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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    Yep. The GABIT tickets are 145 pounds each. (Back in January when I bought one the US/UK exchange rate ran the ticket to ariound $267.) But I agree it sure would beat the charity lunch. I'm holding off booking my room/flight for November to see what the price will be for the AT/RDA event (as well as the date/type of event/etc.). *grins* Might Mala be interested in a late winter trip to London?
    Yeah, I think I might... Again, it depends on the timing (and cost - which is not the primary obstacle for me, although there are those two kids of mine still in college ). What I really want/need to do is head west to SF and Hawaii to visit family and friends sometime this year.


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      This evening the Photoshop muse hit me. In the Sam thread this weekend there was a good deal of discussion about S10 spoilers
      Cam riding a motorcycle and popping wheelies etc. and how viewers never got to see Sam on her bike even though it figured heavily in the characters off-duty persona
      and about the amount of flying Sam had done.

      Lenny Kravitz's "I Want to Fly Away" kept sticking in my mind... so.... I did a bit of messing around in Photoshop this evening...

      And wall-sized:

      Very, very nice SS!

      At least those S10 spoilers have led to some good... The only thing they give me is indigestion and nausea... I'll say it again - I'm glad that RDA will be on more SGA episodes than SG1:TNG. IMO, the SG1 storyline spoilers coming out of Bridge Studios are just that: big honkin' stinkers!! (that's why they're called spoilers, right?)

      Vala working in a deli due to amnesia; Cam and Vala at his HS reunion being chased by an alien bounty hunter; Cam chained to a bed with Vala to the rescue; car chases with Cam riding a motorcycle popping wheelies down the highway... WTF happened to the other 3 team members? WTF happened to that Round Spinny Thing?!?


        Originally posted by blueiris
        I'm not accusing or anything, but Siler's "halo" looks just like a giant bubble wand.
        I was thinking bent wire coat hanger...


          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
          I will be seeing RDA in San Diego on Sunday at the Sea Sheppard event.
          Originally posted by Rune
          And you know what QE? You won't be the only one *great big grin*

          WOO HOO!! QE and Rune stalking RDA!!!
          (in the most subtle and lady-like MWer fashion, of course!)

          Can't wait for the reports and the pix!!

          So Rune, what's with the coyness about your vacation plans?!? (yeah, I know coy=Rune !?!? ) You could have shared your news with MW... we would never tell anybody...


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Very, very nice SS!
            Thanks M!

            At least those S10 spoilers have led to some good... The only thing they give me is indigestion and nausea... I'll say it again - I'm glad that RDA will be on more SGA episodes than SG1:TNG. IMO, the SG1 storyline spoilers coming out of Bridge Studios are just that: big honkin' stinkers!! (that's why they're called spoilers, right?)

            Vala working in a deli due to amnesia; Cam and Vala at his HS reunion being chased by an alien bounty hunter; Cam chained to a bed with Vala to the rescue; car chases with Cam riding a motorcycle popping wheelies down the highway... WTF happened to the other 3 team members? WTF happened to that Round Spinny Thing?!?
            I've pretty much stayed away from the spoilers. Not interested in where the show is going anymore; not the way I was before. Will still watch, but does it smack of "Marty Sue-ism" to anyone? I'd read various fans accusing the writers of it in S9, but it didn't seem so obvious. With what you just put under the spoiler tags - it'd be hard to miss it..... and I'd have to agree with the posters who've said S10 may shape up to be worse than the worst Marty Sue fanfic.....
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Mala50
              I was thinking bent wire coat hanger...
              With perhaps just a touch of silvery tree garland dangling from it?
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                Thanks M!

                I've pretty much stayed away from the spoilers. Not interested in where the show is going anymore; not the way I was before. Will still watch, but does it smack of "Marty Sue-ism" to anyone? I'd read various fans accusing the writers of it in S9, but it didn't seem so obvious. With what you just put under the spoiler tags - it'd be hard to miss it..... and I'd have to agree with the posters who've said S10 may shape up to be worse than the worst Marty Sue fanfic.....
                Well, I won't even be watching. I only saw 4 episodes in S9... I love fanfic, but you're right - these S10 stories sound like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel... Oh, and who could forget the MAIN storyline for S10?
                Vala's Super Baby!!!


