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    Greg Evigan!!! OMG! That name brings back memories.

    Oh man......Trip Whump! S-3's "Similitude" was great. *sniff* Hubby's favorite ep is "The Forgotten" though. That was really emotional.
    remember Archer wanted Trip to write that letter about the crewman who died and Trip couldn't quite get it right. He had all those problems and finally at the end he breaks down and cries to T'Pol about "his baby sister" being killed. Hubby can hardly sit still but he sat and watched that whole episode. We were in bed later that night and out of the clear blue he said, "WOW. Connor should get an Emmy for that episode."

    Oh Lord....that last episode.....puh-leeze.
    I have a "Not Dead" t-shirt and I wore it to the Con where I met Connor. Paul McGillion saw it and said, "By the way.....I LOVE your shirt." I can't believe I had the nerve to wear that thing.....It has the slogan "Too Sexy.....Not Dead" and a picture of Trip from "Desert Crossing". Connor just shook his head and smiled.

    S-4 "Observer Effect"........check that one out!!! Whoa!

    Yep......I may have to go and watch some Trip whump now.



      Originally posted by bebop View Post
      Hi Elinor!!!!....loveley to see ya here mate!

      I'm enjoying a bit of Moonlight whump at the mo...its filling the Sheppy void for me....

      *sighs* The Chute...LOVELY!!, and if you like Ed Norton whump, watch the movie Fight Club, its REALLY good!

      I LOVED Trip whump!!!!...I bought the whole series just for the lovely Connor!

      Does anyone remember BJ and the Bear?..there was a guy called Greg Evigan who starred and he was YUMMY!

      I used to watch Hercules as well....I know!, sad hey, but I loved Hercules and Iaeolus whump...and there was some GOOD whump in there at times.
      OMG - I was just asking Linzi if she remembered BJ and the Bear a couple of weeks ago!!!

      Greg Evigan was very cute!

      I found the opening theme tune on You tube!


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        OMG - I was just asking Linzi if she remembered BJ and the Bear a couple of weeks ago!!!

        Greg Evigan was very cute!

        I found the opening theme tune on You tube!
        That is VERY spooky!!!!...but then, great minds and all that!

        *hums to self..''BJ McKay and his best friend,la!.*...

        my fan fiction place


          Originally posted by bebop View Post
          Ah!, now SG1 came soon afterwards..I LOVED a bit of Jack whump, still do..I watched Solitudes again last week..*sigh*..

          NOTE TO TPTB:- need that scenario for Sheppy!!!!
          Oh my, I've said for years that we needd a Solitudes type scenario for Sheppy!


            I've just dicovered all the Enterprise eps on Youtube!!!!...I just watched 'The Observer effect'..poor Trip!!!!!!!

            my fan fiction place


              Originally posted by bebop View Post
              I've just dicovered all the Enterprise eps on Youtube!!!!...I just watched 'The Observer effect'..poor Trip!!!!!!!
              Really???? Okay so which ones do I need to watch for good whump?


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Really???? Okay so which ones do I need to watch for good whump?
                Personally I would go for Desert Crossing, then Dawn, then Observer Effect, then Similitudes..thats if you fancy the Trip whump, which was my thang!!..

                my fan fiction place


                  Okay, Sheppy ya want emotional whump or physical whump for Trip?

                  BTW.....that Daniel Craig whump.....didn't happen. I had rented a war thing he did and so far, no whump.



                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    Okay, Sheppy ya want emotional whump or physical whump for Trip?

                    BTW.....that Daniel Craig whump.....didn't happen. I had rented a war thing he did and so far, no whump.

                    Oh I am a physical kind of girl ! hehehe!!!


                      *cracks knuckles*

                      All rightee then! Right off the top of my head, I'll give you a few. S-1....."Strange New World" and "Desert Crossing" (this one's a MUST......I watched it so many times my VHS tape died). You may or may not want to check out "Unexpected"'s "different"!!! Oh....and "Vox Sola".


                      S-3......"Similitude" is a DEFINITE.

                      S-4......"Observer Effect". "Demon" and the follow up episode. I can't tell you to watch the finale or not.....your call.....but there's some absolute Trip whump in there.

                      Enjoy with catfish and pecan pie! (if you're a Trip fan you will get the reference)



                        Originally posted by McKayRocks! View Post
                        Oh and thanks for the caps Squonk - had to go watch Out of Gas didn't I - my god that is just fantastic whump!!! The infirmary scene at the end is just the best - that is how an infirmary scene should be! Hey SGA PTB please watch the Firefly episode 'Out of Gas' and give us an infirmary scene like that with Rodney and Shep - PLEASE!!

