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General Ship ( Relationship) Discussion

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  • hlndncr
    Shipsgiving is Saturday, November 16th!

    Join us!

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  • poundpuppy29
    I say if the old writers of SG BW & company ever get another scifi/space show to write ship right they must be forced to watch Babylon 5 & Farscape to write it right I consider myself a shipper despite how they write for ships

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  • hlndncr
    Party over in the Sam/Jack Ship Day Thread for the next 24 hours!

    Come Join Us!!!

    by Ikorni

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  • hlndncr
    Ship Day

    It's that time of year again . . . that special day that brings shippers together from all over the world to share the joy that is Sam & Jack: THE BEST SHIP EVER!

    by Ikorni

    Bring your favorite pics, vids, stories, games, and art celebrating this amazing relationship over the years. Or just pop in and say hello and enjoy the goodies.

    And don't forget to invite all your friends by sporting this great sig and avi set made for us by the talented Ikorni!

    We will also have some great Pre-Ship Day activities to get us all excited and ready to go. This year we will be bringing back the drabble challenge and the count down to Ship Day. We may even have an art challenge or two!

    I hope you are excited! I know I am!

    Sam & Jack - Always!

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  • Jo-Ann
    I'm not too fond of ship, actually. I prefer team stories. Vala/Daniel is cute, tho

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  • Lt.Colonel John Sheppard
    Valenship is almost here!

    (Thanks to XFChemist for the amazing art!)

    Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell everyone you know!

    Help spread the word by using the official Valenship Sig and Avi:

    (No hotlinking please.)

    Come share all your love of Sam and Jack with your fellow Shippers
    through art, fics, vids, lists, chat, and more!

    Don’t Miss It!

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  • hlndncr
    For the next 24 hours there's a party on the Sam/Jack Shipmas Thread. Come join us!!!

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  • hlndncr
    The shippy holidays have just begun . . . .

    By Nynaeve506

    Please share these invites with your friends
    and use the sigs and avis to let everyone know how they can
    join us for some great Sam/Jack holiday fun!!!!!

    Join us for Shipmas 2012!!!

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  • hlndncr
    It's Holiday Time Again!

    Join us for another wonderful Sam/Jack Shipsgiving Celebration!

    by meredithe5

    Tell your family! Tell your friends! Tell everyone you know!

    Help spread the word by using the official Shipsgiving Sig and Avi:

    Come and share all the ways you are thankful
    for this amazing ship with your fellow Shippers
    through art, fics, vids, lists, chat, and more!

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  • hlndncr
    Originally posted by Starry Starry Night View Post
    I've been reading this thread for a few days now, but it's sooo long I can't wait to finish reading before commenting, so I'll comment first and read the rest later...

    My favourite ship is Sam & Jack. In fact, I don't really care about other ships, they might be there or not, but they don't really compare to J&S.. Well, I might have opinions about other ships later on but for now, only this one..

    I just finished season 8, and I was quite disappointed that there wasn't more obvious "they ended up together" ending, even though I want to interpret the ending that way. There should have been one legitimate kiss, although I liked how the alternative timeline Jack and Sam (who didn't have the issue of "regs" to deal with) were so instantly open about their feelings, I think after eight years and Jack finally retiring (? I'm assuming he retired as I know he is not there for seasons 9&10 which I'm now watching for the first time) there should have been that one kiss between Sam and Jack of this reality that they both would remember afterwards...

    But in general I liked their relationship the way it was shown in the series. It was never a focus but it was obvious enough for us to see that they had feelings for each other. Even though I was hoping and rooting for the ship, from series point of view, I'm glad the regs were there and they couldn't actually start anything, because that could have easily ruined the show (as has happened to so many other shows).

    I realise I'm maaaany years behind the most heated discussions about this issue, since the series is over for a long time now. However, since I only recently joined this forum and more importantly this is the first time for me I'm watching the whole series from beginning to end (although I've seen seasons 1-7 seven before, some of them several times) it's actually the first time I'm really noticing the ship.. But since the heated arguments are no longer on-going, maybe I can just give my opinion and if anyone wants to talk about it further, I'm more than happy to...

    So why I want to see Sam & Jack and not for example Sam & Daniel.. One reason is an obvious one... When the series started and SG-1 was formed Daniel as well as Teal'c were married, Sam and Jack were both single, so that was a good starting point... I think some people who don't see Sam and Jack as a couple rather see Sam and Daniel having more in common... I never saw it like that.. I realise that they are both more educated and have a passion for research, so one might think that would make them more compatible. But I see them too similar in that sense. If they were a couple I could see both of them getting so caught up in their research that they would simply forget about romance, which would not be good for a relationship (we saw hints of that having happened to Daniel and Sarah in Chimera). I see Jack as someone who is enough different, he can get Sam to leave her work behind at the end of the day and relax and laugh... Still, he's a lot smarter than he wants to show, so it's not like he wasn't "smart enough" for Sam. That's why I see them as a better couple (plus obviously the chemistry that is there for S&J).

