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Mala's World

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    Really, Mala, what doesn't he look good in?! LOL!
    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
      OM frakkin' gods, tonight's BSG was sooooooooo good!

      cylon smilie by Gilles Nuytens
      Originally posted by L-JADE View Post

      FRAK! YES!!!! A lovely & very pack-a-punch(es) episode.

      Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
      Wow, it was an edge of your seat ep again! Wonder where they will go with it next week, I don't watch previews as Sci Fi has a habit of ruining everything with those.


      I thought that was great as Adama gained a following getting bigger and bigger as he walked towards the control room. I kind of wished he had taken care of Gaeta especially himself but I guess it's good they kept him from resorting to that. When Zarack had the Quarum shot I was like "Holy Frak!". I wonder what Chief has found. Can't be good. The whole episode I was like, I don't know where he is going but he better be quick about it. LOL
      Originally posted by nell View Post
      If I may add...BSG
      I have been a sci fi fan since my teens *cough* a long ago and faraway time. *cough* It was about the wonder of science, technology, exploration, and discovery.

      Then, action and adventure were introduced with Star Trek, Star Wars, yadda yadda. As the TV/movie genre evolved, the characterizations were very important to me, too. Well, I'm a Shipper, so, that kinda says it all.

      But, what I'm leading up to *finally getting to the point* is that Battlestar Galactica has in my humble opinion really nailed and weaved together characterization, relationships, action, adventure, plot, and special effects outstandingly.

      I am particularly partial to the development and portrayal of Adama and Rosalin as people, leaders, and now lovers. I gotta say the TPTB were smart, clever, brave, and thinking out-of-the-box to break the formulaic "keep-'em on the edge but don't give 'em resolution/confirmation."

      There's a lesson somewhere here for other TPTB
      I just watched my recording from Friday night, and I agree with all of you. Normally I don't go for a show that has so much doom and gloom, but BSG really pulls it all together. Only 5 more days until we'll find out what's up with
      the 5th Cylon.

      s u g a r s h a k e r


        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        Really, Mala, what doesn't he look good in?! LOL!
        Macgruber skits from SNL!
        *runs away to avoid retaliation*


          Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
          I just watched my recording from Friday night, and I agree with all of you. Normally I don't go for a show that has so much doom and gloom, but BSG really pulls it all together. Only 5 more days until we'll find out what's up with
          the 5th Cylon.
          Agreed. It was a kick @ss episode! So sad that this is the last season


            Great work Mala! I think Zero Hour is a great Jack episode, despite the occasional dumbing down. Love the scene where Col. Reynolds tells Gilmore how Jack was tortured by Ba'al and how SG-1 never gave up, so Jack won't now. I also love the scene near the end where Jack goes into the gate room and everyone is standing there and Reynolds tells him they're all behind him no matter what. I can't think of too many episodes where we see people demonstrating such open respect for Jack.

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Thanks for the interview excerpt, Mala. I had not read that before either.

              And I'm familiar with Gilles' name. Thanks for letting us know he made the centurions (although you certainly could have--if you wanted to).

              Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 08 February 2009, 02:57 PM.


                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                I think it's one of the better Season 8 episodes (I just prefer Col. Jack seasons more). It's a nice intro to Jack's struggles as a newly minted General and what that entailed. Of course, the fact that he looked very hot in his civvies as well as his uniform didn't hurt either...
                OY! he looks so metro in there.. kinda like the AirForce version of David Beckham
       : lilferret


                  Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
                  OY! he looks so metro in there.. kinda like the AirForce version of David Beckham
                  He's SO much hotter than David Beckham. . . LOL!
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    He's SO much hotter than David Beckham. . . LOL!
                    I agree. There's no comparison, in my opinion.

                    Plus...RDA has so much class.

                    Not to say that Beckham doesn't. It's just that RDA has done so much as an activist.

                    He's not just a pretty face...


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      I agree. There's no comparison, in my opinion.

                      Plus...RDA has so much class.

                      Not to say that Beckham doesn't. It's just that RDA has done so much as an activist.

                      He's not just a pretty face...
                      If I may add...RDA has a handsome face and he is an environmental and animal activist.


                        Originally posted by nell View Post
                        If I may add...RDA has a handsome face and he is an environmental and animal activist.
                        * pokes friend *

                        Pssst! That's what I said.


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                          * pokes friend *

                          Pssst! That's what I said.

                          I know, I know. I added "handsome."


                            Originally posted by nell View Post
                            I know, I know. I added "handsome."

                            But I said pretty. I thought handsome was implied.....


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                              But I said pretty. I thought handsome was implied.....
                     pokes this time!!! Well, I hear ya but handsome works better for me


                                Originally posted by nell View Post
                       pokes this time!!! Well, I hear ya but handsome works better for me
                                Awwww...I just like to poke you! Tee-hee!

                                * Runs and hides

