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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    How are you going to mandate that business give their workers that day off? And there are some jobs that can't be closed down, police, fire, etc.
    I would suggest two election days, one during the week and one on the weekend, with the results of whichever occurs first kept top secret to prevent reports of day one from influencing the outcome of day two.
    That is a decent compromise..

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    As far as districts, that's simple. A representative's district is a square centered around that representative's residence in the district. The size of his square by the number of people in it in proportion to the # of people in the state. An urban rep., in a densly populated area might only have a square a few blocks long, while a rural legislator's square in a sparsely populated region could easily go for miles. The goal would be for each legislator to represent an equal share of the state's population.
    And for god sake, make them LIVE IN THE damn district they represent!!

    Where do you vote?
    The local school.. Literally less than a block away.
    Prior to that, i couldn't say as i never registered prior to being in Gulfport Ms..


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      The local school.. Literally less than a block away.
      Prior to that, i couldn't say as i never registered prior to being in Gulfport Ms..
      It's always been local schools here, too, walking distance from my home. But they're moving them out of the schools and into other places such as churches and such these days. Seems that all adults are considered preverts and the don't want them in the schools with the kids. Or at least that's the official story.

      I somewhat suspect that the real reason is that they just don't want the taxpayers wandering the schools, seeing the crap that is going on. I took a cont. ed class this spring and I couldn't believe the crap on the walls. I kid you not, they even had NYSUT (NY state teacher's union) promotional posters adorning the classroom walls. Place looked like more like a liberal indoctrination center than a high school.


        I think they get caught between a rock and a hard place.
        VOting should be in a public place....that's usually schools, churches or govt buildings

        Well kinda uncomfortable to have people going to govt buildings especially when they are usually not scattered around that city as polling places should be. Many govt buildings anymore do have security people need to go through to enter the building.

        Then there is the concern with school security. Most if not all schools anymore are locked facilities, which runs counter to having droves of people coming in to vote. And as budgets get tight, more and more districts trend towards less larger schools which means less polling places.

        Churches are what's left that are usually well distributed around a town, usually used for free to no cost and places that don't need security. I think an idea or hope is to have polling places within walking distance of the area they serve to remove the 'I can't get there' obstacle to voting.

        A trend that I wish would be reversed is electronic voting machines. Last time I voted I opted for a paper ballot and I honestly think that should be the norm. You eliminate the threat of hacking by taking the electronics out of it. In my state we don't do punch cards, it's 'fill in the circle' so there's no hanging chad issue. ANd if there is a question about votes, there is paper to fall back on.

        Even taking the supposed Russian interference out of it, we had issues that our secy of state admitted to 'sometimes the machines get out of calibration' after a voter reported 'hey, I voted for X and watched my vote change to Y'.

        So if the machines can have errors, let's take them out of the equation.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          To be honest, I've never seen efforts to make voting difficult.

          With one exception, I've gone to the polls every year since I was eligible to vote in the mid-70's. I've lived in a very poor urban area, a more well to do area of that city, the suburbs of that city, and a rural area. Regardless, the polling places have always been within walking distance (although the rural one was a hike) or 5 min away by car. They are well scattered geographically; there has never been any issue getting to the proper polling place.

          As far as the electronic voting machines, I agree with you there. You can thank Al Gore for these atrocities. In 2000, he went whining to the SCOTUS after a bunch of idiots in Fla. were too stupid to operate a simple paper ballot. As a result, most states, including NY began "modernizing" the voting machines, replacing the tried, true and unhackable mechanical "pull the lever" machines with computerized systems that ARE vulnerable to hacking. Big mistake in my opinion. If they have to modernize, why on earth would they make them able to communicate over networks, opening up the possibility for hacking?

          Although there has been no evidence that the Russians successfully hacked any machines and altered the vote count, if it ever comes out that they did, that would be poetic justice on a grand scale; Hillary losing due to Al Gore's whining to the SCOTUS 16 years prior.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            To be honest, I've never seen efforts to make voting difficult.
            A few years back, Florida reduced the amount of early voting days. There are more complicated situations too, but that's a straightforward one.

