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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Solitudes did not strike me as remotely romancy-relationshippy.

    I am an "anti-shipper" if it's romance. I really don't like it. But comradeship is just fine and dandy.

    Seeing Sam and Jack get together as a couple will really turn me off.


      me personally??? i dont mind ship IN the show. I'm just not fond of it AS the show

      i loved those little bits between sam and jack, those looks or glances - that i personally think came from the actors, not the scripts a good part of the time. i liked that things were projectable...folks could see what they wanted to see

      didn't care for when it became 'in your face' largely because - with all due respect - these writers don't do romance well. they get too hung up on the schtick and the joke and won't write how the characters are, they write how they'd like the characters to be...which is usually different.

      I would love to see some 'yes, we're togethre' resolution...but i do NOT want to see a 'wedding on the ramp' kind of ending. it'd just come off as waaaayyyy too cheesy and silly and i care for the characters too much to see them so maligned
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver
        me personally??? i dont mind ship IN the show. I'm just not fond of it AS the show
        i loved those little bits between sam and jack, those looks or glances - that i personally think came from the actors, not the scripts a good part of the time. i liked that things were projectable...folks could see what they wanted to see

        didn't care for when it became 'in your face' largely because - with all due respect - these writers don't do romance well. they get too hung up on the schtick and the joke and won't write how the characters are, they write how they'd like the characters to be...which is usually different.

        I would love to see some 'yes, we're togethre' resolution...but i do NOT want to see a 'wedding on the ramp' kind of ending. it'd just come off as waaaayyyy too cheesy and silly and i care for the characters too much to see them so maligned
        The quote I emphasized above pretty well sums it up. To me, that's the problem with the over the top shippers and their counterparts among the anti-shippers. (I don't consider people on this thread to be in either category, of course! ) The extreme shippers enjoy the show almost exclusively for the ship and the extreme anti-shippers see any interaction between Sam and Jack, even normal conversation, as overwhelming the show. There's no possible way to satisfy either group, unless they do away with Jack and Sam entirely.



          Originally posted by ChopinGal
          Exactly, Astro. I cringe when I start to read some fanfic that have Carter turning into some kind of emotional teenager with a crush on Jack. Or Jack, written out of character (IMHO), by using words like "babe, doll" in reference to Sam.
          Um? didn't we cover this in the Blue Jello Corner

          As the Stargae Turns

          Chapter 1: The Cringe Factor

          Jack was on his way too find Sam, he already checked the cafeteria so the next stop was her lab. When he arrived he was shocked when he saw her eyes were red tinged and puffy. Yes he figured she had been crying. He entered her lab and went to her, kneeling in front of her. “Sam, baby, sweetie, pookie what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Sorry Kernel, but I’ve been working on this darn alien device and I’m not getting anywhere.” Sam sniffed. “I’m afraid I may have to call in Dr. Lee; and you know how mean he is to me.”

          “Well don’t you worry about that honey, if Bill gives you any trouble I’ll take care of him myself.” Jack said holding onto Sam’s hands. “You look tired, you should go get some rest.” Jack said as he helped Sam to move her chair away from the bench.

          “Oy, so when are the triplets due again?” Jack said as he struggled to help Sam to her feet.

          “Not soon enough for me Sir.” Sam said finally getting on her feet.

          Unbeknownst to Sam and Jack, Daniel and Teal’c had stopped outside the lab and heard everything that was said.

          “You know Teal’c, we have to find a way to get those too together.”
          “I would agree Daniel Jackson but what about the father of Major Carter’s babies?” Teal’c asked raising an eyebrow

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            OK.... so does anyone know of any information, or confirmed references to Sam's military status in Season 10? And what I mean is - is she going to stay in the Air Force?

            This is what I envision (fear) happening somewhere near the beginning of Season 10:
            Carter is going to 'go civilian'. She'll quit (or retire from) the Air Force and then accept civilian status as Daniel has. She'll be Dr. Carter.

