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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by astrogeologist
    I wasn't ready for Stargate SG-1 to end, and I will forever be disappointed that TPTB were tired of it. I wasn't.
    *insert audible gasp here*


    Great post.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Wow Astro Amazing Post
      It certainly deserves to be posted on some other threads

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by astrogeologist
        So, here are some of my thoughts (laments and rants) on Season 9...

        It appears as if some (many) of the folks in control of the series... were tired of it. They appear to have felt 'played out'. And I'm not restricting this to just the writers... it could also apply to the actors, directors, producers, etc. Many of them have given me the feeling that they were tired of 'the same old, same old'.

        They desperately wanted to do something different. Something new - and therefore, the assumption is, exciting and stimulating.

        Perhaps some of the fans agreed with the feeling that Stargate had 'played itself out'...

        I wasn't there yet, however.

        I didn't think that they'd pursued all of the cool scifi plots... .nor finished all of the wonderful character development possible for the 4 original main characters. The characters were not worn or tired or overdone - yet.

        With the departure of RDA, the future looked uncertain - and yet temptingly full of potential for the other three main characters - who could have the potential to grow and develop into RDA's large space. A new character or two would be introduced to the team, bringing in a fresh new initiate and someone for the original three to mentor.

        I was actually excited at the prospect of Season 9! Record for the longest running scifi show or not, that wasn't the issue for me... Season 9 held such great potential and promise.

        One of the places that was fun to visit was the Sam's A Great Character Thread - brimming with such great hopes and great ideas for what Season 9 could bring for both Stargate SG-1 and for the character of Sam Carter. All of the wonderful, imaginative and heroic ideas for the story of why Carter would be missing for the first 5 episodes due to AT's pregnancy leave. All of the hope and ideas and potential for the new characters coming into the show and how they would work within the SG-1 framework and how they would interrelate with the original three members of SG-1.


        And then Season 9 spoilers began coming out.
        And it didn't look promising for the character of Sam Carter... or for the growth and development of Stargate SG-1. No... it appeared that the show was (apparently inexplicably) 'taking a whole new direction'!

        But many of the wonderful folks on the SaGC Thread kept a positive outlook. Trusting that the spoilers would not be true to their word or spirit.

        Many folks posting on the SaGC continued to hope for an integration of the new characters with a 'maintaining of respect' for the established characters and the previous 8 seasons of the show.

        As Season 9 progressed, and the actual 'new direction' of the show was revealed, hopes were dashed.

        I was angry and disappointed with the show. Disgusted with the lost and missed opportunities. Disgusted with the show's new direction... the New Male Lead, the reduction of Carter to slightly animated wallpaper, and the 'entire retooling' of a show that I didn't think needed that extent of reworking.

        For awhile, I stopped visiting the thread and I stopped watching the show (not even my DVD's). I felt too betrayed by those in control of the show.

        I still haven't gone back to watching the show. Not reruns or DVD's. Instead, I came back to the thread and peeked in. Taking the temperature of the folks in Samanda.

        I was grateful to see that there were so many folks who were (and are) disgusted and angry at the show's 'new direction' and the message that it sends about women in leadership positions.

        It is very telling to me that
        -- the SaGC, aka the Kingdom of Samanda, Land of Hic Comitas Regis, a thread where folks tried oh-so-very-hard to stay positive, where folks try so very hard to respect different opposing views and opinions
        -- had strong posts that reflected the disappointment and disgust felt by the members

        In other words -- what they have done to the show was so drastic (and bad) that it creates such negativity amongst such an otherwise generally positive bunch of folks.

        I've said it before, but I want to reiterate it: The negativity, and feelings of betrayal, are appropriate at this point. It's honest and real.

        I wouldn't have come back to posting on the thread if folks were blindly accepting whatever TPTB were dishing up as if it were all caviar. Sometimes, folks have to step back, sadly, and 'call it what it is'.

        They drastically changed the show.
        They apparently felt it was needed.
        They wanted to do it.
        They were tired of the 'old show'.
        They wanted to do something new.
        So they are.

        I am very disappointed. I *so* wanted to see Carter in command... Carter as portrayed as the seasoned veteran, who can now mentor and lead. I wanted to explore new team dynamics with a newbie coming on board as Carter's subordinate. I wanted a team-based show and dynamic; without any of them as 'The Lead'.

        And that's another thing that I've repeatedly noticed about many of the folks that post on the SaGC Thread - many of them like and enjoy the team... the team-based scenes, etc. Many Samandans were not looking for, or expecting, Stargate SG-Sam! They weren't expecting Carter to take over RDA's role as 'The Main Lead', they weren't expecting episode after episode to revolve around Carter. They were expecting the episodes to revolve around The Team.

