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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Those are the only pics that I've worked on - grab them if you want.

    Re eyes: I've talked about this before, but I'm doing 'monovision' right now. I wear one contact for distance in one eye and nothing in the other for reading.

    As for Shore Leave, thanks for invite and offer, Poz. But you know, if I were to choose to go to any SG1 fan-related event, I'd be going to San Diego!
    The choice would be difficult for me if they were both even distance and the same date. I love both RDA and AT.

    How can you do that? I've lost a contact and was so dizzy until I popped it back in. I want my eyes lazered but can't afford it

    Thanks for the pics!


      Hi chums.

      I’ve just got back from my gig and it’s like Antarctica here in my flat. It’s my own fault as I had to leave the window open whilst I played at my gig.

      I’ll explain….

      Before I went out, I decided to grill some lamb chops. As they were cooking I was doing something else. Now, my smoke alarm normally goes off at the least little thing, like me making toast, but tonight it decided to be quiet.
      I looked at the grill, only to see flames shooting up! I stood there motionless for a moment, mesmerised by the flames then I thought I’d better put out the fire before the whole flat goes up.
      I found the fire extinguisher and eventually got it working. After a couple of scooshes (tech. term) the fire went out. That’s when the smoke alarm decided it would start working!
      Now my flat is full of smoke, hence me opening the window so I can breathe.
      The lamb chops were very well done, but obviously I couldn’t eat them as they were covered in fire extinguisher powder, so I decided to have some toast as my meal.
      Yes, you’ve guessed it, the smoke alarm started to beep.
      I left my flat in disgust, and went and played my gig which went well and greatly improved my mood.
      It’s been snowing here all day and everything is freezing up tonight, so you can imagine how cold my flat is since I left the window open. *shiver*

      Now I’m cold and hungry, and there’s still a smoky aroma wafting around the place.

      Perhaps you could all send food parcels to me so I never have to go near a cooker again?


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        Hi chums.

        I’ve just got back from my gig and it’s like Antarctica here in my flat. It’s my own fault as I had to leave the window open whilst I played at my gig.

        I’ll explain….

        Before I went out, I decided to grill some lamb chops. As they were cooking I was doing something else. Now, my smoke alarm normally goes off at the least little thing, like me making toast, but tonight it decided to be quiet.
        I looked at the grill, only to see flames shooting up! I stood there motionless for a moment, mesmerised by the flames then I thought I’d better put out the fire before the whole flat goes up.
        I found the fire extinguisher and eventually got it working. After a couple of scooshes (tech. term) the fire went out. That’s when the smoke alarm decided it would start working!
        Now my flat is full of smoke, hence me opening the window so I can breathe.
        The lamb chops were very well done, but obviously I couldn’t eat them as they were covered in fire extinguisher powder, so I decided to have some toast as my meal.
        Yes, you’ve guessed it, the smoke alarm started to beep.
        I left my flat in disgust, and went and played my gig which went well and greatly improved my mood.
        It’s been snowing here all day and everything is freezing up tonight, so you can imagine how cold my flat is since I left the window open. *shiver*

        Now I’m cold and hungry, and there’s still a smoky aroma wafting around the place.

        Perhaps you could all send food parcels to me so I never have to go near a cooker again?
        ((((((dipsofjazz))))) Sorry to hear about your accident, cold and hungry is never a good combination. I'm sending you my virtual cure to everything Chocolate And take a look at the photos Mala posted , they will make you feel warm and fuzzy straitaway


          Originally posted by Mala50
          I usually don't post candid pics of RDA because most of them are really stalker-like (taken by paparazzi?) But I came across these for sale on EBay and I couldn't resist grabbing a few for my own collection. Since some of us old geezers were talking about our eyesight and that RDA wears reading glasses, I thought that MWers would enjoy these. So I've enlarged and scrubbed them up for our viewing pleasure...
          WOW! Soooo hot!


          My LJ


            Originally posted by jafacakes
            ((((((dipsofjazz))))) Sorry to hear about your accident, cold and hungry is never a good combination. I'm sending you my virtual cure to everything Chocolate And take a look at the photos Mala posted , they will make you feel warm and fuzzy straitaway
            Many thanks jafacakes. I feel a lot better now with the chocolate. I was thinking that a visit from Fireman Jack would probably help me to keep warm too!