            In terms of the show, she'll be sort of in the type of supporting role that Janet used to have. She'll be on screen, but she won't be one of the main players most of the time. She'll be 'second tier' (or maybe she already is).

            Moving Carter to civilian status takes care of the 'We don't know what to do with your character' issue.

            Mitchell becomes the undisputed CO of SG-1. And then there's the scene with Landry - and Landry can point out that Mitchell now has the sole lead of the team- and Mitchell can reply by pointing out that he has no military subordinates to order around.

            It opens the way for ship later on with Jack- and would mean that Jack wouldn't have to retire or give up *his* military status. Or maybe they will both retire and walk off into the sunset.

            AT has been quoted as saying that she's tired of wearing combat boots, and I also think that she's said that she doesn't like guns. So, perhaps she would prefer it if Carter weren't in the military any more.

            Civilian Dr. Carter would also explain (allow) the hair that touches the collar (as well as what looks like dangling ear rings to me in that pic with BB in one of the latest magazine shots)


            At any rate, I think it's looking more and more likely that TPTB will take this route and move Carter to civilian status. It removes her from any possible competition with Mitchell's character. Her Air Force (and pilot) status will fade away just like her remnants and abilities from Jolinar.


            My reaction? I'm revolted. Stargate SG-1 seems to be in an unstoppable spin out of control. Out and away from anything I would have ever expected a couple of years ago.

            Majorsal posted a few days ago that she'd never seen anything like this before with a long-standing TV series - and I have to agree. I can't think of a single TV series (or book series) where

            -->the lead character left and was replaced by the known lead of another show
            -->AND then they also brought in the lead female character from the other show... to become a lead character alongside the new Lead Male...
            (talk about making it hard to differentiate the old roles from the new ones - pretty tough when the two actors are side by side again so soon)

            -->AND the remaining veteran leads of the old show are moved aside for the new incoming leads. Where the veteran leads become the props for the incoming new leads.

            I can't think of another long-standing series where this ALL happened.


            An image popped into my head this morning (as I was bemoaning the likelihood that Carter will be reduced to civilian status)...

            An image of Mitchell doing a raucous cannonball into the previously friendly SG-1 swimming pool. He's exhuberant, and gleeful, and he creates such a huge splash and tumult, that the others already in the pool are tossed aside (none too gently)... some get thrown completely out of the pool, while others are just gasping for air.


            I am *so* freaking disappointed that they didn't bring Mitchell in as a Major... let Carter lead... let her do it without fanfare... let her do it competently and well...

            I wanted to like Mitchell - I was looking forward to the new member of SG-1. Fresh eyes, youthful exhuberance -that would be tempered and protected by our original three (Sam, Daniel and Teal'c).

            I would be even more disgusted with the show if that ever happened!!! I mean common talking about a huge disservice to the character!
            Captain Carter was introduced to us years ago as a career minded young hard working military officer. SHe had to work twice as hard as her male counterparts to make as far as she has in the military. I don't think she would give all that up and stay on SG-1. (which of course worries me to no end that tptb are trying to squeeze her out of the show along with the other original cast members.) Yes she likes tinkering with the doohickeys in her lab, but she also likes going out in the field. I think all her military training would still be there and I worry tptb would suddenly have Sam forget everything that has been drilled into her all her adult life (which is more science fiction than anything).

            If they do make her a civilian to answer the who is the leader of SG-1 is appalling and such a cop out. I mean it says that Mitchell isn't good enough to be leader so we have to have our most qualified and experienced military officer resign and step aside (but oh we really don't want her to leave the team, so she'll still be there ). THat is such a crappy way of dealing with the mess they have written in s9. I mean what a way to destroy a decline show into the trenches. Have the writers lost all creative abilities????

            As far as AT saying she doesn’t like guns. SHe has always said that and so has RDA. They both hate guns. So I don't think it's AT's way of preparing us for the shocking events in s10.

