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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
    *hugs Peg*

    Just remember how much trouble Daniel usually gets in. I'm sure he'll need saving by a certain LtCol thereby increasing the possibilities of whump for said LtC.
    Can you top up my happy glass Ruffles! If it's anything like Midway i'd be a happy camper, but it's
    Rambo archeologist
    And he'll probably be whumped to oblivion
    Thinks clear blue skies and ferris wheels
    Hmmm action Shep, I can go for that!
    BUT BUT BUT it's Daniel and i'm just getting used to Woolsey.
    I'm becoming bitter and twisted in my old age!
    I quite like it, it just adds another depth to my overall erratic personality
    You do know that i'm still going to over react about it though don't you?

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Magnets and solar flares? I love it.

    You been sniffing that flocking again, PG?

    Hmmm, knowing my luck Jackson will get whumped and then I'll be even MORE unhappy at him being on Atlantis! I love and admire your optimism though
    *snort* Hon, when does he NOT sniff the flocking. I bet he sleeps with it at night to. It's like his very own comfort blanket.

    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post

    If someone has a legit arguement that they did not care for an episode or the direction, Joe M never censors that. He may even answer kindly.

    Coming into Season 4 of SGA I had my concerns and doubts with Joe M as showrunner. However, Joe has earned my respect over this season.
    *giggles* Oh Brian! Loved the 'may'


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Hmmm, knowing my luck Jackson will get whumped and then I'll be even MORE unhappy at him being on Atlantis! I love and admire your optimism though
      Hey, buck up there! Stay positive.

      *hopes her love for Daniel whump doesn't show*

      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Can you top up my happy glass Ruffles! If it's anything like Midway i'd be a happy camper, but it's
      Rambo archeologist
      And he'll probably be whumped to oblivion
      Thinks clear blue skies and ferris wheels
      Hmmm action Shep, I can go for that!
      BUT BUT BUT it's Daniel and i'm just getting used to Woolsey.
      I'm becoming bitter and twisted in my old age!
      I quite like it, it just adds another depth to my overall erratic personality
      You do know that i'm still going to over react about it though don't you?
      *squees at thought of Daniel whump*

      Ahem, let's see.... How to top off Peg's happy glass? Remember that Teal'c and Ronon both got whumped in Midway so even if Daniel gets whumped, Shep will be in the line of fire. Beside, I'm sure Daniel is needed on Atlantis for a very important reason and whumping him to oblivion would defeat the purpose.

      How am I doing?


      Well, overreacting is OK too.
      Sig by Luciana
      My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        Hey, buck up there! Stay positive.

        *hopes her love for Daniel whump doesn't show*

        *squees at thought of Daniel whump*

        Ahem, let's see.... How to top off Peg's happy glass? Remember that Teal'c and Ronon both got whumped in Midway so even if Daniel gets whumped, Shep will be in the line of fire. Beside, I'm sure Daniel is needed on Atlantis for a very important reason and whumping him to oblivion would defeat the purpose.

        How am I doing?


        Well, overreacting is OK too.
        *giggles* so you're planning to go over to the dark side in this ep then?

        I used to love Danny whump to oh how times have changed It's the SO FAR that scares the crap out of me, more so than the actual two. If JM *breathes a sigh of relief that she's once more managed tentatively to stay on topic* Do half a good job with this than they did with Midway i'll be happy, as long as it doesn't end up being Pegasus Project II, boy did I not like that eppy.

        And staying on topic I wonder what the hiccup is over the ep? Why it's had to be moved. Still not sure if it's the Daedy on that AM is writing or it's the Shep Etreme whumpage one written by Alan and RC I don't know why, but the 'whispers' eppy has me intrigued and my spideysense is tingling with that eppy. Not sure why, but I just got the feeling that it's going to be a really dark ep, maybe involving the city or something turning to the darkside...... or maybe that's just my overactive imagination.


          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
          *giggles* so you're planning to go over to the dark side in this ep then?

          I used to love Danny whump to oh how times have changed It's the SO FAR that scares the crap out of me, more so than the actual two. If JM *breathes a sigh of relief that she's once more managed tentatively to stay on topic* Do half a good job with this than they did with Midway i'll be happy, as long as it doesn't end up being Pegasus Project II, boy did I not like that eppy.

          And staying on topic I wonder what the hiccup is over the ep? Why it's had to be moved. Still not sure if it's the Daedy on that AM is writing or it's the Shep Etreme whumpage one written by Alan and RC I don't know why, but the 'whispers' eppy has me intrigued and my spideysense is tingling with that eppy. Not sure why, but I just got the feeling that it's going to be a really dark ep, maybe involving the city or something turning to the darkside...... or maybe that's just my overactive imagination.
          Hee! I started out on the dark side. How do you think I got here?

