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    Originally posted by Critter
    Now THAT is a GREAT idea...but you should also probably put a lock on it so only Bev can use it!!!!!
    Woohoo! It's Critter! Great to see you pal. *giggle* (oops!)


      Originally posted by Rune
      ((((Critter))))) good to see you!

      Bev, love the 'No giggling' idea ... can anyone here imagine not giggling if Jack purred that at her?

      *still griping about the show's downward spiral*
      what do you all reckon on the 'We started to break the 200th episode today and discussed the possibility of a special guest star. Fingers crossed.' last ever GW blog from Joe?

      Do we dare get excited or do we steel ourselves for another kick in the teeth?
      Wouldn't some resolution be lovely?

      BTW when is the 200th ep due, I've lost track *sob*
      Well, I don't even dare to hope that RDA will appear. I don't think I can take the disappointment anymore if he doesn't.
      If it is him, then I hope that they'll actually write something decent, rather than the crap they wrote for him in the early eps of S9.


        Originally posted by Critter
        **waves at Rune, jumping up and down and GIGGLING**

        I am not going to get excited about the 200th episode with the thought of Jack being in it. Why disappoinment myself at this stage. I actually watched the last episode without knowing anything about it and enjoyed it until it was over and then I said I'VE BEEN DISSED! Really left me with a heavy heart.

        I mean really, Jack has been a MAJOR part of that show for years...heck, he WAS that show and I am really starting to feel something close to bad blood between our beloved and TPTB. How and why would he been snuffed out like or the other is not a very happy camper....IMHO of course!
        Hey! No giggling! Damn...I really need a smiley. Mala...please, I need one now!

        As to the rest of your post, I agree.


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Well, I don't even dare to hope that RDA will appear. I don't think I can take the disappointment anymore if he doesn't.
          If it is him, then I hope that they'll actually write something decent, rather than the crap they wrote for him in the early eps of S9.
          That's true too Bev....I was embarassed for him with what they gave him. YIKES...was anyone even in the same room with the poor guy? Except us hussies, of course!
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            Well, I'm with you all about the show. It just makes me feel so sad.
            Anyway, on a brighter note I have a request for you Mala. What about a Jack smiley saying "No giggling"? Please.
            Of course! What a good idea. I'm enjoying making the smilies. I thought of another one last night. Some will like it... I think I'll just surprise you all!


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Of course! What a good idea. I'm enjoying making the smilies. I thought of another one last night. Some will like it... I think I'll just surprise you all!
              Shucks and crap! Just when you get here I'll be heading out! Can't wait for the unveiling of the new Mala Smilies!!!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Of course! What a good idea. I'm enjoying making the smilies. I thought of another one last night. Some will like it... I think I'll just surprise you all!
                Great stuff, Mala. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  ((((Critter))))) good to see you!
                  Bev, love the 'No giggling' idea ... can anyone here imagine not giggling if Jack purred that at her?
                  *still griping about the show's downward spiral*
                  what do you all reckon on the 'We started to break the 200th episode today and discussed the possibility of a special guest star. Fingers crossed.' last ever GW blog from Joe?
                  Do we dare get excited or do we steel ourselves for another kick in the teeth?
                  Wouldn't some resolution be lovely?
                  BTW when is the 200th ep due, I've lost track *sob*
                  As much as i'd like it to be him, I agree with Bev. I hope it's something decent too and not a bunch of crap where they only show him for a few seconds. I just don't want another let down like they did to us in the beginning of S9......which is what will probably happen.

                  I read it's somewhere around the 6th episode of S10.


                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by Critter
                    Shucks and crap! Just when you get here I'll be heading out! Can't wait for the unveiling of the new Mala Smilies!!!
                    (((CRITTER)))!!! Come back!! I even made a nice pic for you in case you ever returned to MW...

                    I think Jack looks so Alpha male in this backwards hat pic...


                      Originally posted by Rune
                      ((((Critter))))) good to see you!

                      Bev, love the 'No giggling' idea ... can anyone here imagine not giggling if Jack purred that at her?

                      *still griping about the show's downward spiral*
                      what do you all reckon on the 'We started to break the 200th episode today and discussed the possibility of a special guest star. Fingers crossed.' last ever GW blog from Joe?

                      Do we dare get excited or do we steel ourselves for another kick in the teeth?
                      Wouldn't some resolution be lovely?

                      BTW when is the 200th ep due, I've lost track *sob*
                      It would be lovely, but I don't think that TPTB are crossing their fingers for RDA... I really don't believe that they look at him as "special guest star" material.

                      My thinking is it'll probably be some other refugee from an old sci fi show or an old film actor who's looking for work on TV...


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        (((CRITTER)))!!! Come back!! I even made a nice pic for you in case you ever returned to MW...

                        I think Jack looks so Alpha male in this backwards hat pic...
                        That would be "alpha STUD male" I believe!!!!! Thunks for thinking of my in my absence! I do so miss this world of yours!

                        Littlest critter didn't go down for a much needed nap (for me, not him!!!) so that means early to bed for him.
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          It would be lovely, but I don't think that TPTB are crossing their fingers for RDA... I really don't believe that they look at him as "special guest star" material.

                          My thinking is it'll probably be some other refugee from an old sci fi show or an old film actor who's looking for work on TV...
                          CAPTAIN KIRK perhaps!!!!!!

                          ....gosh I am so funny I can't even believe it myself!!!!!
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Critter, I missed you again! I was off making the new smilies....

                            OK, here they are:

                            and the OTHER ONE - that I said only some will like.....

                            Jack in a BOONIE!



                              Originally posted by Critter
                              CAPTAIN KIRK perhaps!!!!!!

                              ....gosh I am so funny I can't even believe it myself!!!!!
                              You know, I was going to say that, but then I controlled myself....

                              But yes, you are funny!


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Critter, I missed you again! I was off making the new smilies....

                                OK, here they are:

                                and the OTHER ONE - that I said only some will like.....

                                Jack in a BOONIE!

                                Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to use these. Thanks Mala.