        So many folks in Samanda have tried so admirably to 'see the good side' of the other characters. To 'see the positive side' of other fans and their viewpoints. So many Samandans are expansive and willing to live in a world where other fan-favorites get to shine.

        Good examples of this are when Samandans are able to take an episode that basically focussed on a character besides Sam (and perhaps even put her down), and yet many Samandans are able to see the positive aspects of the scenes that Carter was in. Hathor is an example of such an episode for me. I didn't like it when I first saw it, but the folks at the SaGC thread persuaded me to appreciate what was there.

        And, therefore, it is all the more telling when such a group of wonderfully positive folks (with a Hic Comitas Regis motto) can be left without much positive material to discuss for the latest season or the upcoming one.

        TPTB really did a number on everyone with Season 9, didn't they?!
        It's as if they decided - hey, this went on so much longer than we ever expected!... And it's undoubtedly going to end real soon... so let's take this last chance, last gasp, and just throw all of the rules out... Let's just do whatever we want.... Sort of 'Balls To The Walls' in terms of wacky plotlines and stories... Got an idea in the writer's thinkgroup? Well, no idea is too stupid now... no idea doesn't fit - let's just have fun, do it and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe the fans will like it and we'll go out of control in our popularity and ratings. Who knows ?(They apparently don't know how they were successful in the previous seasons - they seem astounded by it, like it was all a year-by-year fluke)

        The controlling motto now seems to be... Just Have Fun! (for the writers and directors and such).
        The show is a now just a goof-fest.

        And perhaps that is OK for Saturday morning cartoons.
        And perhaps that's who they think their audience is.

        --And at the same time that they seem to be throwing out all of the old rules, there seems to be some sort of simultaneous desperation by someone(s) with a lot of power - desperation to keep the show going by reinventing it with a New Male Lead, by following the formula that RDA was the show's male lead and one of thier indispensable keys to success... and therefore, the show surely couldn't survive without that same formula... so get a New Male Lead in there and center the show around him. Don't let the show mature and grow, don't let the other three original main members of SG-1 grow and develop, don't let the show grow beyond 'The Male Lead' formula. It smacks of desperation to save the show at the same time that they are apparently writing scripts as if they don't think it's anything besides inane dreck that might amuse someone occassionally.

        I wasn't ready for Stargate SG-1 to end, and I will forever be disappointed that TPTB were tired of it. I wasn't.
        Well, ya did it! Finally pulled me off my Royal Hen's roost in Samanda and got me over here. This is such a heartfelt and intelligent post! I'm proud of you for planting your feet once again and telling it like it is.

        Many of us kept hoping and waiting ... yes, let's give the new season a chance (S9) and, also the new characters. What we saw was not what we were expecting (as you've described so well).

        The "don't know what to do with Sam" mentality started to present itself on the screen fairly quickly. Her arc was "wrapped up" and thrown in Jack's pond at the end of S8.

        Samandans had some innovative and cohesive ideas about how Sam would return in S9. As you say, Astro, our hopes were dashed for who was once a strong role model for women and women rising through the ranks and women leading. This was not just a disservice to the character of Sam Carter, it was disrespectful to the actress herself who worked damn hard for eight seasons to project a strong female presence onto the screen. And, finally, it was a disservice to women in general.

        The wrong message was once again on the screen. "We need a younger male for the job." "Women are expendable." Or, worse yet, "Women are just there for T&A entertainment."

        I know many of us were heartsick over the new direction and I know, Astro, that you felt it deeply. I'm glad you've returned to the fold (Samanda) to continue to express your feelings and insights. A certain Samandan Sisterhood has formed around the character of Sam Carter - witty, wise, spunky and mature women who know only too well when they're being used or being handed a bunch of bull.

        We'll always have that.
        Last edited by ChopinGal; 04 June 2006, 09:49 AM.


          Amazing post Astro

          I have just one thing to say. I stopped with Stargate and Sam altogether when I first started hearing the spoilers. I'm ashamed to admit I didn't want to see Stargate or Sam anymore but I was so... shocked by the whole change that I just couldn't deal with it.
          I recently 'joined' the SaGC thread and I must say I'm glad I did. I'm just sorry it had to come that far that I left altogether.
          I watched Urgo 2 days ago and it was the first SG1 episode I saw in 3 months! I think I can safely say I'm back again but for how long?

          Anyway, not interesant! Again, beauty post Astro!!!


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            So, here are some of my thoughts (laments and rants) on Season 9...

