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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

    Originally posted by Womble View Post
    Proof please.
    I've posted that proof in reply to garhkal twice now. But I'll find it a third time.

    The George W Bush White House "Lost" 22 Million Emails
    Outraged by the Hillary Clinton email scandal? George W Bush's White House 'lost' 22 million emails
    Missing White House Emails
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      Just google GW bush email.
      So I Googled. The deleted and private-domain emails were not from Bush or Secretary of State or anyone on that level. The most senior person involted was Karl Rove who was an advisor.

      putting aside the stupidity (which I agree with you), it still requires a criminal act to do this. If Snowden was Israeli, and leaked similar stuff on your government, what would you say.
      I have zero sympathy for Snowden and I've voiced my opinion on the whole Wikileaks thing before - it's an espionage laundering outlet, which currently seems to be doing the bidding of the Russian regime. (Assange appears determined to do maximum damage to Clinton as Presidential candidate).

      I seriously doubt that anyone could conceivably dig up meaningful secrets on Israeli government though. One of the super-annoying things about our government is its chronic inability to keep secrets. The reason Wikileaks keep threatening to dig up dirt on Israel and never really does is because all of our dirt hits the news pretty much in real time.
      Last edited by Womble; 17 September 2016, 02:02 AM.
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        Originally posted by Womble View Post
        I seriously doubt that anyone could conceivably dig up meaningful secrets on Israeli government though. One of the super-annoying things about our government is its chronic inability to keep secrets. The reason Wikileaks keep threatening to dig up dirt on Israel and never really does is because all of our dirt hits the news pretty much in real time.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          22Million emails? When did they sleep? That's a lot of typing over what, 8 years?




              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              We were already a part of The Netherlands once -- it didn't work out so well.
              So you had a little disagreement for a what? 80 years? Give or take...and a few issues with the French, and the Spanish, and so on and so forth. Just accept that you'd be happier under the firm but fair rule of the Dutch.

              Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
              22Million emails? When did they sleep? That's a lot of typing over what, 8 years?
              I did the math. That's an email every 1 or 2 minutes. That's assuming that the emailing takes place all day and night and every day and week of the 8 years in question.
              By Nolamom


                That's a lot of long lost Nigerian relatives wanting to use his bank account...


                  I did more number crunching. Assuming Presidents get 40 hours of sleep a week that gives us 128 hours working per week. Times 52 for the year that's 6,656 hours. For the 8 years that gives us 53,248 work hours. Now that goes into 22 million 413 times. So each work hour the President would have to field through 413 emails per hour. And that's not counting the undeleted emails. Imagine doing this before the 90's?
                  By Nolamom


                    Which is why i call BS on there being THAT many 'deleted' emails..


                      Here's an interesting idea. Although I don't directly wish HRC poor health, I would like to see her exit the race. This would be a good thing, if it comes to pass.

                      48% of Democratic voters say Bernie Sanders should replace Hillary if she drops out of race


                        in a way I don't like this sort of news - makes it tempting to wish someone ill (on the other'd be for the greater good right?)


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          in a way I don't like this sort of news - makes it tempting to wish someone ill (on the other'd be for the greater good right?)
                          Greater good?
                          Look what people think socialism is, a dictionary definition..........
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Regarding the "wall(s)" discussion.
                            . . .

                            ... but for *Trump's sake* -- there isn't going to be a wall BIG or high enough or DEEP enough to keep *undesirable* types of peoples out -- regardless of "where" they came from. THAT in a nutshell *was* my point. Trump's support club are living in dreamy-land, if they expect any such wall to stop any incoming problems from other parts of the world via thru Mexico..!
                            . . .

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            I stand by what I said, clarification or not.
                            Do you want to be like them?
                            . . .

                            America can build a wall if you want...
                            All it does it put you into the category of China, Russia, and Germany of the 1940's. If that is who you want to be, do it. If not, well, people might want to rethink the idea.
                            Why should it matter what *I* (singular) want..?
                            My *wants* means nothing.
                            Besides, from what I've read or heard or encountered----There is NO correct answer in today's world to keep "undesirable" persons out.
                            D***'d if you do and D***'d if you don't.
                            I'd end it right there, but there are verses in the Bible that describes what sometimes happens to regions where people live without protective walls of sorts.

                            Ezekiel 38:10-12 (New International Version (NIV))
                            10) "...On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme.
                            11) You will say, 'I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.
                            12) I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land..."

                            and just for reinforcement-- same verses
                            Ezekiel 38:10-12 (New King James Version (NKJV))
                            10) ..."On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan:
                            11) You will say, 'I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates'—
                            12) to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land..."

                            Yes, the verses were directed specifically about "Gog" coming up against rebuilt Israel--living without protective walls (perhaps *vulnerable* due to some "peace treaty"--that includes even if the walls did exist somehow), but I think the verses are applicable to most places on this planet, especially when an "enemy" or *deceiver* takes advantage of the vulnerable population(s). Plunder and ruin and everything else (usually barbaric) that comes along with it.

                            Keep saying that scriptural scenario won't ever happen, because it has happened, over and over and over again in different time eras and places of various people all over this little earth.
                            Get too gullible and vulnerable, and expect someday to get taken badly advantage of.
                            Get too protective and maybe power hungry, and the gov't's of the *USSR, China, and (1940's) Germany* happens over and over again.

                            So, the answer to your (GF) question will forever travel in an endless loop--doomed to repeat itself in different ways over and over and over again. Sometimes these events and moments may have good years, other times, they seem doomed into their own destruction. It probably depends on where the middle ground can be reached and achieved that will provide the only moments in time for genuine peace and joy.


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Greater good?
                              Look what people think socialism is, a dictionary definition..........
                              maybe I should've added a smiley
                              anyway everyone thinks their system is for the greater good

                              the ***** is almost as bad as Trump (not to mention he'll be elected because of her)
                              I've said this several times: if only she could've been replaced by Sanders


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Why should it matter what *I* (singular) want..?
                                My *wants* means nothing.
                                Individual wants build momentum, one of us means little, many of us do not. Changing society comes from the collective wants of the few. No more is this true than in a democracy, no matter what extra appellation goes with it.
                                Besides, from what I've read or heard or encountered----There is NO correct answer in today's world to keep "undesirable" persons out.
                                D***'d if you do and D***'d if you don't.
                                The problem is not keeping people in or out, it is this notion of "undesirables".
                                I'd end it right there,
                                I wish you had, but............
                                Keep saying that scriptural scenario won't ever happen, because it has happened, over and over and over again in different time eras and places of various people all over this little earth.
                                Of course it has.
                                Get too gullible and vulnerable, and expect someday to get taken badly advantage of.
                                Who said you have to be gullible?
                                Get too protective and maybe power hungry, and the gov't's of the *USSR, China, and (1940's) Germany* happens over and over again.
                                Do you want to be them?

                                So, the answer to your (GF) question will forever travel in an endless loop--doomed to repeat itself in different ways over and over and over again. Sometimes these events and moments may have good years, other times, they seem doomed into their own destruction. It probably depends on where the middle ground can be reached and achieved that will provide the only moments in time for genuine peace and joy.
                                No, it is only going to go that way if we believe in mankind being too weak to accept it's own agency.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