            I don't remember where my polling place is because I always do early voting on a weekend for convenience.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              It's always been local schools here, too, walking distance from my home. But they're moving them out of the schools and into other places such as churches and such these days. Seems that all adults are considered preverts and the don't want them in the schools with the kids. Or at least that's the official story.
              I know some talk is going on about moving them out of the schools into the Gyms instead to 'be less disruptive to the kids'...

              However in the 6 times i have been at the school voting, i have YET TO see the kids in session that day.. SO WHAT disruption are they on about??

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              I somewhat suspect that the real reason is that they just don't want the taxpayers wandering the schools, seeing the crap that is going on. I took a cont. ed class this spring and I couldn't believe the crap on the walls. I kid you not, they even had NYSUT (NY state teacher's union) promotional posters adorning the classroom walls. Place looked like more like a liberal indoctrination center than a high school.
              That's possible..

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Well kinda uncomfortable to have people going to govt buildings especially when they are usually not scattered around that city as polling places should be. Many govt buildings anymore do have security people need to go through to enter the building.
              But why would it be uncomfortable to go in one?? Maybe cause most require ID's to enter..?

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Then there is the concern with school security. Most if not all schools anymore are locked facilities, which runs counter to having droves of people coming in to vote. And as budgets get tight, more and more districts trend towards less larger schools which means less polling places.
              Now that i can understand..

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              Churches are what's left that are usually well distributed around a town, usually used for free to no cost and places that don't need security. I think an idea or hope is to have polling places within walking distance of the area they serve to remove the 'I can't get there' obstacle to voting.
              If they are supposed to be in walking distance, "Who's walking distance" do we use??
              I can easily walk 2 miles to get somewhere if i wanna go there. Other people i know, can barely walk 300 meters before getting weak/tired (cause dey be so fat)..
              Additionally if churches are supposed to be 'kept separate from the state', then why let them be used as polling places?

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              A trend that I wish would be reversed is electronic voting machines. Last time I voted I opted for a paper ballot and I honestly think that should be the norm. You eliminate the threat of hacking by taking the electronics out of it. In my state we don't do punch cards, it's 'fill in the circle' so there's no hanging chad issue. ANd if there is a question about votes, there is paper to fall back on.
              Oh hellz hea.. And i would also STOP doing so many bloody abesentee ballots..
              You live out of state, then why are you not REGISTERED IN THAT STATE.
              You are consistently on the road working (traveling salesman, delivery driver) - ok, that i can see keepig absentee ballot for
              You are military and stationed overseas - easily doable by holding votes ON THE BASE and having those votes turned on...


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                Oh hellz hea.. And i would also STOP doing so many bloody abesentee ballots..
                You live out of state, then why are you not REGISTERED IN THAT STATE.
                You are consistently on the road working (traveling salesman, delivery driver) - ok, that i can see keepig absentee ballot for
                You are military and stationed overseas - easily doable by holding votes ON THE BASE and having those votes turned on...
                Live out of state - yeah, you vote where you live.
                People who have to travel for work, students living on or near campus, military, and so forth should be able and required to vote wherever their permanent address is via absentee ballot, with proper verification and identification in person BEFORE the absentee ballot is issued.


                  With the govt buildings and could be seen as a conflict to, say, use the statehouse as a election site....the same building the governor and legislators - who may be getting elected that day - hang out, have offices and work.

                  OR using the courthouse and judges are up for election and might run into people.....doesn't seem practical to shut the legislative or judicial business down for the day so folks can come in and vote.

                  and yes, there is also a security angle. I work for hte state and I Have to use my ID to enter the statehouse and my own building. So letting people in is a security risk.

                  and yes, I agree about walking distance. I can easily walk several miles but there are others that can't....not just beause they are overweight but also because they may be 94 year old war veterans with a fake leg for example. Or the lady with a heart condition or the pregnant woman.
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    With the govt buildings and could be seen as a conflict to, say, use the statehouse as a election site....the same building the governor and legislators - who may be getting elected that day - hang out, have offices and work.

