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        Last edited by Mala50; 08 July 2006, 12:58 AM.


          I'll try to be back later....



            Originally posted by Mala50
            Mala these pictures of RDA are beautiful, especially this one!


              Well hello hussies!!!! Look what Jack dragged in----this ole CRITTER!!!!!

              I have just finished reading and drooling over all the posts in Mala's World that have been posted in my absence....hmmmmm....**shakes head to clear the confusion** no one even missed my begging!!!!

              I see that I have missed a very important event while away **hangs head in shame for missing it** Mala, A VERY SPECIAL BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! I certainly hope it was a good one. Judging from the pictures that I just slobbed all over, it was a nice one here in your world!!! (((((Mala)))))

              I also missed Siler's birthday which also makes me so very sad....I am certain that yours was a good one as well my cyber sister!!! (((((Siler)))))

              Congrats to all of you that have tickets to Avalon. I know you will give Amanda and RDA all our best! How could you not with all the reminders you'll be getting.

              ShimmeringStar---I love the badges you made a bit ago. Especially the newer one of yours with Sam and Jack with Jack's head bent in just a bit. Surely do wish the dude was looking over my shoulder!!! **deep honkin' sigh**

              Rune, appears that bev is corrupting you judging from your posts. You'd best be a bit more careful around her...afterall, she sits down for meals with complete strangers!!!!

              As for me....I've been in the beautiful, wonderful west. I missed all the rain we had here (my girls were here and most distressed by the enormity of it all). The sun has not shined since I've been back. The sky has not been blue since I've been back. There have been thunderstorms EVERY day since I've been back (one of which landed us in Baltiimore for refuling on our way home because the storms were so wicked in DC we couldn't land----thank goodness littlest critter had a great nap on the flight or it could have been ugly!). Needless to say, I wish I were not here! Dare I ask----WHERE IS THE SNOW?????

              And to those of you that I didn't mention...I did read and/or drool over your posts---I'm simply too old to remember everything I read these days!!!

              I missed you all terribly and am ever so happy to be back in thunking territory!

              ((((((BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU IN MALA'S WORLD))))))
              Last edited by Critter; 05 July 2006, 10:41 AM.
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Critter
                Well hello hussies!!!! Look what Jack dragged in----this ole CRITTER!!!!!
                Um......let me think about*cough*......Of course we missed you!

                Originally posted by Critter
                I have just finished reading and drooling over all the posts in Mala's World that have been posted in my absence....hmmmmm....**shakes head to clear the confusion** no one even missed my begging!!!!
                We all just pretended every second post was you begging.

                Originally posted by Critter
                Congrats to all of you that have tickets to Avalon. I know you will give Amanda and RDA all our best! How could you not with all the reminders you'll be getting.
                I'll be sure to pass on your regards to them.

                Originally posted by Critter
                Rune, appears that bev is corrupting you judging from your posts. You'd best be a bit more careful around her...afterall, she sits down for meals with complete strangers!!!!
                Wha....??? Me...corrupting Rune????

                Originally posted by Critter
                I missed you all terribly and am ever so happy to be back in thunking territory!

                ((((((BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU IN MALA'S WORLD))))))
                (((((((((Critter)))))))))) Hurry back to Mala's World.


                  Wow Mala! Fantastic caps and....what's the best way to remove chapstick from a computer monitor?

                  Welcome home Critter! You are lucky to have missed the drowning rain we had. They announcd today that 12 died from the flooding here in Md.

                  I found this at the yahoo sam and jack group. check it out. It shows which stars come from your state. Nice pic of RDA too. Not as good as Mala's though.



                    Gahhh .... *rendered speechless though not imagination-less by The Man*


                      Originally posted by Critter
                      Well hello hussies!!!! Look what Jack dragged in----this ole CRITTER!!!!!

                      <snip> Rune, appears that bev is corrupting you judging from your posts. You'd best be a bit more careful around her...afterall, she sits down for meals with complete strangers!!!!
                      And to those of you that I didn't mention...I did read and/or drool over your posts---I'm simply too old to remember everything I read these days!!!
                      I missed you all terribly and am ever so happy to be back in thunking territory!
                      (((((BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU IN MALA'S WORLD))))))
                      ((((CRITTER!!!))))) of course we missed you, you silly hussy and please, no one else comes even close to your art of begging, compared to you they are rank amateurs.

                      And yes, Bev is corrupting me, I'm glad you noticed that. She makes me do strange things I never would have done otherwise *wiggles fingers pensively* I will defintely keep a careful eye on her at Avalon or she'll be dragging a certain someone off to the janitor's closet (where taking inventory may or may not be the first thing on her mind.)

                      Glad you're back!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Wha....??? Me...corrupting Rune????
                        Hah! An admission of guilt if ever I heard one

                        Originally posted by SG!Poz
                        I found this at the yahoo sam and jack group. check it out. It shows which stars come from your state. Nice pic of RDA too. Not as good as Mala's though.

                        Ohhh that is a very nice pic - and just look at his hair!!!! Thanks Poz
                        Last edited by Rune; 06 July 2006, 01:04 AM.


                          Originally posted by SG1Poz
                          Wow Mala! Fantastic caps and....what's the best way to remove chapstick from a computer monitor?
                          Welcome home Critter! You are lucky to have missed the drowning rain we had. They announcd today that 12 died from the flooding here in Md.
                          I found this at the yahoo sam and jack group. check it out. It shows which stars come from your state. Nice pic of RDA too. Not as good as Mala's though.

                          Nice pic. Sticky-up hair. They got his birthday wrong, FCOL. Did they not bother to check his bio?
                          You're never too old to do something goofy.
                          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                            Originally posted by Rune
                            ((((CRITTER!!!))))) of course we missed you, you silly hussy and please, no one else comes even close to your art of begging, compared to you they are rank amateurs.

                            And yes, Bev is corrupting me, I'm glad you noticed that. She makes me do strange things I never would have done otherwise *wiggles fingers pensively* I will defintely keep a careful eye on her at Avalon or she'll be dragging a certain someone off to the janitor's closet (where taking inventory may or may not be the first thing on her mind.)

                            Glad you're back!
                            Now THAT'S what I call a backward's hat Jack!!! Thunks Rune!!!!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Hiya Critter!

                              I finally broke down and bought season 8 yesterday (in the new smaller packaging). Twas on $27.66.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by blueiris
                                Hiya Critter!

                                I finally broke down and bought season 8 yesterday (in the new smaller packaging). Twas on $27.66.
                                Hmmmmm....smaller that even POSSIBLE!!!!!
                                Desperate Thunker