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Yeah, I think I might... Again, it depends on the timing (and cost - which is not the primary obstacle for me, although there are those two kids of mine still in college ). What I really want/need to do is head west to SF and Hawaii to visit family and friends sometime this year.
                  *grins* I see you decloaked? ((((((M)))))))

                  Just on for a bit. Just finished eating lunch and got about 10 minutes left to play before I need to get off and get some more work done that has to be finished by the end of the day, and get ready for a 1 p.m. meeting...

                  Assuming it the timing/event were ok and we both were lucky enough to get tickets - I'd be great to see you there.

                  *thinks happy thoughts about visits to Hawaii*

                  *giggles* Yep. A trip to paradise might be a bit nicer than a trip to London in the middle of winter. (if the event is *really* early in the year) No offense meant to those who live in the UK or north of there. It's just that some of the few who know where I'm going and when have questioned me - "November? But it's cold!" I can hear them now - "JANUARY???! Are you out of your mind??!"
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Very, very nice SS!

                    Vala working in a deli due to amnesia; Cam and Vala at his HS reunion being chased by an alien bounty hunter; Cam chained to a bed with Vala to the rescue; car chases with Cam riding a motorcycle popping wheelies down the highway... WTF happened to the other 3 team members? WTF happened to that Round Spinny Thing?!?

                    *pant, pant, gasp, gak* Thank goodness for those DVD's of good days gone by.

                    P.S. Mala and SS at Gabit??? Look out London!

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      Well, I won't even be watching. I only saw 4 episodes in S9... I love fanfic, but you're right - these S10 stories sound like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel... Oh, and who could forget the MAIN storyline for S10?
                      Vala's Super Baby!!!
                      RE: S10
                      And I liked the actress -what's her name- who will play the adult VSB in Firefly.

                      I don't know... as much as I still like seeing the members of the old team and am happy they have continued steady employment... sometimes I just get the feeling that it's just too bad that SONY wouldn't allow them to change the name of the 'new' show and to cut all ties with the old cast....

                      Then the old show and its better writing and cast could have stood alone and the "new better and improved" show could have swam or sunk of its own merits instead of TPTB trying to tease old fans into watching while the tried to get the new fans hooked.
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by sugarshaker
                        *pant, pant, gasp, gak* Thank goodness for those DVD's of good days gone by.

                        P.S. Mala and SS at Gabit??? Look out London!
                        No.... the GRABIT! (the RDA/AT event to be held after the first of the year. )

                        *chuckles* Though if a bunch of MW'er's did manage to get tickets and be able to make it.... London might not be the same again!

                        Oh shoot.... *sighs* lunch is up. Nice seeing you again Mala. Have missed seeing you/talking to you. Nice seeing you too sugarshaker. (But I'll be seeing you a few weeks from now at Shore Leave though, won't I?)

                        Take both of you and hope all members and lurkers have a great weekend.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          *grins* I see you decloaked? ((((((M)))))))

                          *giggles* Yep. A trip to paradise might be a bit nicer than a trip to London in the middle of winter.
                          If you want to see the pics I took in paradise (St. John) a couple of weeks ago, click here:


                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            OK... I've got some new caps that I made from RDA's video for the 2006 Spacey Awards. Watch it here: or you can download it from Kate's site:

                            The man is definitely looking good these days. The video is clever ("My Breakfast with Spacey"; homage to the quirky/talky film, "My Dinner With Andre"; with "Special effects by E. Wood" - another 'inside' film joke). I thought he was funny (mostly adlibbing it seems) - his checking his coffee cup for whatever he's always flicking from his coffee; his take on Spacey's smoking and drinking; his 'committment' speech (I wonder if he's used those lines on his many gfs...); and check out his last line in the gateroom after he announces the winner of the "Best new character" award... SCHMO INDEED!

                            Last edited by Mala50; 02 June 2006, 10:36 AM.





