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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
    Has Joe commented on the DVD being pirated? I'm not walking about the Rainmaker leak, but the actual DVD Rip that seems to have appeared online.
    no he hasn't and I don't think he will
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Well considering the movie isn't supposed to be out for two weeks, I thought he may have.



        In the following pic:

        There seems to be a sheet with the various Jaffa tattoos in SG-1, are there any better pictures of it? Preferably one where you can read the names of the Goa'ulds who those tattoos belong to.

        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
        Carson's in his old blue doctor shirt.
        He was also wearing it in "The Kindred, Part II", I much prefer it to the new clothes.



          MARCH 1st

          I ended my February with the annual network dinner, held this year at Vancouver’s Caffe de Medici and hosted by SciFi’s Mark Stern and Chris Sanagustin. These get-togethers can be a little frustrating as it’s usually very difficult to circulate and chat with the various attendees while the meal is being served - which is usually all night. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to bond with Chris, our new point person at SciFi, that afternoon when the Roots outlet I was going to drop her off at turned out to be closed. Rather than take her back to the studio and have her call a cab from there, I offered to drive her to her hotel. Over the course of the ride, we had a nice, lengthy discussion about our respective backgrounds, television, and certain uniquely Philippine dishes that she finds revolting which I, on the other hand, don’t think are all that bad. Actually, “discussion” is a little hopeful. In truth, I did most of the yammering, bogarting the conversation like a studio rep tagging along to help accept the Best Picture Oscar. I don’t believe I drove her too crazy. I mean, there was never a point where she waited for the car to slow, and bailed out the side passenger door, tucking and rolling to avoid any potential head injury. But then again, I had the child locks on so it’s hard to gauge intent.

          I arrived home at 6:30 p.m., which gave me just enough time to feed the dogs, moderate some comments, eat, touch base with Fondy, and change out of my office suit and into my dinner suit. My timing was impeccable. I left the house at 7:55 p.m., picked up Marty G. at 8:00 p.m., arrived downtown at 8:11 p.m., parked, and walked the one block to the restaurant, arriving at exactly 8:15 p.m., the appointed time on the invitation. We were the first ones there. Our hosts didn’t turn up for another 45 minutes. While we awaited their arrival, we welcomed our fellow early birds (Carl Binder, Alan McCullough, Paul Mullie, directors Andy Mikita and Will Waring, producer John G. Lenic, actors Jason Momoa, Paul McGillion, Bob Picardo, Rachel Luttrell, and Jewel Staite) and listened to Carl bitterly complain about how hungry he was. “Aren‘t you guys hungry?”he asked us. Paul, Marty G. and I informed him that we had already eaten. Carl was stunned. “What is this, your first cast dinner?”I asked. “I guarantee we’re not eating until ten.” Poor, innocent, trusting, ravenous Carl - who ended up inhaling half our bread basket.

          Our affable hosts finally arrived, we ordered and, eventually, had dinner. Well, most of us. Carl, seated to my right, loved the starter salad (the secret ingredient, I could tell from smell alone, was white truffle oil). Love it so much, in fact, that it looked like he was actually going to break own into tears of joy when I told him he could have mine. We had a choice of three mains - a risotto (that Jewel adore), a half chicken (that Marty G. found overcooked), and a ling cod (that Carl seemed to enjoy so much, I passed him mine.). For dessert - the house tiramisu which I was actually looking forward to having, only I made the mistake of leaving mine next to Jason Momoa.

          Mark made a great speech, recognizing all of the hard work being put into the show, season four’s success, and the network’s confidence in what we all hope will be an equally outstanding fifth season. Martin regaled the gathering with an account of his running afoul of this country’s self-appointed moral police. And, when I wasn’t snapping pics or passing off my dishes to Carl, I was discussing arts and literature with Jason.

          I got home at about 11:30 p.m. and logged on to check out fan reaction to Kindred II. Like I said, when I originally envisioned Carson’s return, I had two scenes in my head. The first was the end of Part 1 and the second was the final scene of Part II. For those of you asking how the Beckett clone got the original’s memories - right now, only Michael knows for sure an he aint talking. As for what the future holds for our beloved doctor - only time and season 5 will tell.


            So according to Mark Stern, Season 4 has been a success. I say that has got to be true since when you add up all the total viewers and compare them from last season apples to apples they have maintained their audience. Also, they did it without SG-1 as a lead in. Nope all they got this season was Flush Gordon.


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              So according to Mark Stern, Season 4 has been a success. I say that has got to be true since when you add up all the total viewers and compare them from last season apples to apples they have maintained their audience. Also, they did it without SG-1 as a lead in. Nope all they got this season was Flush Gordon.
              They've got Amanda Tapping and you have to take that into consideration. I'm not sure Season 5 with R. Picardo will do as well...


