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The Female Thread Of Femaleness

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    y outube wont play it *sulks* try later pissistantly raining here and boss getting on nerves (ill let her tyres down later LOL) and ill sort the rest out going back to work in 10 mins taking a tazer with me other than that day is fine. no use hiding from kids they will find you and torment you to death until you finally lose the will to live. ill talk later take care


      *waves* see ya pookey!
      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


        back again did you enjoy being in the army and do you wish you were back there, i envy you in a way i am completly undisaplined (and i obviously cant spell either) to actually be part of a team who rely on each other to survive must be incredible. if i have to be honest (damn) im alot like rodney. if you had to choose a character who do you think youd most be like im sorry so many questions but im getting them in before bloody network shuts down (forgive language)


          Originally posted by pookey View Post
          back again did you enjoy being in the army and do you wish you were back there, i envy you in a way i am completly undisaplined (and i obviously cant spell either) to actually be part of a team who rely on each other to survive must be incredible. if i have to be honest (damn) im alot like rodney. if you had to choose a character who do you think youd most be like im sorry so many questions but im getting them in before bloody network shuts down (forgive language)
          LOL that's ok...I like lots of questions...sometimes they spark some really good conversations.

          I enjoyed being in the Army, but I was not active duty. I served in the PA Army National Guard for eight years...and while my unit had to perform as a team, we were VERY VERY RARELY in life and death situations (I played flute, piccolo and saxophone in the band! ) I learned a lot about myself going through the basic training though and pushed myself harder and farther than I ever would have if I hadn't enlisted. I've been separated from the Army for about 5 years (got out after first baby) and there are times that I miss it a lot...then there are times where I'm glad I can dye my hair funky colors and do what I want when I want w/out all the bull's kind of a double edge sword I guess. I have the utmost respect for EVERYONE in the military, regardless of job description or branch....they're an amazing group of people and we owe so much to them. My hubby gets frustrated with me because I'm a total pacifist and think war is kinda dumb (my opinion, not looking to start any fights!) but I support the troops 100%.....(I have a few friends in Iraq right now....)

          What Stargate character am I most like? hmmm....well I really only know the SG1 characters well and sadly (well not too sadly b/c I really do like the character a lot LOL) I think I'm most like Vala (her little bit of dialogue at the beginning of AoT makes the hubby laugh every time, says she sounds like me)
          the part where Daniel tells her he can't just open the box and she goes something like "yes yes yes and blah blah blah"

          I just don't steal stuff or use sex (too much anyway lol) to get my way....

          I've only just started watching SGA but from what I've seen so far I think I'm a bit like Teyla in that I don't take ppl's crap and can kick serious butt if I have to....but I'm also willing to give ppl the benefit of the doubt (even if it means i get screwed a bit in the end)
          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


            i love vala her chemistry with daniel is brilliant she has some great lines and delivers them so well i like it when she keeps calling tealc muscles. i think as you get to watch more of sga you will love it , which episode are you on. you sound a bit like me i love to dye my hair pink and white blue. although ill not have to bother with the white its going that color now stress at work from the residents theyre a mean bunch of old people. attila the hun(mummys boy) compared to this lot.


              Yikes...that doesn't sound like much fun....and yeah, I keep finding more and more shiny silver hairs in my head everyday(yay, thanks boys!) and my hair is really really dark brown (almost black) so they REALLY show up well....ugh... I had some pink and purple highlights for a while but they faded...they looked smokin' while i had them though!

              a lot of people hated Vala...I loved her...I thought she was fun and tough and smart....and the chemistry between her and Daniel was HOT (I am a Janet/Daniel Shipper...but have found myself shipping Daniel/Vala too...hmmmm fan fic idea coming on...)
              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                control yourself you have company lol. i cant understand why anyone would dislike her shes brill. my jobs not that bad old people with dementia are like kids really only you cant slap em, they get very abusive verbally and physically relatives never see that side, well ,them that visit, sometimes a case of(quote from frasier)" we care so you dont have to." luckily we have a few in that are very nice and funny too. you didnt say what episode of sga you were on (or did you and i missed it ) *hangs head in shame*


                  nope you're right i forgot to answer that question...sorry....i am borrowing the DVDs one at a time from the library and am on S1, Disc 2 right now...last ep i watched all the way through was Poisoning the Well
                  My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                    ah the carson epi bit slow but not to bad, i think carson is cute but zelenka cuter. childhood end was quite funny especially mckay with the kids getting the better of him. what do you think to the wraith.


                      OMG I LOVED Childhood's End...McKay cracked me up! (and sounded like me most days!) I think Carson is super cute, mmm that accent...and that dimple...and those eyes.....*shakes self* sorry what was I saying!?

                      the wraith are cool...not too bad for a bad guy...but I don't really know them yet. They do the typical "we are you doom" stuff, so it works for me....
                      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                        im like that all time with kids id never hurt one ever i usually pick on people bigger than me but i dont have a maternal bone in my body i think were seeing that a lot more in this century my sister and two brothers got kids but me never, dad says i the only sane one (not sure how i should feel about that coming from dad), wait till you get a load of zelenkas accent (czech) swoon *wipes away drool* carson actually canadian but his parents were from sotland so he can imitate it very well as they still have the strong accent. i just been in bath and put fresh sheets on bed is there anything nicer than snuggling up in nice fresh sheets after a bath ,


                          I love kids....but mine can drive me right up the wall sometimes! It's a special gift they have!

                          Ah I love fresh sheets on my bed! Favorite thing ever!

                          I also love boys with accents...just about any accent will do!

                          LOL I'm watching SG1 - Broca Divide and I love this dialogue:

                          I want you...
                          Why? I like this....

                          yay......God I'm such a shipper!

                          also love:

                          No she tried to seduce me
                 poor man....
                          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                            LOL great dialogue how about
                            alarms going off on ship
                            vala: oh thats life support
                            pulls out panel alarm stops
                            daniel: well at least you fixed that.
                            vala: i didnt fix it i just shut of that annoying alarm
                            i dont think theres another series that could touch this for funny dialogue.


                              IMO they did a fabulous job of casting these shows...the actors had fantastic chemistry and pulled off the comic lines so well....
                              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                                yep couldnt agree more by the way youtube still wouldnt play the song so opened another window and yipee good song loved the pics of mountains at begining. nother question ( i never let up) whats your opinion of ufos and ghosts ever seen any of either.