                    OR using the courthouse and judges are up for election and might run into people.....doesn't seem practical to shut the legislative or judicial business down for the day so folks can come in and vote.

                    and yes, there is also a security angle. I work for hte state and I Have to use my ID to enter the statehouse and my own building. So letting people in is a security risk.
                    I have no problem using a govt. facility. They can set voting up on the first floor in the general entry area, police/security keep people from going past that area. It's a just a facility, and if it's convenient for people, use it.

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    and yes, I agree about walking distance. I can easily walk several miles but there are others that can't....not just beause they are overweight but also because they may be 94 year old war veterans with a fake leg for example. Or the lady with a heart condition or the pregnant woman.
                    The League of Women Voters will provide transportation to a good percentage of these folks. There are other groups as well, but they are the most well-known. In many areas, both parties and various well-meaning onlookers will offer rides under varying conditions as well.


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      To be honest, I've never seen efforts to make voting difficult.
                      Have you ever lived outside of NYS?
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        Have you ever lived outside of NYS?
                        No, sad to say, I've been in this liberal hellhole my entire life. Locked by family obligations for a while, and now economically locked.

                        Dammit, I'm still not happy with that shot of Enterprise shredding Reliant.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          No, sad to say, I've been in this liberal hellhole my entire life. Locked by family obligations for a while, and now economically locked.
                          Given that you have lived your entire life in a blue state, how is your personal experience of any value in determining what it is like to live in a red state, or try to vote in one?
                          That's not being mean, my personal experience has no value in voting -anywhere- in the US as well.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            I live in a red state and yeah, I am sure the experiences are different. The stuff Kris Kobach is trying to do on the national scale he's already trying it here.

                            This red state is where I've witnessed the untrained workers and attempts to deny people ballots. THere are no 'if you can't get to the polls here's free rides' advertising or announcements. I've just moved and need to re-register to vote and the hoops I have to jump through can be daunting. I have to update IDs and do it aat places that only have daytime hours - which means taking time off from work to get it done. I'm lucky, I have an understanding boss that will let me take the time but many don't. Many work at jobs that don't get holidays (not that these offices are open on holidays anyway) and their vacation is usually grudgingly given and a person may only have 1-2 weeks per year combined sick and vacation so taking and getting time off can be hard.

                            The attitude is 'prove that we have to allow you to vote'.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              I live in a red state and yeah, I am sure the experiences are different. The stuff Kris Kobach is trying to do on the national scale he's already trying it here.
                              Which is the exact point I am trying to make. it's all "hypothetical" that you are being repressed -until- you go somewhere where you actually ARE, or achive some level of empathy for those who are. I can look at Kobach's policies and see a mile away what he is attempting, because policy is not predicated on where you live, it's policy -no matter- where you live.
                              This red state is where I've witnessed the untrained workers and attempts to deny people ballots. THere are no 'if you can't get to the polls here's free rides' advertising or announcements.
                              And yet, that is seen as a bad thing to do by republicans in blue states, and YET, because that's "Democratic Advertising", it can have an impact, but a Russian propaganda campaign, the -EXACT- same type of thing will have no impact, "cause I'm strong"
                              Gimmie a frigging break
                              I've just moved and need to re-register to vote and the hoops I have to jump through can be daunting. I have to update IDs and do it aat places that only have daytime hours - which means taking time off from work to get it done. I'm lucky, I have an understanding boss that will let me take the time but many don't. Many work at jobs that don't get holidays (not that these offices are open on holidays anyway) and their vacation is usually grudgingly given and a person may only have 1-2 weeks per year combined sick and vacation so taking and getting time off can be hard.
                              That mindset (the work one, not yours Sky) is frankly, disgusting.
                              The attitude is 'prove that we have to allow you to vote'.
                              Yet voter suppression is a myth
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Just like 'there's no voter fraud' is also a myth...