                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                They've got Amanda Tapping and you have to take that into consideration. I'm not sure Season 5 with R. Picardo will do as well...
                Actually, I think Season 5 will do better especially if they air it in the Summer. I've seen the numbers. SGA is maintaining their viewers.


                  Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                  They've got Amanda Tapping and you have to take that into consideration. I'm not sure Season 5 with R. Picardo will do as well...
                  I don't know. I've noticed several people on here who came over to Atlantis this season because of Amanda Tapping, and are now enjoying the show on its own merits.


                    Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                    They've got Amanda Tapping and you have to take that into consideration. I'm not sure Season 5 with R. Picardo will do as well...
                    I have to say that I only started watching Stargate: Atlantis live on Sky One when Amanda came on board as a regular cast member. Until Season 4 I'd only been watching the DVD's. With Season 5...I don't know if I'll be so eager to make a point of tuning in to watch it live now that Amanda's only a recurring cast member. What makes Stargate: Atlantis so difficult to watch for me is McKay whom I have never liked and now that Woolsey is a regular character (and one I used to love to loathe but liked seeing in small doses as a recurring character in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis) might be too much.

                    That's three negatives against me watching Season 5. The only positive things I can think of for tuning in to is the episodes that Amanda returns for and Michael Shanks appear in. So that'll be maybe 3 episodes out of 20 that I can watch. I'm strongly thinking I might be a recurring viewer to Season 5 but not a regular.

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                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      I have to say that I only started watching Stargate: Atlantis live on Sky One when Amanda came on board as a regular cast member. Until Season 4 I'd only been watching the DVD's. With Season 5...I don't know if I'll be so eager to make a point of tuning in to watch it live now that Amanda's only a recurring cast member. What makes Stargate: Atlantis so difficult to watch for me is McKay whom I have never liked and now that Woolsey is a regular character (and one I used to love to loathe but liked seeing in small doses as a recurring character in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis) might be too much.

                      That's three negatives against me watching Season 5. The only positive things I can think of for tuning in to is the episodes that Amanda returns for and Michael Shanks appear in. So that'll be maybe 3 episodes out of 20 that I can watch. I'm strongly thinking I might be a recurring viewer to Season 5 but not a regular.
                      I will definitely give s5 a chance, but like you, I don't care for the character of Woolsey, I don't know how much I'll be able to take of him either

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        I will definitely give s5 a chance, but like you, I don't care for the character of Woolsey, I don't know how much I'll be able to take of him either
                        I think he will be a better leader than Carter. I would be lying to myself if I said Carter was a great leader this season, she was not. There was no conflict or drama. Remember "Hot Zone" and "The Seige" ? That's conflict! With Woolsey it's going to be very dramatic, imo. Plus I heard Richard Picardo is a great actor, so there ya go.


                          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                          I think he will be a better leader than Carter. I would be lying to myself if I said Carter was a great leader this season, she was not. There was no conflict or drama. Remember "Hot Zone" and "The Seige" ? That's conflict! With Woolsey it's going to be very dramatic, imo. Plus I heard Richard Picardo is a great actor, so there ya go.


                            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                            I think he will be a better leader than Carter. I would be lying to myself if I said Carter was a great leader this season, she was not. There was no conflict or drama. Remember "Hot Zone" and "The Seige" ? That's conflict! With Woolsey it's going to be very dramatic, imo. Plus I heard Richard Picardo is a great actor, so there ya go.
                            Woolsey is one of my least favorite characters but so was McKay on SG1 and now he is one of my favorites so I really would like to see what they do to the Woosley character. There is definitly should be more room for conflict, especially since I don't think anyone on the team has any respect for him.



                              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                              Woolsey is one of my least favorite characters but so was McKay on SG1 and now he is one of my favorites so I really would like to see what they do to the Woosley character. There is definitly should be more room for conflict, especially since I don't think anyone on the team has any respect for him.
                              There was so much going on with Sheppard team, Weir, and now Carson as of recently that the leadership role was not really focused on with Carter. She was truly a supportive character exactly like a Hammond. I loved Carter in Trio because it felt like SG-1 Carter who was trying to save the team on an off-world mission.

                              I think Woolsey will be bunking a lot of heads and I think Sheppard will be on his list first.


                                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                                There was so much going on with Sheppard team, Weir, and now Carson as of recently that the leadership role was not really focused on with Carter. She was truly a supportive character exactly like a Hammond. I loved Carter in Trio because it felt like SG-1 Carter who was trying to save the team on an off-world mission.
                                I agree!

                                Originally posted by Briangate78
                                I think Woolsey will be bunking a lot of heads and I think Sheppard will be on his list first.
                                That's what I am hoping for!


