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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post

    To: Kevin
    From: Sal

    How about noon tomorrow then?

    To: Sal
    From: Kevin

    Sounds good. I'll come to the lounge. xoxo


      Iffy's Place........

      Dumpling: But he wouldn't see me. I think Pluffy is working against me too.

      Sweet Pea: Keep trying to find a job, you stop and you are...
      Dumpling: I am trying. I like it here. The food, IffyD, the food.
      Sweet Pea: I suggest you start showing how much you like the clan.


        Palm Springs........

        Iffy: I made us popcorn. *snuggles up t MJack*
        MJack: Good DVD is already to go. Picked out Jumpers. *puts arm around Iffy and eats some popcorn*


          Maui Alpha Base.....

          *Gift Basket and note beamed to the control room*

          Note from General O'Neill:

          Could this be passed onto Kali Quinn-O'Neill please.

          Gift Basket:

          To Kali,

          Congratulations on receiving your masters degree and your appoint at Maui Alpha Base. We're all very proud of you here at Atlantis.

          From: Your family and the Clan at Atlantis.


            Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post
            Maui Alpha Base.....

            *Gift Basket and note beamed to the control room*

            Note from General O'Neill:

            Could this be passed onto Kali Quinn-O'Neill please.

            Gift Basket:

            To Kali,

            Congratulations on receiving your masters degree and your appoint at Maui Alpha Base. We're all very proud of you here at Atlantis.

            From: Your family and the Clan at Atlantis.
            Danny: *sees note and basket, sends reply, beams gift to Kali's lair*


              Addy's Kauai Villa...

              Addy: *straightens Pluffy's collar* You're doing a wonderful job with ECam. I think Val is ready to adopt you. *giggles*
              Pluffy: Thanks. *kisses* And thanks for dinner. *smiles* I'm off to work. *kisses again, steps back, beams to Maui Alpha Base*


                Maui Alpha Base.. ECam's office.....

                Dumpling: He has to see me today. Yes he does, he is not that mean. He will see me today.....


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Addy's Kauai Villa...

                  Addy: *straightens Pluffy's collar* You're doing a wonderful job with ECam. I think Val is ready to adopt you. *giggles*
                  Pluffy: Thanks. *kisses* And thanks for dinner. *smiles* I'm off to work. *kisses again, steps back, beams to Maui Alpha Base*
                  Oh that is right you and Pluffy had your dinner.


                    Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                    Maui Alpha Base.. ECam's office.....

                    Dumpling: He has to see me today. Yes he does, he is not that mean. He will see me today.....
                    Boot Camp...

                    *song Candy Man plays*

                    ECam: *holds up BlackBerry to Marines* It's mine. I call it my Dumpling proximity alarm. *sends message to Pluffy*


                    To: Pluffy
                    From: ECam

                    Tell Dumpling to thoroughly clean the floor in my office and to have a high shine on all the wood by noon.


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      Boot Camp...

                      *song Candy Man plays*

                      ECam: *holds up BlackBerry to Marines* It's mine. I call it my Dumpling proximity alarm. *sends message to Pluffy*


                      To: Pluffy
                      From: ECam

                      Tell Dumpling to thoroughly clean the floor in my office and to have a high shine on all the wood by noon.
                      Maui Aplpha base... ECam's office

                      Pluffy: Whatever floats his boat. Dumpling, ECam say to shine his office floors, before noon.
                      Dumpling: Oh... I guess I can do that.
                      Pluffy: Either you can or you can't. *phone rings* Hello, this is Pluffy. Hello Val, how are you this morning?


                        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                        Maui Aplpha base... ECam's office

                        Pluffy: Whatever floats his boat. Dumpling, ECam say to shine his office floors, before noon.
                        Dumpling: Oh... I guess I can do that.
                        Pluffy: Either you can or you can't. *phone rings* Hello, this is Pluffy. Hello Val, how are you this morning?
                        ECVala: (on phone) I'm pregnant! *pause* Sorry...mood swings...getting the girls to preschool...have my evil man bring some milk home, please. Thanks! *hangs up*


                          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                          ECVala: (on phone) I'm pregnant! *pause* Sorry...mood swings...getting the girls to preschool...have my evil man bring some milk home, please. Thanks! *hangs up*
                          Pluffy: Poor woman. *calls Selmac* Hey, It is Pluffy. Do you know anyone who does grocery deliver?



                            Mitchie: I am taking IffyAv to Bozeman. IffyD will be home sometime this morning. Iffs is with MJack. I'm thinking he can beam her here if he needs to get rid of her. That is about it.

                            Sweet Pea: Sounds good to me.


                              Lilith and Ginger beam in

                              Lilith: I like him even less now. I can not...oh yes I can he is a social idiot.

                              Ginger: Yes he is. He about got himself unadopted, Sweet Pea is very unhappy with dough boy.


                                Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                                Lilith and Ginger beam in

                                Lilith: I like him even less now. I can not...oh yes I can he is a social idiot.
                                Ginger: Yes he is. He about got himself unadopted, Sweet Pea is very unhappy with dough boy.

                                Sheppy: *beams in* Good morning, lovely ladies. *kisses each, gets coffee*

                                Amaretti's Lair...

                                Amaretti: *carries IffyD to the shower* We need you squeaky clean before I send you home. *kisses*
                                IffyD: *giggles*

