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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    That's beautiful Yami

    As for perfection - I don't strive for it. As long as I'm happy with my artwork, that's good enough for me


      Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
      Uhm, thanks, Jaded Wraith . I think you meant me, right? Glad you like what I did ...
      I dunno. I'm just a victim of multi-quoting.
      I think I meant all of you you are overly critic about your own work.

      Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
      Rest in spoilers, because could count as negative:

      I for myself can only say, 99 % of what I do I ... well, tend to like but I see all the failures I'd done with it. In RL I am a former perfectionist, and that drove me crazy during years. It's hard to learn but somehow you simply have to accept that you cannot do something perfect (well, when you are not lg or Sy or josi or Sarai or ...). I started making art seven years ago because I broke up with all my friends and left the German SG-fandom - not completely freely but *shrugs* ... Some of the stuff I tried out first I still like (heck, I adore my first icon and am still trying to repeat that thing somehow!), others I keep distance from (I made anti-SGU-art for a while. I still don't like Universe but I think I may have hurt people with what I'd done and that I didn't wanted and still don't want, that's why I put all of those from the server and the most I deleted completely).
      I think, as former (failed) semi-professional writer, we simply cannot be perfect. To quote one of my favourite authors: "Sometimes the charme of a story is the forgotten coffeepott that's magically disappeared within two sentences. The tiny failures that a writer isn't aware of and that makes the reader smile realizing, it's not the Word of God he's reading here." So I also see my art. It's not perfect, heck, I don't want it do be perfect! When it's somehow fit for me, when I can accept it, it's fine. It's me, a part of me. When others don't like - okay, I can live with that. When others like it, I'm happy!
      slightly off topic or not

      I think it's absurd this obsession with "let's not offend anyone because I mocked your fandom" or "not sure if I can post this because no one else likes this series/ fandom/ actor/actress/etc". I made Anti-SGU art and I ended up liking it. I love LORT and The Hobbit (duh!) but I have sense of humour enough to appreciate clever criticism about it. And I welcome it. I think the thread is about the art, not the subjects and we can't please everyone. And every particular liking should be welcomed. I even started to watch some series I knew only from fan art (e.g. Legend of the Seeker). Let's not overly complicate what is simple. Enough ranting. Now, go out everyone and be creative!
      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


        Re. perfection - there's no such thing, I don't think. And so much of artwork is taste and perception. We learn together and are inspired by each other and so improve in what we make, but fundamentally we are all making art designed for our own taste, and every piece we make is an achievement, even the ones that we may not like so much when we finish them. This is also why we want to keep comments positive and constructive here - there may be people who don't like something we produce so much, either for the style or the content, but saying so is just pointlessly detrimental and undermines people's confidence in what they produce and share.

        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
        slightly off topic or not

        I think it's absurd this obsession with "let's not offend anyone because I mocked your fandom" or "not sure if I can post this because no one else likes this series/ fandom/ actor/actress/etc". I made Anti-SGU art and I ended up liking it. I love LORT and The Hobbit (duh!) but I have sense of humour enough to appreciate clever criticism about it. And I welcome it. I think the thread is about the art, not the subjects and we can't please everyone. And every particular liking should be welcomed. I even started to watch some series I knew only from fan art (e.g. Legend of the Seeker). Let's not overly complicate what is simple. Enough ranting. Now, go out everyone and be creative!
        Re. the bolded. Yes, absolutely. And, as we have said time and time again, all art is welcome. Rule number one of the thread, closely followed by (and relatedly) 'be nice'. If everyone keeps both of those principles in mind, this place will continue to thrive
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Yet another Shadowplay challenge entry.

          Went from this..... to this....


            Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
            Gorgeous arts everyone!

            Just stopping by, I doubt there are any Teslenites here but, I wanted to share the yearly calendar that I finally remembered to do...

            This is amazing, Yamii! And ... is there any other couple in Sanctuary? Never noticed something about Helen. I loved the way Nicola drove her crazy *hehe*. So, Teslen go!

            lg, it's wonderful!

            About the OT - that was enough OT for me.

            Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
            Sig & Avi by Josi
            LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
            I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


              That's great LG, love taking a black and white pic and making it colour, it's a great way to explore some of the more 'technical' aspects of PS


                Thanks, Hyn and Sarai.

                It really was a great way to explore more of the technical aspects. I got to learn Variations this time!