    I was reading some people on this thread commenting about their inequality, him being her boss.. Yes, when they are in the military that is an issue... But I see them more equal in their personal lives, I don't really see Jack being the "boss" there (lol).. So after he retires, it becomes easier.

    Funny, one thing I always thought in the earlier seasons (after D & C especially) was that one reason why neither of them would want quit the army for them to be together was, that being in SG-1 they can actually spend much more time together that they could if one of them always stayed behind when the other went to exploring other planets... I realise this is completely my own interpretation...

    But my main reason for liking this ship is that while watching the series, I loved every kiss, every hug, every could be shippy look or could be shippy comment between the two. I love Stargate as a series, but this (IMO quite subtle) ship is one of the things that makes it a bit better than other sci-fi shows...

    (hmmm... here are my thoughts about this at the moment, maybe not very coherently presented... I will surely get back to this issue later...)
    Lots of good points. Like you I could never see Sam/Daniel. Not only was Daniel married up through mid season 3, but he was very much in love with his wife far beyond that. Even if Sam was interested in Daniel (and she may have been a little bit early on), Daniel really never seemed to think twice about any other woman. There was his little fling with Linea right after Sha're died but I think that was a rebound type thing.

    I agree that Jack and Sam are different but well matched. And really, they have many common traits and interests so it's not like they are coming from totally different places. They are career millitary. They love astronomy and flying. They are both great with kids and animals. And they know how to make each other laugh.

    I especially love your point about all the time they spent together on SG-1. I'm sure it would be very hard to give that closeness up even if it did mean a more intimate relationship otherwise. I love S/J because I think their relationship is built on a solid foundation of true friendship.

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  • SGSuzi
    Originally posted by Starry Starry Night View Post
    I've been reading this thread for a few days now, but it's sooo long I can't wait to finish reading before commenting, so I'll comment first and read the rest later...

    My favourite ship is Sam & Jack. In fact, I don't really care about other ships, they might be there or not, but they don't really compare to J&S.. Well, I might have opinions about other ships later on but for now, only this one..

    I just finished season 8, and I was quite disappointed that there wasn't more obvious "they ended up together" ending, even though I want to interpret the ending that way. There should have been one legitimate kiss, although I liked how the alternative timeline Jack and Sam (who didn't have the issue of "regs" to deal with) were so instantly open about their feelings, I think after eight years and Jack finally retiring (? I'm assuming he retired as I know he is not there for seasons 9&10 which I'm now watching for the first time) there should have been that one kiss between Sam and Jack of this reality that they both would remember afterwards...

    But in general I liked their relationship the way it was shown in the series. It was never a focus but it was obvious enough for us to see that they had feelings for each other. Even though I was hoping and rooting for the ship, from series point of view, I'm glad the regs were there and they couldn't actually start anything, because that could have easily ruined the show (as has happened to so many other shows).

    I realise I'm maaaany years behind the most heated discussions about this issue, since the series is over for a long time now. However, since I only recently joined this forum and more importantly this is the first time for me I'm watching the whole series from beginning to end (although I've seen seasons 1-7 seven before, some of them several times) it's actually the first time I'm really noticing the ship.. But since the heated arguments are no longer on-going, maybe I can just give my opinion and if anyone wants to talk about it further, I'm more than happy to...

    So why I want to see Sam & Jack and not for example Sam & Daniel.. One reason is an obvious one... When the series started and SG-1 was formed Daniel as well as Teal'c were married, Sam and Jack were both single, so that was a good starting point... I think some people who don't see Sam and Jack as a couple rather see Sam and Daniel having more in common... I never saw it like that.. I realise that they are both more educated and have a passion for research, so one might think that would make them more compatible. But I see them too similar in that sense. If they were a couple I could see both of them getting so caught up in their research that they would simply forget about romance, which would not be good for a relationship (we saw hints of that having happened to Daniel and Sarah in Chimera). I see Jack as someone who is enough different, he can get Sam to leave her work behind at the end of the day and relax and laugh... Still, he's a lot smarter than he wants to show, so it's not like he wasn't "smart enough" for Sam. That's why I see them as a better couple (plus obviously the chemistry that is there for S&J).

    I was reading some people on this thread commenting about their inequality, him being her boss.. Yes, when they are in the military that is an issue... But I see them more equal in their personal lives, I don't really see Jack being the "boss" there (lol).. So after he retires, it becomes easier.

    Funny, one thing I always thought in the earlier seasons (after D & C especially) was that one reason why neither of them would want quit the army for them to be together was, that being in SG-1 they can actually spend much more time together that they could if one of them always stayed behind when the other went to exploring other planets... I realise this is completely my own interpretation...

    But my main reason for liking this ship is that while watching the series, I loved every kiss, every hug, every could be shippy look or could be shippy comment between the two. I love Stargate as a series, but this (IMO quite subtle) ship is one of the things that makes it a bit better than other sci-fi shows...

