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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Lol I love Joe. I find him refreshingly amusing.
    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Anonymous #2 writes: “Who would you say are the most computer savvy among the cast and crew?”

      Answer: Martin Gero who owns and operates his official website where you can purchase Martin Gero-related merchandise like key chains, t-shirts, and official mugs.
      With JM, I can never tell. I admit the official mug sounds dubious, but does anyone know whether Martin Gero really has a website/blog? There have been so many SG people lately that have blogs that I wouldn't be surprised if MG was one of them.

      As for some of the other stuff of today's blog: 'Nuff said.
      No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

      "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
      (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


        Originally posted by PG15 View Post

        Anonymous #4 writes: “You guys have really put Amanda Tapping in a tough position. Everyone now knows that Torri was let go because either you guys or the network wanted to hold Amanda to her contract.”

        Answer: In a desire to give voice to our pre-adolescent fanbase (and those possessed of the mental and emotional equivalence) I‘ve gone ahead and posted your comment. What can I say? You have us all figured out. Not only do we force Amanda - and every other actor - to work on the show, but we also do a fair job of imposing our will on hapless writers like Carl and Martin. In fact, I was just in Carl’s office this morning, shocking him with a cattle prod. He whimpered a little but, of course, Carl knows better than to raise his voice in protest lest he TASTE THE BACK OF MY HAND! Seriously though, most will consider you amusingly delusional but I find you refreshingly dim. P.S. Sasquatch has been writing scripts under the nom de plume Alan McCullough.

        LOL, well he certainly describes those fans well

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
          With JM, I can never tell. I admit the official mug sounds dubious, but does anyone know whether Martin Gero really has a website/blog? There have been so many SG people lately that have blogs that I wouldn't be surprised if MG was one of them.

          As for some of the other stuff of today's blog: 'Nuff said.
          He has a myspace account But no blog that I could find.

          Martin Gero


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            He has a myspace account But no blog that I could find.

            Martin Gero

            I'm stupid. I have even been on that website a couple of weeks ago (when GW reported about "Young People F***"). Not to mention that I could have checked this very URL myself.

            JM was exaggerating with the coffee mugs though (who would seriously buy a producer mug; okay, maybe...), but there was also this jewel:
            (and MG links to one of the hilarious S2 DVD extras)
            No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

            "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
            (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


              Originally posted by sgeureka View Post
              I'm stupid. I have even been on that website a couple of weeks ago (when GW reported about "Young People F***"). Not to mention that I could have checked this very URL myself.

              JM was exaggerating with the coffee mugs though (who would seriously buy a producer mug; okay, maybe...), but there was also this jewel:
              (and MG links to one of the hilarious S2 DVD extras)
              Hehehe, I have days where I forget my own name, lol. I have to say that Martin W. actually looks quite good with his tache, lol.


                Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                Lol I love Joe. I find him refreshingly amusing.
                ya and other want to kill him. irony


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                  ya and other want to kill him. irony
                  I don't think that is ironic.

                  I like Joe the blogger as much as I know him.

                  But I dislike *being nice* the guy who wrote The Tower! Call me confused but I see them as different. Joe the writer/head honcho for SGA is less impressive and I am yet to "crack up" over anything he has contributed to SGA, more like cry and scream!

                  If he would put more of his obvious intelligence into SGA instead of going for what I see as cheap laughs and poorly structured scripts, then I would be shocked *cough* happy for him to be taking over.

                  Blogger guy & Show runner/writer are two separate persona's IMHO.


                  I am confused.


                    March 27

                    Photos: Cute pug in the bath, and food.

                    Main Write-Up: His pug Bubba and his love of the bath; another review.


                    UberAmandaFan writes: “When did you want us to remind you about re-posting your poem?”

                    Answer: Soon, soon.

                    Anonymous #1 writes: “can you please give us hints on Carter's position in the Atlantis? Will there be a 5 person team like on SG-1, or will she stay on base?”

                    Answer: We will not be going with a 5 person team.

                    Lauren writes: “You also referenced that the revelation in season 4 is going to be of 'Gift' preportions.”

                    Answer: I did?

                    Anonymous #2 writes: “Do you have a favourite scene from an SGA episode? “

                    Answer: Whenever I watch Duet, I always crack up when McKay lays the expected yet no-less shocking smack on Beckett.

                    Prior_of_the_Ori writes: “1) Will we see any more Wraith like Michael who got infected by the retrovirus? 2) Will we see any more people who used the Wraith enzyme like Ford did? 3) Will we see anymore people with the Wraith gene like Teyla? 4) Will we see anymore Runners like Ronan?”

                    Answer: 1) Possibly. 2) Perhaps. 3) Maybe. 4) It’s possible.

                    Ruffles writes: “Are you any closer to casting someone for Larrin in Travellers?”

                    Answer: The lovely and talented Jill Wagner, formerly of Blade.

                    Maja writes: “So those who disagree don't matter and their opinion is less important? Why do we have to be put down constantly by some other fans and the executive producer of the show. It still surprises me every time... and I don't think it's fair. One would think TPTB would be glad the character they created caught on with the audience so much.”

                    Answer: Everyone involved with the show appreciates the fact that fans are passionate about Stargate. The fact that so many fans came out to support Carson Beckett was great to see. Similarly, I can’t fault fans for expressing their likes or dislikes concerning creative decisions - unless they do so in an obnoxious manner in which case they can expect to be slammed. Similarly, if they insist on continuing to voice asinine opinions regarding actor intentions and motivations based on little more than conjecture, they can expect to be slammed hard. Such was the case yesterday.