            It appears as if some (many) of the folks in control of the series... were tired of it. They appear to have felt 'played out'. And I'm not restricting this to just the writers... it could also apply to the actors, directors, producers, etc. Many of them have given me the feeling that they were tired of 'the same old, same old'.

            They desperately wanted to do something different. Something new - and therefore, the assumption is, exciting and stimulating.

            Perhaps some of the fans agreed with the feeling that Stargate had 'played itself out'...

            I wasn't there yet, however....
            As Season 9 progressed, and the actual 'new direction' of the show was revealed, hopes were dashed....

            TPTB really did a number on everyone with Season 9, didn't they?!
            It's as if they decided - hey, this went on so much longer than we ever expected!... And it's undoubtedly going to end real soon... so let's take this last chance, last gasp, and just throw all of the rules out... Let's just do whatever we want.... Sort of 'Balls To The Walls' in terms of wacky plotlines and stories... Got an idea in the writer's thinkgroup? Well, no idea is too stupid now... no idea doesn't fit - let's just have fun, do it and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe the fans will like it and we'll go out of control in our popularity and ratings. Who knows ?(They apparently don't know how they were successful in the previous seasons - they seem astounded by it, like it was all a year-by-year fluke)
            Excellent post, AstroG. Good to see you here as well as still plugging away in Samanda. I've heavily snipped the post above, but wanted to comment on the highlighted portion--(chose sickly green for a reason ) I think you've hit it exactly. It's like there's no one there to say--great idea (debatable) but not for *this show.* It's like a bunch of kids with no supervision getting into mischief.


              Originally posted by jckfan55
              Excellent post, AstroG. Good to see you here as well as still plugging away in Samanda. I've heavily snipped the post above, but wanted to comment on the highlighted portion--(chose sickly green for a reason ) I think you've hit it exactly. It's like there's no one there to say--great idea (debatable) but not for *this show.* It's like a bunch of kids with no supervision getting into mischief.
              Is it only me, or, did the whole bunch of PTB act like a bunch of teenagers having a houseparty while the 'rents are vactioning on another continent during season 9?

              Or was it more like a bunch of teenaged hackers - who can't quite figure out why no one adores their arrogant, destructive, adolescent behavior outside the rarified atmosphere of their own carefully chosen subculture?

              If you do not immediately love the "new" show then there's no point in your existence, seems to be their Oma-ism of choice. I still wonder what the advertisers who are expected to buy air time to sell their wares on the show think of that attitude on the part of TPTB.
              ...a very cranky blog:


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                does the glowsquick have to contain a glow stick

                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                or would it be called a Glowsquickie

                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                Bending your light stick alight is not the same as enlightenment.

                Originally posted by Skydiver
                is that a light stick in your pocket...or are you just glad to see me????
                Hee, hee.

                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                And, if McKay were Ascended, the answer would be "If it weren't a light stick I wouldn't be able to see you!"

                If Jack were answering: "The Squids have pockets?????????"

                (I just want to know if those were Ascended Ancients at/as Farpoint Station in ST:TNG. And, if so, can Daniel save the galaxy by homage, turning himself into some huge, honkin' metamorphic, Anti-Orii, Ascended space gun, and metaphoric apple metaphor distributor, the next time he needs to Ascend and Descend? Like, say, November Sweeps?)
                Eeek! Don't give them any ideas.


                  Originally posted by astrogeologist
                  So, here are some of my thoughts (laments and rants) on Season 9...

                  It appears as if some (many) of the folks in control of the series... were tired of it. They appear to have felt 'played out'. And I'm not restricting this to just the writers... it could also apply to the actors, directors, producers, etc. Many of them have given me the feeling that they were tired of 'the same old, same old'.

                  snipped just for space

                  I wasn't ready for Stargate SG-1 to end, and I will forever be disappointed that TPTB were tired of it. I wasn't.
                  Great post Astro. After seeing what BW said in EW he, and I have to think cooper and others based on what they have also said, think the show is a comedy and they are now writing it that way - unfortunately they are writing pre-pubescent, immature, typical, less-than-mediocre, sci-fi drivel with cliches and caricatures front and center that has become a sci-fi show to mock, like so many before it.

                  I am monumentally disappointed in brad wright as I thought, after hearing he might be more involved in S10, that he would bring back some of the old glory, the well-written, intelligent, unique sci-fi drama that garnered respect - alas in addition to all of the other disappointments this one with bw is just another in a long, long line of disappointments since S8 ended. Very, very disappointing indeed.