            I am a shipper! I have been since I first started watching, but I also like both characters on their own. I always imagined Jack would retire because he retired once before and he hates riding a desk. He has talked about it several times on the show and as late as S8 he even wrote his resignation, but changed his mind. So his retiring has always been there or been mentioned. Sam has always taken steps to advance her career. So for her retire would be a huge WHAT!?! Yes of course I want a resolution for Jack/ Sam. But I don’t think you have to destroy the characters to get that. I think that is what AT has worried about since they started the J/S shippy moments. Yes she liked that aspect, but she didn’t want her character to lose her identity and apparently she had good reason to worry!

            I think tptb have forgotten the history of the show and the development of the characters. I think if tptb are tired of writing Stargate SG-1 then they need to move on to something else. As much as I would hate to see the show end. For me it is already dying a slow death and if Astro is correct tptb would kill the show for me.


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
              I would be even more disgusted with the show if that ever happened!!! I mean common talking about a huge disservice to the character!
              Captain Carter was introduced to us years ago as a career minded young hard working military officer. SHe had to work twice as hard as her male counterparts to make as far as she has in the military. I don't think she would give all that up and stay on SG-1. (which of course worries me to no end that tptb are trying to squeeze her out of the show along with the other original cast members.) Yes she likes tinkering with the doohickeys in her lab, but she also likes going out in the field. I think all her military training would still be there and I worry tptb would suddenly have Sam forget everything that has been drilled into her all her adult life (which is more science fiction than anything).

              If they do make her a civilian to answer the who is the leader of SG-1 is appalling and such a cop out. I mean it says that Mitchell isn't good enough to be leader so we have to have our most qualified and experienced military officer resign and step aside (but oh we really don't want her to leave the team, so she'll still be there ). THat is such a crappy way of dealing with the mess they have written in s9. I mean what a way to destroy a decline show into the trenches. Have the writers lost all creative abilities????

              As far as AT saying she doesn’t like guns. SHe has always said that and so has RDA. They both hate guns. So I don't think it's AT's way of preparing us for the shocking events in s10.

              I am a shipper! I have been since I first started watching, but I also like both characters on their own. I always imagined Jack would retire because he retired once before and he hates riding a desk. He has talked about it several times on the show and as late as S8 he even wrote his resignation, but changed his mind. So his retiring has always been there or been mentioned. Sam has always taken steps to advance her career. So for her retire would be a huge WHAT!?! Yes of course I want a resolution for Jack/ Sam. But I don’t think you have to destroy the characters to get that. I think that is what AT has worried about since they started the J/S shippy moments. Yes she liked that aspect, but she didn’t want her character to lose her identity and apparently she had good reason to worry!

              I think tptb have forgotten the history of the show and the development of the characters. I think if tptb are tired of writing Stargate SG-1 then they need to move on to something else. As much as I would hate to see the show end. For me it is already dying a slow death and if Astro is correct tptb would kill the show for me.
              Please let TPTB have the sense not to make Sam retire.

              Retiring from the Air Force only to take the same job as a civilian is not something I see Sam doing, nor is it something that I would want to see her do - even from a shipper perspective, I loathe the idea of Sam retiring because she wants to be with Jack. Even her hallucination told her not to.

              Sam herself has said that she loves her job, and I can see for myself that she enjoys both the military and scientific aspects of it. I think that it would be fair to say that Sam has probably had to work a lot harder to succeed in the military because of her gender and quite possibly has pushed herself even harder to quash any questions about whether Jacob's influence helped her win plum assignments.

              While Sam might retire if she wanted to work elsewhere, I cannot see any reason why she would do so if she was going to keep working at the SGC.

              I think you're right that if TPTB make Sam a civilian because they want to clear the path for Mitchell as the undisputed leader of SG-1 would be a cop-out.

              Not only would their handling of Sam's character reflect poorly on the writers, it would reflect extremely badly on Mitchell as a character if the only way to make him believable as a leader was to remove any competion.

