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Theories on why everyone speaks English?

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    Guess what?!? The front page of GW says "2001" is airing today! Small world!
    Maybe to our brains, it's easier for us to understand the story by hearing in English, but other forms of communication, like the written word or symbols, can be in a different language/font/character set. It might be easier to make a prop of another written language, then it is to teach the actors, too. But I'm just speculating because I can. Otherwise, the main answer to stick with is in post #30 of this thread (didn't know if it would be right above this one).

    SGA fans' ages poll


      The answer to this question is simple.

      People hate episodes where the characters have to take time to learn the language. (see Daniel and his alien buddy he talked with for a while while being captured) Also the part in the stargate movie where Daniel learned their language..people didn't like that.
      People just don't like takes away from the story.

      And if they use translators people will whine again saying "heyyyyyy that's just like star trek!!"
      If they use some kind of nano translator "heyyyyy, that's just like farscape!!"

      people will whine no matter what...but making it so everytime they meet a new alien and they speak ALIEN...then that just hinders the story.
      It feels good to be alive.
      Cause i've been dead for so long.


        I think that as TV/Movie fans, especially of the sci-fi genre, we must accept that there will be minor plot holes, technical stretches, or other seemingly unexplainable details. In most sci-fi universes created for TV/movies, an extremely complex environment is created within which the stories occur. It would be impossible for the writers to explain everything.

        As far as the "english-speaking aliens" issue, I think that as sci-fi fans we just need to simply accept that it is "necessary" unless we want to spend an hour each week reading subtitles. Even if you consider something like the Universal Translator idea from Star Trek, even that requires a giant leap of faith to accept as an explanation. How could any device (UT) possibly translate alien dialect into perfect english after only the first word is spoken, with no other speech to analyze? And why, while speaking with a universal translator, can we not ALSO hear the alien's native language coming out of his own mouth as well, along with the translated speech coming out of the translator? My point is that I'm sure we could sit here for hours and make up things to explain these issues, but why bother. It would never end. Sci-fi is wonderful, and can be enjoyed immensely, but it requires a fair bit of "suspension of disbelief" on the part of the viewer.

        I'm sure as sci-fi fans, we've all had conversations with others who don't like sci-fi, and they always complain that "it's too fake" or "far-fetched" to be believable. Well, too bad for them! Look what they're missing out on. Their problem is that they don't have the ability to "suspend their disbelief", and probably have no imagination. Poor souls.


          I think that as TV/Movie fans, especially of the sci-fi genre, we must accept that there will be minor plot holes, technical stretches, or other seemingly unexplainable details. In most sci-fi universes created for TV/movies, an extremely complex environment is created within which the stories occur. It would be impossible for the writers to explain everything.
          My English teacher said that all stories have plot holes. Even Shakespeare's stories have plotholes. It's the mark of a good story to make people so infatuated with the story they forget about the plot holes.


            Originally posted by CyberKnight
            My English teacher said that all stories have plot holes. Even Shakespeare's stories have plotholes. It's the mark of a good story to make people so infatuated with the story they forget about the plot holes.
            That would be me. I never see the plot holes in Stargate stories..i'm too obsessed with the content to worry about the HOW.
            It feels good to be alive.
            Cause i've been dead for so long.


              "People hate episodes where the characters have to take time to learn the language. (see Daniel and his alien buddy he talked with for a while while being captured) Also the part in the stargate movie where Daniel learned their language..people didn't like that.
              People just don't like takes away from the story."

              And where did you get this information. I happened to like it, and from my "non-sci fi geek" friends, we all thought it ADDED to the realism.

              We'll have to agree to disagree. I just find it amusing when Teyla's people start a prayer in Ancient, and the characters comment on that - you see my point. We could go round forever on this. Some of you are willing to accept this cheese factor. I am not. There are leaps of faith (faster than light tech), and there is just riduculousness - ALIENs speaking English. Heck, I'm a Northeasterner, and I can't even understand a Southerner sometimes!

              By the way, I too am aware of the HUGE leap of faith, and problematic tech issues with Star Trek's UT - but like I said, the producers have ACKNOWLEDGED, and thrown us a bone. That's all I want here, from, like I said above, what I otherwise consider the best scifi out there - MUCH better than what Trek has become.