                    Originally posted by binkpmmc
                    Great post Astro. After seeing what BW said in EW he, and I have to think cooper and others based on what they have also said, think the show is a comedy and they are now writing it that way - unfortunately they are writing pre-pubescent, immature, typical, less-than-mediocre, sci-fi drivel with cliches and caricatures front and center that has become a sci-fi show to mock, like so many before it.

                    I am monumentally disappointed in brad wright as I thought, after hearing he might be more involved in S10, that he would bring back some of the old glory, the well-written, intelligent, unique sci-fi drama that garnered respect - alas in addition to all of the other disappointments this one with bw is just another in a long, long line of disappointments since S8 ended. Very, very disappointing indeed.

                    I can't remember if I've said this here. Mighta been on the Anti pages.

                    The biggest thing behind the scenes that has changed is Gekko leaving. Greenberg at the end of S7 and RDA at the end of S8. It looks like Gekko was their quality control. And then since RDA - aka The One wWith Clout - was gone I really think TPTB at Sony and SciFi tampered with the show. And the B@B went all frat boy and created The Hewo and the Harlot*

                    Too bad RDA isn't an EP anymore.

                    * Thanks to Sky for this moniker. Also changed wh&$e to what Sky used. As I figured I'd get dinged for language. <g> Although Claudian apparently sent a note during filming TPTB about her concerns that Vala would be seen as a wh&^%lette. Smart woman. But the cut the scene that said she didn't actually have sex with The Sicilian from The Princess Bride.
                    Last edited by suse; 04 June 2006, 07:58 PM.
                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by suse
                      I can't remember if I've said this here. Mighta been on the Anti pages.

                      The biggest thing behind the scenes that has changed is Gekko leaving. Greenberg at the end of S7 and RDA at the end of S8. It looks like Gekko was their quality control. And then since RDA - aka The One wWith Clout - was gone I really think TPTB at Sony and SciFi tampered with the show. And the B@B went all frat boy and created The Hewo and the Harlot.

                      Too bad RDA isn't an EP anymore.

                      Oh so true Suse, he is very much missed and not just for his Jack character.
                      Last edited by Mandysg1; 04 June 2006, 08:52 PM.

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by suse
                        I can't remember if I've said this here. Mighta been on the Anti pages.

                        The biggest thing behind the scenes that has changed is Gekko leaving. Greenberg at the end of S7 and RDA at the end of S8. It looks like Gekko was their quality control. And then since RDA - aka The One wWith Clout - was gone I really think TPTB at Sony and SciFi tampered with the show. And the B@B went all frat boy and created The Hewo and the Harlot*

                        Too bad RDA isn't an EP anymore.
                        I agree whole-heartedly. I think the series could have survived without Jack, but I don't think it can without RDA.


                          i agree. i think we've all underestimated how much of an effect on the show RDA has had.

                          i think he had a great leveling effect. toned down the silliness. kept the sex jokes under control. kept - what i see - as a level of dignity and respect in it
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?




                            One of the things I've always admired about RDA is that he really seems to have a sense of loyalty. He really looks out for his friends. Hence all the people he brought into Stargate from his MacGyver days. So I think that not only did he run interference between the show and the suits, but that he also watched out for AT, MS and CJ. Fortunately, once Stargate is over, and I don't think it will be much longer sadly, if RDA follows his track record, AT, MS and CJ will be just fine. If he can find a way to help them further their career, I think he will.


                              Originally posted by KatG

                              One of the things I've always admired about RDA is that he really seems to have a sense of loyalty. He really looks out for his friends. Hence all the people he brought into Stargate from his MacGyver days. So I think that not only did he run interference between the show and the suits, but that he also watched out for AT, MS and CJ. Fortunately, once Stargate is over, and I don't think it will be much longer sadly, if RDA follows his track record, AT, MS and CJ will be just fine. If he can find a way to help them further their career, I think he will.
                              I think that's very true, Kat. And he's been helping them continue to network even now, inviting them to various events with him, etc. It's all good PR for their careers, and he seems to be really cool about sticking his neck out.

                              I'll admit, I was never an RDA fan before SG-1. But I certainly am today.

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                i agree with both of you

                                one thing i recall hearing about rda was if actor a felt that it was best for his/her character to say one of jacks' lines, rda just said 'ok, fine'

                                he is a true leading man in that he is willing to let his supporting actors grow under him. he's their unbrella so to speak. he lets them ride his coat tails a bit, grow in thier own talent, expand thier base, mature into thier craft.

                                then they can stand on their own and he can back off.

                                i dont think any of us truly realized jsut how much of an impact he had on the overall taste of the show until he was gone and there is no one with the ability or will to rein things in and balance out 'fun' with 'absurd'
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


