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    To: Steven
    From: Iffy

    Are you free on Tuesday? oxox


      Sally: *smiles at EDSam* I was planning on popping in a movie and ordering take away, you're welcome to come join me if you'd like.
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        Sally: *smiles at EDSam* I was planning on popping in a movie and ordering take away, you're welcome to come join me if you'd like.

        EDSam: Thanks, I would, but I'm on duty. We can have a girls day some time soon-ish?

        Sally: Okay. *hugs* Thanks again for the cocoa. *waves, beams out*


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post

          To: Steven
          From: Iffy

          Are you free on Tuesday? oxox

          To: Iffy
          From: Steven

          Yes, I am. Did you have something specific in mind? xx


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

            To: Iffy
            From: Steven

            Yes, I am. Did you have something specific in mind? xx

            To: Steven
            From: Iffy

            I was thinking we could have our Valentine's dinner. oxox


              Originally posted by Iffy View Post

              To: Steven
              From: Iffy

              I was thinking we could have our Valentine's dinner. oxox

              To: Iffy
              From: Steven

              That's a marvelous idea. I'll make the reservations. xx


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

                To: Iffy
                From: Steven

                That's a marvelous idea. I'll make the reservations. xx

                TO: Steven
                From: Iffy

                Yea! oxox


                  Originally posted by Iffy View Post

                  TO: Steven
                  From: Iffy

                  Yea! oxox

                  To: Iffy
                  From: Steven

                  I'll see you sometime in the late morning. xoxo



                    To: Col. ECam Mitchell
                    From: Gen. Caldwell, Atlantis

                    I received your message, the Gods of War Jumper Team will be beaming to Maui Alpha Base at 23.00hrs AEST (05:00 Pacific time) on the 1st of March.
                    Good luck Colonel.


                      Originally posted by Caren Jackson View Post

                      To: Col. ECam Mitchell
                      From: Gen. Caldwell, Atlantis

                      I received your message, the Gods of War Jumper Team will be beaming to Maui Alpha Base at 23.00hrs AEST (05:00 Pacific time) on the 1st of March.
                      Good luck Colonel.

                      To: Gen. Caldwell, Atlantis
                      From: Col. ECam Mitchell

                      Thank you, sir. I was about ready to send you their itinerary, but a systems glitch wiped out the entire security schedule memo for next week. I am starting it over from scratch and will send along the itinerary once I have finished with the schedule.

                      My session timed out and I forgot to hit copy before I hit submit and the new system ate my post, so I have to redo it.



                        To: Gate Security Task Force Personnel
                        From: Col. ECam Mitchell

                        Re: Security Duty Schedule March 1-7, 2010

                        On Scheduled Leave:
                        Bunny, Liz

                        All times listed are Pacific.

                        Monday, March 1

                        Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

                        Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Ginger

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team David
                        05:00 Welcome guest recruits and assign quarters (ECam)
                        06:00 Breakfast with guest recruits (Kyan)
                        07:00-10:30 Forest Survival Course - obtain fire, shelter, food and water (ECam, Kyan, EDSam)

                        11:00-17:00 Team Baker
                        11:00-14:00 Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray)
                        11:00 Lunch with guest recruits (Skye)
                        12:00-14:00 First Aid & CPR instruction (Skye)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray)
                        14:30-17:00 Swimming Qualifications - pool (Skye)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Edward
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (CamSyn)
                        18:30-23:00 Forest Survival Course - night time land navigation and weapons training (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)

                        Tuesday, March 2

                        Chatter Analysis: Mrs. RCWendy Mitchell

                        Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Jonas

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team David
                        05:00 Team Meeting
                        06:00 Breakfast with guest recruits (Kyan)
                        07:00-10:30 Desert Survival Course - obtain fire, shelter, food and water (ECam, Kyan, EDSam)

                        11:00-17:00 Team Edward
                        11:00 Lunch with guest recruits (CamSyn)
                        12:00-14:00 Desert Survival Course - daytime land navigation (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Swimming Qualifications - Swamp (Eli)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Charlie
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (RSamantha)
                        18:30-23:00 Random Course - Abduction and Escape (Fox, Powerhouse, RSamantha)

                        Wednesday, March 3:

                        Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                        Control Room: 07:00-16:00 RDAddy

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team Adam
                        05:00 Team Meeting
                        06:00 Breakfast with guest recruits (Barrett)
                        07:00-10:30 Interrogation Resistance - Water boarding and Gas chamber (Barrett, Giovanni, Remy)

                        11:00-17:00 Team Edward
                        11:00 Lunch with guest recruits (CamSyn)
                        12:00-14:00 Jungle Survival Course - obtain fire, shelter, food and water (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Swimming Qualifications - ocean (Reynolds, CamSyn, Eli)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Charlie
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (RSamantha)
                        18:30-23:00 Interrogation Resistance - Sleep Deprivation (Fox, Powerhouse, RSamantha)
                        Note: To be continued overnight by Marines.

