers.... looks like i'll be capping tonight....
                            I thought of the brothers (winchester), of Lucas North, of Guy of Gisborne but I don't know... . Even Harry Potter. I love Snape . Haven't done any Snape art in awhile. Plenty of time.

                            But that's my playground: ambiguous and dark characters with a hidden human side. *sigh*
                            Last edited by JadedWraith; 14 June 2013, 12:33 PM. Reason: adding
                            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                              So, JadedWraith liked to learn it. I'm pretty sure there are several "easier" ways to create the thing but ... I choosed this one:

                              How to make this WP:

                              First create a new canvas in White. I choosed 1280x800 pixels.
                              Open your first pic and resize it if needed. Then copy and paste it on the canvas.
                              Choose a grundgy brush, use the rubber, set it to 50 % and choose a size you like, erase the corners of the pic:

                              Use the clone, again with a grundge brush, set it to 80 % and clone the edges of the pic. Use a different brush if you like, set to 60 % and repeat until you are happy with the result:

                              Open the second pic, desasturate the color, resize is if needed. Create a new layer and copy the pic into it. Erase everything you don't need:

                              Set the Eraser to 20 % and use the eraser to make the second pic a little transparent:

                              (yes, I tried different layers, Nola, but I never got the effect I wanted, that's why I used the Eraser)

                              Close the layer and create a new one size 700x150 pixel. Fill it with the background color of your original pic:

                              Now use the grundgy brush again with color White. Set it to 25 % and paint it a little.

                              Next is the text /title. I used rough_typewriter (size: 120), color: black:

                              copy/paste it on a new layer and move the „Plate“ where you want it. Move it 11°.
                              Again use the Eraser, again with the grundgy brush, set it to 20 % and make the plate a little transparent:

                              Close the layer, open the Painter again, use White at 20 % with a grundgy brush and use the brush all over the WP as often as you like:

                              That it was.

                              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                              Sig & Avi by Josi
                              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                                Fooling around trying to figure out some things on PS - came up with something rather nice


