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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Singles do not procreate. They don't spend as much money (or less since they don't have children or a partner).
    You get whacked in the head or something? Since when don't singles procreate? I WISH singles didn't procreate. In fact, procreation by singles is one of the bigger social problems that we face.


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      He's also threatened us with:

      World War III, it seems the UK being in the EU is the only thing preventing it

      Economic collapse, the UK economy is so important that the entire world is dependant on it for stability. If it is really that strong it should be able to exist independently, right?

      House prices will fall. A good thing! No one can afford to buy one now with the artificially inflated prices caused by a high demand and a low supply

      No more trading ever! Even though trade is a two way thing, The EU exports more to the UK than the UK does to the EU. Cameron insists trade deals will take years to sort out. Except we've been trading with the US for 200 ish years without an official agreement, and no issues, so which is it? And it's worth pointing out that EU laws state that no member state can trade with countries outside the bloc without the agreement of all 28 member states. It has to have an official EU approved trade agreement. Leaving the EU would free the UK to trade with the rest of the world without needing the EU's approval, or years of negotiations to set up a deal.

      The Punishment Budget.
      This one was just last week. Lots of new cuts and tax hikes to fill the hole made by saving all the money sent to the EU... Wait.. That can't be right..

      Airline fees will go up! I had no idea the EU was in charge of setting those..

      No more workers' rights! If only we have a functional government who could create laws to protect workers.. Maybe some kind of workers' union.. But that's just crazy right?

      The NHS would be privatised! Why would it? Is the EU the only thing preventing that? The NHS existed long before the EU was created, so it can clearly survive without it.

      etc... There were lots more, but I think you get the point. The whole world is in danger if the UK leaves the EU Every week there was a new threat of how voting out would destroy us all. Even though a few months ago he said the UK could survive outside the EU. It's only since the referendum was announced that he changed his mind and started telling us all it would be political and economic suicide to leave. So why give us the option if it's so dangerous?
      PH hit the nail on the head with this post


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
        I'm still trying to clear the soot out of my lungs.. The air quality in London is awful..
        Is that the air or the people?
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by pookey View Post
          PH hit the nail on the head with this post
          PH is the voice of logic and reason

          Vote Leave!!


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            But the family is the pillar of society. They get the most benefits and reductions.
            A couple with children (the more, the merrier).

            Singles do not procreate. They don't spend as much money (or less since they don't have children or a partner).

            The norm is the family, married, civil partnerships, children...
            If that's the case then, why is the left seeming to be intent on borking that up, with gay marriage, redefining 'gender' (even to the point of someone now being Legally defined as NO gender)?? etc?

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            here's even a term for it:

            ...more than half of the population [of the US]—continue to suffer from institutionalized singlism, the discrimination of individuals based on marital status.

            Source: The High Price of Being Single in America
            Nice link, and a very good read

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I know - and I actually agreed that both sides blocked the other side, hence why I said "someone can't seem to compromise" which is applicable to both sides.
            I am trying to remember which fox talk show it was, but i loved one person's suggestion.. Lock BOTH sides in a room, until they CAN come to a damn agreement on many things. Oh and start enforcing the actual rules IN congress, such as penalties when they keep NOT passing/creating a year to year budget!!!

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            And they will always get them, but at least we can make it harder for them. Not just walk into the nearest gunshop and buy what they need.
            But those laws will ALSO make it harder for every law abiding citizen to get their hands on guns..

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Because it was too strict...
            Damn skippy it was.. Especially when we have had several reports of how hard its been for people WRONGFULLY put on it, to get their names OFF the list...

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            The IRS doesn't kill, the NRA does.
            How many killers over the past 10 years have been members of the NRA?

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Oh dear, ... didn't they put you through some psychological tests when you joined the military. Fit for duty and all that jazz? Or did they just allow you access to all those military grade weapons not knowing you were a psychopath in disguise?
            To be honest, i can't remember if i did or not..

            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            You get whacked in the head or something? Since when don't singles procreate? I WISH singles didn't procreate. In fact, procreation by singles is one of the bigger social problems that we face.
            I think FH's general Pov is that kids are more Family thing than singles. THOUGH you Do have a valid point in we have exploded in the # of single parents over the past 30 years..


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
              PH is the voice of logic and reason

              Vote Leave!!
              I did, two weeks ago


                I read that the Scotts are threatening to leave the UK, again, because they like the EU.
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                  PH is the voice of logic and reason

                  Vote Leave!!
                  That's my line.

                  Pay my royalty
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    *pays Jel 6 goats*


                      Originally posted by pookey View Post
                      I did, two weeks ago
                      And now watch your vote either be mysteriously lost or magically transformed into a remain vote..…

                      Cynical? Me? Never!

                      I shall be popping across the road in the morning to put my X in the leave box, literally, the polling station for this area is within spitting distance of my front door.

                      Didn't the EU say Scotland couldn't join if it voted independence in their referendum last year? Oh the irony...


                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        a warden?
                        a king?
                        a wall?
                        The North remembers!

                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        You get whacked in the head or something? Since when don't singles procreate? I WISH singles didn't procreate. In fact, procreation by singles is one of the bigger social problems that we face.
                        Most responsible singles think before they procreate.
                        Sure, they procreate but they only have one paycheck coming in and they still won't have any of the benefits marriage or civil partnership offers. Child benefits they'll get, and they are a wee bit higher for single parents but not enough to make a difference.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        If that's the case then, why is the left seeming to be intent on borking that up, with gay marriage, redefining 'gender' (even to the point of someone now being Legally defined as NO gender)?? etc?
                        Family is the norm -- they get the better benefits.