              Originally posted by Mala50
              I usually don't post candid pics of RDA because most of them are really stalker-like (taken by paparazzi?) But I came across these for sale on EBay and I couldn't resist grabbing a few for my own collection. Since some of us old geezers were talking about our eyesight and that RDA wears reading glasses, I thought that MWers would enjoy these. So I've enlarged and scrubbed them up for our viewing pleasure...

              OMG...This man makes reading glasses look HOT!

              Mala, I normaly don't drool in public, but for some strange reason I can't green you, so what can I say, I could just stare at the last one forever ...


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                Many thanks jafacakes. I feel a lot better now with the chocolate. I was thinking that a visit from Fireman Jack would probably help me to keep warm too!
                I'm a sucker for Fireman Jack, but here's another one to help warm you up Bev.


                My LJ


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Hi chums.

                  I’ve just got back from my gig and it’s like Antarctica here in my flat. It’s my own fault as I had to leave the window open whilst I played at my gig.

                  I’ll explain….

                  Before I went out, I decided to grill some lamb chops. As they were cooking I was doing something else. Now, my smoke alarm normally goes off at the least little thing, like me making toast, but tonight it decided to be quiet.
                  I looked at the grill, only to see flames shooting up! I stood there motionless for a moment, mesmerised by the flames then I thought I’d better put out the fire before the whole flat goes up.
                  I found the fire extinguisher and eventually got it working. After a couple of scooshes (tech. term) the fire went out. That’s when the smoke alarm decided it would start working!
                  Now my flat is full of smoke, hence me opening the window so I can breathe.
                  The lamb chops were very well done, but obviously I couldn’t eat them as they were covered in fire extinguisher powder, so I decided to have some toast as my meal.
                  Yes, you’ve guessed it, the smoke alarm started to beep.
                  I left my flat in disgust, and went and played my gig which went well and greatly improved my mood.
                  It’s been snowing here all day and everything is freezing up tonight, so you can imagine how cold my flat is since I left the window open. *shiver*

                  Now I’m cold and hungry, and there’s still a smoky aroma wafting around the place.

                  Perhaps you could all send food parcels to me so I never have to go near a cooker again?
                  LOL! I tried to green ya, but apparently I must spread the lurve a bit more. Woman! You crack me up every time you're around. You sound like me....never a dull moment. We keep the fire extinguisher around when I cook too. It doesn't prevent hair singing from the gas stove tho. Hubs has found a love for cooking, so I'm enjoying that.


                    Originally posted by blueiris
                    OK, I was imagining the empty roll attached to that last piece. Now I'm imagining a big roll, and as she walks, it unrolls, goes back and trips the waiter carrying that big serving platter!
                    LMAO! No it was your average sized roll. It only had two feet of paper left on it, but still embarrassing to see nonetheless.


                      Originally posted by sgt.siler
                      LOL! I tried to green ya, but apparently I must spread the lurve a bit more. Woman! You crack me up every time you're around. You sound like me....never a dull moment. We keep the fire extinguisher around when I cook too. It doesn't prevent hair singing from the gas stove tho. Hubs has found a love for cooking, so I'm enjoying that.
                      It's just as well your hubs likes cooking! LOL!

                      Actually, I had to open the window in sub-zero temperatures again today as I had a wee problem whilst cleaning up the debris from yesterday's little fire. My cooker has a hob, top oven/grill, and turbo (or should that be naquada-enhanced?) oven. I cleaned the grill pan and the inside of the oven as it was covered in fire extinguisher powder. I then switched on the grill to make sure it was working.
                      The heat did some sort of chemical reaction thingy with the cleaning fluids/fire extinguisher powder/air/my nerves, and I was on my knees (well, I can't actually go on my knees because of my injury, but you get the idea) gasping for breath. The flat was full of toxic fumes, hence me hanging out the window yet again.

                      It's been a fun couple of days.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        It's just as well your hubs likes cooking! LOL!