                  Ugh, is anyone else having problems copying the image links from Photobucket? In chrome they are covered with big black bars, and in Firefox they show up but won't let me select or copy them. It works in IE, as does the iPad/iPhone app, but since I mostly use chrome or Firefox that's really irritating!

                  Anyway, quick and very uninspired challenge entry from me. The muse has gone AWOL this week

                  lg, fantastic colourisation work! Such an impressive skill
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    I like it, josi.

                    And thanks. But I had help in the form of this tut on Shadowplay. The writer is a genius at colorizations.


                      Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                      I like it, josi.

                      And thanks. But I had help in the form of this tut on Shadowplay. The writer is a genius at colorizations.
                      I really must give it a try. I've been meaning to for ages. Oh well, tut week next week If the muse is still off on her holidays that might be just the time!
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Thank you Jumble and Hyn

                        lg: Love the colorization! Josi: Love the wallie!
                        Icon and Sig by me.


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Ugh, is anyone else having problems copying the image links from Photobucket? In chrome they are covered with big black bars, and in Firefox they show up but won't let me select or copy them. It works in IE, as does the iPad/iPhone app, but since I mostly use chrome or Firefox that's really irritating!
                          Not having a problem but then I've abandoned Firefox in favour of Chrome! There seems to be so many bugs with PB at the moment, both old and new

                          Anyway, quick and very uninspired challenge entry from me. The muse has gone AWOL this week

                          Josi I think that's lovely, just one thing - is your PB compressing the files down a lot? The images of NF don't seem to be very sharp and I know those ones are relatively high res ?


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Not having a problem but then I've abandoned Firefox in favour of Chrome! There seems to be so many bugs with PB at the moment, both old and new
                            Funny, it's chrome that I use most of the time and that's where I first noticed the problem. Flipping PB Even tried switching to the dreaded new version in case that fixed it but it made no difference.

                            Josi I think that's lovely, just one thing - is your PB compressing the files down a lot? The images of NF don't seem to be very sharp and I know those ones are relatively high res ?
                            Gah. I bet that's because I tried the new version. They look lovely and sharp in the version on my desktop. *shakes fist at it*. Will try and reupload back on the old version. *sigh*
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Funny, it's chrome that I use most of the time and that's where I first noticed the problem. Flipping PB Even tried switching to the dreaded new version in case that fixed it but it made no difference.
                              It's a nightmare! Seriously considering 'switching' providers. Does anyone else on here use anything different? Is Imageshack still going/any good?

                              Gah. I bet that's because I tried the new version. They look lovely and sharp in the version on my desktop. *shakes fist at it*. Will try and reupload back on the old version. *sigh*
                              Ah, that's probably it!! And it's not just because I want to snurch...


                                yami, beautiful calendar! Love the colors!

                                Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                                11 am now . Had an appointment with my doctor. He's not amused that I decided to return to work *shrugs*.
                                Are you still sick?

                                Thank you
                                You're welcome.

                                Once I dreamt about Shep and McKay and that it turned out that my neighbour was a wraith . And now I had a few *blushes* dreams about David G. - two or three. One about Silas and one about Reggie. Grimm really hit my nerves
                                Wraithy neighbor. LOL! I've never dreamt about Shep. Nor McKay for that matter. DH, yes. RM, no. Sadly.

                                Thank you *bows*. Unfortunately not David but I dreamt something ... weird. Cannot put it together right now. I'm a pretty heavy dreamer ...
                                Welcome. I'm a rather light dreamer. My dreams never last too long and I don't dream that often. Half of my dreams make no sense.

                                *SQUEE!!!* OMG! RiG, it is AMAZING!!! Awe, and one of my favourite lines in the show *iz completely happy now*! Love, Love, Love this!
                                I'm glad you like it. Took me a while to get the coloring how I liked it. As for the quote, I just Googled "Nick quotes Grimm" and after checking several sites I finally found the quote I used. T he second I read it was like: THAT'S THE ONE!!!

                                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post

                                RIG: I love your gaming TBBT art. I wish my scrapbooks looked as fun!
                                Thank you.

                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                Ugh, is anyone else having problems copying the image links from Photobucket? In chrome they are covered with big black bars, and in Firefox they show up but won't let me select or copy them. It works in IE, as does the iPad/iPhone app, but since I mostly use chrome or Firefox that's really irritating!
                                I'm not having that problem. Yet...

                                Anyway, quick and very uninspired challenge entry from me. The muse has gone AWOL this week

                                This is so cool!
                                Sig by ME.