                        Families come in different forms - two dads, two moms, a mom and a dad, a mom - a dad and a stepdad, a dad - a mom and a stepmom, a single dad (by choice or loss of a partner (M/F)), a single mom (by choice or loss of a partner (M/F)), a mom and stepdad/mom - and a dad and a stepmom/dad, ... and any other combo you can make.

                        Singles are not quantified as a family.
                        You read the article.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        But those laws will ALSO make it harder for every law abiding citizen to get their hands on guns.
                        Law-abiding citizens have no need for automatic military-grade rifles. Plenty of smaller callibers you can hide in your pants.

                        You're not part of a militia.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        Damn skippy it was.. Especially when we have had several reports of how hard its been for people WRONGFULLY put on it, to get their names OFF the list...
                        It's about better background checks -- stop with excuses.

                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        How many killers over the past 10 years have been members of the NRA?
                        The NRA stops research into mass shootings, promotes the use of weapons, endorses politicians and halts stricter gunrules. How many people could have been saved if the NRA didn't have that kind of power? Would those Sandy Hook children still be alive? The Pulse victims? The San Bernardino victims? Every single disgruntled employee who's gone into their companies and shot up their colleagues and bosses?

                        Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                        I shall be popping across the road in the morning to put my X in the leave box, literally, the polling station for this area is within spitting distance of my front door.
                        Be prepared to hit an economic low when Brexit happens.

                        The market will get a hit, and you're not going to like it. Neither side, will like it.
                        And just when we were frakkin' crawling out of the black hole we'd got dumped in.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          It can't be any worse than 1990 or 2008.

                          Sure they'll be a short term drop when everybody punishes us for our defiance, but soon enough when the EU members realises they need those goods or services were so good at supplying, or they get fedup with rotting food sitting in their docks (or their own economies tanking because over supply means inflation becomes negative due to the prices dropping on that produce they need to shift), they'll soon start dealing with us again.

                          Goto your local supermarket, walk through the fruit and veg isle and have a good look at just how little comes from the EU, and what does is Apples, Oranges etc. All those popular exotic things like plumbs come from South Africa. The EU needs us more than we need them, I really doubt they're going to punish us for too long, especially when they start loosing money by doing so.

                          I have a Swiss friend who said the same thing happened there when they decided not to join, but when all the other countries realised they could only do certain things in Switzerland and they were loosing more money by punishing them than they were by dealing, all was soon forgotten.
                          Last edited by Ian-S; 22 June 2016, 04:02 PM.


                            Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                            Didn't the EU say Scotland couldn't join if it voted independence in their referendum last year? Oh the irony...
                            No, the EU didn't say that. The chap from Spain, whose name I've forgotten, said that. He has no authority to stop Scotland remaining in the EU, and he said 'no' mainly because Spain has its own problems with Catalonia ( Catalunya) trying to become independent.


                              Yeah, Europe suddenly doesn't look so stable anymore. From Greece to brexit to Catalonia and the Scottish throwing a fit ever so often and that whole business with Russia and Ukraine. Then add Europe's unwillingness to solve the Syrian refugee problem and economic stagnation across the board.
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                                He's also threatened us with:

                                World War III, it seems the UK being in the EU is the only thing preventing it

                                Economic collapse, the UK economy is so important that the entire world is dependant on it for stability. If it is really that strong it should be able to exist independently, right?

                                House prices will fall. A good thing! No one can afford to buy one now with the artificially inflated prices caused by a high demand and a low supply

                                No more trading ever! Even though trade is a two way thing, The EU exports more to the UK than the UK does to the EU. Cameron insists trade deals will take years to sort out. Except we've been trading with the US for 200 ish years without an official agreement, and no issues, so which is it? And it's worth pointing out that EU laws state that no member state can trade with countries outside the bloc without the agreement of all 28 member states. It has to have an official EU approved trade agreement. Leaving the EU would free the UK to trade with the rest of the world without needing the EU's approval, or years of negotiations to set up a deal.

                                The Punishment Budget.
                                This one was just last week. Lots of new cuts and tax hikes to fill the hole made by saving all the money sent to the EU... Wait.. That can't be right..

                                Airline fees will go up! I had no idea the EU was in charge of setting those..

                                No more workers' rights! If only we have a functional government who could create laws to protect workers.. Maybe some kind of workers' union.. But that's just crazy right?

                                The NHS would be privatised! Why would it? Is the EU the only thing preventing that? The NHS existed long before the EU was created, so it can clearly survive without it.

                                etc... There were lots more, but I think you get the point. The whole world is in danger if the UK leaves the EU Every week there was a new threat of how voting out would destroy us all. Even though a few months ago he said the UK could survive outside the EU. It's only since the referendum was announced that he changed his mind and started telling us all it would be political and economic suicide to leave. So why give us the option if it's so dangerous?

                                Sounds just like the LNP here in Australia......... Right wing conservative religious nutjobs..

                                Most of those things sound similar to us here .. Same kind of things being looked at.

                                It's as if the housing market is the only thing holding up our economy.
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

