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    Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
    Hey, Pocus!
    Well, my first recorded tummy tumble was for Starsky & Hutch, and I think those particular eps have to remain the gold standard for modern whump.
    I loved the blood that we got from Firefly, and of course my fave movie is Witness.

    (Also, reluctantly, I admit to having squeed over Dan Tanna in Vegas!)

    Anyone old enough to remember that one???
    Oh a few of us have recently enjoyed a good old bit of Vegas whump!

    It has been fabulous!

    I love revisiting some good old retro whump!


      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      No, not me! I'm most definitely not old enough to remember Vegas, or Magnum, or A Team, or Emergency or any of that old stuff.

      jaijgio;jgo oops, sorry my nose got in the way of the keyboard.

      A-Team!! I loved that so much - Saturday afternoons after we'd been shopping, round at my nans. *sigh*
      Me and my brother had the action figures and i used to particularly enjoy whumping them - i remember i throw Face down the stairs and his head came off . Luckily their heads went back on quite easily... pity the same couldn't be said for my Action Man... (oh yeah - major tom-boy - my only girl doll had her head ripped off to make an alien.... )

      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      Me too. Hubby and I watched Mr. Baseball and he laughed at me when I almost choked during the bathtub scene. But, Tom Selleck does do a pained look very well. My main gripe with Magnum P I was those dumb shorts he wore.

      Oh well.
      Oh god, the shorts *shudder*
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Oh a few of us have recently enjoyed a good old bit of Vegas whump!

        It has been fabulous!

        I love revisiting some good old retro whump!

        Recently, you say? Oh, I'd love to see it again!
        Is it on DVD?

        The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
          Recently, you say? Oh, I'd love to see it again!
          Is it on DVD?
          Hi Fuschia..I'll p.m you about 'Vegas'....

          my fan fiction place


            Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
            So this is where you guys go to....

            Can we talk about anyone getting whumped here? in any movie/show?

            Oh, Joy!

            Oh yes we talk about lots of different whump on here its so much fun.

            Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
            Hey, Pocus!
            Well, my first recorded tummy tumble was for Starsky & Hutch, and I think those particular eps have to remain the gold standard for modern whump.
            I loved the blood that we got from Firefly, and of course my fave movie is Witness.

            (Also, reluctantly, I admit to having squeed over Dan Tanna in Vegas!)

            Anyone old enough to remember that one???
            I have never heard of Witness. Funnily enough one of my friends who doesn't realy go into any fandom or anything like that, just got reccommended Vegas, and has bought it, I had never heard of it, am just waiting for her to finish with her discs so I can beg and borrow them


              Originally posted by bebop View Post
              Hi Fuschia..I'll p.m you about 'Vegas'....
              Hello hun, have you not been around much? or have I had my eyes closed again when I am supposed to be reading threads


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                **waves at Fuchsia**

                We talk about any and all whump here. The latest is Navy Seals whump thanks to Listy and her wonderful caps. MX had us going for a bit with Starsky and Hutch whump!!
                I see it as my mission to spread the whump love to all

                Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                Hey, Pocus!
                Well, my first recorded tummy tumble was for Starsky & Hutch, and I think those particular eps have to remain the gold standard for modern whump.
                I loved the blood that we got from Firefly, and of course my fave movie is Witness.

                (Also, reluctantly, I admit to having squeed over Dan Tanna in Vegas!)

                Anyone old enough to remember that one???
                OMG yes S & H still tops it for me with the h/c factor! Firefly has some fab whump (Out of Gas is just mind bogglingly brilliant ) and Vegas is so cheesey it it in a class of it's own!

                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Oh a few of us have recently enjoyed a good old bit of Vegas whump!

                It has been fabulous!

                I love revisiting some good old retro whump!
                Retro whump rocks!!! If only we got that for SGA (but of course with better infirmary scenes cos sometimes retro whump was lacking in that department!)

                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                Hi Fuschia..I'll p.m you about 'Vegas'....
                Bebop is an absolute champ!

                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                I have never heard of Witness. Funnily enough one of my friends who doesn't realy go into any fandom or anything like that, just got reccommended Vegas, and has bought it, I had never heard of it, am just waiting for her to finish with her discs so I can beg and borrow them
                Oh Witness is fabby Harrison Ford whump! He gets shot and is all collapsey then feverish and I luffs it! You must watch it Listy!!!

