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The Dragon Cave

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    Oh, and I got all the types of dragons, dinos and the chick.

    We need new dragons!!!!


      ^ Congrats Jas!! And yeah really really do

      Originally posted by tayradio View Post
      :-( I abandoned an egg I'd bred and although it was adopted the person isn't taking care of it. It has 4.5 days left and has only like one click and hardly any views. I don't want any dead eggs on my conscience. So, into my sig it's going for now. Maybe I should have stuck with keeping the eggs in my sig after abandoning them from the get-go.
      Aww sorry... usually if I see an egg or hatchling under 3 days left with little views I throw it into the emergency room. Never had one die that way ...
      Last edited by Ronja; 18 November 2008, 08:38 AM.


        Originally posted by tayradio View Post

        And she SHALL be CALLED..... The Hen of WRATH!!!!
        Damn You!!!

        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        We need new dragons!!!!
        Here Here.
        People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


          Look what DG got me! >>>>>>

          Thanks DG!!

          *runs around clicking happily*


            I am a helpful person


              the dcfansite is down and so is livejournal... so I can't get additional clicks/views

              I need this little guardian to gender quickly (girl) , so that I can give my other hatchling to DH. We both need girls, but he is trying to get as many cave/non-bred eggs as possible, and I currently have one, but won't give it to him unless I know the other egg one is a girl too >

              - these ALL need to be girls, pretty pls.

              And this one a boy - - PLEASE!!! I am Soooooo tired of raising mints. lol



                *runs in*

                *clicks madly*

                *gazes longingly at the Golds*

                *runs out*


                  I finally got a male water thanks to Rox yay!!!


                    Originally posted by Syrenslure View Post
                    the dcfansite is down and so is livejournal... so I can't get additional clicks/views

                    I need this little guardian to gender quickly (girl) , so that I can give my other hatchling to DH. We both need girls, but he is trying to get as many cave/non-bred eggs as possible, and I currently have one, but won't give it to him unless I know the other egg one is a girl too >

                    - these ALL need to be girls, pretty pls.

                    And this one a boy - - PLEASE!!! I am Soooooo tired of raising mints. lol

                    Hi there Syrenslure *waves* welcome to the thread and to GW!

                    Clicked all of them! Hope u get what u want


                      morning clicks

                      *rubbs sore finger*

                      magi egg X8z1 and white egg gkQe have soft shell



                        Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                        I finally got a male water thanks to Rox yay!!!

                        Woooo hooo!!!! You've been waiting for one of those for a lonnnnnng time!


                          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                          The white dragon in my sig needs views (I guess it has enough clicks) an the emergency site is down.

                          Its not one of my own Dragons, but it is one of my Dragon's hatchlings and it looks like the one who took it doesn't care about it at all
                          That's like one of my eggs I had to abandon. The sibling to the mint one has been taken by someone who doesn't care, so I might put it in my sig too. I was in two minds about doing it, but seeing that you're going to do it, I will too.

                          Ohh, the eggs finally are starting to crack!


                            *Clicky Clicky*
                            People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                              It's really frustrating collecting mint after mint after mint, only to have them all turn out to be a single gender, isn't it???

                              Here's hoping you get all the genders you want out of this batch!

                              Originally posted by Syrenslure View Post
                              the dcfansite is down and so is livejournal... so I can't get additional clicks/views

                              I need this little guardian to gender quickly (girl) , so that I can give my other hatchling to DH. We both need girls, but he is trying to get as many cave/non-bred eggs as possible, and I currently have one, but won't give it to him unless I know the other egg one is a girl too >

                              - these ALL need to be girls, pretty pls.

                              And this one a boy - - PLEASE!!! I am Soooooo tired of raising mints. lol



                                Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                                I finally got a male water thanks to Rox yay!!!

                                And does anyone want a silver?