              If they feel that they cannot make Mitchell the leader based on his own merits, then they should return Sam to her rightful place in command of SG-1.

              Making Sam a civilian will not diminish her abilities as a soldier and a leader, any more than it will enhance Mitchell's.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Speaking of Jack and Sam ... the news is just coming out.

                RDA and AT have committed to do a weekend event the end of November in a medieval town, Wells, England, to benefit their respective charities. It will be coordinated through the GABIT4 - I imagine the Gabit thread will be putting up all the links. The event includes photograph with both of them, a morning or afternoon coffee or tea with both circulating and stopping at each table, Q&A session, a tour of Glastonbury and Wells medieval sights - I just checked the Wells website - the cathedral is magnificent!

                This happens the weekend following GABIT2 in London! Start saving your pence and pennies folks! RDA says at the "Avalon" website (see GABIT) that he will not be doing any other convention at this time.

                Jack and Sam/RDA and AT - in a castle/palace in a medieval town! Holy Hannah! I'll have to rob a bank!


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                  As far as AT saying she doesn’t like guns. SHe has always said that and so has RDA. They both hate guns. So I don't think it's AT's way of preparing us for the shocking events in s10.
                  oh, THAT'S the divergence. yes, AT and RDA (and i believe MS) say they don't like guns. as in don't like as in want gun control, don't like the idea of people (civilians) having guns. they, at least AT, likes her P90, as well as getting dirty (mind out of the gutter!) and working in the woods. just thought i'd clear that up.
                  "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                  Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                    I have a complaint about Skydiver (Denise)--

                    Sky--How dare you write better stories than TPTB! I am spending waaay too much time at Emerald City trying to catch up on her great stories! Step away from the can do it...


                      she's horrible, isn't she? my sleeping habits have been shot to bits for a month. <incomprehensible muttering>
                      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                        Originally posted by jckfan55
                        I have a complaint about Skydiver (Denise)--

                        Sky--How dare you write better stories than TPTB! I am spending waaay too much time at Emerald City trying to catch up on her great stories! Step away from the can do it...
                        yeah, well don't start with the older ones. they're not all that good.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          yeah, well don't start with the older ones. they're not all that good.
                          you really need to redefine 'not all that good'. something like "HOLY *, you're telling me i need to bookmark ANOTHER one?!"
                          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                            Originally posted by NearlyCircular

                            By the way, just to clarify, my feeble mind makes a distinction between anti-ship and non-ship. Do others feel the same way? I consider myself a non-shippper, because I like J/S friendship and comradeship, (if that's even a word), but I don't necessarily need to see them in a romantic attachment. Don't shoot me, please. But it seems to me that anti-shippers look really hard for any kind of interaction between Jack and Sam to hold up as evidence that TPTB are pushing romance at us.

                            i should have clarified that with all the anti shippers that i've run into in the years i've been in fandom, i've only seen three ppl (that's including you) that's not liked ship for any other reason that they prefer one of the ppl involved in that ship to be with someone else. with s/j, a HUGE percentage (don't know how to calculate it into percentages) of anti s/j peeps just like sam or jack with someone else of their tastes. not ALL anti s/j ppl feel this, but if i can only name three ppl out of, what, 100 i've seen since season 4... that says something.

                            but i should have said that not all anti shippers are like this. that's terrible generalizing and stupid of me.




                              Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                              you really need to redefine 'not all that good'. something like "HOLY *, you're telling me i need to bookmark ANOTHER one?!"

                              You have no idea how many I have on my PDA. Makes it easy to read on the go.

                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Originally posted by suse
                                You have no idea how many I have on my PDA. Makes it easy to read on the go.

                                Yay, another person who loads up their PDA with fanfic. It's a great way to pass time while waiting for the doctor, standing in line anywhere, and best of all during boring meetings, where people will assume you're actually doing work. Of course with Sky's stuff, it's easy to get so involved that you don't want to quit reading when the nurse calls you in or you get to the checkout counter,or if someone expects you to respond during a meeting. Oops!


