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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Yep, I can confirm that "Adrift" and "Lifeline" are currently shooting together!
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      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      2 Production photos were shown that had minor spoilers. One of Doppleganger, and the other is unknown (but includes a cool-looking space ship!)
      Could it not be the Traveller's ship? Maybe?
      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


        Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
        Could it not be the Traveller's ship? Maybe?
        I thought it was the Travelers ship


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I thought it was the Travelers ship
          Depends on where you're from, I s'pose. - Or maybe on where the Travellers are from!

          (Travelers seems just so anemic!)
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
            Yeah, Chris Judge was in today's collection of photos.

            I've saved like 50 photos from Joe's blog, I just wanted to mention this.
            Link for CJ pictures is at



              Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
              Could it not be the Traveller's ship? Maybe?

              That would be my guess too. After all, if they're prepping for it this week, they'll be shooting next week. You bet they'd better have some concept drawings done.


                March 24

                Photos: 2 pics of rainy Vancouver and the rest of food.

                Main Write-Up: A rant about rain, the lack of parking at Costco, and some thoughts about "the last line of defense against cracker bandits and olive boosters".


                Peter writes: “In Season 3 I heard you guys had the goal of doing more character development and focusing more on the team. Do you think you've succeeded and is there another goal for Season 4?”

                Answer: Character development is something we strive for every season and this year will be no different. As for a specific focus for season 4 - we’re looking for an even distribution of stories amongst the individual team members in addition to a nice compliment of team-centered stories, we’d also like to explore the wraith a little more and kick off some “big events” that I’m not at liberty to reveal.

                Anonymous #3 writes: “…if this were a perfect world and if Hugh Laurie could be cajoled into doing an episode, what sort of character would you write for him?”

                Answer: I’d make him the leader of an alien race that possesses the secret to keeping his people safe from any wraith incursion. How have his people survived for so many generations while so many others have perished? For the answer to that - help me convince Hugh to do the show and find out.

                [PG's note: sounds to me like a blatant spoiler drop. ]

                Little Raven-Hawk writes: “Will we see you at any of the conventions this year???”

                Answer: Nope. We don’t get invited to cons unless it’s the officially-sanctioned con in which case the organizers may feel shamed into inviting a producer or two. Martin and I may be doing the Anime Con at SFU this summer, sometime around August, where we will have plenty of surprises and spoilers in store re: season four.

                Lorr54 writes: “Is Larrin the female commnder of the Travellers? Gina Torres - I know it's not possible, but she is so good at whatever role she takes.”

                Answer: She is. And we love Gina Torres and did consider her as a possibility but, alas, she is pregnant and very busy with a burgeoning movie career.

                Anonymous #4 writes: “How did the meeting with the Scifi bigwigs go?”

                Answer: Alas, they never did make it to the lot.

                Monty the radioactive gopher writes: “ So given that when you write for these bad guys in SG1 or SGA, how do you get your inspiration for their evilness?”

                Answer: Every villain I write has a little piece of me in them.

                Shawna writes: “Could it be that you're already planning to have him in two eps (hence the specific number) and just want to make it seem like you're making a concession? Could this be the guest actor "pending availability" that you've mentioned?”

                Answer: An interesting theory but, in all honesty, we have no scripts being written at present that include the good doctor. As for that guest actor I alluded to - the character in question hails from the SG-1 universe (and I don’t mean that literally, science nerds).

                Anonymous #5 writes: “You said the travelers found a ship similar to an aurora class that they wanted shepard to activate…”

                Answer: No, I didn’t.

                Criz writes: “The "I'm with genius"-shirt - was this specifically designed for McKay or did someone just stumble on this in some shop ?!”

                Answer: I thought it was something McKay would wear, so wrote it into Home.

                Sgeureka writes: “One of today's photos says the working title of an episode was "Doppleganger". Have you and the other producers already decided what name/spelling you will use in the end?”

                Answer: Doppelganger.


                  Here's the best part of today's entry:
                  Our backyard is a swamp, the pugs are refusing to go out, and acutely sensitive L.A. native Carl Binder has been placed on a suicide watch.


                    Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                    Here's the best part of today's entry:
                    LOL that sounds a lot like our garden. And I feel Carl's pain. Oh what I'd give for a good week of warm and sunny weather right now.

                    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                    ~You are who you choose to be~


                      March 25

                      Photos: All food related

                      Main Write-Up: Restaurant review


                      Peter writes: “Which episode, in your opinion, would've benefitted the most from a bigger budget (barring Irresponsible)?”

                      Answer: Are you kidding? Given the choice - all of them.

                      Anonymous #1 writes: “Of course the much anticipated guest character is from the SG-1 universe.”

                      Answer: Right. After all, I doubt fans would be “anxiously anticipating” a guest character they didn’t know.

                      Susan writes: “Is there any chance of a resident cat or dog in Atlantis?”

                      Answer: Or maybe a Furling?

                      Zabadoo writes: “Will we ever get to see anyone from SG-1 or Atlantis on the new spin-off or is it so out-there that it doesn't have to do a thing with either? Plus-do you know if they are going to make you a show-runner on it?”

                      Answer: It’s way too early to tell what Brad and Rob have in mind for the new spin-off. As for who will be show-running the new series - well, I’m not a betting man but I’d go all in on Rob and Brad.

