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    Its them or the Russian hackers. Maybe both
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      same thing the NSA hackers now take their orders from the KGB ones


        The KGB doesn't exist anymore
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          just like Sauron their spirit lives on


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Nope, I'm dead serious.
            That was a rhetorical question.

            Looks like I was wrong -- the US isn't heading in Saudia Arabia's direction. It's always been there -- just not that openly.
            In what way?

            Now, let's see what mayhem MLK's followers did in their haydays:

            Here be an article by the Washington Post -- take it or leave it -- on the subject of MLK's movement in regards to the BLM movement and how it is perceived: Don’t criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence. The civil rights movement did, too.
            There are things I agree with and things I don't. There's more about the polls than she mentions, such as his anti-war stance being a major part of the reason for his 1966 numbers. When MLK Jr. talked about violence, it was about provoking racists to show their violent nature, not for protesters to do so (his tactics were identical to Ghandi's). Perception is a real beast and much of BLM's issue is perception (as was his). However, the negative perception that plagued MLK Jr. was unwarranted. Not the same case with BLM. I mean, can you see his movement filled with angry people rocking and smashing cars and chanting "F the police"?

            She misrepresents events in some of her examples form further in the past ignoring other cause and effects (variables) at play and relies entirely on the same smear campaign that MLK Jr. faced which is...I don't know...odd....perverse? So what's her thesis anyway?
            That left wing violence is okay?
            By Nolamom


              If religion was kept out of American law, there wouldn't be so many bills written which show clear bias towards Christian/religious believes (since there are many different sides falling under the Christian umbrella), such as anti-abortion laws, anti-equality laws, anti-LGBTQ laws and the likes.

              I'm always astounded when I see the "yeah well, in the middle-east they throw you off a building" so stop your whining about being discriminated against. At least, we don't kill you. Yeah, we should be grateful for that, I guess.
              (notwithstanding that the Pulse shooter was an American -- but that's a different story, or the 15 transgender women who've been murdered so far by Americans)

              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              they're watching him thru his webcam as we type
              Microwaves -- the microwaves are listening.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                First of all, let me just point out the irony of this when you live in a country with a monarch and a state church.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                If religion was kept out of American law, there wouldn't be so many bills written which show clear bias towards Christian/religious believes (since there are many different sides falling under the Christian umbrella), such as anti-abortion laws, anti-equality laws, anti-LGBTQ laws and the likes.
                Hard to do that when the first amendment mentions religion...Don't religious groups receive money from your government? Why should the US legal code bar "religion" when your legal code doesn't?

                I'm always astounded when I see the "yeah well, in the middle-east they throw you off a building" so stop your whining about being discriminated against. At least, we don't kill you. Yeah, we should be grateful for that, I guess.
                (notwithstanding that the Pulse shooter was an American -- but that's a different story, or the 15 transgender women who've been murdered so far by Americans)
                Were those 15 transwomen killed because they were transwomen or other motives? What jobs are gay people barred from in the US? Where are the "Gay" water fountains vs the "Straight" water fountains? What section of the bus must Gays sit in? Are Gay people's citizenship being question solely based on them being Gay? Are Gays overrepresented in highschool drop out rates? Arrest rates? Police shooting rates? Are their "Straight only" train cars?
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Nope, I'm dead serious.

                  Indeed, there's no direct reference to "separation of Church and State". There's only this:
                  Yup. The whole "Sep of state and church" bupkiss came from one of Jeffferson's letters to a NEWS paper.. jumped on by liberals and a liberal activist judge...


                    The Clearest definition of the "Separation of Church & State" was NOT to keep the Church out of the State but to keep the State out of the Church!

                    Hard to do when society is quickly trying to replace Religion with Politics. Thus merging the two in to an even more UNHOLY Monster then any thing previous.
                    I like Sharky


                      I'm just sittin' here like "oh hey American law doesn't let you do whatever the heck ya feel like without any consequences....isn't that a novel idea" /sarcasm


                        Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                        The Clearest definition of the "Separation of Church & State" was NOT to keep the Church out of the State but to keep the State out of the Church!
                        then what about Sanctuary (not the modern immigration BS but the original/medieval version) are US christians for or against?


                          You mean the act of running into a Religious Structure or House of Worship and Yelling "Sanctuary" so Government Officials can't drag you out and put you in prison?

                          If that is the case. I say let the Churches decide. SO for if example if SoulReaver just got spotted flashing people in the park and got chased by a cop into a church, the Church could then say . "Free Willey is yours officer, Fug Him!" I would have no prob with that.
                          I like Sharky


                            I can't find the article I was reading but are they really now going to recognize transsexual woman as women in order to deny them voting rights?

                            But then does that mean then all women will be denied a vote?
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                              You mean the act of running into a Religious Structure or House of Worship and Yelling "Sanctuary" so Government Officials can't drag you out and put you in prison?

                              If that is the case. I say let the Churches decide. SO for if example if SoulReaver just got spotted flashing people in the park and got chased by a cop into a church, the Church could then say . "Free Willey is yours officer, Fug Him!" I would have no prob with that.
                              But what constitutes a "church"? Why couldn't a bunch of burglars for example belong to the "church of the 5 finger discount" a facility owned and operated by a group of crooks? You want them running into that church and claiming sanctuary?

                              I'm not so fond of the idea of anybody being able to run into any facility to escape law enforcement. If the structure is within the jurisdiction of the authorities making the arrest, so is anyone within that structure.


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                then what about Sanctuary (not the modern immigration BS but the original/medieval version) are US christians for or against?
                                The original concept of sanctuary was for criminals against the law.. In fact i the UK, it was part of common law from the 4th to early 17th century..

                                However, for ME at least. Since the US doesn't have any (nor have we) any laws on the books regarding whether a church CAN or CAN'T be sanctuaries against the law arresting someone, and we do have laws about churches being non-political entities, and thus have non-profit status. As such, i am firmly against them.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                But what constitutes a "church"? Why couldn't a bunch of burglars for example belong to the "church of the 5 finger discount" a facility owned and operated by a group of crooks? You want them running into that church and claiming sanctuary?

                                I'm not so fond of the idea of anybody being able to run into any facility to escape law enforcement. If the structure is within the jurisdiction of the authorities making the arrest, so is anyone within that structure.
                                Same here, which is why i am firmly against church based sanctuaries... And any that wish to do so, should immediately lose their Tax free status.