                Oh we need a whumpidoodlesquee frenxy right now! Any suggestions?

                sig by SheppyD
                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                So he just looks crazy


                  Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                  I see it as my mission to spread the whump love to all

                  OMG yes S & H still tops it for me with the h/c factor! Firefly has some fab whump (Out of Gas is just mind bogglingly brilliant ) and Vegas is so cheesey it it in a class of it's own!

                  Retro whump rocks!!! If only we got that for SGA (but of course with better infirmary scenes cos sometimes retro whump was lacking in that department!)

                  Bebop is an absolute champ!

                  Oh Witness is fabby Harrison Ford whump! He gets shot and is all collapsey then feverish and I luffs it! You must watch it Listy!!!

                  Oh we need a whumpidoodlesquee frenxy right now! Any suggestions?

                  I shall seek it out and learn from the whump

                  oo a whumpidoodlesquee frenxy you say.... decisions.... I don't know... my PB account is lacking in good whump other than navy seals and Adam from spooks.... Has anyone got any Mulder whump? or SPN whump?


                    Originally posted by Listy View Post
                    I shall seek it out and learn from the whump

                    oo a whumpidoodlesquee frenxy you say.... decisions.... I don't know... my PB account is lacking in good whump other than navy seals and Adam from spooks.... Has anyone got any Mulder whump? or SPN whump?
                    I was watching some good Mulder whump last week - me and hubby are working thru x-files s1,2 and 3. We just finished s1. You know 'beyond the sea'? It's my fave ep... lots of angst and then the whump..
                    Mulder gets shot and then we see him having difficulty breathing and with an oxy mask in the ER, quick but very nice whump.
                    I don't know how to get screen caps from my dvd, but i'll try to find some online... it'll be my Tuesday night mission.

                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                      I was watching some good Mulder whump last week - me and hubby are working thru x-files s1,2 and 3. We just finished s1. You know 'beyond the sea'? It's my fave ep... lots of angst and then the whump..
                      Mulder gets shot and then we see him having difficulty breathing and with an oxy mask in the ER, quick but very nice whump.
                      I don't know how to get screen caps from my dvd, but i'll try to find some online... it'll be my Tuesday night mission.
                      oh that is a fabby whumpy ep, I will have to cap it when i get time just takes me ages to upload caps to PB with dial up and I am too tired to fight with it tonight


                        These are pretty small and don't really show the best views, but they give you some idea of the episode in all its whumpy glory!

                        I'll keep searching!

                        Hey, has anyone heard anything about the new x-files movie? I saw a poster for it and it apparently comes out end of July. There are lots of trailers on YT...all seem to be fakes.

                        The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                          These are pretty small and don't really show the best views, but they give you some idea of the episode in all its whumpy glory!


                          I'll keep searching!

                          Hey, has anyone heard anything about the new x-files movie? I saw a poster for it and it apparently comes out end of July. There are lots of trailers on YT...all seem to be fakes.
                          I love that whumpy x files eppie! Great Mulder whump. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie!

                          I watched Navy Seals. I loved the Curran whump! YUMMY!


                            Originally posted by Listy View Post
                            Hello hun, have you not been around much? or have I had my eyes closed again when I am supposed to be reading threads
                            I havn't been around much lately...RL has been REALLY busy and work has been manic. I have lurked occasionally, so I have been with you all in spirit if not in body!!!!...

                            I LOVE Witness!!!!!..gun shot whumpaliciousness!!!!!

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              I havn't been around much lately...RL has been REALLY busy and work has been manic. I have lurked occasionally, so I have been with you all in spirit if not in body!!!!...

                              I LOVE Witness!!!!!..gun shot whumpaliciousness!!!!!
                              I think you and Mx are the whumpiest tarts I've ever met! But I luffs you both for it!


                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                I love that whumpy x files eppie! Great Mulder whump. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie!

                                I watched Navy Seals. I loved the Curran whump! YUMMY!
                                Ifeel the need to watc that ep now

                                I think there is some stuff about the movie in SFX this month but haven't got round to reading it yet.

                                Navy seals is awesome, it never gets old

                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                I havn't been around much lately...RL has been REALLY busy and work has been manic. I have lurked occasionally, so I have been with you all in spirit if not in body!!!!...

                                I LOVE Witness!!!!!..gun shot whumpaliciousness!!!!!
                                sorry RL is being a pain but glad you are ok