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “I was wondering sir, do you take the plots of the books in consideration before you go ahead create new episodes.”

                      Answer: To be honest, we’re so focused on the show that we have no idea what’s going on with the books.

                      Anonymous #3 writes: “Are any of the main cast going dark side in season 4?”

                      Answer: That was the plan.

                      Allison writes: “Who wrote the script for 'Sunday'?”

                      Answer: Martin Gero.

                      RebeccaH writes: “Goran Visnjic of NBC's ER has said he's a Stargate fan and would love a guest spot on Atlantis. Would you ever consider putting him in an episode, maybe as a foil for Dr. Zelenka?”

                      Answer: We actually tried to get him on SG-1 a couple of seasons back but couldn’t make the scheduling work - but we’ll definitely give it another shot.

                      Majorsal writes: “Are there 'really' any plans to continue the *stargate sg1* movies past the first two?”

                      Answer: SG-1’s adventures will continue so long as the fans are out there supporting the franchise.


                        Susan writes: “Is there any chance of a resident cat or dog in Atlantis?”

                        Answer: Or maybe a Furling?

                        he loves to stir the pot
                        Last edited by Pharaoh Atem; 25 March 2007, 05:40 PM.


                          RebeccaH writes: “Goran Visnjic of NBC's ER has said he's a Stargate fan and would love a guest spot on Atlantis. Would you ever consider putting him in an episode, maybe as a foil for Dr. Zelenka?”

                          Answer: We actually tried to get him on SG-1 a couple of seasons back but couldn’t make the scheduling work - but we’ll definitely give it another shot.
                          Let's take a look as some other Celebrity Stargate Fans:
                          -Issac Hayes
                          -Wayne Brady
                          -Jeff Bridges (Beau's Brother)
                          -Pierre Bernard
                          -Conan O'Brian


                            Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
                            Let's take a look as some other Celebrity Stargate Fans:
                            -Issac Hayes
                            -Wayne Brady
                            -Jeff Bridges (Beau's Brother)
                            -Pierre Bernard
                            -Conan O'Brian
                            I know Wayne Brady and Pierre Bernard are fans, but how do you know those other guys are?
                            Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                              Originally posted by Ugly Pig View Post
                              I know Wayne Brady and Pierre Bernard are fans, but how do you know those other guys are?
                              Isaac Hayes was on the show, so that seems pretty likely. Can't speak to anyone else.
                              Theoretically spoilerish:
                              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                                March 26

                                Photos: Food, chocolate, and funny-looking book.

                                Main Write-Up: Thoughts about gifting, news on his latest readings, and this little bit:

                                Coincidentally, I was the recipient of a gift today, compliments of the SaveCarsonBeckett people who swung by the studio to drop off a glorious vase full of Chocoatl assorted chocolates. As promised, I did share with the rest of the writers. The chocolates were wonderfully sweet and creamy yet tinged with the subtly bitter guilt that comes with offing a beloved character. Or it may have been the cardomom; I‘m not sure. Whichever, it was greatly appreciated although, for the briefest of seconds, it did occur to me that they may have been poisoned when I started to feel a little queasy. Paul, however, suspected it may have had more to do with the fact that I’d just polished off 12 truffles right after inhaling my piece of key lime pie. Well, poisoned or not, they were very tasty.

                                Peter writes: “Have you guys started on planning the back-half of season 4?”

                                Answer: We’re discussing stories for the back half and I’ve started work on the first half of the mid-season two-parter.

                                Carolina writes: “Now that new eps of SG-1 and Atlantis are about to air in the US, what do we need to do to have the ratings count?”

                                Answer: Get the word out that the shows are coming back on April 13th.

                                Anonymous #2 writes: “Who would you say are the most computer savvy among the cast and crew?”

                                Answer: Martin Gero who owns and operates his official website where you can purchase Martin Gero-related merchandise like key chains, t-shirts, and official mugs.

                                Anonymous #3 writes: “If one was to attribute one word to describe a Stargate atlantis season, this is what I would say: season 1 exposition ; season 2 relief, season 3 Jeapordy, now what word would you use to describe season four so far?”

                                Answer: Surprises.

                                David writes: “What say you about SGA movie($) in between seasons, any chance of that?”

                                Answer: None.

                                Anonymous #4 writes: “You guys have really put Amanda Tapping in a tough position. Everyone now knows that Torri was let go because either you guys or the network wanted to hold Amanda to her contract.”

                                Answer: In a desire to give voice to our pre-adolescent fanbase (and those possessed of the mental and emotional equivalence) I‘ve gone ahead and posted your comment. What can I say? You have us all figured out. Not only do we force Amanda - and every other actor - to work on the show, but we also do a fair job of imposing our will on hapless writers like Carl and Martin. In fact, I was just in Carl’s office this morning, shocking him with a cattle prod. He whimpered a little but, of course, Carl knows better than to raise his voice in protest lest he TASTE THE BACK OF MY HAND! Seriously though, most will consider you amusingly delusional but I find you refreshingly dim. P.S. Sasquatch has been writing scripts under the nom de plume Alan McCullough.

                                Ruffles writes: “Since you use several different writers and are writing several episodes at a time, do you have anyone on your staff that looks at character continuity or is that left to the actors?”

                                Answer: All of the writers participate in breaking every story and providing notes on every outline and various script drafts.


                                Hoho...major, dare I say, "pwnage" in this post.

