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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Do you resemble a muslim man? Darker skin? Beard? Speak Arabic?
    Or a woman (I don't know what your gender is so I'm guessing)? Wear a nikab? Or a shawl over your head?

    If not, you've got nothing to worry about. If you do, people will look at you funny even without the backpack.

    It's all about racial profiling.

    Yeah I guess...... No I don't look like a muslim man, what exactly does one of those look like?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post

      I don't look like a muslim man, what exactly does one of those look like?
      before or after they explode?



          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          Yeah I guess...... No I don't look like a muslim man, what exactly does one of those look like?
          I don't know - southern looking, darker skin, brown eyes, black hair... who knows...

          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          before or after they explode?
          After: they look like Achmed the dead terrorist

          Or more accurately as someone recalled from the clean-up after the Brussels Airport bombings... (clean but graphic description under the cut)

          ...they look like a piece of skull with the a bit of spine still attached and beyond that ... nothing resembling anything close to human.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            ...they look like a piece of skull with the a bit of spine still attached and beyond that ...[B] nothing resembling anything close to human.[/B[
            So, not much different then?
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              No, not by much. The shape is definitely gone.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                In the late 90's, the US government was on track to remain solvent till at least the year 2020 IIRC

                And the Economy was really on a roll. Then the human manure hit the fast moving blades.

                Liberals don't believe money grows on tree's, they just think that the economy should be geared differently.
                Well that's not the impression I get from the Bern.

                Oh hardly, I was reading ahead from what Annoyed wanted, not my own beliefs.
                Fair enough.

                Not exactly, it's more "if I don't benefit directly, I don't want to pay for it", and that's not just in education either.

                I just fail to understand that line of short sited self centered thinking.

                It's why I have no "party loyalty", I am just as likely to vote Liberal (rest of the world liberal, not the messed up American version) as I am to vote Labour, and that determination is based purely on the policies the parties are running at the time, or on our greater economic situation. I was ready to vote Liberal in the last federal election simply because the labour policies of "throwing money we don't have" at our problems -needed- to be stopped. They helped prevent us sliding into the GFC, but if you go mad with the countries "credit card", it -will- bite you on the butt, and the Liberals wanted more austerity type measures put in place. They hurt my family directly in the short term, but in the long term, it will keep our economy stronger, and will also ensure that -my family- will not suffer a untenable economic backlash. In the end, I changed my vote back to Labour (indirectly), not because I wanted them in power, but because it became apparent that the Liberals were going to absolutely steamroller their way into power and have dominance over both houses and have carte Blanche to do whatever they wanted without effective balance.
                I honestly think that we need a 3 party system at this point here in the US. Like a moderate party of some sort. Have second choices count in elections (The votes for the least popular person then get allocated to the second choice that his/her supporters picked). It would also make independent candidates viable as well. The second choice will keep moving from the 4th most popular to the 3rd to the top two.

                Right now, the US is being hurt by binary politics as they continue to pull apart.
                By Nolamom


                  For all you who dreaded about Ted Cruz joining forces with Carly Fiorina, you can breathe a sigh of relief -- for now.

                  USA election update -- Ted Cruz is dropping out -- temporarily suspended his campaign after losing in Indiana.
                  Donald Trump and John Kasich are still in.

                  And, at his correspondents dinner speech, President Obama dropped hints of a "she" persona would be in the White House next year. Didn't state it would be Hillary, so there just might be another "she" persona waiting in the wings. The suspense continues..


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    before or after they explode?

                    Hahahahahaha......... I shouldn't laugh but I am.
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      For all you who dreaded about Ted Cruz joining forces with Carly Fiorina, you can breathe a sigh of relief -- for now.

                      USA election update -- Ted Cruz is dropping out -- temporarily suspended his campaign after losing in Indiana.
                      Donald Trump and John Kasich are still in.

                      And, at his correspondents dinner speech, President Obama dropped hints of a "she" persona would be in the White House next year. Didn't state it would be Hillary, so there just might be another "she" persona waiting in the wings. The suspense continues..
                      And Prebius practically all but said Trump IS the nominee, saying he is certainly looking like the presumptive nominee, and we all need to unite behind him...


                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        And Prebius practically all but said Trump IS the nominee, saying he is certainly looking like the presumptive nominee, and we all need to unite behind him...
                        You guys can choose not to vote if you want to.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Abstention certainly is a choice. One I exercised in 2008 & 2012, because I didn't like the Republican candidates.

                          But I will vote for Trump, if he ends up actually being the candidate. (I still half-expect the "establishment" Republican party to try some way to deny him the nomination)

                          The Democrats might end up being the ones to see high abstention rates this year. There are a lot of Berners who won't vote for Clinton.


                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            Hahahahahaha......... I shouldn't laugh but I am.
                            Yup, same here.

                            My sister and I keep half-joking about it, when we mention something about "exploding" or "blow up", we will always end it with "too soon? too soon."
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              Abstention certainly is a choice. One I exercised in 2008 & 2012, because I didn't like the Republican candidates.
                              I don't agree with it, but you have it, yes.
                              But I will vote for Trump, if he ends up actually being the candidate. (I still half-expect the "establishment" Republican party to try some way to deny him the nomination)
                              Why do you think Kasich is hanging around like a bad smell?
                              The Democrats might end up being the ones to see high abstention rates this year. There are a lot of Berners who won't vote for Clinton.
                              That's true, but many Bernie voters will vote party if Bernie sells Hillary to them, or they would be voting -purely- against Trump.
                              The reverse situation is also true, but Trump won't have anyone to "sell" him.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                I don't agree with it, but you have it, yes.

                                Why do you think Kasich is hanging around like a bad smell?

                                That's true, but many Bernie voters will vote party if Bernie sells Hillary to them, or they would be voting -purely- against Trump.
                                The reverse situation is also true, but Trump won't have anyone to "sell" him.
                                Except himself. And he is quite the sales guy.

                                PS: Will respond to your post on the discrimination topic in the other thread in a day or so. That will take time, which I'm short of this week.

