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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    Thanks for the back up Artoo.

    And what gets me more about it. A lot of times it is some of the students On the campus asking for these conservative speakers to show up, and the REST of the campus raises bloody murder about it, then show hate TO those who asked them to come...
    I apologize for the double post...I thought this was quoted.

    At first when I started hearing about this and reading about it, I didn't believe it one bit.'s getting hard to ignore the evidence. When you have such a diverse group of people from conservative pundits, liberal comedians, and liberal pundits like Bill Maher agreeing on this one thing...something is up. Several youtubers (of various political backgrounds) that I watch/follow seem to oddly agree on this one thing.

    You know how I learned about Commissioner who got shouted out? An episode from Blue Bloods...I got the feels from that one, poor Frank . I don't know if this is an issue in EU or Australia, but it certainly is here in the US.
    By Nolamom


      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
      And here is another one. What groups or initiatives do conservatives back to help resolve that problem? And if we are being bleeding hearts, what about similar problems in other minority groups? What laws or initiatives are being debated? How is the GOP plank being formatted for this goal? The problem with conservatives is that you are not offering a viable alternative. You (Conservatives, not garhkal in particular...for those who do not know how to use context to figure out if the pronoun in use is second person singular or second person plural) are not saying "Hay, the Democrats are useless, let us tell you how we can solve these problems" all you're saying is "It's not true! Why don't you solve these other problems you actually have!" and then turn around and say "We ain't wasting no tax money on this" or "How come there aint no NAACP scholarships for us whitefolk?" and "Why aint there no NAAWP?"
      Conservatives have made suggestions as to how problems faced by the "black youth" or whatever you want to call it can be solved. But these suggestions are universally dismissed because they require personal responsibility and making the proper choices in life.


        Is Islam compatible with the West?
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          He needs an avatar.

          For the record, Scrat is an awesome character.
          You should set him as your avatar. I can easily make it smaller so it fits GW's size for you if you like.
          If you would, that would be great. Though once you do so, how do i upload that pic as my avatar??

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I'm confused...are you asking for it to be a hate crime because a shooter who isn't white is targeting white people? Or because a shooter who isn't white is targeting cops? Because cops does not equal white people. If the former, there's no reason to not call it a hate crime. If it's the latter, read my comment below.
          More i am saying Targetting cops just CAUSE they are cops, no matter if its a white guy doing it to a fellow white guy who's a cop, black vs white cop, asian vs martian cop..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
 do have Trump.
          Not sure he's an atheist. Maybe a non practicing christian.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          Was it you who didn't like the NAACP's concentrating on issues involving the black community or annoyed? This is why you need an avatar (It's more significant than a sig which Annoyed does have bu it doesn't help much). Anyway, I ask because my follow up question is name one activist group dedicated to helping black people that you approve of.
          Its several thing really.
          A) the fact they only help blacks, is in itself effectively racist (cause you can bet there would be hell if someone asked for an NAALP or NAAWP).
          B) Their leaders often do things in a wrong manner to my POV.. such as suing firms cause they ;under represent blacks in their work force' (like with Rev Jackson going after silicone valley, so some firms just HAD to hire blacks, even if not qualified).. IMO its like the old 'pay us or we break your store up' tactics the mob used to do... "Hire more blacks, even if that means you have to lower standards to get them, or we sue you for millions"...

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          If you are honest about so called "black on black" crime then you would support some group that has taken upon itself to solve that problem.
          I certainly would support any group dedicated to that end..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          Do you have the stats to back that up or are we going down the Soulreaver route of blind assertions?
          How's about this news video from back in 2014.. Right at the start of the whole BLM issue..

          Then you have this one from august last year on the pigs in a blanket issue..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          You can't have your cake and eat it too. Are voter ID laws right or wrong? If they aren't, then your argument falls apart. It matters not what GF says. Your POV has to have internal consistency first before you point out any inconsistency in others' POV.
          I have never said anywhere gun id requirements are wrong. Just like we have licenses for driving/flying etc.. So too do we need them for guns and voting. However where me and GW are not seeing eye to eye, is that many on the left (politicians and even some on this site) seemed to think that making said laws for Voter ID were wrong/racist, as they 'disenfranchised the poor (black), cause they couldn't afford those ids (even though darn near every state that requires IDs make it easy as heck to GET THEM or even free in some cases), yet he does NOT seem to think adding in a "Sin tax" on ammo purchases is also 'disenfranchising the poor' as it could price them out of buying ammo..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I see a lot of that from hard line conservatives too.
          I will give you that, but Conservatives are not usually the ones crying at leftists "racist, bigots, intolerant haters" etc when someone doesn't agree with our POV..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

          Please say yes! You need an avatar like yesterday. And Scrat is a fan favorite...
          Already said yes above..