          And it doesn't say "so far". It says "right now". OK, not a lot of difference, but I believe they have outlines for almost all of the eps. I think 2 will be it.

          Since I'm trying to stay away from info on the eps, I have no idea what ep is being shuffled or what that might mean. (And I like it that way.) But if it means a more solid storyline or more intense whumpage later on (sorry - I just can't help myself) then I'm all for it.
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
            Hee! I started out on the dark side. How do you think I got here?
            good point

            And it doesn't say "so far". It says "right now". OK, not a lot of difference, but I believe they have outlines for almost all of the eps. I think 2 will be it.
            You mean I just misquoted MR M???!!! Oh he will not be a happy camper with me.

            Since I'm trying to stay away from info on the eps, I have no idea what ep is being shuffled or what that might mean. (And I like it that way.) But if it means a more solid storyline or more intense whumpage later on (sorry - I just can't help myself) then I'm all for it.
            What are you doing playing in here then? It's the worst place to stay spoiler free for S5! Silly Ruffles


              Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
              Can you top up my happy glass Ruffles! If it's anything like Midway i'd be a happy camper, but it's
              Rambo archeologist
              And he'll probably be whumped to oblivion
              Thinks clear blue skies and ferris wheels
              Hmmm action Shep, I can go for that!
              BUT BUT BUT it's Daniel and i'm just getting used to Woolsey.
              I'm becoming bitter and twisted in my old age!
              I quite like it, it just adds another depth to my overall erratic personality
              You do know that i'm still going to over react about it though don't you?
              Pfft, you know you'll love it.

              *snort* Hon, when does he NOT sniff the flocking. I bet he sleeps with it at night to. It's like his very own comfort blanket.
              I need to do that to recharge me of my Awesome for another day's romp on the forums.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Pfft, you know you'll love it.
                Yeah I know! But it's been at least two weeks since i've done the whole drama queen bit. I was feeling rusty, so sometimes I need the reassurance! You know, if you were any kind of friend you'd at least give me a snippet your flocking for a few days.

                I need to do that to recharge me of my Awesome for another day's romp on the forums.
                Babe, to recharge your 'awsome' you actually need to have some 'awsome' in the first place

                Have I been relegated to the crotchety old poster yet? That's my ultimate goal ya know.


                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  Yeah I know! But it's been at least two weeks since i've done the whole drama queen bit. I was feeling rusty, so sometimes I need the reassurance! You know, if you were any kind of friend you'd at least give me a snippet your flocking for a few days.
                  I would, but then...

                  Babe, to recharge your 'awsome' you actually need to have some 'awsome' in the first place
                  No dice! And you spelled Awesome wrong!

                  Have I been relegated to the crotchety old poster yet? That's my ultimate goal ya know.
                  You'll get there. I believe in you!


                    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                    What are you doing playing in here then? It's the worst place to stay spoiler free for S5! Silly Ruffles
                    I only look with one eye. Honest!

                    Seriously, no one can play on this forum and stay completely spoiler free. There are headlines and signature and thread titles galore. I know just enough to keep me insane.
                    Sig by Luciana
                    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      I would, but then...
                      Darn! So close

                      No dice! And you spelled Awesome wrong!
                      Babe, I spell EVERYTHING wrong this time of night, and well since we're pouring our hearts out, okay, i'll fess up, days to.

                      Besides, maybe Awsome, is the 'new and improved' AWESOME' Ahhhh got you thinking now that maybe i'm right haven't I?

                      You'll get there. I believe in you!
                      *huggles* that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me hon. *sniff*

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      I only look with one eye. Honest!

                      Seriously, no one can play on this forum and stay completely spoiler free. There are headlines and signature and thread titles galore. I know just enough to keep me insane.
                      I've never met a 'sane' whumper!! WOW, can I just say that this is an absolute priviledge to be conversing with you.


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        I've never met a 'sane' whumper!! WOW, can I just say that this is an absolute priviledge to be conversing with you.
                        As well it should be. Those people on the whump thread keep trying to corrupt me, but I rise above it. *cackles hysterically*

                        What was this thread about?

                        Oh, yeah.

                        JM and his blog.

                        It was good to see the mailbag back.
                        Sig by Luciana
                        My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                          February 21, 2008: With Special Guest Star…Lou Anders!


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            My avatar is funnier.
                            Your avatar is different!!!
                            sine sine cosine sine,
                            three point one four one five nine!
                            Originally posted by Brad Wright Q&A on Mallozzi's Blog
                            [in response to a question about fan reaction to SGA's cancellation]

                            Wright: You guys are actually pretty predictable (take no offense, most fan groups are). Unfortunately, you represent a very small portion of the actual viewing audience we need for financial success.
                            This is the reality. Accept it.


                              And funny.


                                when i saw that post, i thought, wow, one of the longet and most well thought out posts he'd done. i only hope this isn't drawing away from working on SGA

