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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    I really need to watch that ep!!

    *vanely wishes they'd do something like that (heck - exactly like that!) to Shep*
    Oh I would love to see these kind of eps for Shep it would be a dream!!

    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
    Well it is FX.

    They are doing s6 at the moment - we are roughly 8 eps behind so it should be the end of next week. Will let you know when I see it for sure


    I have just checked and it is on 28 & 29 May
    Yay!! now I just need to work out how to claim the TV


      WOOHOO!!..Jag whump! of my fav programmes from a few years ago. I bought season 1 a couple of weeks ago and watched a couple of goodies....'The Prisoner' and 'Dejavouz'.....deliciousnessagogo..

      my fan fiction place


        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        WOOHOO!!..Jag whump! of my fav programmes from a few years ago. I bought season 1 a couple of weeks ago and watched a couple of goodies....'The Prisoner' and 'Dejavouz'.....deliciousnessagogo..
        Oh I have these yummies to look forward to


          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          WOOHOO!!..Jag whump! of my fav programmes from a few years ago. I bought season 1 a couple of weeks ago and watched a couple of goodies....'The Prisoner' and 'Dejavouz'.....deliciousnessagogo..
          I bought seasons one and two last week! I'm loving it! I watched those eppies last week as well as some season 2 eppies as well! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


            Hello, everyone!

            While not new to gateworld, I'm new to this thread so I just wanted to say hi I wasn't aware this thread existed until very recently! I have a question for you all... I am a brand new fan of the show Starsky & Hutch (at 28 years old!) and I just love the whump on that show. I'm sure it must have been discussed here before but I haven't had the chance to go through all the back pages. If it has been discussed before, could someone point me to that discussion? And if not I just want to say how much I love the whump on that show Such great chemistry between the 2 actors! such great h/c! *sigh* I love it anyway, a great big hi to you all and see you around the forum!

            "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


              Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
              Hello, everyone!

              While not new to gateworld, I'm new to this thread so I just wanted to say hi I wasn't aware this thread existed until very recently! I have a question for you all... I am a brand new fan of the show Starsky & Hutch (at 28 years old!) and I just love the whump on that show. I'm sure it must have been discussed here before but I haven't had the chance to go through all the back pages. If it has been discussed before, could someone point me to that discussion? And if not I just want to say how much I love the whump on that show Such great chemistry between the 2 actors! such great h/c! *sigh* I love it anyway, a great big hi to you all and see you around the forum!


              It is hard to point you to the S&H discussions because they come up all the time! If you go back maybe the last 10 or so pages I guess the lovely McKayrocks! posted some photostories of some S&H eps which were a lot of fun

              It is an amazing show, it has the best h/c ever filmed IMO! SOOOOOO satisfying! McKayrocks! and I are Hutchies - but i love the whump of either Starsky or Hutch really - just because of the reaction of the other is awesome

              They do have great chemistry. I have been lucky enough to be at the studio where the two of them were doing a live TV interview on British TV about 10 years ago and the chemistry between them in real life is awesome too!


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                It is hard to point you to the S&H discussions because they come up all the time! If you go back maybe the last 10 or so pages I guess the lovely McKayrocks! posted some photostories of some S&H eps which were a lot of fun

                It is an amazing show, it has the best h/c ever filmed IMO! SOOOOOO satisfying! McKayrocks! and I are Hutchies - but i love the whump of either Starsky or Hutch really - just because of the reaction of the other is awesome

                They do have great chemistry. I have been lucky enough to be at the studio where the two of them were doing a live TV interview on British TV about 10 years ago and the chemistry between them in real life is awesome too!

                I've only managed to catch about 8-10 episodes so far but I plan to rent the series. The one that I saw the got me hooked was "A Coffin for Starsky" and I would agree that it's some of the best whump I have ever seen!! and I'm definitely a Starsky girl HOw lucky for you to have seen an interview with them! That must have been awesome! I shall peruse back through the forum and see what I can find. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
                "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                  Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                  I've only managed to catch about 8-10 episodes so far but I plan to rent the series. The one that I saw the got me hooked was "A Coffin for Starsky" and I would agree that it's some of the best whump I have ever seen!! and I'm definitely a Starsky girl HOw lucky for you to have seen an interview with them! That must have been awesome! I shall peruse back through the forum and see what I can find. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
                  Oh A coffin for Starsky is probably the most popular S&H epsiode ever! There are some great whumpy eps though throughout the seasons. In particular:

                  The Fix - Hutch whump (forced to become a drug addict)
                  The Shootout - Starsky Whump (shooting of course)
                  The Plague - Hutch whump
                  Survival - Hutch whump
                  Bloodbath - Starsky whump

                  Pariah is a great Starsky angst whump ep!