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I apologize for the double post...I thought this was quoted.

          At first when I started hearing about this and reading about it, I didn't believe it one bit.'s getting hard to ignore the evidence. When you have such a diverse group of people from conservative pundits, liberal comedians, and liberal pundits like Bill Maher agreeing on this one thing...something is up. Several youtubers (of various political backgrounds) that I watch/follow seem to oddly agree on this one thing.

          You know how I learned about Commissioner who got shouted out? An episode from Blue Bloods...I got the feels from that one, poor Frank . I don't know if this is an issue in EU or Australia, but it certainly is here in the US.
          I loved the Blue bloods episode that tackled that issue...

          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Is Islam compatible with the West?
          No. Islam inevitably leads to the installation of Sharia law, which is NOT compatible with our constitution.


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            You're not understanding me. If i shoot you, and its a hate crime cause of me being white and you being black (lets say), then you shooting ME should also be a hate crime cause you are black and i am white... That's what i am saying
            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            More i am saying Targetting cops just CAUSE they are cops, no matter if its a white guy doing it to a fellow white guy who's a cop, black vs white cop, asian vs martian cop..
            there we go you were talking about class not race
            so back to the question: were the victims of this "hate crime" born blue?


              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

              Was it you who didn't like the NAACP's concentrating on issues involving the black community or annoyed? This is why you need an avatar (It's more significant than a sig which Annoyed does have bu it doesn't help much).
              Board won't allow me to put an avatar up till I hit the 2000 post mark. Since posts here don't count, that might take a while.


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post

                No. Islam inevitably leads to the installation of Sharia law, which is NOT compatible with our constitution.

                So well if it's that obvious it's not compatible why are people who criticize it bashed online and labeled bad names?
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                  I apologize for the double post...I thought this was quoted.

                  At first when I started hearing about this and reading about it, I didn't believe it one bit.'s getting hard to ignore the evidence. When you have such a diverse group of people from conservative pundits, liberal comedians, and liberal pundits like Bill Maher agreeing on this one thing...something is up. Several youtubers (of various political backgrounds) that I watch/follow seem to oddly agree on this one thing.

                  You know how I learned about Commissioner who got shouted out? An episode from Blue Bloods...I got the feels from that one, poor Frank . I don't know if this is an issue in EU or Australia, but it certainly is here in the US.

                  Yeah I remember that episode too......If Frank was Robocop those students be dead .......

                  Seriously why invite someone and then do that? Stupid students.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    But these suggestions are universally dismissed because they require personal responsibility and making the proper choices in life.
                    So, you're saying it's their own fault?
                    Please go read the article about the 5 or so myths of Black crime. I think number 5 dealt with what you are talking about.

                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    Is Islam compatible with the West?
                    Yes, it is.
                    It's called freedom of religion. And most if not all countries in the "west" are secular, church and state divided.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    If you would, that would be great. Though once you do so, how do i upload that pic as my avatar??
                    I'll take care of it tonight and send you a PM with a how-to.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    Not sure he's an atheist. Maybe a non practicing christian.
                    According to the interwebz he's a Prysbeterian.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    ...many on the left (politicians and even some on this site) seemed to think that making said laws for Voter ID were wrong/racist, as they 'disenfranchised the poor (black), cause they couldn't afford those ids (even though darn near every state that requires IDs make it easy as heck to GET THEM or even free in some cases)...
                    Identification cards are mandatory in Belgium and cost 20,40€ (22,50$ USD), no exceptions.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    No. Islam inevitably leads to the installation of Sharia law, which is NOT compatible with our constitution.
                    And yet, you have no problem with Christian shariah laws?

                    Islam does not inevitably lead to the installation of the shariah law - that's just scaremongering and in the meantime it's people like Mike Pence who install harsh abortion laws, discrimination laws against LGBTQI's, ... so please, there's already shariah it's just not Islam doing the law-setting.

