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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Stealing a march on Josiane here, but I really love this tut of hers

    I made these from it....

    Spoilered for length (for PS)


    I made the Gamekeeper image bar first, then put it on the background texture. So the tut is in two parts. I also fiddled a lot as I was making it, so there's a lot of layers built up to this...

    Part the first: The Gamekeeper bit
    1. Arrange the three caps on a new canvas, then make a stamp of all three to create a single layer with them all on.
    2. Sharpen this layer with the smart sharpen tool.
    3. Duplicate this layer. Go to 'Images > Variations' and lighten twice.
    4. Duplicate that layer. Go to 'Filter > Distort > Diffuse glow' and then set the layer to soft light.
    5. Make another stamp. Go to 'Filter > Other > High Pass' and then set that to soft light too.
    6. Another stamp. Set to screen.
    7. Add a new layer and fill with ebebeb. Set to color burn.
    8. New adjustment layer - Hue/saturation. Increase the saturation to +20.
    9. New adjustment layer - Selective color. Move the yellow slider up to 100% for greens.
    10. New layer, fill with a3d39c. Set to color burn at 20%.
    11. Add this texture on top, resize it to fill the whole area and rotate it so it's vertical. Blur it using the gaussian blur and set to screen.
    12. Add this texture, again set to screen and position it across the boundary of the top two pics.
    13. Add this texture, resized to fill the whole width, and set to screen. Position it at the bottom. Then duplicate it, flip the top one vertically and move up so that between them they cover the whole thing.
    14. Hide all the texture layers you've just added, and make a stamp of the rest. Show the texture layers again and bring your new stamped layer to the top. Set it to 50% opacity.
    15. New adjustment layer - Hue/saturation. Increase saturation to +20.
    16. New adjustment layer - brightness/contrast. Increase brightness to +18 and contrast to +12.
    17. Now the text. The fonts are Delicious and Mistral. Once you've put the text in, duplicate the text layer and then use the gaussian blur on the lower one.

    Part the second: the wallpaper background.

    18. Open a new wallpaper sized canvas and fill with black.
    19. Make yet another stamp of all the picture layers (above) and move this onto your new canvas.
    20. Use the select tool to cut out the vertical strip, and delete the rest.
    21. Add this texture (resized to fill the whole canvas) on top of the background but under the picture strip. Set to screen at 50%.
    22. Add this texture on top of that, flip it horizontally and again set to screen at 50%.
    23. Add a drop shadow to your picture layer and voila! Finito
    Last edited by Jumble; 03 September 2011, 01:01 PM.


      Steal a march all you like!

      By the way, for everyone else, this is the piece of art I originally made that tut from:

      And, IIRC, the textures are as follows:

      Also coming in here to post this, which is not from any tut, just from playing around

      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Thanks Josi, I've been searching for your original wp but couldn't find it

        And you'll be doing a tut for that lovely Castle wp, won't you?


          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Stealing a march on Josiane here, but I really love this tut of hers
          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          Steal a march all you like!
          I'll have to give this a try. Thanks!


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Thanks Josi, I've been searching for your original wp but couldn't find it

            And you'll be doing a tut for that lovely Castle wp, won't you?
            You're welcome And of course I can

            Originally posted by ladygris View Post
            I'll have to give this a try. Thanks!
            Looking forward to seeing what you do with it! The two wps I made for this last week's challenge (the two BSG ones) were both done in much the same way.

            Nolamom, I missed your sig before - nice work! Opacity is a great tool for making things look a bit more seamless, I find - sometimes just lower it a little bit and it helps things blend in together
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Hey, everyone! Did a new sig/avi for my story set to come out in about a week. I just fiddled with it, but I have all the steps if anyone wants a tut for it.

              Btw, the glow around the lamp in the sig......I added that and am very pleased with/proud of how that came out.


                Sorry for not being around the past couple of days, been at a festival! The art has been incredible, and LOVING tut week so far

                Can't wait to try some tuts out


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  You don't need my permission
                  Heh, thanks.

                  Thanks It'll be interesting to see if I can figure it out in PS
                  Hope you do!

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  It came out fab

                  The reason it's so big though is because it's a png file The way around the transparent background is to match the background colour to the colour of background post. I know I have the colour code around here somewhere........*runz off to PS*.......I think its #f1f1f1
                  Ah, thank you. Yeah, thought it might be a bit big. Thanks for the code!

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  Here's a sig and tut I made for the challenge this week, it's very simple! Falling Skies is my new scifi obsession (Funny how all of a sudden Colin Cunningham has started to appeal now he has the grungy look going on - must make a sig with him very soon )

                  I have to agree with ya there. He never caught my fancy on SG1 but...on Falling Skies? HELLO!

                  They're both great!

                  I found a tut I want to have a go at to make that Colin Cunningham sig I'll post the results when I get chance to make it!
                  Can't wait to see it!

                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  Since I already had PS open....from this tut


                  I decided to use the gradient layers differently to get a stronger colouring - Pope just didn't look right on a washed out background. I also used textures from the show so it would tie in better to Falling Skies rather than the ones in the tut......I didn't follow the tut much at all in the end, but the idea sprang from there!
                  Good thinking with the textures from the show. And I agree about Pope not looking right w/washed out BG.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Made this from this tut:

                    Icon and Sig by me.


                      Decided to take another go at this tutorial by jasminaGo simply because I just love the frame in it. I changed it up quite a lot, added a different coloring to it, added another texture, and came up with this:


                        Jumble, Josi, lg and yamii very cool!!!I have to try the tut!


                          Thank you Sy
                          Icon and Sig by me.


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            It gives you a new layer with the image flattened, but it still leaves all your layers intact. That way you can apply filters etc to polish it, but if you decide you don't like it and want to get back to your original layers you don't have to 'undo' lots of times - you simply hide the stamp layer and you're back where you were. I usually duplicate the stamped layer, sharpen the first one and apply a blur to the top one. You can also change the opacity levels etc. It's very useful if you want to play around without losing your original layers
                            Cool. How do you make the stamp though, after making all the layers invisible that you don't want, I mean.


                              Hey, everyone!

                              My hubby and I watched X-Men First Class tonight, and I got inspired. Here's what will likely be my only piece of art from that. I used this tutorial from Luciana for it, but branched off on my own thing when it came to coloring.

                              And, with that, it's time to call it a night. Have a great one, everybody!


                                Love the wallie. McAvoy's kinda cute...

