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Admiral's Multi-Thunker Lounge

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    *puts on shirt to get lunch* I can't believe the girls let me down!
    Alpha: Maybe they're only good luck for you. *winks, follows her to kitchen*

    Imp: *beams in from the D-II* Hello, everybody! What's for lunch?
    *smacks his arm, then hugs* Don't know yet. I might send you out for pizzas! *giggles*


      Fruitie: *goes into the kitchen, looks around* Oh goodie, stuff to make sandwiches. *pulls out bread, turkey breast and mayo*
      Sig made by me


        L!Vala: Did someone say food?! *perks* Ooh sounds wonderful! *heads to the kitchen* I'll have a sandwhich, but if anybody get pizza let me know!
        Isa: Definitely, I'm getting rather peckish too.
        banner by Stef


          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          L!Vala: Did someone say food?! *perks* Ooh sounds wonderful! *heads to the kitchen* I'll have a sandwhich, but if anybody get pizza let me know!
          Isa: Definitely, I'm getting rather peckish too.
          Fruitie: *makes sandwich for L!Vala* Here you go, gorgeous!
          Sig made by me


            *finds chips, crackers and peanut butter* I'm just gonna snack. Anyone want chips? There's two kinds here.
            Alpha: We'll be back in a bit. *takes Evie's hand, beams out*
            Imp: Was it something I said? *snickers*


              *digs through pantry* Already had dinner. Could do with dessert...Hey where would the strawberries be? Fridge?
              Awesome sig by Laura
              "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

              The randomess that is me
              Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                SourThang: Nibbles, hon. As much as I'd love to stay here with you, I really have to go get ready for my shift later today. I'll see you tomorrow morning. *kisses*

                Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                My Clones!

                My PhotoBucket
                Snurch if you want!


                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  L!Vala: Did someone say food?! *perks* Ooh sounds wonderful! *heads to the kitchen* I'll have a sandwhich, but if anybody get pizza let me know!
                  Isa: Definitely, I'm getting rather peckish too.

                  EDSam: Hmm...maybe this new font color isn't the right choice for me. I didn't know it was taken.

                  ECam: I wouldn't worry about it. *puts on shirt* Later, lounge! *beams out*


                    Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
                    SourThang: Nibbles, hon. As much as I'd love to stay here with you, I really have to go get ready for my shift later today. I'll see you tomorrow morning. *kisses*
                    Nibbles: Bye Sour *kisses* I'll see you tomorrow. 10am your time. *grins* Have a safe flight
                    Awesome sig by Laura
                    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                    The randomess that is me
                    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                      EDSam: Hmm...maybe this new font color isn't the right choice for me. I didn't know if was taken.

                      ECam: I wouldn't worry about it. *puts on shirt* Later, lounge! *beams out*
                      Fruitie: I think you should keep it. It's a great color on you. *smiles* Bye, ECam.
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        *digs through pantry* Already had dinner. Could do with dessert...Hey where would the strawberries be? Fridge?
                        Yeah. Fridge. Hey, EDSam... how about a darker orange?


                          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                          Nibbles: Bye Sour *kisses* I'll see you tomorrow. 10am your time. *grins* Have a safe flight

                          SourThang: *gives him one last kiss* Till tomorrow then. *waves to the Lounge* Bye everyone! *beams out*

                          Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                          My Clones!

                          My PhotoBucket
                          Snurch if you want!


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                            EDSam: Hmm...maybe this new font color isn't the right choice for me. I didn't know it was taken.

                            ECam: I wouldn't worry about it. *puts on shirt* Later, lounge! *beams out*
                            I think that colour looks great on you! For you...However it's worded.

                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            Yeah. Fridge. Hey, EDSam... how about a darker orange?
                            *opens fridge* Oooh and whipped cream and chocolate sauce too. *grabs items, bumbs door closed* Anyone else want some?
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              *opens fridge* Oooh and whipped cream and chocolate sauce too. *grabs items, bumbs door closed* Anyone else want some?
                              Cub: You gonna let me feed you? *winks*


                                EDaniel: If you would just let me pick your color, you wouldn't have to second guess yourself.
                                EDSam: How about this one?

