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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post
    Hi all! The MacGruber skits were pretty lame weren't they. Sad that we finally get to see the man snf it's not all that great. I agree the wig was atrocious but I don't think he looked that out of shape really. I think the wig made his face look odd. If you look at his neck area, he doesn't appear so jowly as he has in some shots.

    Mala, the calendars are beautiful!

    Happy Ground Hogs Day!
    They were lame, but he was actually pretty funny. When I posted those caps the other night, I didn't think he looked that out of shape, either. The lighting was really terrible, though.

    Anyway, I'm glad you like the calendars, Shelly. I miss seeing new ones from you!


      Originally posted by trupi View Post
      You think?
      Well, the article said that the first time they asked him they called him on a Wednesday so they could shoot on Thursday, but it was too short notice. So I'm just guessing that he came in on Wed. or Thurs. and flew out that night or by Fri...
      Last edited by Mala50; 04 February 2009, 06:36 AM.


        Originally posted by nell View Post
        THUNK!!! Sexy hands!!!

        Edit: and arms
        Edit: and biceps
        Edit: and neck
        Edit: and profile
        Edit: and silvery hair
        Edit: THUNK
        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        Amen! That man has such beautiful hands. . .
        Yes, he always has. And his nails usually look better than mine... I wouldn't be surprised if he had them manicured.



          Mmmm, Jack's hands...comforting Sam...



            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Bulky vest, bad wig and the camera adds weight. I know you're not complaining, Shelly, but we've all been talking about what was wrong about these bits since they aired Saturday.

            I think the bottom line is that neither the setting nor the costuming showed him in the most flattering light.

            I saw him live in August, and he was beautiful!!!



              Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
              Be the pottery...

              Be the Carter...

              Be the oatmeal...

              Be the P-90...



                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                Yes, he always has. And his nails usually look better than mine... I wouldn't be surprised if he had them manicured.

                LOL! You know, I was thinking the SAME thing! His nails look better than mine! LOL! And GUH, what a NICE pic! *fans self* And I love the man bracelet. He really does wear it well
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                  [CENTER]Mmmm, Jack's hands...comforting Sam...

                  Where do you find these things? And in such great res, too!
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                    Be the gun, indeed! LOL! *fans self* I've never seen that pic before!
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                      Yes it did. *sigh*

                      Anyway, I thought that this week's episode ('The Oath') was a great and I can't wait until next Friday to see what happens next. And again, there were a couple of nice Adama/Roslin scenes.

                      Spoiler caps
                      A brief hello (I'm glad you're alive)...

                      and a goodbye...
                      I love this show so much. And I kept this episode just for the Adama/Roslin scenes. I'll be so sad when it ends.
                      Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                      sig by Mala50. You rock.


                        Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                        Aha, it's just like the old days in the thunk thread, with us all happily having fun in the gutter......the shallow end, of course.


                          Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                          And last, but not least, a brand new one for all RDA/Amanda fans ...

                          Use the link below to DOWNLOAD the .PDF files for printing:

                          That picture is so very adorable.

                          :too lazy to combine posts:
                          Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                          sig by Mala50. You rock.


                            Hi chums.
                            I downloaded all the pdf's of the calendars so I could print them off, only to find that my printer is refusing to work.

                            I open the front casing thingy (tech. term) where the newly printed paper should exit, only for the printer to stick it's tongue out at me and give me an error message telling me the front casing thingy is still shut.

                            I open and close the casing......error!!!

                            I talk gently to the printer, asking it to be nice......error!!!

                            I poke it.....error!!!

                            I say a naughty word....error!!!!

                            I thump the printer.....error!!!!!

                            I switch it on and off......error!!!!

                            I curse so badly it would make a sailor blush.....ERROR!!!!!!

                            I give up and come here to moan.

                            Maybe I should get a man in to fix the printer? It's always fun when I have men in to fix things. Remember the phone guy that insisted on taking his boots off? And the chap that fixed the telly who had a rather nice six? Phew! Is it getting hot in here?


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                              Aha, it's just like the old days in the thunk thread, with us all happily having fun in the gutter......the shallow end, of course.
                              Lovely fun, isn't it?

                              And those calendars (I don't think I've commented on them before!) are just beautiful in their simplicity.
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                                Yes, he always has. And his nails usually look better than mine... I wouldn't be surprised if he had them manicured.

                                Oh those fingers!! WOW!! just to...
                                Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!