                        Actually, I had to open the window in sub-zero temperatures again today as I had a wee problem whilst cleaning up the debris from yesterday's little fire. My cooker has a hob, top oven/grill, and turbo (or should that be naquada-enhanced?) oven. I cleaned the grill pan and the inside of the oven as it was covered in fire extinguisher powder. I then switched on the grill to make sure it was working.
                        The heat did some sort of chemical reaction thingy with the cleaning fluids/fire extinguisher powder/air/my nerves, and I was on my knees (well, I can't actually go on my knees because of my injury, but you get the idea) gasping for breath. The flat was full of toxic fumes, hence me hanging out the window yet again.

                        It's been a fun couple of days.
                        Oh, geez!!!
                        Yeah, it's the joke at our house that dinner is ready when the smoke detector goes off. Only it's not really a joke. that darn thing is too close to the kitchen and half the time nothing is even burning!

                        Mala, I'd love it if you came to San Diego, but I'm guessing that's not a possiblility. Where do you live anyway? I'm glad the SD trip isn't until June, because I'm going to the con in Vancouver in just a few weeks and my finances need some time to recouperate. "They" are going to let us take pictures of the sets during the tour, but we have to sign a waver saying that we won't use the picture in anyway but personal and that we won't post them online!!! *sigh* Picture during the con activities are ok for online though. If anything interesting happens, I'll be sure to let everyone in on it.
                        sig by PM


                          Originally posted by sgt.siler
                          LMAO! No it was your average sized roll. It only had two feet of paper left on it, but still embarrassing to see nonetheless.
                          Her dress wasn't tucked into her panties was it? That would have made the picture complete!
                          sig by PM


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Hi chums.

                            I’ve just got back from my gig and it’s like Antarctica here in my flat. It’s my own fault as I had to leave the window open whilst I played at my gig.

                            I’ll explain….

                            Before I went out, I decided to grill some lamb chops. As they were cooking I was doing something else. Now, my smoke alarm normally goes off at the least little thing, like me making toast, but tonight it decided to be quiet.
                            I looked at the grill, only to see flames shooting up! I stood there motionless for a moment, mesmerised by the flames then I thought I’d better put out the fire before the whole flat goes up.
                            I found the fire extinguisher and eventually got it working. After a couple of scooshes (tech. term) the fire went out. That’s when the smoke alarm decided it would start working!
                            Now my flat is full of smoke, hence me opening the window so I can breathe.
                            The lamb chops were very well done, but obviously I couldn’t eat them as they were covered in fire extinguisher powder, so I decided to have some toast as my meal.
                            Yes, you’ve guessed it, the smoke alarm started to beep.
                            I left my flat in disgust, and went and played my gig which went well and greatly improved my mood.
                            It’s been snowing here all day and everything is freezing up tonight, so you can imagine how cold my flat is since I left the window open. *shiver*

                            Now I’m cold and hungry, and there’s still a smoky aroma wafting around the place.

                            Perhaps you could all send food parcels to me so I never have to go near a cooker again?
                            Speaking as someone with a burn on her hand and arm from a cooking mishap today, and with this awful smell from a melted pan in the oven, I sympathize completely.

                            Yes, I managed to melt a pan!
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by sgt.siler
                              LOL! I tried to green ya, but apparently I must spread the lurve a bit more. Woman! You crack me up every time you're around. You sound like me....never a dull moment. We keep the fire extinguisher around when I cook too. It doesn't prevent hair singing from the gas stove tho. Hubs has found a love for cooking, so I'm enjoying that.
                              Um, careful there. Around Dips you just may end up cracked.

                              Only kidding, Dips. Really.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                                Her dress wasn't tucked into her panties was it? That would have made the picture complete!
                                It would have really been awful if she had 2 different shoes on.

                                I don't know where that thought came from. Really I don't. It never happened to me. What do you think I am? A person who walks into a dark bedroom, reaches into the closet and gets two shoes, slips them on and goes out to eat without ever looking at her shoes? A person that stupid would never notice until they went to the restroom in the restaurant, with a full mirror, and see 2 different shoes. *pfffttt*
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

