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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    Clones are doing well. Scruffy is seeing Pirates 3 with Anna, Darling took Maeve on a birthday weekend to Europe and the rest of my guys are all here with me. I also have Anna's Brendan and Kirk clone here!

    How are your clones?

    (I will go check out that thread)
    i hope you still have my n-class clones too!!!!


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Clones are doing well. Scruffy is seeing Pirates 3 with Anna, Darling took Maeve on a birthday weekend to Europe and the rest of my guys are all here with me. I also have Anna's Brendan and Kirk clone here!

      How are your clones?

      (I will go check out that thread)
      Mine are good thanks
      I went to see Pirates 3 today too. I enjoyed it, let me know what Scruffy thinks!

      And thanks for checking out the thread


        Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
        i hope you still have my n-class clones too!!!!
        Ahhh yes the Nclones. Don't worry they are here and playing Euchre with the Cakes right now...

        NCam: Why did you think you could go alone on that hand Cupcake?
        Cupcake: Hey, Man, I thought that you had the other Jack. How was I supposed to know that Beefcake had it.
        NCam: *Puts head in hands*
        Sig made by me


          The Nclones are doing WHAT with WHOM? Am I sure I want to know, probably not.
          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
            The Nclones are doing WHAT with WHOM? Am I sure I want to know, probably not.

            HEHEHE, Anna started calling Cupcake and Beefcake The Cakes to refer to both of them at once. I really like it so I think it will stick when I need to acknowledge them both at the same time Feel free to use the nickname for them if you need them for anything...LOL
            Sig made by me


              The Cakes. I like that. But what game are they playing? I don't think I've ever heard of it.
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                Mine are good thanks
                I went to see Pirates 3 today too. I enjoyed it, let me know what Scruffy thinks!

                And thanks for checking out the thread

                scruffy: avast me hearties!
                yes firefly that film is excellent.
                *wanders off humming yo ho ho...*


                  Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                  The Cakes. I like that. But what game are they playing? I don't think I've ever heard of it.
                  It is pronounced (U ker) Here is a link to the rules It is my favorite card game and I taught all my clones because it is so fun to play in tournament style!!!
                  Sig made by me


                    I'm glad to find someone else who thought POTC3 was a good film.

                    Darling: Maeve, what you doing?
                    I'm chating with Wendy.
                    Hi Wendy. How is you'e weekend going?
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy


                      Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                      scruffy: avast me hearties!
                      yes firefly that film is excellent.
                      *wanders off humming yo ho ho...*
                      Hi Scruffy, glad you enjoyed it

                      Hey mayo!


                        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                        I'm glad to find someone else who thought POTC3 was a good film.

                        Darling: Maeve, what you doing?
                        I'm chating with Wendy.
                        Hi Wendy. How is you'e weekend going?
                        i love it
                        laughing out loud funny.
                        hello darling

                        Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                        Hi Scruffy, glad you enjoyed it

                        Hey mayo!
                        hello padawan.


                          Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                          I'm glad to find someone else who thought POTC3 was a good film.

                          Darling: Maeve, what you doing?
                          I'm chating with Wendy.
                          Hi Wendy. How is you'e weekend going?
                          Hi Honey!!! I hope that you and Maeve are having a good time at the castle So far the weekend is going great. My friend Steph is in town so we went shopping and I bought a pair of capris. Other then that, it has been relaxing.

                          I might have to make plans to see Pirates this weekend if everyone liked it
                          Sig made by me


                            We won't say that POTC3 was good, but we will concede that it was fun and made us laugh.



                              I have too many threads already and no idea what I would do with a JM thread. Sorry!


                                Originally posted by mayogaelz View Post
                                i love it
                                laughing out loud funny.
                                hello darling

                                hello padawan.
                                How's life in Ireland right now?
                                I'm still excited about the P3 tickets...*dances*

