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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Hi guys
    As you know I'll be posting the Sam and Jack Gemini pics at the shipper thread tonight

    Will you be reading the spoilers over there or do you want me to post the links of the pics in Mala's thread too?!!!

    Thank you, Caty! Yes, post the links here, too, if you will.

    I'm trying to get my own copy of GEMINI, so I'm personally not avoiding spoilers.

    As long as you follow the GW posting rules and put up a Spoiler Warning that's fine with me.


      Originally posted by meimei
      *giggle* My hair looks like a mohawk when I wake up in the morning, the more I toss and turn at night the more it looks like one... If I sleep quietly it's a one sided mohawk. But mine too is short, but the sticky up part is usually from the gel bottle...
      Hey, I think short hair is cool! (temperature-wise too)...

      I've had short hair for years and I can't imagine 'having hair' again! But I need gel to keep my hair in check...Otherwise mine is so coarse that after I take a shower it's kind of porcupine-like.... (sticking out all over)...
      Last edited by Mala50; 14 December 2004, 10:24 AM.


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Hey, you don't have to put up alerts! Congrats! I'll download your video and look at it later today. Is anyone allowed to vote?
        Awwww, thanks. As far as I know, anyone is allowed to vote. I'm going to vote in another category. Unless it's closed already. Must check that out.

        As for the "and we're walking..." moment, here it is:

        4.16 2010
        Yes! That's it! They are all looking fine there. I love the shades and Carter looks amazing in that coat. I could never pull that off, too short.
        Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


        sig by Mala50. You rock.


          Originally posted by meimei
          *giggle* My hair looks like a mohawk when I wake up in the morning, the more I toss and turn at night the more it looks like one... If I sleep quietly it's a one sided mohawk. But mine too is short, but the sticky up part is usually from the gel bottle...
          Did you know that RDA is part Mohican on his mother's side???

          He mixed race...I like that

          I have shoulder length hair. I used to love having long hair, but it's way too thin to grow. I got it chopped in august to just below my ear, but it grows v. quickly. I'm getting it chop chopped (reeaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyy short) very soon!

          Shameless plug for my fic

 - stories containing spoilers are clearly marked. Several Standalones.

 - ramblings and poetry from yours densely!

          Reviews are VERY welcome. Not that I'm begging or anything!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Zoser
            I wonder if the allure of the sticky up hair is that it looks like he just rolled out of bed?
            You're probably right...and that he doesn't try to fix it means he's kind of carefree/"boyish"?

            His hair this season is short and not as much sticky-up-ness(?) More befitting a General? I like it.



              I guess while some of us are waiting for the links to the GEMINI pix from Caty, I'll put up some nice S/J pix... I always liked the way Jack looked at Sam when she introduced her father.

              2.09 Secrets


                I'm sorry folks but I have bad news for the J/astro ship...

                I was supposed to be at a concert tonight. Mum was coming and I'd invited J. Last night J blew me off, and today Mum has my cold and isn't well so I have noone to go to concert with. So I don't go. Now J tells me reason why he couldn't go was because he had a date with some chick he'd met on Saturday night.

                Now if he had rang and said "Do you mind..." that would have been different.

                Now, bearing in mind, I am his best friend, (he admits that), what is more difficult to find, a good friend or some chick?

                I told him that, and I also told him that I hoped she was worth it.


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Yes, it's true you must have a less than ladylike appreciation for THE MAN to attend the RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching. However, to what degree you express your leering lewdness is what should be considered in a PG forum.

                  Hmmm, maybe I'd better create a class to help hussies practice self-control...

                  Since there's NO off-topicness, here...tell me more about your hair! Is this new hairdo a tribute to THE MAN? Btw, my hair is very short and boyish, but not quite sticky-up (well, maybe when I wake up it is...)

                  Does this hair look like yours, Bev??
                  That would be an affirmative!!!


                    Originally posted by Zoser
                    I wonder if the allure of the sticky up hair is that it looks like he just rolled out of bed?
                    That would be an affirmative too!!!


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      I'm sorry folks but I have bad news for the J/astro ship...

                      I was supposed to be at a concert tonight. Mum was coming and I'd invited J. Last night J blew me off, and today Mum has my cold and isn't well so I have noone to go to concert with. So I don't go. Now J tells me reason why he couldn't go was because he had a date with some chick he'd met on Saturday night.

                      Now if he had rang and said "Do you mind..." that would have been different.

                      Now, bearing in mind, I am his best friend, (he admits that), what is more difficult to find, a good friend or some chick?

                      I told him that, and I also told him that I hoped she was worth it.
                      What a jerk. Give me his address and I'll go kick him in the...........hey does any one like peanuts? I've got a whole bag from the wholesale club..just thought I'd share with my friends.


                        hiya i heard lusting and wenches were hanging around here and i was wondering if i could join you


                        i brought some Jack??

                        will this do


                          or maybe this


                            or maybe even this....


                              soz if the last one was a little too big


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                I guess while some of us are waiting for the links to the GEMINI pix from Caty, I'll put up some nice S/J pix... I always liked the way Jack looked at Sam when she introduced her father.

                                2.09 Secrets
                                I don't Ship much in season one and two but I really like the scrub Mala. Thanks so much. Things have been pretty quiet on the forum today.