    (hmmm... here are my thoughts about this at the moment, maybe not very coherently presented... I will surely get back to this issue later...)
    Hey there, welcome to GW, if you head over tot he SG1 characters and relationships section there is a whole heap of S/J shippy stuff to go at. There are quite a few newbies and I am like you, not long had my first watch of SG-1. We are just about to embark on a shippers rewatch with shippy reviews of every episode, lots of discussion about our fave couple and lots of vids, fanfics etc

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  • Starry Starry Night
    I've been reading this thread for a few days now, but it's sooo long I can't wait to finish reading before commenting, so I'll comment first and read the rest later...

    My favourite ship is Sam & Jack. In fact, I don't really care about other ships, they might be there or not, but they don't really compare to J&S.. Well, I might have opinions about other ships later on but for now, only this one..

    I just finished season 8, and I was quite disappointed that there wasn't more obvious "they ended up together" ending, even though I want to interpret the ending that way. There should have been one legitimate kiss, although I liked how the alternative timeline Jack and Sam (who didn't have the issue of "regs" to deal with) were so instantly open about their feelings, I think after eight years and Jack finally retiring (? I'm assuming he retired as I know he is not there for seasons 9&10 which I'm now watching for the first time) there should have been that one kiss between Sam and Jack of this reality that they both would remember afterwards...

    But in general I liked their relationship the way it was shown in the series. It was never a focus but it was obvious enough for us to see that they had feelings for each other. Even though I was hoping and rooting for the ship, from series point of view, I'm glad the regs were there and they couldn't actually start anything, because that could have easily ruined the show (as has happened to so many other shows).

    I realise I'm maaaany years behind the most heated discussions about this issue, since the series is over for a long time now. However, since I only recently joined this forum and more importantly this is the first time for me I'm watching the whole series from beginning to end (although I've seen seasons 1-7 seven before, some of them several times) it's actually the first time I'm really noticing the ship.. But since the heated arguments are no longer on-going, maybe I can just give my opinion and if anyone wants to talk about it further, I'm more than happy to...

    So why I want to see Sam & Jack and not for example Sam & Daniel.. One reason is an obvious one... When the series started and SG-1 was formed Daniel as well as Teal'c were married, Sam and Jack were both single, so that was a good starting point... I think some people who don't see Sam and Jack as a couple rather see Sam and Daniel having more in common... I never saw it like that.. I realise that they are both more educated and have a passion for research, so one might think that would make them more compatible. But I see them too similar in that sense. If they were a couple I could see both of them getting so caught up in their research that they would simply forget about romance, which would not be good for a relationship (we saw hints of that having happened to Daniel and Sarah in Chimera). I see Jack as someone who is enough different, he can get Sam to leave her work behind at the end of the day and relax and laugh... Still, he's a lot smarter than he wants to show, so it's not like he wasn't "smart enough" for Sam. That's why I see them as a better couple (plus obviously the chemistry that is there for S&J).

    I was reading some people on this thread commenting about their inequality, him being her boss.. Yes, when they are in the military that is an issue... But I see them more equal in their personal lives, I don't really see Jack being the "boss" there (lol).. So after he retires, it becomes easier.

    Funny, one thing I always thought in the earlier seasons (after D & C especially) was that one reason why neither of them would want quit the army for them to be together was, that being in SG-1 they can actually spend much more time together that they could if one of them always stayed behind when the other went to exploring other planets... I realise this is completely my own interpretation...

    But my main reason for liking this ship is that while watching the series, I loved every kiss, every hug, every could be shippy look or could be shippy comment between the two. I love Stargate as a series, but this (IMO quite subtle) ship is one of the things that makes it a bit better than other sci-fi shows...

    (hmmm... here are my thoughts about this at the moment, maybe not very coherently presented... I will surely get back to this issue later...)

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  • hlndncr
    Happy Ship Day!!!

    Stop on by the Ship Day Thread in the next 24 hours and join in the fun!!!!

    by selene0789

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  • hlndncr
    Get ready to party!

    It's only 10 Days until
    The Tenth Annual
    Sam/Jack Ship Day

    by selene0789

    And stop by the Sam/Jack Appreciation Thread for tons of
    pre-Ship Day fun!

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  • hlndncr
    Shippers Rejoice!!!!

    Another wonderful Shipper Holiday will soon be upon us.
    Come one, come all and share the love that is Sam & Jack!

    (Art for this event was created by the lovely and talented selene0789)

    For the last 10 years, the Sam/Jack Shippers of the GateWorld Forum have celebrated this special day, the anniversary of the first airing of Divide & Conquer.
    It was on July 28, 2000, Jack declared that he cared for Sam more than he was supposed to, and the rest as they say is history!

    Join us on this special day with your pics, vids, stories, games, thoughts, and joy!

    Please feel free to use and share this Sig and Avi created especially for this event:

    (No hotlinking please.)

    And invite all your friends!!!

    We'll see you at Ship Day 2012!
    Last edited by hlndncr; 26 June 2012, 08:38 AM.

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