                        Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                        Definately watch that before even thinking of watching anything else!!

                        *iz not obsessed*
                        OMG! How could I have missed the Firefly discussion! That is my original and dearest fan obsession And boy do they know how to do whump.....actually, I do believe it was Mal who made me a whumper. Nathan Fillion plays hurt so very endearlingly.

                        Out of Gas is magnificent in every way possible.....and I soo wish SGA would give us infirmary scenes like that! That's one thing Firefly did which SGA tends to ignore....give the viewer closure to episodes. Infirmary scene in Out of Gas, talking to Inara at the end of Shindig, etc. Characters get whumped, but they also get taken care of and cared for.


                          Originally posted by bebop View Post
                          Personally I would go for Desert Crossing, then Dawn, then Observer Effect, then Similitudes..thats if you fancy the Trip whump, which was my thang!!..
                          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                          *cracks knuckles*

                          All rightee then! Right off the top of my head, I'll give you a few. S-1....."Strange New World" and "Desert Crossing" (this one's a MUST......I watched it so many times my VHS tape died). You may or may not want to check out "Unexpected"'s "different"!!! Oh....and "Vox Sola".


                          S-3......"Similitude" is a DEFINITE.

                          S-4......"Observer Effect". "Demon" and the follow up episode. I can't tell you to watch the finale or not.....your call.....but there's some absolute Trip whump in there.

                          Enjoy with catfish and pecan pie! (if you're a Trip fan you will get the reference)


                          Blimey - I am going to be a bit busy then !!!


                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            Blimey - I am going to be a bit busy then !!!
                   is so INCREDIBLY hard for a whumptart isn't it..

                            I couldn't find Strange New World or Demons on You tube, but the rest are there. A kind person has posted them in 4 parts each.

                            my fan fiction place


                              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                              Oh man......Trip Whump! S-3's "Similitude" was great. *sniff* Hubby's favorite ep is "The Forgotten" though. That was really emotional.
                              remember Archer wanted Trip to write that letter about the crewman who died and Trip couldn't quite get it right. He had all those problems and finally at the end he breaks down and cries to T'Pol about "his baby sister" being killed. Hubby can hardly sit still but he sat and watched that whole episode. We were in bed later that night and out of the clear blue he said, "WOW. Connor should get an Emmy for that episode."

                              Oh Lord....that last episode.....puh-leeze.
                              I have a "Not Dead" t-shirt and I wore it to the Con where I met Connor. Paul McGillion saw it and said, "By the way.....I LOVE your shirt." I can't believe I had the nerve to wear that thing.....It has the slogan "Too Sexy.....Not Dead" and a picture of Trip from "Desert Crossing". Connor just shook his head and smiled.

                              S-4 "Observer Effect"........check that one out!!! Whoa!

                              Yep......I may have to go and watch some Trip whump now.

                              OMG - "The Forgotten"! How could i........... forget!! Bless his heart.

                              And so glad you wore that t-shirt!! spoilers for TATV (last ep of Enterprise) and SGA Sunday
                              Apart from being blown up by a tumour i thought this was the lamest sci-fi death ever!!

                              Yes, i've no doubt Trip would die for the ship but this was done so badly. Completely OOC!! He didn't even consider any other possibilities and he seemed panicked (which he never was!) and it was just........... ugh!

                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              I've just dicovered all the Enterprise eps on Youtube!!!!...I just watched 'The Observer effect'..poor Trip!!!!!!!
                              Oh i loved that ep!!

                              Originally posted by bebop View Post
                              Personally I would go for Desert Crossing, then Dawn, then Observer Effect, then Similitudes..thats if you fancy the Trip whump, which was my thang!!..
                              Ditto - also Shuttlepod One from S1. Good bit of team bonding there too.
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                                OMG - "The Forgotten"! How could i........... forget!! Bless his heart.

                                And so glad you wore that t-shirt!! spoilers for TATV (last ep of Enterprise) and SGA Sunday
                                Apart from being blown up by a tumour i thought this was the lamest sci-fi death ever!!

                                Yes, i've no doubt Trip would die for the ship but this was done so badly. Completely OOC!! He didn't even consider any other possibilities and he seemed panicked (which he never was!) and it was just........... ugh!

                                Oh i loved that ep!!

                                Ditto - also Shuttlepod One from S1. Good bit of team bonding there too.
                                I won't even talk about the finale of Enterprise. Oh no, I won't even discuss it. ((((((Trip)))))))

                                *Doesn't know what BB & RB were thinking of when they wrote that one!*

