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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    In that case, he's insurance. Nobody will be likely to assassinate Trump.
    I had the same thought myself, but given the rest of the situation, That's a big premium to be paying for life insurance.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Yes, I have a flippant attitude towards the VP. Really, outside of very unusual circumstances, he does nothing at all. Biggest influence is as the tiebreaker in the Senate.


        Bloody know-it-alls
        Although you best tell the EU that its not the United States if Euope since that seems to be the direction it's heading.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          And yet your constitution states:

          "The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices. It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government. "

          Woops... I guess, Amendments are only convenient when they suit the needs of the people.
          Having a belief in the laws of god being a basis for our country's laws though is NOT establishing one religion, or telling folk they can't practice others.

          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          That would lead to an immediate termination of the contract.
          And very likely the end of their carreer.

          We've had several sportsmen who were suspended after homophobic remarks, though nothing like that image posting.
          Yes he SHOULD have been fired. However, from reading several news sites, all that happened is the brown's player got forced to make a public apology and pay over some dosh to a Cop charity/foundation..
          Where as you say, there HAVE been others who got fired or suspended (no pay) for making LESS of a fuubuu..

          A Blatant double standard.


            This is nothing new. Athletes have been getting slap on the wrists for serious crime for a long time. Of course its a double standard.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Having a belief in the laws of god being a basis for our country's laws though is NOT establishing one religion, or telling folk they can't practice others.
              Adopt Sharia law then.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Maybe the coup leaders didn't think things through properly. Removing the current leader would have gained them a foothold.

                Silly coup was over before it began.
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  Maybe the coup leaders didn't think things through properly. Removing the current leader would have gained them a foothold.

                  Silly coup was over before it began.
                  And orchestrated to gain more power...
                  It sure does smell fishy.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                    Maybe the coup leaders didn't think things through properly. Removing the current leader would have gained them a foothold.

                    Silly coup was over before it began.
                    Nah this was either a desperation coup (since Erdogan has been cracking down on any opposition for quite some time now) or this was to some degree planned or played by Erdogan.

                    The latter can mean a lot of things. It's possible loyalists tricked the coup group into believing their numbers were greater, only to stand down when it all happened. It's possible Erdogan gave orders to the military for a supposed military exercise to draw out the Coup group. It could be fully staged.

                    Plenty of things about the coup are fishy. Just about everything about it was amateurish, they were even unable to properly bomb Erdogan's address when they had the Airforce at their side including F-16's. It has given Erdogan the opportunity he needed to wipe out all opposition, as over a thousand judges have already been removed.

                    It doesn't make sense for the EU or the US to want a coup when one just signed a deal about migration and the other uses it as a forward base to bomb IS.


                      Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                      I wouldn't write it off completely, here's a statement I've just seen from the Turkish Patriotic Party (thanks to wikileaks):


                      They specifically mention it was a coup to prevent relations between Turkey and Russia (*pats self on back* ). I'm not saying they are 100% correct, but for me it's more believable than the MSM narrative of restoring/forcing secular democracy. I doubt this will be in the news. The globalist empire may be dying quicker than I thought if even Turkey wants out..

                      Hmm, maybe it was Austria then. I can't seem to find anything on google, my bad

                      They also arrested 4 or 5 people in connection with this. Though I don't think they have said why, possibly a cell.
                      American-led? What are they smoking?
                      I don't suppose that it would be helpful to their understanding of things to point out that if the US wanted to take over Turkey, the stars and stripes would be flying over the country by now? Hell, one carrier strike group ought to be enough.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        American-led? What are they smoking?
                        I don't suppose that it would be helpful to their understanding of things to point out that if the US wanted to take over Turkey, the stars and stripes would be flying over the country by now? Hell, one carrier strike group ought to be enough.
                        Erdogan is momentarily forgetting that with great power comes great responsibility.

                        And I wouldn't be too sure of your countries power. You'd have Russia in your backyard if you invaded Turkey. They recently made up...
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Erdogan is momentarily forgetting that with great power comes great responsibility.

                          And I wouldn't be too sure of your countries power. You'd have Russia in your backyard if you invaded Turkey. They recently made up...
                          You might have a point there, but not for the reasons you might think.

                          After 8 years of having an "apologizer in chief" rather than a commander in chief in the White House, we probably do need to rebuild military strength, as we did after the peanut farmer was ejected from office in 1980.


                            Instead of bombs you should invest in good relationships... bombs only hurt the little people.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Good relationships are only possible if ALL parties desire them. There are many situations where that isn't possible. If it isn't, it's best to be the guy with the most bombs.

                              Should the world have tried to have "good relationships" with 1939 era Germany? Or modern day ISIS?


