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    Originally posted by Critter
    OOOOHHHHHH!!!!! And RDA could be the star and we get to pick what he wears (or doesn't wear) and pose him just like we were posting his piccie here in our happy we're onto something BIG!!!
    Oh YEAH! I like the sounds of that.


    My LJ


      Originally posted by ChevronSeven
      Janel Moloney played Donna Moss on "The West Wing"
      Thanks C7....never did watch that show. I live close enough to DC that I didn't need to watch it on TV too!!!!!
      Desperate Thunker


        Originally posted by Critter
        Thanks C7....never did watch that show. I live close enough to DC that I didn't need to watch it on TV too!!!!! was the smartest show on TV.

        And the HOTNESS that is Bradley Whitford. *sigh*



          Stoppin in to bump us to page 1 and say hi!

          How about some Jack....

          *Thanks Mala!


          My LJ


            Hi Mala fans!

            If anybody wants to see the pics I took of Sam and Jack's honeymoon on St. John, click here:

            Part One:

            Part Two:

            Part Three:

            Part Four:

            They're shippy, so beware!

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              OT . I need a cyber hug! I'm re-posting this. *sniff*

              ok, I need to vent my sadness somewhere and this is an off topic thread so.. I am still crying. I was watching the second part of the triple crown horse race here in Maryland known as the Preakness and the favorite to win and very hopefull to win the triple crown races broke down with an obvious broken hind foot only about 100 yards if that, from the starting gate. It doesn't look good . His ankle is broken in two places. You could see the foot just danging in the air The news showed a heliocopter following the horse ambulance up the highway which I can see from my front yard. I ran out just in time to see it go by with two motorcycle police and the heliocopter toward Pennsyvania's renowned Veterinary college/hospital. I just hope they save his life but from the looks, it will take a miracle. His name is Barbaro. Sorry but I'm an animal lover and had a couple horses myself about 9 years ago. I wish they wouldn't race these babies so young! They're only 2- 3 years old for crying out loud. There bones are still soft. Again sorry, just a tad upset here. It was very upsetting to watch. Thanks for letting me vent. I needed it.


                So sorry to hear about the horse. It makes me cringe just hearing about it, it must have been awful to watch. Poor horse, I hope they can save him!!


                  I missed the Preakness yesterday, but I caught a few new clips on the injury and my heart just broke. I too cannot stand to watch an animal suffer. I hope the veteranarian can perform a miracle. He wont be able to run again, but if he can live without pain I think there would be a line a mile long with people wanting to adopt the guy.


                    Likely they'll put him out to stud. (*rolls eyes* Siler... can't believe you missed that one!) Out of only 7 starts he'd had 6 wins and earned over $2 million. Sounds like a stud to me if they can ensure a blood flow to the site of the injury. (His father is a 21-year old stud.) *sticks tongue out at Siler* No... not 'cause I know his father! Just read it.

                    I managed to be in the vicinity of the TV yesterday evening (think it was around 6 p.m. that they ran that race), just in time to see the last horses being loaded into the gate. And to see Barbaro lunge through the gate before it was time to. Of course the announcer was talking about how it was bad luck, yadda yadda yadda.... (I'm not superstitious, so...)

                    And then saw all the horses break out and for at least 4 or 5 lengths he seemed to keep up with everyone. But then he fell back and in the closeups they showed after that race ended you could see him favoring it and the wiggle of the whole bottom of his leg.

                    Today's reports say there were three separate fractures to the bones above and below the ankle and it was dislocated. I'm just wondering how it happened. If it was a fracture he'd been developing in his earlier races and maybe that's why his owner/trainer/etc. didn't bring him onto track until that day, if it was the stress on his back end from his too early lunge, or... if he got kicked by one of the other horses as they grouped into a tight pack just past the gate......

                    Hope the surgery is able to save him.
                    Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 21 May 2006, 01:33 PM.
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      Likely they'll put him out to stud. (*rolls eyes* Siler... can't believe you missed that one!) Out of only 7 starts he'd had 6 wins and earned over $2 million. Sounds like a stud to me if they can ensure a blood flow to the site of the injury. (His father is a 21-year old stud.) *sticks tongue out at Siler* No... not 'cause I know his father! Just read it.

                      I managed to be in the vicinity of the TV yesterday evening (think it was around 6 p.m. that they ran that race), just in time to see the last horses being loaded into the gate. And to see Barbaro lunge through the gate before it was time to. Of course the announcer was talking about how it was bad luck, yadda yadda yadda.... (I'm not superstitious, so...)

                      And then saw all the horses break out and for at least 4 or 5 lengths he seemed to keep up with everyone. But then he fell back and in the closeups they showed after that race ended you could see him favoring it and the wiggle of the hole bottom of his leg.

                      Today's reports say there were three separate fractures to the bones above and below the ankle and it was dislocated. I'm just wondering how it happened. If it was a fracture he'd been developing in his earlier races and maybe that's why his owner/trainer/etc. didn't bring him onto track until that day, if it was the stress on his back end from his too early lunge, or... if he got kicked by one of the other horses as they grouped into a tight pack just past the gate......

                      Hope the surgery is able to save him.
                      Here's one of the many URL's about this horrible day in Preakness history


                        Hi chums.
                        I saw my doctor this morning (very early...zzzzzz) and I'm off for another four weeks. At least we're both happy that things are moving along after my hospital visit last week. I mentioned that I was in a lot of pain after the hospital doctor poking and prodding my knee, and she said that she'd thought about me and knew I'd be sore after that, and she laughed! I always knew there was something evil about her!

                        When she gave me the time for my next appointment with her, she then changed it and said she'd make it a wee bit later in the day. Boy, I must have looked really tired and worn out! (my natural look).

                        I've downed copious cups of tea to waken me up, so I think I'll start on the coffee now. *hirples off in search of shipper cookies*


                          *sends Jack bearing yummy cookies and steaming hot coffee*

                          (just remember to send him back my way after the con.... )


                            Originally posted by kiwigater
                            *sends Jack bearing yummy cookies and steaming hot coffee*

                            (just remember to send him back my way after the con.... )

                            Thanks for the coffee and cookies and, of course, Jack.


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Hi chums.
                              I saw my doctor this morning (very early...zzzzzz) and I'm off for another four weeks. At least we're both happy that things are moving along after my hospital visit last week. I mentioned that I was in a lot of pain after the hospital doctor poking and prodding my knee, and she said that she'd thought about me and knew I'd be sore after that, and she laughed! I always knew there was something evil about her!

                              When she gave me the time for my next appointment with her, she then changed it and said she'd make it a wee bit later in the day. Boy, I must have looked really tired and worn out! (my natural look).

                              I've downed copious cups of tea to waken me up, so I think I'll start on the coffee now. *hirples off in search of shipper cookies*

                              ok, litle bump from page 2
                              Glad things are getting better Bev. With a bit of luck you'll be cleared to go back to school just in time for the summer holidays


                                Originally posted by jafacakes
                                ok, litle bump from page 2
                                Glad things are getting better Bev. With a bit of luck you'll be cleared to go back to school just in time for the summer holidays
                                Thanks JC. If my doctor decides I should return to school when I next see her, it will only be two weeks until the summer holidays. Even I can survive two weeks of work.....although I must say that I've become very used to this life of leisure.