                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Board won't allow me to put an avatar up till I hit the 2000 post mark. Since posts here don't count, that might take a while.
                    You only need 777 posts, give or take a few. I think games do count.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      No private citizen -NEEDS- a gun, but it is given to be a "right" by the right.
                      ALL citizens -NEED- education, but the right considers it a privilege.
                      So, by your logic, the taxpayers are required to pay for any gun I wish to purchase, as it is my right to have one, just as the taxpayers should pick up the tab for my education, because you consider it a necessary "right" ?


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        So, by your logic, the taxpayers are required to pay for any gun I wish to purchase, as it is my right to have one,
                        guns ain't cheap right? so what about the poor who can't afford to buy one, should they be deprived of the right to defend themselves & their few possessions?


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          guns ain't cheap right? so what about the poor who can't afford to buy one, should they be deprived of the right to defend themselves & their few possessions?
                          Well, according to GF's logic, the govt. (taxpayers) should pick up the tab. We'll have to wait and see what he says about that.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            More i am saying Targetting cops just CAUSE they are cops, no matter if its a white guy doing it to a fellow white guy who's a cop, black vs white cop, asian vs martian cop..
                            I thought so, but my confusion was that occupation isn't a "protected group" like say white people would be.

                            Not sure he's an atheist. Maybe a non practicing christian.

                            Well I have yet to see any Christian (And very very few none Christians) who would say "One Corinthians". o.O

                            Its several thing really.
                            A) the fact they only help blacks, is in itself effectively racist (cause you can bet there would be hell if someone asked for an NAALP or NAAWP).
                            But it was founded by white people. Well, more like 54 white people and 6 black friends they managed to find. History matters. It's goal was to help black people who were drowning under Jim Crow. The name itself can be considered archaic these days. I mean "colored people"?

                            Personally, the best thing to happen would be for the NAACP to close doors (or evolve into something else) because it is no longer needed rather than because white people feel left out. In my opinion, it's like you complaining because you don't have a green card. Fool, you don't need one!

                            B) Their leaders often do things in a wrong manner to my POV.. such as suing firms cause they ;under represent blacks in their work force' (like with Rev Jackson going after silicone valley, so some firms just HAD to hire blacks, even if not qualified).. IMO its like the old 'pay us or we break your store up' tactics the mob used to do... "Hire more blacks, even if that means you have to lower standards to get them, or we sue you for millions"...

                            I haven't read up on those to be honest. But I think we've spoken about AA already.

                            I certainly would support any group dedicated to that end..
                            They do exist, the NAACP is one of them.

                            How's about this news video from back in 2014.. Right at the start of the whole BLM issue..

                            Then you have this one from august last year on the pigs in a blanket issue..
                            I'm not disputing that. What I want is something that says 51% of BLM's want dead cops in order to accept your statement of "most".

                            I have never said anywhere gun id requirements are wrong. Just like we have licenses for driving/flying etc.. So too do we need them for guns and voting. However where me and GW are not seeing eye to eye, is that many on the left (politicians and even some on this site) seemed to think that making said laws for Voter ID were wrong/racist, as they 'disenfranchised the poor (black), cause they couldn't afford those ids (even though darn near every state that requires IDs make it easy as heck to GET THEM or even free in some cases), yet he does NOT seem to think adding in a "Sin tax" on ammo purchases is also 'disenfranchising the poor' as it could price them out of buying ammo..

                            But that's different. If ID's were charged, you'd have internal consistency. But you just said that they are mostly free, that means its a faux comparison and internally inconsistent. So do you believe that charging for ID's when they are required for voting is right or wrong?

                            I will give you that, but Conservatives are not usually the ones crying at leftists "racist, bigots, intolerant haters" etc when someone doesn't agree with our POV..
                            But they still do that too.

                            Already said yes above..

                            Most excellent.
                            By Nolamom


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              You might have a point there, but not for the reasons you might think.

                              After 8 years of having an "apologizer in chief" rather than a commander in chief in the White House, we probably do need to rebuild military strength, as we did after the peanut farmer was ejected from office in 1980.
                              What, isn't spending more on our military than the next 10+ countries combined despite not having hostile powers on either of our borders enough?


                                Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
                                What, isn't spending more on our military than the next 10+ countries combined despite not having hostile powers on either of our borders enough?
                                Obviously not. I've been reading reports that our readiness is poor due to years of budget cuts. A significant portion of our combat aircraft are in need of repair, unfit to fly; robbing parts from one to put on another, for example.

                                This is similar to the problem faced by our military after 4 years of budget starvation by the Carter administration in the 70's.