                        Thursday, March 4

                        Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                        Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Evie

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team Adam (Barrett, Giovanni, Remy)
                        Assist Duty Officer with military recruits
                        Note: Barrett on call to assist guest recruits as needed.

                        11:00-17:00 Team Baker
                        11:00-14:00 Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray)
                        11:00 Brunch with guest recruits (Skye)
                        12:00-14:00 Survival Driver Training (Skye)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Random Survival Course - avoid capture or death (Dexie, Murray, Skye)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Charlie
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (RSamantha)
                        18:30-23:00 Random Survival Course - abduction and escape (Fox, Powerhouse, RSamantha)

                        Friday, March 5

                        Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                        Control Room: 07:00-16:00 Jonas

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team Adam
                        05:00 Team Meeting
                        06:00 Breakfast with guest recruits (Barrett)
                        07:00-10:30 Hand-to-Hand Combat (Giovanni, Remy)

                        11:00-17:00 Team Baker
                        11:00-14:00 Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray)
                        11:00 Lunch with guest recruits (Skye)
                        12:00-14:00 Martial Arts Training (Skye)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Simulated Survival Course - retake base from insurgents (Dexie, Murray, Skye)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Charlie
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30-23:00 Assist with military recruits (Fox, Powerhouse)
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (RSamantha)
                        18:30-23:00 Sea navigation by starlight (RSamantha)

                        Saturday, March 6

                        Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team Adam
                        05:00 Team Meeting
                        06:00 Breakfast with guest recruits (Barrett)
                        07:00-10:30 Random Survival Course - Abduction and Escape (Barrett, Giovanni, Remy)

                        11:00-17:00 Team Baker
                        11:00-14:00 Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray)
                        11:00 Lunch with guest recruits (Skye)
                        12:00-14:00 Martial Arts Training (Skye)
                        14:00 Team Meeting
                        14:30-17:00 Assist with military recruits (Murray, Skye)
                        14:30-17:00 Handmade Weapons Training (Dexie)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Charlie
                        17:00 Team Meeting
                        17:30 Dinner with guest recruits (RSamantha)
                        18:30-23:00 Assist with military recruits

                        Sunday, March 7

                        Chatter Analysis: Dr. M. Rod McKay

                        Control Room: Walter

                        Boot Camp:
                        05:00-11:00 Team Adam
                        05:00-08:30 Assist with military recruits (Barrett, Giovanni, Remy)
                        08:30 Team Meeting
                        09:00-11:00 Catered Farewell Brunch for guest recruits (Barrett, Giovanni, Remy)
                        11:00 Boot Camp Officially Ends

                        11:00-17:00 Team Baker
                        Assist with military recruits (Dexie, Murray, Skye)

                        17:00-23:00 Team Edward (BSamantha, CamSyn, Eli)
                        Assist with military recruits



                          To: Reserves Squadron
                          From: Gen. C. Mitchell

                          Report to Cols. CamSyn Mitchell and EDSam Carter at Beta House on Thursday, March 4, 2010 from 08:00-12:00 for team training exercises.



                            To: Alpha Squadron
                            From: Col. Johnny Crichton

                            You are invited to my beach house next Friday, March 5, for a day of fun in the sun. Dates are welcome. Coordinates are attached. Arrive any time after 09:00PT.


                              Johnny's beach house...North Carolina...

                              Johnny: *sends one more message, jumps into pool for lap swim*


                              To: Pixie
                              From: Johnny

                              I'm having Alpha Squadron to my beach house next Friday. Would you like to come over? We'll be having nothing but fun. No shop talk allowed. xoxo



                                To: Bunny
                                From: RMJack

                                We're having a squadron party next Friday, all day at Johnny's beach house. Would you like to be my date? xx