                  There are lots of other little whumps, angsty moments and fabulous friendship moments throughout.

                  Mx and I saw PMG ( Starsky) in a panto back in January hehehe - he played captain hook.


                    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                    Oh A coffin for Starsky is probably the most popular S&H epsiode ever! There are some great whumpy eps though throughout the seasons. In particular:

                    The Fix - Hutch whump (forced to become a drug addict)
                    The Shootout - Starsky Whump (shooting of course)
                    The Plague - Hutch whump
                    Survival - Hutch whump
                    Bloodbath - Starsky whump

                    Pariah is a great Starsky angst whump ep!

                    There are lots of other little whumps, angsty moments and fabulous friendship moments throughout.

                    Mx and I saw PMG ( Starsky) in a panto back in January hehehe - he played captain hook.
                    Oh I've seen a few of those! I definitely have to see Bloodbath, Pariah and the Plague still. I've managed to see the others. As I'm a professed Starsky girl, Bloodbath is at the top of my list to see!

                    How was he as Captain Hook? I saw an interview with him on youtube where he was discussing that role...
                    "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                      Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                      Oh I've seen a few of those! I definitely have to see Bloodbath, Pariah and the Plague still. I've managed to see the others. As I'm a professed Starsky girl, Bloodbath is at the top of my list to see!

                      How was he as Captain Hook? I saw an interview with him on youtube where he was discussing that role...
                      Well I actually saw him twice in the Panto and he was fab both times- but I only got to say hello the once. He seemed very tired - it was very hard work!

                      I have met David Soul many more times than Paul. Paul doesnt come to the UK very often whereas David lives here now.

                      The Plague is my fave Hutch whump! All fevered - yummy!!!!

                      McKay in The Hive reminds Mx of The Plague!


                        heehee All this whump talk makes me want to watch some right now! Think I'll go for a viewing of "A Coffin for Starsky"

                        That's cool about PMG at the panto. I'm glad to hear he did a great job. And I did read that DS lives in the UK now. I like a bunch of his music too...
                        "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                          Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                          heehee All this whump talk makes me want to watch some right now! Think I'll go for a viewing of "A Coffin for Starsky"

                          That's cool about PMG at the panto. I'm glad to hear he did a great job. And I did read that DS lives in the UK now. I like a bunch of his music too...
                          Yes- I have all of DS's Albums....hehehe!

                          ACFS sounds yummy- I may have to put that in the DVD player later today too!


                            WooHoo!!...S&H whumpfests are...LOVELY!!!!...*deep contented sigh at the thought of ACFS and Shootout*.....

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              WooHoo!!...S&H whumpfests are...LOVELY!!!!...*deep contented sigh at the thought of ACFS and Shootout*.....
                              Ooo, I ended up watching both last night. And I finally saw the Plague. Awesome!! Love the Hutch whump but especially love Starsky's reactions. Great ep Bloodbath is next on my list to, erm, rent. I'm off to see if I can find it!

                              I can't believe I'm so hooked on this show after only really knowing about it for 3 weeks (I mean I knew about it due to the movie but I'd never seen an ep until 3 weeks ago and I just love it!). I plan to rent the entire DVD set as soon as I get home from uni! Must see it all!
                              "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                                Originally posted by JuneBug625 View Post
                                Ooo, I ended up watching both last night. And I finally saw the Plague. Awesome!! Love the Hutch whump but especially love Starsky's reactions. Great ep Bloodbath is next on my list to, erm, rent. I'm off to see if I can find it!

                                I can't believe I'm so hooked on this show after only really knowing about it for 3 weeks (I mean I knew about it due to the movie but I'd never seen an ep until 3 weeks ago and I just love it!). I plan to rent the entire DVD set as soon as I get home from uni! Must see it all!
                                The Plague is totally fabulous!

                                When it was originally on TV I dont know how I survived waiting from one week to the next! I love it all - the best part of the first ep is when they tell Hutch he is infected and he hands his gun to Starsky and sits in the wheelchair!!! He looks so vulnerable *sigh*

                                The boxset for the whole 4 seasons is cheap to buy if anyone hasnt seen this show- it is a total must for all whump fans IMO!