                    [PG's note: why do I get the feeling there'll still be people who don't get what he's saying? ]

                    Anonymous #3 writes: “Over at the Scifi channel forums Jim Butcher, the guy behind The Dresden Files, made the following post:

                    "It's a common misconception that the production crew of SG1 WANTED to keep on making the show. They didn't. The show's been going for ten freaking years. It doesn't matter how great a crew you have to work with, after that much time you start to develop problems and issues, and people start to want to try new things and get other projects on their resumes. SG1 had one of the better runs of any show on TV, much less within the genre. They're ready to do new things. It's pretty much as simple as that. What, you think SciFi /wanted/ to cancel the longest-running genre program on TV? A proven success, whose personnel and audience were reliable and firmly in place? Not even. TV execs love the shows they can rely upon. It was SG1's time. Life is like that."

                    Is what he says true? Did you guys want to stop making SG-1? Were you just sick of it? Or is this guy full of ****?”

                    Answer: Full of **** is a bit harsh. Let’s just say “he couldn’t be more wrong”. We were ready and willing to do another season. We were cancelled.


                      First of all, glad they recognize how incredibly flawed a five-man team would be.

                      Secondly, who is this Jim Butcher guy with The Dresden Files, and why would he speak out of turn so brazenly? Could it be the whispers of network propaganda?


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                        First of all, glad they recognize how incredibly flawed a five-man team would be.

                        Secondly, who is this Jim Butcher guy with The Dresden Files, and why would he speak out of turn so brazenly? Could it be the whispers of network propaganda?
                        Jim Butcher is the author of the Dresden Files novels, which the new TV show are based on. He does participate in discussions on the scif-fi forums about The Dresden Files show but why he has chosen to give his opinions - erroneously, as it turns out - about the cancellation of SG1, I don't know. I assume the topic arose in discussion and he gave his thoughts - they are only his thoughts though, he has no insider knowledge..


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                          First of all, glad they recognize how incredibly flawed a five-man team would be.

                          Secondly, who is this Jim Butcher guy with The Dresden Files, and why would he speak out of turn so brazenly? Could it be the whispers of network propaganda?
                          1. What do you called flawed? (I.e. it worked out pretty good on SG-1; I can't tell what it'd be like on SGA though. Maybe in the future if the right actor/actress came along.)

                          2. I have never heard of him before, but he seems to be a pretty notable person. But he suffers the same kind of desease as some fans: Pretending to have insider knowledge when in fact he hasn't (according to JM).
                          No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                          "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                          (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)


                            Or maybe he was speaking from a generic fandom perspective and giving his opinion that, after ten years, anyone would probably be sick of what they were doing. It certainly wasn't a direct attack on SG-1 or part of some paranoid "network propaganda" and considering that some people blame Dresden Files for canceling SG-1 I hardly think we can cast aspersions on Butcher and his fandom.

                            I may have to try and track down the thread where he said that since the context could be important, too. For instance, if someone had said, "Why is this stupid crap show on when our beloved Stargate is gone?" that could put a different spin on Jim's answer than if someone simply said, "It's a bleedin' shame about Stargate, eh wot?"


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              Or maybe he was speaking from a generic fandom perspective and giving his opinion that, after ten years, anyone would probably be sick of what they were doing. It certainly wasn't a direct attack on SG-1 or part of some paranoid "network propaganda" and considering that some people blame Dresden Files for canceling SG-1 I hardly think we can cast aspersions on Butcher and his fandom.

                              I may have to try and track down the thread where he said that since the context could be important, too. For instance, if someone had said, "Why is this stupid crap show on when our beloved Stargate is gone?" that could put a different spin on Jim's answer than if someone simply said, "It's a bleedin' shame about Stargate, eh wot?"
                              INdeed. Very good point there. As I said, it certainly seems like Jim was merely offering his opinion, not claiming to have insider knowledge. He may feel that people in the industry would get bored of a show after 10 years but, to be fair to him, he doesn't actually work in the TV industry so he wouldn't really know....

                              Edit: I did that bit of tracking down and here is the context of Jim's comments... make of it what you will:

                              The comment was made in a thread discussing ratings for The Dresden Files (and, naturally, the related topic of whether it would get renewed for a new season). Someone posted that SciFi wire had recently listed rating for the network's top 10 shows and that TDF was listed fourth with ratings of 1.2 (the same as BSG) and said that they were happy that the show was doing so well.

                              This is the conversation that followed:

                              Joebags - A 1.2 is not a good rating, even by SciFi's standards. SG1 was pulling 1.5 to 1.9 last summer, and it still got cancelled.

                              Kheldarsgirl - SG-1 wasn't cancelled because of ratings, it ended after a very successful ten years!

                              And for the record, Battlestar Galactica is getting about the same ratings as The Dresden Files and they not only got renewed for another season, but SciFi also enlarged the order for more episodes in the season.

                              Jim's comment followed, in response to Joebag's post.
                              Last edited by Alipeeps; 28 March 2007, 04:13 AM.


                                Found it:

                                Butcher replied to a post that said that even shows with high ratings (e.g. SG-1) can get cancelled, so that's where the "it was time for SG-1" comes from.

                                What I found odd though (and I don't read scifi forums) was that a business person stated something that completely contradicts what (all?) the other SG-1 producers said again and again. Butcher might have more insider knowledge than the average fan, so you never know. But he said/implied that some fans' (including me) "knowledge" about the "want" situation was a common misconception, so whoever asked was right to check where the contradiction comes from. I'm glad to hear it's from Butcher's side.
                                No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                                "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                                (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)