                Originally posted by deezlwex
                By the way, I to am aware of the HUGE leap of faith and tech with Star Trek's UT - but like I said, the producers have ACKNOWLEDGED, and thrown us a bone.
                "Aliens eat apples?"
                "Why not? They speak English."
                - Wormhole X-treme.

                Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                  I LOVED that in Wormhome Extreme. !!!


                    Bear in mind I haven't seen Atlantis yet.

                    I think they could come up with something better than "Everyone speaks English to progress the story", like my theory...

                    A form of "English" was the ancient language on Earth to a small minority. Latin was actually a derivative of "English" or something 1000s of years after. Some Ancients used it as an un-written language(They must have had more than one language) The Ancients leave Earth and small pockets of "English-speakers" remain.

                    The Gou'ald come to Earth long after with their own language which they used when they were Unas. 10,000 years ago the Gou'ald become false-Gods to a small tribe of ancient English-speakers.(Which surround some of the areas where the Ancients built the StarGate) They turn these people into the first Jaffa-army to conquer Earth with their false Religion. They try force all the Jaffa to speak Gou'ald, but they are primitive and find it difficult. Only Jaffa of the Temples and the Higher Officers(First Primes) know Gou'ald fluently. Others only manage to learn phrases like "Kree" and "Shol'va". The Gou'ald decide to keep the "common" language so long a everyone else speaks it.

                    Now remember "English" wasn't called English then and only the New Jaffa Tribes spoke it and it was not a written language. The Jaffa oversee the transfer of humans trough the Stargate to naqada-rich planets. The humans must learn English to understand their masters.

                    The Humans on Earth rebel because their people are been taken trough the Gate and start to develop on their own.(Like it says in the movie) The jaffa and Gou'ald are overwelemed and are forced to flee. The Humans on the other planets speak English but can't write it. This makes all the writing styles different ("Space Race").

                    The rebels think that "English" is evil and develop their own language(Latin). Which evloves to French+German etc. Everyone forgets about English and the Gou'ald so when it resurfaces among commoners in England- Everyone thinks it comes from Latin.

                    England develops an Empire- Conquers America -U.S find Stargate- everyone speaks English.

                    Now if they do a prequel show with that, no matter how historically inacurate it is, I will be happy.


                      It's the translation nanites in the gate system Check out the Making of Icon article on Gateworld. Like many things, I don't think too much thought was invested in a fact of life. It's a 40 minute television show, they gotta speak english or else it would be rather boring.


                        Got to be like the TARDIS or translator microbes or something. Well no, not translator microbes, but you know what I mean. Translation nanites in the gate sounds reasonable.


                          Originally posted by Major Fischer
                          It's the translation nanites in the gate system Check out the Making of Icon article on Gateworld. Like many things, I don't think too much thought was invested in a fact of life. It's a 40 minute television show, they gotta speak english or else it would be rather boring.
                          Exactly. If they spent 45 minutes of actual show time just trying to figure out how to greet someone, I'd be awefully turned off. -.-


                            To reconcile the fact that everyone on Stargate Atlantis seems to speak perfect English, I just "pretend" they found a Universal Translator in helps me suspend disbelief.

                            Here's the scene I would have added to Rising, Part 1:

                            *Canadian Dr. Rodney McKay and a Spanish scientist "León" are in an Ancient Lab*

                            McKay: "León, come take a look at these."
                            *León and Rodney look at a case full dozens of small, triangular devices.*
                            León: "What are they?"
                            McKay: "I don't know, León! That's why I said 'Hey, León, come look at these.'"
                            *McKay actives one of the devices and it makes a sound that startles León*
                            León: "Ay Dios mio!"
                            McKay: "What did you say?"
                            León: "I said 'Ay Dios mio,' you scared the crap out of me! I thought it was going to explode."
                            McKay: "Say something else."
                            León: "I just did."
                            McKay: "Ugh! In Spanish!"
                            León: "Eres un idiota pomposo."
                            McKay: "You just called me a pompous idiot."
                            *McKay smiles about his discovery*
                            McKay: "I don't know Spanish...I don't even like Spanish! This must be some sort of translator device."
                            León: "I'll get Dr. Weir."
                            McKay: "Wait, you just called me a pompous idiot!"

                            *End scene*
                            Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                              Heh heh... I don't care much for the "translation device" idea, but I just love your "scene"...
                              Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                                yahi. im running on 2 hours of sleep and i'm about to close up a 12 hour day. help...explain this...please...