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                you're again talking about shooters' choice of victims
                                what about the conviction rates for the shooters?it's a prob when the DA doesn't have to answer to anyone

                                They answer to voters. It's also an elected position. In the instances they aren't elected, they answer directly to the state governors who appoint them.

                                hypothetical scenario: you're best friends with the DA & you decide to go on a serial-shooting rampage & when you get caught the DA refuses to press charges even if you're caught red-handed which're free again to roam the streets & gun down whomever you want right? get caught & re-released, rinse & repeat, all it takes with your system is a willing DA (no risk he has "full immunity" which is a notch above qualified immunity basically he can make w/e decision he wants regardless of consequences)

                                No, it means he becomes an accomplice...they're DA's not Monarchs who can't be touched. In either case, the governors/voters can always remove them.

                                come on man even the other conservatives here never play that game lol

                                Maybe they know better than to ask. You seem to avoid answering questions as much as Trump avoids providing details...or the truth.

                                else I can ask what is a "white person" to you? see any1 can play
                                That's because "White Person" is an actual contemporary term used in today's society in the US...unlike terms like "commoners" which isn't used in contemporary society here in the US...or anywhere actually. As for "Class" that could mean anything from the kids that shared the same classroom as I did in my fifth grade music course to an archetype to a segment of a social hierarchy (which can vary based on context).

                                you overlook 1 thing: your system allows a judge to screw ditch the jury's decision & give his own sentence (also the defendant can choose to be judged by a judge alone no jury – amirite?)

                                And how common is that? And what are the legal repercussions of that? What are the requirements for that? What has happened when such a "power" has been invoked? What is the actual (based on actual data and not blind Marxist assertions) likelihood of it?

                                you also maka a naive assumption: that the jury can't be coerced. they're just commoners after all, no special status no special protection (how do you think they'd feel handing out a guilty sentence on an Officer of the Law if they could find themselves on the receiving end of some mafia tactics from the all-powerful american police unions?) and how do you feel when their colleagues (the "good" ones) support them?

                                Like I said, that would require Mexico level of corruption or Area 51 with aliens level of conspiracy. You can ask Annoyed to help you find the right fit for your tinfoil hat.

                                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                                You can't protect all people from all things, but that's no reason to not try. You can protect most people from most things.

                                It's all well and good to pontificate about the importance of a "free society" and to conjure up worn-out anti-utopian fantasies, but how free are you really if you aren't ever safe? How free is a society in which people fear going to public events? What is the original point of a society in the first place if not safety in numbers?

                                There is a reasonable middle ground between the obsession with personal rights and vulnerability to mass casualty attacks by madmen. It takes some effort to find it. It takes some compromises to achieve it. It takes admitting that, with all the respect to other rights of the individual, the right to life comes first because dead people have considerable difficulty exercising whatever liberties they have de jure. But people don't have to die by the hundreds for your privacy rights.

                                I always thought specialization played a major role in the development of societies. Some people can farm, others can make pottery, others build houses, others manage the resources so all of that can be possible. But before you say it, monopoly of violence is a big necessity of any given society.

                                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                                Actually no, you don't need "all of the above".

                                Traffic checkpoints I can live with. Surveillance too; fight it all you want but it will persist and expand. I said it before, I have become convinced that "police state" is the next inevitable form which any state wishing to survive will necessarily assume. It's either that, or the state will lose monopoly on violence which is its entire raison d'etre, and degenerate into a Somalia-like anarchic warlord country. But random warrantless searches of your home is not the same as the other two.

                                What do you mean by "Police State"?

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                The folks at Huff-n-Puff really don't have a clue, do they?

                                Watch The Conventions

                                Trump's incredible popularity level has nothing to do with "hating all things Obama" or Xenophobia and everything to do with the establishment Republican's thumbing their noses at the lower and middle working classes in favor of the well to do.

                                So when people say "He says it how it is" they don't mean him calling Mexicans rapists, and incapable of being judges? They don't mean him posting fake stats to make it look like black people are murderous rampaging lunatics? Or his refusal to tell white supremacists to take a hike?

                                Oh, and Sanders' popularity on the Democrats' side is based on the exact same concerns, because both the Democrats AND the Republicans have been giving the finger to the working stiffs of this country for a very long time now.

                                It's long past time the working stiffs had voices to speak for them. It's just too bad that Sanders' bad judgement led him to choose a year when the nomination had already been reserved for Hillary way back in 2008. He should have waited till 2020, hoping that the R's won this time around so he might have actually had a shot at getting the Dem's nod.

                                I do think that the 2020 election will be up for grabs. I severely doubt that Clintrump will be able to win. They are most definitely a one term president. Even Bush had higher approval ratings upon his reelection than they do...and they still aren't even in office!

                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                And picking a VP who is a creationist is a bone as well I assume?
                       they have these religion tests for aspirants to political office in Australia?
                                By Nolamom

